- BB Sy a -- -y 26 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed. August 8, 1984 RE ET TT I Sl gw gpa ON Help Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted Auctioneers Auctioneers Auction Sales Auction Sales WELL established weekly darkroom . Per- manent position. Apply In writing: Forester, Box 940, Huntsville, Ontario. PPA 1KO. ELECTRIC Fencer Service Factory approved. Service centre for Shur-Shock Fencers. Repairs to all ap- proved makes - battery, hydro and solid state. Walter Wright, Blackstock. Phone 416-986-4818. TF PART TIME sales person required for local retall store. Mon., Tues., and Saturday - effective August 27. Apply- Box 31, c/o Port Perry Ster, Box 90, Port Perry, Ontario. LOB pr 14 MATURE WOMAN re: quired fo babysit In my home, Port Perry -- 2 children. Weekdays 9 fo 5:30., effective September 4th. Apply Box 32, c/o Port Perry Star, Box 90, Port Perry, Ontario. LOB he. . 14 MATURE person for restaurant, experience but not necessary. Must be clean and have neat appearance. 7 a.m. fo3p.m. with occasional weekends. Call 985-2224. TO CUT 3 acres of grass In Blackstock. 986-4714. LIVE-IN housekeeper for elderly man In Prince Albert. Call 985-3294. PART TIME receptionist bookkeeper required. Also babysitter. For Interviews call 985-9192. HOUSEKEEPER/NANNY- Full time live-in. Full household responsibilities, single father, 2 giris- 7 & 11 - Uxbridge area. Required August 15-20. Call Ken 1-800-387-9714 days OR 052-7013 evenings. MATURE, dependable, bon- dable persons 25 to 50 for cleaning private homes In Port Perry and surrounding area. Car essential. 985-7732 OR 433-1462. KITCHEN HELP: Dish- washers, waltresses/ walters. Must be oliabie. E lence preferred. App- | gprs fo Windcrest arm, . TF FULL TIME BOOKKEEPER Duties include: * Bookkeeping up to and including trial balance *Collecting account receivables and *Costing Please send resume to: P.0. Box 1509, Port Perry, Ont. LOB INO Found SET OF keys at Municipal Offices parking lot, Wednes- day, July 25. please identify. 985-9128. SMALL BLONDE haired female dog, found Sunday on Bay Street. Call after 5:30. 985-3392. Give Away FREE Kittens: cute. Would like a good home. 985-3416. CUMMINGS BACKHOE & COTTAGE RAISING Septic Systems, Trenching, Basements 986-5601 Port Perry Auto Glass Trim Windshields - Vinyls - Convertible Tops - - Complete Interiors - - Boat Tops & Seats - Sunroofs & Pinstripes & Mouldings 139 WATER ST., PORT PERRY 985-8507 Dead Stock FREE REMOVAL of Fresh, Dead or Disabled Animals. $5.00 Charge for sheep, goats & pigs. $20.00 Charge for all rotten animals. Please Dial Direct: MARGWILL FUR FARM HAMPTON (416) 263-2721 RANDY'S AUTO TRIM & UPHOLSTERY Household Furniture & Upholstery Supplies Specializing in Automotive & Boat Interior Customizing FOR FREE ESTIMATES Call Randy Bartley 986-5563 CENTRAL SEVEN INDUSTRIES RAPID PRINT *Top quality copies *Coloured stock * Raffle tickets *Dance tickets * Advertising flyers *"In Memory" cards *Forms °*Mailings ...and "What-have-you?"' FREE ESTIMATES 985-8511 James Duncan | Help Wanted DRESSMAKING, alter ations, doll clothes, done in my home. Reasonable rates. Phone Judi- 986-5671. A 28 MOTHER of two school- going children, wanting and willing to babysit 2 or 3 children in my Nestleton home. Can pick-up. Phone after 5:30 p.m. 986-4713. DAYCARE in my home, any age. Reasonable rates. Meal provided. 985-3718. A 4 CUSTOM COMBINING wheat, cereal grains, corn, soybeans. Call 705-786-2748 or 705-953-9672 after 6 p.m. CUSTOM work - round bal- ing hay or straw. Call Mark 986-5689 evenings. A CARPETS and upholstery professionally cleaned at reasonable rates. We move the furniture. Call anytime. 852-6711. Jy 7 WILL BABYSIT In my home, Caesarea. 986-4223. WOOD REFINISHING specializing in antiques and fine furniture. Call Terry Dyer 655-4092 after $0p2. DAYCARE In my home. Any age. Close to schools. Call 985-9077. PROFESSIONAL painting and wallpapering. Reasonable. Call Keven 985-8358. TF PAT & DARRELL HOME IMPROVEMENTS new ad- ditions and renovations: plumbing, electrical, pain- ting. Free estimates. 985-2933. A PAINTING and Decorating. Mike Driscoll. 985-8830 OR 725-3243. TF CLEAN-UPS: windows, carpets, yards, painting etc. 985-2925. Jy 3 PAINTING -- Student ex- perienced In Interior and ex- terior house and cottage painting. Quality work, clean workmanship, student prices. References avallable. Call Lorne 986-4285 OR 497-6957 Toron- to. Jy 24 Auctioneers RON KING - AUCTIONEER - Auctions of All Types Phone Port Perry 985-2643 COCHRANE AUCTION SERVICE Household - Real Estate Farms - Equipment - Livestock - Whatever Your Auction Needs ... DON & FREIDA will be pleased to hear fr om you! 985-2788 PEARCE Auction Centre On Shirley Road (4 mi. South of Port Perry) ESTATES, ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD SALES Your Place or Ours! Moving Truck Available. Call: (416) 985-7492 Auction Sales THURSDAY AUGUST 9 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale of household furniture and antiques for the property of MRS. KAY RODD, Brooklin, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, 2 miles north of Uxbridge, in- cluding a Viking refrigerator, = Kenmore stove, walnut dining room suite with ladder back chairs, chesterfield and chair, Electrohome colour TV, walnut bedgoom suite, antique hall nd mirror, wicker settee, pressback chairs, chest of drawers, walnut occasional chair, pine couch and matching chair and coffee table, anti- que Victorian settee and chair, number of hand tools, garden tools, plus many more other items. NOTE: This Is a lovely clean household. Property is sold. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Ux- bridge. 416-852-3524. A7 THURSDAY AUGUST 16 SALE TIME: 5:30 P.M. Auction sale- furniture and appliances, some anti- ques, the property of the late STELLA MAE GORDON, 112 Watson St. W., Whitby, 3 blocks south of 401. Auctioneer- Don Cochrane 985-2788. A 4 Work Wanted Chain Link Fencing Sodding " SEAGRAVE NURSERY Interlocking Driveways -- Walkways - Patios 985-8888 Fully Licensed. DURHAM WEED CONTROL For Dandelion & Most Broad Leaf Weed control. CALL: 985-8227 R&R WATER WEED HARVESTING Cottages. Beaches & Marinas. Free Estimates. PHONE: 576-6689 OR 985-2865 the medical staff. DIRECTOR OF PHARMACY Sole Charge Pharmacist required for a fully ac- credited 46 bed, active treatment community hospital. Reporting to the Hospital Administrator, the Pharmacist will be responsible for the Plan- ning Development and Maintenance of all Phar- maceutical services, including active liaison with Please respond in writing, quoting File No. 84 -X002, providing details of qualifications and references to: THE PERSONNEL CO-ORDINATOR Community Memorial Hospital, 451 Paxton Street, Box 179, Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1NO experience, New Homes - Additions General Carpentry - Pole Barns NORM"S General Contracting Steel & Asphalt Roofing Aluminum Siding - Soffit NORM TRIPP. 985-3563 OFFICE: 985-8216 P.O. BOX 608 - PORT PERRY Free Estimates Given with No Obligation. AAR SEE a prosper ery vr dr EE Sd A PEEREIE I BLE A THURSDAY AUGUST ¢ SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Auction sale at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay- property of FRANCES MCcINNES, Fenelon Falls, and others. Excellent 9 plece walnut din- ing room suite, single poster bed, antique chairs, gold chesterfield and chair, Elec- trohome console stereo, lamps, classic apt. size plano by Mason and Risch, portable television, Duncan Phyfe dining table and 4 chairs, oak hall seat and mirror, pine bookcase, round dining table, copper boller, wagon wheel light fixture, crock, flat iron, old cupboard, single Sealy con- tinental bed, fern stand, upright plano, Frigidaire refrigerator, apt. size elec- tric stove, modern dining table, 4 chairs, buffet and hutch, Kenmore HD auto washer and matching dryer (like new), apt. size 2-door refrigerator, apt. size elec- tric stove, console stereo, bookshelves, night tables, white desk, model sewing machine, blue bed chester- field, Provincial white dou- ble dresser, chest and twin beds, oak gun case, RCA col- our television, modern pine table and 6 chairs, new pine waterbed headboards, pine dresser mirrors, ladies mink jacket, Persian lamb coat, lawn furniture, china, dishes, tools. A good sale. 6:30 sharp. Mclean Auc- tioneers. 324-2763 Lindsay. MONDAY AUGUST 13 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auction sale selling at Or- val McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay, large sale of fur- niture, appliances, restaurant equipment, com- mercial hair dryers, Coke machine, bar and benches, pine hall seat, colour televi- sion, green chrome set, trunks, electric stove, reel type power mower, wine chesterfield set, gas stove, antique cabinet radio, rugs, gold chesterfield, range hood, old rocker, colonial couch, inch maple bed with good box and mattress, chests, electric Jawnmower, maple lamp, Singer por- table, large picture, tires, old chairs, console stereo, mantel clock, wicker rocker, other furniture, appliances fro local estate, some dishes, tools. 11:00 a.m. McLean Auction Barn 324-2783 Lindsay to consign. WEDNESDAY AUGUST 15 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auction sale of furniture, antiques, old toys, etc., the property of JIM MOR- RISON, Main St. East, Beaverton, 1 mile north of the lights at Beaverton on Hwy 12, turn west on Conc. 6 (Main St.). Extension table and 6 pressback chairs, an- tique rocking chair, kitchen table, 2 antique wicker chairs and love seat, 4 plece (antique) settee set, pedestal base table, antique wicker stroller and wicker baby carriage, antique Bell pump organ, beautiful case, very ornate with mirror back (good condition), organ stool, antique cradle, quantity of picture frames, gramaphone (table model), records, mantel clock, Gingerbread clock, Aladdin lamp, pedestal cake plate, comport, fluted vase, Ger- man dish, 2 cruet bottle sets, quantity of other dishes, an- tique radio, spinning wheel, box stove (Cheerful oak), antique high chair, platform rocker, number of antique chairs, sewing machine (treadle) antique iron fire engine, Union Pacific trains, antique touring car, large pine cupboard, bamboo table, wash stand, dresser, antique wooden bed, clothes horse, trunk, antique sideboard, 3 coal oll lamps, oblong butter bowl, print and ladle, rolling pin, bookcase, iron and brass bed, antique dresser, many other articles, root pulper (made in Beaverton), 11 HP Yardman riding lawnmower, 4 Inch |ointer with motor and stand. Plan to attend this Interesting sale. Property sold. Terms cash or cheque with |.D. Sale at 11:00 a.m. Lunch avallable. Reg and Larry Johnson Auctioneers. Phone 705-357-3270 OR 745-8470. PEE I [ FRIDAY AUGUST 10 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Cornelis Auction Barn Auction sale- the property of J. FARMER of Victoria Place, Bobcaygeon. Round oak pedestal table (with 3 leaves) walnut tea wagon, walnut extension table and é chairs, Admiral colour TV, wicker chairs, apartment size freezer, "4 plece bedroom suite, 15 cu. ft. freezer, approx. 14 odd pressback chairs, cedar chest, Simplicity spin washer, jam cupboard, washstands, chests of drawers, power hacksaw, airtight stove, J.D. 40 manure spreader, 3 pth 7 ft. Int, mower, air compressor, Hosler. cupboard, Gilbert mantel clock, Inglis automatic washer, chester- field and chair, cookstove, Annex stove, 1977 Ford Van (not certified), quantity of tools, china and glass. Don Cornell Auctioneer. R.R. 1, Little Britain. 705' 786-2183. SHEEP AUCTION, August 6, 1984. 1000 head sheep, rams and feeder rams plus all equipment. No reserves. Fisherville Sheep Station, Fisherville, Ontario. Details 416-623-5817. SATURDAY AUGUST 18 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Large auction sale of fur- niture, dishes, pump organ, house bell etc., the property of ROSS AND ALEX GILMOUR of Uphill, 10 miles east of Seabright or 12 miles west of Norland on highway 503. Detalls In next week's paper. Reg and Larry Johnson Auctioneers. Phone 705-357-3270 OR 745-8470. TUESDAY AUGUST 21 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale of furniture and antiques. Property of HERB HISEY plus others to be held at Stouffville Sales Barns, Stouffville. Included will be fridge, stove, freezer, dining suite, chesterfield, chair, oak dining table, mantel clock, old radios, rocking chairs, wardrobe, three bedroom suites, kit- chen suite, copper kettle, rugs, pictures, crock, blankets, trunk, lawnmower, garden fools, and a good assortment of glass and china. Nice clean sale. Terms cash. Sale at 6:00 p.m. Norm and Phil Faulkner Auctioneers. 640-5691. A4 (Auction Sales continued on page 29) Tenders - TENDER - MEDICAL HELIPORT Sealed Tenders are invited for the con- struction of a Medical Heliport at the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry. Tender documents and specifications may be picked up at the hospital, Monday _ to Friday from 9a.m.to 4 p.m. Closing date is August 23, 1984 at 3.00 p.m. The lowest or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. David A. Brown, Administrator THE DURHAM BOARD OF EDUCATION TENDERS for THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITION TO THE UXBRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO SEALED BULK TENDERS will be received by THE DURHAM BOARD OF EDUCATION 555 Rossland Road West, Oshawa, Ontario L1J 3H3 until 3 p.m. Local Time WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1984 Tenders for Mechanical and Electrical trades will be deposited at the Oshawa Bid Depository, 627 Wentworth Street East, Oshawa, up to 3 p.m., Local Time. MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1984 Drawings and specifications will be available to General Contractors on and after Wednesday, August 8, 1984 from the office of the Architect, W.M. Salter, 110 Dunlop Street West, Suite B1, Barrie, Ontario, and The Durham Board of Education, 555 Rossland Road West, Oshawa, Ontario upon deposit of a certified cheque in the amount of One-Hundred Dollars ($100.00) made payable to The Durham Board of Education. . Drawings and specifications will be on display at the Toronto Construction Association, The Oshawa Construction Exchange and the J3arrie Builder's Exchange. Tenders will be accepted subject to the approval of authorities having jurisdiction. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. A bid bond and a performance bond are required. R. LAFARGA CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD BRUCE MATHER DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION