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Port Perry Star, 21 Aug 1984, p. 33

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Senior citizens treated to special afternoon Nestleton - Caesarea News by Mabel Cawker Nursing Home Residents Entertained On Friday afternoon, August 10, with some thirty residents of the Port Perry Community Nursing Home and Villa present- accompanied by their nurses- were guests at a lawn party "hosted" by Norm and Bernice Mairs at their lovely home east of Nestleton. The afternoon was spent viewing the beautiful grounds and array of flowers - relaxing in the sun and being well enter- tained by Dave Ellis of Blackstock who played his guitar and led the guests in a sing-song of old nostalgic numbers. After a pleasant afternoon- refreshments -were served bringing to a close an enjoyable, in- formal "'special'"' day for ~ the residents. This in- teresting event was spon- sored by the Pine Ridge Garden Glub. Nestleton W.1. Branch Enjoy Live Theatre The Nestleton W.I. Branch, along with some friends- met at the Cot- tage Restaurant in Lind- say, for noon luncheon on Wednesday, August 15. - After a most satisfying meal, a brief business period was conducted by President Norma Frew. The Convenor of Educa- tion and Cultural Ac- tivities Mrs. Malcolm spoke of the Motto "Tis Education that forms the mind, as the twig is bent, the tree inclined." Roll Call "My earliest recollection of an Institute Meeting." After the meeting clos- ed the W.I. members and guests attended the live Theatre at the Academy and enjoyed the play "Opal's Husband' with Barbara Hamilton tak- ing the lead role in the comedy. The show was a sell-out! The play was written by John Patrick, a sequel to last years' hit "Everybody Loves Opal." Arrangements for the fine afternoon of entertainment was made by convenor Gwen Malcolm. Family Leisure Hours a SAAT * Asparagus * Strawberries * Gooseberries * Black Currents * Cherries * Raspberries * Rhubarb * Blueberries * Beans * Peas MacMILLAN ORCHARDS - WHITBY - 686-2531 Gwen. Lewis and June Kent of Sundridge, were weekend guests with Norm and Bernice Mairs of Nestleton. Lewis and Bernice are brother and sister. , Recent dinner guests with Lawrence and Gwendolyn Malcolm, Nestleton, were Stanley Malcolm, Port Perry and his granddaughter Michelle Millet of R.C.F. base Comox, B.C. Weekend guests with Lawrence and Gwen were their son Barry and Joan Malcolm of Simcoe. Sam and Mabel Cawker enjoyed lun- cheon and a lovely visit with David and Regenia Walker, and Kyle at their attractive home on Lake og this last week. Robt. and Madeline Cawker, Scugog Island, were Fri- day evening guests with Sam and Mabel at the farm, and 'a pleasant relaxing hour of sociability was enjoyed. On Wednesday, the Sam Cawkers were in Scar- borough spending a little time with Sylvia Cawker, Chan and Jason, Congratulations to Denis and Pat Ince re- winning a number of prizes with their mare "My Sweet Temptation" - both at the Ontario Championship show in Markham and Sutton Fair. They are now at the Canadian National Exhibition- let's hope they are winners once again. Nestleton United Church Decoration Service Almost a capacity at- tendance at the Nestleton United Church Decora- tion Service held on Sun- day, August 19th at 2:30 p.m. A number were pre- sent from a distance and many had the pleasure of greeting old friends of long standing and cat- ching up on the news of families. We welcome back Rev. Dale and Anita Davis from a fine holiday looking refresh- ed and rested. Rev. Davis led the meaningful worship. The minister in- troduced the guest speaker Rev. Bruce Har- rison of Cannington, who was a former pastor at the Blackstock Charge- 1943-1949. Rev. Harrison brought a fine message to the congregation reminiscing a good deal. He was thanked by Board Chairman Ralph Sadler. The Blackstock trio composed of Jean Ferguson, Thelma Wright and Aileen McLaughlin accom- panied by Gwen Malcolm on the organ, gave a fine rendition of two favourite sacred numbers,- "I Shall Not Want' and "The Beautiful Garden of Prayer." We thank the girls for their gift of song. "0 God Of Bethel" - the closing hymn added the final touch to a splendid service. We do wish to voice ap- preciation to Arnold Williams for the fine work he does each year in the cemetery- an ex- cellent caretaker. Also- appreciation to the Cemetery Board- the ad- dition of a new fence on the east side. Sincere thanks to one and all who had a part in this memorable day of warmth and fellowship. Cartwright Bicentennial Sesquicentennial News Many interesting historical features will be carried out in the Cart- wright Bicentennial Ses- quicentennial celebra- tion to be held in Blackstock during the week of October 8-13- with committee chair- man John Wolters at the helm, assisted by the Sec'y Doreen Van Camp and Treasurer Thelma Wright and committee members. This is a very important occasion with two hundred years of On- tario History and one hundred and fifty years of settlement in Cart- wright. If you can be sup- portive in this Historial effort- the committee would appreciate hear- ing from you. ~ Watch for further in- formation as we move along towards this ex- citing, significant date- a never to be forgotten event! Caesarea Community Church On Sunday, August 19, 11:00 a.m. the Caesarea Church had a fair atten- dance with an interesting service conducted by the minister Rev. W.H. Crawford. He used as his sermon topic, 'Broken Alters' from I Kings 18: 30- Daniel Pugh (Jr.) read the Scripture. Mrs. Gretel Cameron sang the old favourite "How Great Thou Art"- a Order those PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. August 21, 1984 -- 33 Swedish Folk Melody- very much enjoyed by the congregation. Tracy Blayone from Man- chester, accompanied the soloist on the piano- and was the organist for the day. Next Sunday at 11:00 am. A warm welcome awaits you! Caesarea Euchre First prize winner Al Cormack- 85. Second prize went to Pat Ince- Scugog Island News by Mrs. Earl Reader Three Island ladies with the following numbers - 985-3490 or 7664 or 3470 are waiting for your phone calls by this Friday to order your home made pies in apple, blueberry, cherry or raspberry at reasonable prices. You - may pick them up Sept. 1 at the Island United Church between 10 and 2 p.m. when the Friend- ship UCW is sponsoring their Annual Craft and Bake Sale. They were swamped with orders last year, so you can see why an advance order is necessary. Sunday was another fulfilling day at the Island United when many guests were welcomed from Port Perry, Oshawa, Dorval, Quebec as Norma Forder's brother and family were visiting the Forders also Sue Pelyk"s sister and children from Kentucky and Maurice And Eliza Fralick"s daughter from Sudbury. We enjoyed the lovely display of gladiolis from Eliza Fralicks and the lovely pink and white floral arrange- ment from Sandra Pearce"s wedding on Saturday. The children were looking forward to see- ing their puppet friend again who discussed the mountains climbing expedition with use of ropes and the necessity of dependability and SQUARE BOY 80 WATER STREET - PORT PERRY 985-8448 PIZZA & SUBS Mini Pizzas '1.49 *1item... $1.49 (3 Items ... $1.99) SOMETHING "NEW" OPEN: 11AM.to 11:30 P.M. 11 A.M. to 2 AM. - Friday & Saturday HOME DELIVERY - Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. working together. Our choir numbers are increasing. We thought we were going to have a robin helping us but practice times are inconvenient. How- ever, this week it is Wed. evening at 7:30 so maybe we'll have a robin on Sunday. Exhibition days are here and we are looking forward to our own Port Perry Fair on the Labour Day Weekend when it will remain open during the evenings for the first time. We note that our Island Women's Institute will have a display in the Women's Building of antique articles for man 'Olde Country Kitchen'. The Sunday School Staff of the Island United met during the summer to arrange their Fall program and are ready for Sunday, Sept. 2. Already, parents considering their obligations to their children for teaching in - these difficult times and are planning to get back into the church after a refreshing and restful summer. Manchester Church will have their Annual Anniversary Service Sunday Sept. 16 with Rev. Dale Davis of Blackstock as the guest speaker. As usual, this will be a joint Service with the Island Church. For those who enjoy sewing late summer and 81. Low score- Norm Hammett- 52. Not as large a turnout as usual but all had a good time. Next Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the Centre. Get Well Our thoughts and prayers go out to Mrs. Phillips of Caesarea and Mrs. Daisy McNeely of Williams Point. These ladies haven't been too well of late- our very fresh fall clothing, they might like to attend a yard sale at the "Head" next weekend for quantity of yard materials. Watch for ad. and signs. MODULAR 4 PHILIPS SERVICING "best wishes" to them for improved health, We are thinking of you daily! Notice Regular services will resume next Sunday, August 26, at 11:15 a.m. at Nestleton United Church. Try and attend! You will be cordially welcomed! es There will be infant Baptism at Scugog United Sept. 9. If interested, please con- tact Rev. Brian Robin- son 985-9343. ALL TYPES - ALL MAKES STEREOS & HI-FI'S THIS COUPON WORTH $5.00 OFF YOUR NEXT SERVICE CALL 723-5341 214BLOORST.E. "Serving Port Perry & Area for the past 15 years." STEREO & FACTORY AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTRE FOR: PHILIPS -RCA - ZENITH - TOSHIBA - HITACHI - LLOYDS MICROWAVE OVEN SERVICE SHORT TERM CERTIFICATES 30-119 Days 11% (Minimum $50,000) 90 - 364 Days 103% (Minimum $5,000) GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES 2 Year Annual Interest 122% (Minimum $500.) Rates subject to Change without Notice STANDARD A TRUST 165 Queen Street, P.O). Box 1318 Port Perry, Ontario 1L.OB INO Telephone: 985-8435 (Rariered ( ampans Member ( anode . spot IR uram t ( wiporeion - ry 4 -" ] Other candidates are talking about jobs. Only Darce Campbell is DOING something about it. Darce has prepared and submitted to Prime Minister Turner his own proposal for job creation. Called "3&2 and 2 & 3", it helps each and every small business in Canada to create at least one new job. "Send me to Ottawa as your personal representative. Let me fight for jobs for our kids! Let me fight to keep our people working!" DARCE CAMPBELL Caring! Capable! SEPTEMBER 4th - VOTE CAMPBELL COMMITTEE ROOMS: PORT HOPE 885-2035 COBOURG 372-7345 Authorized by CB Lynch, Official Agent for Darce Campbell BOWMANVILLE 623-1157

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