PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. August 28, 1984 -- 27 Coming Events Coming Events Yord Sales For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale PYJAMAS & PUPPETS presented by Port Perry Puppet Players every Thursday, at 6:45 p.m. until August 30th at Scugog Memorial Library. More information. contact Lisa Taylor 985-7686. A 28 \ LEGION BINGO The next Leglon Bingo, Branch 419, will be on Thursday, August 30th at 7:30 p.m. Jackpot $180 In 53 numbers. A 28 DOROTHY NAPLES Traditional Rug Hooking Classes. Beginners- 10 lessons Sept. 10- 1:30 to 3:30; Primitives- Sept. 13- 7:00 to 9:00. Register 985-2483. S 5 BI-CENTENNIAL TEA (Come and Go) will be held from 2to 4 p.m. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11th MUNICIPAL HALL - PORT PERRY - Home Baking and Crafts for Sale - - Tweedsmuir Histories Displayed - - Old-fashioned Gowns to be worn by Members - Sponsored by Ontario South District Women's Institutes THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED. DONKEY BASEBALL Coming to Nestleton Ball Park FRIDAY, SEPT. 7th (Details in Next Issue of Star) Notice to Members - BRANCH 419 - 90/50 DANCE - LEGION HALL - "Wayne, Barb & Country Bred" SAT., SEPT. 1st -9 P.M. - $2.00 per Person - SATURDAY September 1st, in Greenbank Heights Sub- division, 9 to 4. Crib, highchair, many baby Items, air conditioner, coach lights and much more. AMONG ITEMS to be sold are: B&W television, 200 gal. oil tank, steam curler set, telephone bench, much more. Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 1st and 2nd. 9 a.m. fo S$ pom. 4 miles east of Nestleton on Highway 7A. SUNDAY Sept. 2nd, 9 a.m. Miscellaneous Items, In- cluding skidoos, clothes ... Robinglade Estates, 37 Robinglade. SATURDAY Sept. 1st, 211 Bigelow St., 8 a.m. Nearly new crib and mattress, other infant items, children's clothing, mat- ching bedspread-drapes- accessories: like new, dishes, ceramics, plant stands, toys, books etc. SWEET CORN, freezer and corn roast orders. Stan Feasby. 985-3546. 14 FT. Cedarstrip boat and 40 HP Gale electric start. 985-7349. UPHOLSTERY FABRICS vinyls, foam, buttons made. tools etc. Ace Upholstery Supplies, 204 Bond St. E., Oshawa. 579-5666. TF FREE Installation: Erie and Kinetico Water softeners and iron filters. Ultra violet purifiers and chlorinators. Buy. rent or lease. Free water analysis. Call Gary Young Plumbing, Brooklin. Days- 655-4936; evenings: 655-8989. TF LIVESTOCK Bedding- fresh, clean, sawdust, 30 cu. yards per load. 705-454-3476 before 8 a.m. or after 8 p.m. D 27 ALOE VERA and Honey Bee Products. 986-4769.Jy 3) TWO FAMILIES -- Sunrise Beach, 11th Conc. east - Scugog Island. Saturday, Sunday and Monday- 9 a.m. Collector plates, copper and brass, Tiffany lamps, pic- tures, dishes, glassware etc. SATURDAY, Sept. 1st- 25 Orchard Road, Port Perry, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Portable bar, Jolly Jumper, baby toys and clothes, miscellaneous items. PARK ST. and S57th, Caesarea. Saturday, Sun- day, Monday. Rain or Shine. SEPTEMBER 1, 2 and 3. Sporting goods, clothes, misc. Items, much more. 12 miles north of Aldred's Store, Scugog Island. GIANT YARD SALE Columbus United Church SAT, SEPT. 8th 9:00 A.M. INCLUDING: Antiques, Col- lectibles, Home Baking, Crafts, Clothing, Produce, Furniture, Housewares, etc. ee Sponsored by Columbus U.C.W. Table Rentals $10.00 655-4748 or 655-3587 FE ------------ - PORT PERRY FAIR - BEEF BUFFET SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st SCUGOG ARENA -5to 7 P.M. Entertainment at 7:00 P.M. 'BILL JOHNSON & SWEET COUNTRY' Port Perry Fairgrounds Grandstand (Entertainment at Arena in event of rain.) ADULTS $7.00 - Ages 12 & Under $3.00 Pre-School - FREE (Includes Saturday Night Grounds Admission) TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: Windcrest Feedlot Res- taurant, Manchester or Irwin Smith Music Ltd., Port Perry. ------------ SATURDAY MORNING SKETCH CLASSES A NEW SERIES OF ART LESSONS USING NATURAL SUBJECTS ON FIELD TRIPS IN SCUGOG AREA, WEATHER PERMITTING. YOUNG AND MATURE ARTISTS CO-ORDINATOR: LES PARKES FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL PORT GIFTS 985-2543 For Sale WOODWORKERS thickness planer, 6 inch jointer, 10 Inch table saw, belt and disc, sander, shaper, 14 inch bandsaw, metal cutting bandsaw, shopsmith machine. 985-2443. TF WATER Softeners, iron filters, chlorination, systems, free water analysis. Rent or Buy. Call Randy Coombs, collect at Aquafine Water Refiners. 705-324-6888. TF SATELLITE TV- Why pay for Canadian TV when you can have world-wide TV. Leasing available for home or business. Large screen TV's- 60, 72 & 84 Inches. Free estimates. Mr. Movie 433-1116(7). S4 THE Pumphouse offers Graco' pumps painting equipment and parts. ""Meyers" sewage and ef: fluent pumps. "Ewing"' steam cleaners and high pressure wash units. Div. of Johnstone Edmiston Limited, Agincourt, 9-4:30 p.m. 299-6508. After 7. 985-8737 ask for lan. TF FIREWOOD. 9857724. S 11 1978 HONDA Goldwing, low mileage, near mint « sndi- tion. Air shocks, custom- made seat, 1000 cc. water: cooled, shaft drive. $3295 or best reasonable offer. 985-3189. TF SIX FEMALE Suffolk ewes, one female lamb. Breeding stock. 984-5066. FRESH CHICKENS, 5 to 6 Ibs. $1.35 Ib. Call 985-3960. 750 HONDA. 36,000 miles. Excellent condition. $1,500 certified. Call 985-2161 Ask for Brian. $ SAVE DOLLARS $ Must sell to repossess all steel quonset buildings. Never been erected, one is 40 x 60. Serious Inquiries only. Call 416-663-5323. PICK YOUR OWN vegetables, tomatoes, pep- pers etc. Linton's- 1.7km E., on Concession 9 off Simcoe St. South. TF RICE: We sell 26 varieties of rice. For full particulars on prices, qualities and cooking directions, send $2 to RUBE'S, 110 Hope Street, Toronto. M6E 1J9. URINE-ERASE: Guarantees removal of urine (dog, cat, people), stains, odors from carpets. Regardless of stain age. Free brochure. Reidell Chemicals Limited, Box 7500, London, Ontario. N5Y 4X8. BICYCLES: Four tots, girls and boys; also ladles and gents. Good condition. 985-3536 after 5 p.m. ATTENTION TRUCKERS. Numerous 20 inch x 7.5 Inch and 20 inch x 8.0 Inch; 2&3 plece rims for sale. Some only used once. Cheap! 985-7282. ONE 2 YEARoId breeding Nubian Buck. Buck kids also avallable. 852-7057 after 5:30. 2-- 14 INCH snow tires with rims; 2-- reconditioned standard bicycles. 705-357-3266. SHAVINGS - kiln dried. Delivered. 985-7288. TF WOODWORKERS special on Shopsmith 5 'n 1 tool: $1,345; 6 inch longbed jointer with 1 HP and stand- $490. 985-2443. TF SHAKLEE. For products or information please call 986-4771. TF FIREWOOD In log lengths or 16 Inch, cut and split 985-3341. TF 1934 CHEV plck-up for restoring. Also rebullt Turbo 400 transmission. 985-9148. LLY) <I" 261 Queen Street, Port Perry, Ontario LOB INO SPECIAL SALE RACK! $10-%20-%$30 Sales Final Back-to-School SWEATERS 100% Wool 22.00 A FORD factory fibreglass 8 ft. truck cap. $350. Phone after 6 p.m. 985-8862. SHAG CARPET and under- pad 9 x 12, gold-rust tones, sculpted. Like new. Retail $650- Asking $350. 985-3935. OFFICE FURNITURE, walnut finish, good condi tion, secretarial desks, ex: ecutive suites, assorted chairs and tables. Smith, Sutherland. 985-8465. 0 FT. x 12 FT. Mobile Home. Saturday, Sept. st, 1984- 11:00 a.m. (Inspection at 9 am.). Fleetwood Trailer Park, 10 miles south of Lindsay on 35 Hwy or- 2 miles north of 35 and 7A Junction. Selling by public auction, subject to a reasonable reserve bid, 60 ft. x 12 ft. permanent retire: ment home with 50 ft. x 8 ft. glassed-in sunporch on year round serviced lot. Terms 10 per cent down day of sale, balance due on or before Sept. 10th, 1984. Auctioneer- Don Cochrane. 985-2788. CHECK The Grocery Prices: then buy direct from he farmer. Sides of beef: cut and wrapped to your order $1.70 Ib. 852-3565. A 28 4 FURROW semi-mounted J.D. plow, 16 inch trash bot- tom with 5th furrow not mounted. $1,400 or best of- fer; hay or grain elevator TWO 10 ft. x 10 ft. wooden roll-up garage doors, com- plete with hardware, $150 each or best offer; 2 furrow Deerborne 3 point hitch plow $300 or best offer. 986-5261. PIONEER chainsaw series 2600, good condition. $150.00. 985-3903. FOR ALL YOUR Insulation and Air Sealing needs, plus air leakage inspection and U.F.F.I. Remedial Measures. Call McCleave Insulation - (416) 852-5051. STEEL BUILDINGS. Direct Factory Clearance. Up to 40 per cent discounts. Widths 30 to 120 ft. - any length. Limited quantities. Act Now and Save. Call toll free 1-800-461-7689. CULLIGAN water softener, good working condition. 985-7369. 3a HP Briggs & Stratton lawnmower. 985-7369. RAINBOW'S | DECORATING CENTRE © Wallpaper © Paints/Stains © Vertical & Venetian Blinds THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL: Vol-Pro Flat Latex INTERIOR PAINT WHITE 11.99 4 Litres PORT PERRY PLAZA - 985-9235 - FORD Jubilee tractor, new tires, iive PTO, $2,500. 985-7844. BENCH Grinder, 'a HP, 6 inch Industrial type. After 6 p.m. 985-2673. TRAILER, H.D.. 14 Inch wheels, 10 ft. box. After 6 p.m. 985-2673. VIC 20 Computer. Complete with cassette unit, 16K ex: pansion cartridge, machine language, monitor, car- tridge, personal finance car- tridge, 3 slot mother board and two games. A value of $485- Asking only $300. Call 985-8080. FULLER brushes, brooms and cleaners for everything. Products guaranteed and delivered. Phone between § p.m. and 7 p.m. 985-3828.5 11 1979 HONDA $0, good condl- tion, truck cap to fit Va ton; 500 gal. water tank- (good)' 6 sheets roofing metal: 144 ft. long (new). After 8 p.m. 986-4850. 1984 TRI-MOTO 200. Ex- cellent condition. 1S to 20 hours use. Bought new In Ju- ly. $1,475 or best offer. Call 985-7263. ONE NEW BMX bicycle, 20 Inch. $100; one pair boy's skates, size 6 $15; also shoulder pads and helmets. 985-9150. 1978 HONDA Motorcycle,. 400 CC, 4 cylinder $600; 1974 Chev Impala for parts, range hood- $30. 985-7896 or 579-3833. BROWN EGG Layer Pullets. Call 986-5509. TABLE, 4 chairs and buffet (wood) $300 or bést offer. 985-9533. 11 HP Sears riding tractor with lawnmower attachment. $1,200; 5 ft. Bush Hog- $600; 8 HP Simplicity roto-tiller lawnmower: $350; 2 chester: field suites In good condition $100 each set; beds $25 each. 985-8582 or 986-5618. STIHL chainsaw 21 Inch Farmboss, A-1 condition, has seen little use, just sharpened. 985-3309. VIKING electric stove; sofa and 2 matching chairs: black and white; portable black and white television; coffee and 2 end tables. 985-3286. TENT TRAILER, Jayco hard top with ice-box and stove, sleeps six. Excellent condition. Phone 985-7043. WHY PAY MORE We sell new chestertields, kitchen and dining room sets, bedrooms sets etc., at low prices everyday! Elmer's Furniture, 253 Bloor St. E. (at Ritson) Oshawa. 728-3473- We Deliver. TF 14 FT. Cedar strip boat, 35 Evinrude and traller. $1,799. 985-7532. A 28 PROP sK AND SKEG REPAIRS (5 day service). Expert boat repairs. Do It yourself fibreglass supplies. OSHAWA GLASS FIBRE -- RAYPLEX, 341 Durham Street, Oshawa. 579-1433. TF FARMERS: Sprayed Urethene insulation. Quality work at Western Ontarlo prices. Certified ap: plicators. Experienced In agricultural retrofit since 1975. Call Warmth Insulation 613-267-6711, Box 460, Perth, Ontario. K7H 3G). 16 HP. Yardman garden tractor with lawnmower and snowthrower, weights and chains. 986-4456. COLONIAL Hutch and trun. dle bed. Good condition. Call 985-7130. Closed Circuit Television - SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS - Centrinel ... 985-7777 on Display At No Charge! "See You at the Fair" AQUAFINE WATER REFINERS * Various Models of Water Softeners * Water Samples tested on the spot - YOUR HOST - RANDY COOMBS 1-705-324-6888 OVERHEAD garage door- 7 x 8 ft.- $90; walker-jogger exerciser 'new'; table and 2 chairs: $35; power mower: $60; quart-pint |ars- $4/dozen; wood chairs $20 each; ftri-light lamp $10; aluminum windows and doors from $5; shopping carts $4 each; Vo HP electric motor- $20; plate glass 26 x 36 Inches: $3. 985-8384. Used Cars 197s DODGE Station Wagon, good engine, body needs work- as Is $350 or best offer. Phone 986-0099. 1978 MERCURY Colony Park Wagon, 460 CID load- ed, certified, very good con- dition. $2,500 or best offer. 576-5195. 7S FORD LTD, Station Wagon, runs good. As Is $595. 128 Alva St., Port Perry. 1975 CUTLASS, 2 door, pb, Ps, radio, 350 C.1., 4 barrel, regular gas, steel radials, new carpet, new seat covers, engine excellent, body very good. As Is $1,350. 985-7225. 1981 CITATION, console shift, am-fm, radio, many extras, low mileage. $5,200. 965-3134. 1974 CHEV Laguna, 350-Ve, all power, air, buckets, con- sole, radio. Good running condition. As Is. Uncertified. 0) CHEV Caprice Classic, 2 door, clean, certified. $7,200. 986-5536. 1970 PONTIAC, low mileage, good motor, needs some other work. As Is. $750 cash. 986-4563. 1976 DATSUN B10, 2-door, grey, 4 speed, 54,000 miles, good condition, certified. $1,650. 985-2006. TF 1976 PLYMOUTH Fury. Good condition. 986-4927. 1983 CHEV Celebrity, 2 tone brown, 6 cylinder automatic, 4 door, deluxe Interior and exterior, white walls, rustproof, extended warran- ty and extras. 38,000 km, $8,950. 985-3584. Used Trucks 1973 GMC VAN: 350 V8, pb, Interior finished, sun roof, good condition. Certified $1,200. 986-5618. 1982 DATSUN pick-up, ex- cellent condition, low mileage, fibreglass cap, oll- ed, gas saver. 985-9049. 1972 G.M.C. Good condition. 984-4927. 1975 G.M.C. Van, 350 auto, $700 or best offer; 197) Chev Van, 283 standard, $300. 985-3286. 1967 GMC step-side 'A ton, custom Interior, Ploneer stereo, 4 speed, mint condl|- tion. Must be seen. $2,900. 705-357-3650. ~ Wanted WILL PICK UP without charge, all used appliances, refrigerators and freezers. Empty your cellars and garages. Also old TVs and radios. Call 986-4926. TF ee ------------------------ tetramers sis TT EE EET mmr rr----mme