AE @ ~ (% ri vu a le Fw IEE a a a ou TR RNNE 32 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. August 28, 1984 I A a LL ET -------- TTS RES eR. Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales auction sales Say a farewell SATURDAY SEPTEMBER SALE TIME: 12:00 NOON Auction sale- the property of FARMLINE EQUIP- MENT INC., (John Deere Dealer) Harper Road, Peterborough, Ontario. North of Junction of Highways 115 and 7. TRAC: TORS: John Deere 8630 hours, 18.4 x 34 duals, 3 pt. hitch, cab, air, John Deere 40 tractor, 25 HP, 1) x 24 tires, 3 pt. PTO, 2 sets John . Deere dual axles - fits John * Deere 2140 tractor, 70 HP, 18.4 x 30 tires, John Deere 3130 tractor, 80 HP, new 18.4 x 34 tires, hi-low transmis: sion, 540 plus 1000 PTO, John Deere 2130 tractor, 70 HP, new 15.5 x 38 fires - hi-low transmission, Allls Chalmers 7030 tractor, 130 HP, new 20.8 x 38 tires, cab, heater, air, radio, Allis Chalmers 190 tractor, 77 HP, 18.4 x 34 tires, cab, Case 1070 tractor, 100 HP, 20.8 x 38 tires, cab, radio, power shift, front weights, John Deere 37 loader, fits most 40-60 HP John Deere trac: tors, John Deere 158 loader, fits John Deere tractors 100-130 HP. IMPLEMENTS: John Deere 25A flail mower, 3 pt., New Holland model 352 grinder-mixer, John Deere 400 grinder-mixer, John Deere 550 sprayer 16.52 x 16.1 tires,, S00 gal. 47 ft. boom, John Deere 6500 forage blower- 540, PTO, John Deere 800 self propell- ed windrower, pick up reel & hay conditioner, Ford 3-14's trip beam plow 3 pt, Ford 4- 16's trip beam plough, 3 pt., M.F. 12 ft. pull-type cultivator, 1974 John Deere 7700 combine- hydrostatic, rotary screen, John Deere 15 ft. grain head with pick-up reel, John Deere 20 ft. grain head with pick-up reel and floating cutter bar, John Deere 6 row 643 corn head - newer style - low profile 30 Inch rows, M.H . 35 self: propelled combine, scour clean- 7 ft. grain head, John Deere 40 manure spreader, drum beater, 175 bus., 24 ft. pony cart harrow, 16.9 x 28 snap duals, used tractor tires- 18.4 x 34; 13.6 x 38; 20.8 x 38; 20.8 x 34, post-hole auger, cattle chute and operating platform, 3 pt. hitch scoop for moving dirt or cleaning ditches, 8 ton Martin wagon with 11L x 15 tires, 5 ton wagon, John Deere 8 ft. heavy duty blade with 2 hydraulic cylinders, 3 pt.. John Deere 7000 corn planter, 34 inch to 38 inch rows with monitor, 3 Int. forage boxes Model 110 with roofs two beater, 1 Int. forage box Model 110 with roof- 3 beater, New Holland model 8 Crop Carrier, 3 beater, roof on 8 ton wagon 11L x 15 tires, Cobey all steel forage box, 2 beaters on 6 fon wagon, Model 272 New Idea 7 ft. Cut-Ditioner, New Holland 770 forage harvester, electric controls, 2 row corn head, Kongskilde 9 ft. cultivator with levelling harrows 3 pt., 2- new 205 bus. gravity grain boxes, Turnco 12 ft. land packer, M.F. 880 semli-mount plough, § furrow: 16 Inch hydraulic reset, John Deere 1450 5 18's semi-mount plough, trip beam, John Deere 2500 sem|-mount plough, 5 furow 18 inch spring reset, John Deere 145 semi mount plough, 4 furrow 14 inch trip beam, 3 pt. hitch circular saw, J pt. platform 4 x 4 ft, Unverfroth McCurdy hydraulic 12 ft. auger to fit gravity box, John Deere 116 lawn and garden tractor with rotary mower - 16 HP, 1979 Chev 4 x 4% ton Scotsdale pick-up truck, other Items. No reserve. Terms cash. Financing available if arranged PRIOR TO SALE. Sale at 12 Noon sharp. No small items Carl and Greg Hickson, Auc- tioneers. Reaboro, Ontario. 705-324-9959 OR 324.2774. Owner and Auctioneer will not be responsible for any public liability, property damage or injury to the public In connection with this Auction Sale. A EVERGREEN Flea and Farmer's Market looking for vendors. Rent early to avoid d t. Cor. ner of nL 2 and Har. wood, Ajax. 606-4432. A 20 Te ES TU EE EE LE EE EE RAEN THURSDAY AUGUST 3» SALE TIME: 5:30 P.M. Furniture, Antiques & Car Auction sale for the pro- perty of DON AND MARION CROZIER, Scugog Island, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Ux- bridge, Ontario. Round oak table, set of 6 pressback chalrs, pressback high chair, antique settee, 2 wicker rockers, wicker fernery, several wicker baskets, antique bonnet chests, chests of drawers, 3 dressers, 3 washstands, several antique wash bowls and pitchers, 5 Chamber pots, 5 coal oll lamps, set of 6 wooden chairs, antique parlour table, iron and brass bed, trunk, mantel clock, several milk bottles (Port Perry, Oshawa, Glen Rae), Edison cylinder gramaphone, several old cylinder records, cabinet radio, album of old post cards, patterned rugs, anti: que coke tray, buffet, crocks, jugs, antique bottles, Iron pots, many picture frames, cedar chest, 3 anti- .que children's beds, plat- form scales, wardrobes, pine table, old pocket watch, 3 guns, 2 picnic tables, flat: back cupboard, cream cans, lanterns, cast iron school bell, 1956 Cadillac Coupe de Ville (original 64,000 miles, two-tone green, body ex- cellent - interior in beautiful condition) plus many other collectibles. Sale at 5:30 P.M. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge. 416-852-3524. A 28 THURSDAY AUGUST 30 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Auction sale- Recelver- ship of Arco Rental and Buliding Supplies, 2022 Dun- das St. West, Toronto. 3 trucks, good Hyster propane 5 ton lift truck, new or near- ly new tools, air com- pressors, generators, mor- tar mixers, cement saws, power trowel, inventory of new bullding supplies, paint, doors, insulation etc. 10:00 a.m. No reserve. Orville McLean Auctions and LI: quidations. 324-2783 Lindsay. FRIDAY AUGUST 21 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Cornelils Auction Barn Auction sale- Hosler kit- chen cupboard (refinished), 9 plece walnut dining suite, china cabinet, secretariat combination, Kenmore spin washer, parlour tables, chesterflelds, chrome kit- chen suite, wash stands, pressback rocker, wicker chairs, coffee and end tables, portable and console colour televisions, modern dressers and chests of drawers, Mohair chester- field and chairs (good condi- tion), flat-top trunks, library table, quantity of wooden kitchen chairs, AM.F. 8 HP riding lawnmower, quantity of tools, china and glass. Don Cornell Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain. 705-786-2183. SATURDAY SEPTEMBER SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. 60 1. x 12 ft. Mobile Home (Inspection- 9 a.m.) Auction sale: Fleetwood Trailer Park, 10 miles south of Lindsay on 35 Hwy or (2 miles north of 35 and 7A Junction). Selling by public auction, subject to a reasonable reserve bid, 60 ft. x 12 ft. permanent retire: ment home with 50 ft. x 8 ft. glassed-in sunporch on year round serviced lot. Terms 10 per cent down day of sale balance due on or before Sept. 10th, 1984. Auctioneer: Don Cochrane 985-2788. SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 1$ SALE TIME: 7:00 P.M. Auction sale of cattle sell ing at Lindsay Community Sales Barn, R.R. 2, Lindsay. 50 Hereford-Charolais- some Limousin, mature cows. 50 cross-bred Limousin calves, 2 Limousin bulls, breeding age. Bull exposed to cows April 15th. The property of RALPH GARBUTT, Lakehurst. 20 Hereford & Charolais cows due Sept. and Oct. The property of CAZA BROS., RR. 1, Lakefield. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 7:00 p.m. Carl and Greg Hickson Auc: tioneers, Reaboro Ontario. 705-324-9959 -- 324-7847. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 13 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale of machinery, furniture and antiques, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge- including wicker pleces, antiques, fire-box, child's desk, freezer, cookstove. Also for MR. N. COPES., Thornhill, the following items: JB&D 100 gal. sprayer- 18 ft. boom (ex. condition), JB &D sprayer with 45 gal. tank- 10 ft. boom, 3 pt. hitch cultivator with scuffler shields. 3 pt, hitch disc- 8 ft., chain harrows- 9 ft.- like new, 3 pt. hitch Lit tle Rhino blades, lawn roller, garden cultivator, also Forn 9N tractor, Dodge 600 truck with van box. Con- signments now being taken for this sale. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge. 416-852-3524. Sn WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 5 SALE TIME: 7:30 P.M. Holsteins Auction sale- 30 Registered Heifers for H. COOK plus added con- signments, selling at the Willison Sales Arena, Ux- bridge, Ont., including 15 fresh heifers and 15 spring- Ing, all the calves from the above heifers also selling, Including a fancy Browndale Commodore from a Good Plus Dam with 142-149 BCA, due at sale time to Willow Farm Rockman Ivanhoe. Also a 2 year old Telmatt with VG Dam with 140-153 due at sale time to Warden. A tall Triple Threat heifer due in December to Regal- Red. Citamatt from GP Dam with 151-163 due at sale time to Astro Jet. A Kit Bullder from 21,000 Ib. dam due at sale time to Warden. A 2 year old Shore Stylist from VG Dam with 149-150 will be fresh at sale time. Negative status. Con- signments are now being taken for this sale. Please call Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge. 416-852-3524. S 5 SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 8 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Auction sale- the property of JOHN RICH, Lot 12, Con- cession 7. Mariposa Township, 2 miles north of Little Britain or 2 miles south of Oakwood and 1'4 miles west. MACHINERY: Int. 784 diesel tractor (3 yr. old 67 HP), Int. 574 diesel tractor and loader (55 HP with T.A)), Int. 4 furrow 16 in. trip beam plow, 2- 10 ton Martin wagons with Turnco boxes, 3 PTH Hi-co rotary mower, New Idea 2 row corn picker sheller, J.D. 90 bu. manure spreader, 3 PTH Teagle cement mixer, 3 PTH JB&D grain sprayer, 3, PTH 12 ft. Allied cultivator, 15 run Massey seed drill, 13 run Massey seed drill, 4 sec- tion drag harrows, 8 ft. chain harrows, 32 ft. bale elevator, M.F. No. 10 baler, Int. rake, 11 ft. Cockshutt tail disc, 2 drum roller, 4 in grain auger, bale stooker, 1965 Ford pick-up (as is), 3 PTH 7 ft. utility blade, 3 PTH fer- tilizer spreader. MISCELL- ANEOUS: Approx. 2000 cedar fence rails, quantity rallroad ties, 200 ga. gas tank, quantity used steel roofing, approx. 10 cedar posts 30 ft. long, quantity steel fence posts, watering troughs, Del aval vacuum pump, ¥ ton truck racks, quantity misc. items, ap: prox. 800 bales of good se- cond cut hay. Farm sold. No Reserve. Lunch available. Don Corneil Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain. 705-786-2183. Owner and Auc- tioneer will not be responsi: ble for any public liability, property damage or injury to the public in connection with this Auction Sale. S 5 ONTARIO'S Largest Farm Machinery Consignment Sale, Norwich, Ontario. Fri- day Sept. 14, 1984 10 a.m. (Sales conducted second Friday each month). Ap: proximately 150-175 tractors plus all types of farm equip ment. Consignments welcome. For more infor. mation call 519-424-9998 or 519-424-9093. Proprietors. K.S. Hamulecki and Sons. SATURDAY SEPTEMBER ¢ SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Auction sale- the household furniture: dishes and antiques of ROBT. AND SANDRA BLAKNEY, Conc. 7 East, Scugog Island. One mile east of Port Perry, north to Conc. 6, or (Red- man's Fish & Chips) east 1 mile. Conn Caper electric organ, tea cart (good), Quebec wash stand, 4 thumb-back chairs- 1860, pine cupboard, wash bench, old churn, wooden desk, end tables, coffee table, chess table, bedroom chair, single bed and mattress, 2 wicker chairs, antique picture frames, lamps, modern china cabinet, cups and saucers, dishes In- uding Royal Doulton figurine (The Chief), 1870, Limoges plates pre-1903, Dalton bowl, various bottles and collec: tibles, assorted crystal, books and games, stereo and 8 track, couch and chair, chest freezer, dishwasher, power tools, gas barbecue, 5 HP riding lawnmower, |.H. lawnmower, Pioneer chain- saw, wooden workbench, vice and tools, plus many other useful items. Owner and Auctioneer will not be responsible for accidents or injuries In connection with this sale. Terms cash or good cheque. Auctioneer Don Cochrane, 985-2788. S 5 TUES. SEPT. 11 - Real Estate Auction Sale, 6 P.M. sharp. 49 acre farm at FRAZERVILLE. Take 28 Highway south of Peter- borough, turn west on first road south of Kawartha Downs track. Excellent bullding site for horse farm. Pond, some cedar, old log barn. See signs. 6:30 P.M. large buildings lot at same location. 7 P.M. brick DUPLEX at 229 Edin- borough St., PETER- BOROUGH - 2 two bedroom apartments, rented. Very low reserve bid on all pro- perties. Owners anxious to sell. Terms 10 per cent at sale, balance in 30 days. To view call Orval McLean Auctions, 324-2783, Lindsay. 5 SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 8 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Auction sale- the property of PAUL McKINLEY & KEVIN BRADY, Lot 9 and 10, Concession 7, Hamilton Township, 5 miles east of Bewdley to McKinley Road and % mile south or 10 miles north of Port Hope on Highway 28 to County Road 9. MACHINERY: 1975 John Deere 4430 tractor, cab, air, full power shift, 3700 hours, excellent, Int. 434 tractor, 1978 John Deere 6600 diesel combine, cab, air, 1400 hours, like new, 1978 John Deere 4 row 36 inch corn head, Stalk chopper for 6600 combine (HD), 1980 John Deere 220 disc 19 ft. with wings, 1978 John Deere 7000 4 row 36 inch corn planter, fertilizer, insecticide, maxi- merge with monitors, John Deere 16 run grain drill, 10 ft. cultivator 3 pt., Spray Motor 200 ga. field sprayer- 28 ft. booms, Spray Motor 300 gal. field sprayer 28 ft., 3 pt. hitch spray boom, gas water pump, Danuser post hole digger, Gehl hi-throw 54 inch blower 540 R.P.M., Tobacco stalk chopper - pull type, 2 tobacco type cultivators 3 pt., 3 pt. hitch saw, tractor cab, glass front and roof, trall land packer, 5 sections drag harrows, 18 ft. pony trail harrows, 40 ft. grain auger - 6 inch PTO on wheels, 1964 GMC truck with platform 8 ff. x 12 ft, Int. trail 3 furrow plough, 2 land rollers, 9.9 HP outboard motor - long or short shaft, 30 HP outboard motor, other items, no small items. Terms cash. No rocerve. Sale at 1:00 P.M. Carl and Greg Hickson Auctioneers, Reaboro, Ontario. 705-324-9959 or 324-2774. | Owner and Auctioneer will not be responsible for any public liability, property damage or Injury to the public in connection with this Auction Sale. SS "0. WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 12 SALE TIME: 7:30 P.M. Victoria's Fall Round-up Holstein Consignment Sale at Hickson Sales Arena, R.R. 2, Lindsay, Ontarlo. Approx. 80 head of Registered and Grade Hols- tein Cattle. An excellent op- portunity to upgrade your herd with good type and quality. For consignments or further information, con- tact Sales Arena 705-324-8311: Sales Agents- John Buckley 324-4017 -- Clift Lillico 439-2380 -- Gail Snodden 357-3572 or Carl Hickson, Owner and Auc- tioneer 324-9959. Our next monthly sales are Thursday Oct. 18th at 7:30 P.M.; and our 3rd Anniversary Sale, Thursday Nov. 8th at 12:30 P.M. We provide a complete Sales Service. Contact any of our staff - they will help you make your consignment choices or help you plan your dispersal. WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 12 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Large antique auction at Orval McLean Auction Cen- tre, Lindsay- estate of late GLADYS THORN, Bob- caygeon plus Port Hope Estate. Excellent walnut 9 piece dining room suite, an- tique chesterfield, antique bedroom suite with high bed, elaborate dresser and wash stand, cane chair, wicker doll carriage, trunks, old high chair, partial toilet sets, iron bed with brass trim, oil lamps, several ex- cellent antique rockers, oak dresser and wash stand, jewellery boxes, mini hump back trunk, wicker items, 3 plece oak bedroom suite (a beauty), ice-box, antique couch, child's rockers, plc- tures and frames, large crocks, Newcombe upright plano, organ stool, various antique clocks, large oak sectional bookcase, oak drop-leaf front desk and bookcase, parlour tables, 6 plece antique settee set with rocker and chairs, family Bible, postcards, many old books by famous authors, hall hat rack, seat and mir- ror, large Doctor's desk- opens on both sides, curved man's pipe with sterling on handle, oak Doctor's 4 sided bookcase, Doctor's tools, paddles, oars, curved glass china cabinet television, pressback chairs, oak buf- fet, large refrigerator, stove, dressing tables, chests, dressers, many anti- que chairs in rough, Indian cradle, old tables, clamps, Gunstock, habitant and Cap- tain's chairs in rough, brass lamps and parts, wool winders, spinning wheel, boat jacks, stamp and pic- ture albums, old records, old kitchenware and tins, 2 church pews, Circa 1800 baby carriage, child's wicker. carriage, curved glass china cabinet, much more furniture, antique china, dishes, Royal Doulton figurines, The Old King, The Coachman, Sweet & Twenty, Genevieve, The Orange Lady, Blithe Morning, Lady Charmaine, The Medicant, Hummels, Knitting Lesson, Umbrella Boy, Ride Into Christmas, Eventide, Apple Tree Boy, gold jewellery, 14 karat gold rings, some with diamonds, many collectibles from century home. Plan to attend. 10:00 A.M. Open at 9:00 A.M. No reserve. Estate sale. Orval McLean Auctions. 324-2783 Lindsay. BOATING TIPS If you see a red flag with a white diagonal strip, stay clear. That flag is a diver's flag and any interference could be dangerous to the diver in the water. BOATING TIPS Going away for a cou- ple of days? Leave a sail plan with someone on shore. If you are not back when you should be, so- meone will have an idea of where to send assistance. L to summertime Scugog Island News by Mrs. Earl Reader After this week, we must say farewell to vacations and be pre- pared to meet the chall- enges of new experien- ces in work, school and church or government. August has been a very rewarding month in the Scugog United Church. The choir con- tinued to share its talents and welcomed new members. Sunday was perfect with a around dozen including a helpful person from Port Perry and another from Prince Albert. Sunday School teachers and many children have had a chance to enjoy a church service in relax- ation and always with an anticipated surprise in. illustrated moral stories. Many others have chosen to spend the summer otherwise. But next Sunday, Sept. 2 will be different when everybody returns and bring their children for the S.S. opening. There will be very special bulletins for the children. The adults have treasured their bulletins which can give thought and inspiration for the whole week. So we know the children are in for a treat. Of course, the "Friendship" UCW will really have started things off Sept. 1 with their fulfilled pie orders, bake sale and craft sale at the church. Sept. 9 is Baptismal day at the Island Church and Sept. 16 - Annual Anniversary at Man- chester. Threshing day at Bailey farm Utica & Area News by Vera Brown Church this week will be held in Utica Church at 11:00 a.m. Rev. McManiman will be back behind the pulpit. Doug and Judy Mac- Sween and boys visited Santa's Village on Wed- nesday. I spent Wednesday in | Kingston accompanied by daughter, Dorothy Gerrow and children. We had lunch with Charlie and then took a tour of Fort Henry before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Skelding, Karen and Jackie attended the 50th wedding anniversary open house of Nancy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Lake at New- castle on Sunday. Last Tuesday was threshing day at the Bailey farm and there were several interested spectators on hand to see how it was done a few years ago. Special guest was Mr. George Kight who is one of our senior residents of Utica community. Several of the comm- unity attended the Steam Show at Quaker Hill on the weekend. Misses Jennifer and Tara Kirton of Mount Albert spent a few days with Mildred Thompson last week. On Thursday Mildred and her mother, Mrs. Miller attended the Wintario draw at Sharon. Mildred and Phyllis Clarke spent the weekend in Spencer- ville with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sloan and calling on Mr. and Mrs. Ken Tate at Lunenburg and Helen Searle at Kempt- ville. Air Force reunionin Dunnville planned For the past 38 years, Royal Canadian Air Force personnel who were stationed at No.6 F.T.S. during the war have gathered in Dunn- ville to celebrate their station reunion. This year marks their 39th get-together which will take place September 14, 15, & 16. The event begins with a reception Friday eve- ning, hosted by Mayor Frank Marshall. A golf tournament will be held Saturday morning and in the afternoon a dem- onstration of ultralight aircraft, a parade, memorial service and fly-past of wartime Har- vard Aircraft is schedul- ed, followed by the annual banquet in the evening. The weekend closes Sunday morning with an outdoor "Flapper and Banger" breakfast at the Riverview Motel. All veterans of No.6 and their spouses are invited. If not on the mailing list, please con- tact Frank Scholfield, 646 Alder St. W., Dunn- ville, Ontario NiA 2X5, phone 416-774-5480. ea iv