8 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. August 28, 1984 Issues 1. Are you in favour of any kind of freeze on the testing and deployment of nuclear weapons? If so, what kind of freeze, and what position should Canada adopt on the issue of nuclear arms? 1. Allan Lawrence: | am in favour of a general arms and armed forces '"freeze" only if the Soviet bloc permitted a verifiable, independent inspection to make sure that any such freeze was being adhered to, and on- ly if the freeze meant that neither west nor east had a superiority in any particular arms sector. I would hope that any such agreement would not on- ly cover nuclear arms, but also conventional ar- maments, and the number of people per- mitted in all armed forces. 1. Darce Campbell: am in favour of a verifiable world-wide freeze on the testing and development of nuclear weapons. Canada should, in conjunction with it's NATO allies seek to verifiably freeze, and further, work towards reduction of nuclear arms. 1. Roy Grierson: am in favour of promoting a nuclear weapons freeze by the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. I support a "no first use' pledge by NATO and the Warsaw pact. We should stop cruise missile testing in Canada, make Canada a nuclear weapons free zone, and end nuclear weapons component pro- duction in Canada and convert this production to other industrial uses. ALLAN LAWRENCE 2. What is your position on the federal deficit? How can it be reduced? 2. Darce Campbell: The federal deficit must be prudently managed in our current fragile economy. I am not paranoid over a deficit owed by Canadians to Canadians, but I would strongly oppose any increase beyond the 5 per cent range that I have previously propos- ed. 2. Roy Grierson: We must have clearly- defined and effective policies and initiatives that will result in a fair recovery and expand the potential of our economy. 2. Allan Lawrence: The Federal deficit must be reduced and can be done 80 in part by cutting some of the wasteful and extravagant expen- ditures of the Federal Government, especially in the public relations and advertising areas of activity. Better co- ordination of Federal programmes with the Provinces will also help divert funds to reduce the deficit. As the largest borrower in Canada, a planned reduction in in- terest rates and stabiliz- ing of interest rates should also assist greatly. 3. What would your Par- ty do to relieve unemployment in Canada? Should the federal government be spending more on this issue, or less? 3. Roy Grierson: I and the New Democratic Party would make cor- porate tax breaks condi- tional on job creation, worker retraining, new research and develop ment and purchases of Canadian-produced equipment. We would set up a single-industry diversification fund sup- ported jointly by govern- ment and big business. In fact, we would make a serious government commitment to setting out a timetable to reach the goal of providing a job for every Canadian willing and able to work. 3. Allan Lawrence: believe the Cresent system of ad hoc hand- outs to temporary work projects is a waste of tax- payer's funds. While youth unemployment is a prime concern, the Pro- gressive Conservative re-training scheme in- volving tax rebates to those companies and in- dividuals enrolling in it should be widened to in- clude all individuals (not just young employed) who cannot obtain employment due to the lack of needed skills or training. Generally, a change of government has to produce greater confidence in investors, leading to an over-all im- provement in economic activity. 3. Darce Campbell: My job creation plan has been announced and has received support from diverse sources and incidently without objections from either of my opponents who have no plan. 4. Are the present abor- tion laws in Canada ade- . quate? Are you in favour of easier access to abortion? 4. Allan Lawrence: The present abortion laws are not realistic in that they are not being observed, but unfor- tunately no viable con- sensus has yet emerged, to my satisfaction, for suitable alternative legislation. I am not in favour of easier access to abortion. 4. Darce Campbell: 1 am personally not in favour of abortion. I do support the present legislation which, while it satisfies neither the Pro-Life nor the Pro- Choice advocates, appears to reasonably address the issues of both groups. 4. Roy Grierson: Since 1971 the New Democratic Party has maintained that a woman has a right to choose to bear children. We support ac- cess to abortion services through medical clinics full covered by medicare. We also sup- port increased sex education and public campaigns to promote family planning and birth control including research into safe, reliable methods of con- traception. We have repeatedly demanded removal of Section 251 of the Criminal Code which den... most Canadian Women the choice of ac- cess to safe legal abor- tion services. 5. Are you in favour of capital punishment of any kind? If so, for what kind of crimes? Should there be a free vote in Parliament on this issue? 5. Darce Campbell: No. I would support a Life- time Incarceration for DARCE CAMPBELL capital crimes. The free vote must include a Lifetime Incarceration third option. 5. Roy Grierson: Every vote in Parliament is a free vote. People run for parties and therefore when such a question came up I would weigh the merits of arguements of constituents and par- ty, as well as my own feelings. 5. Allan Lawrence: I believe in the restitution of capital punishment for those who commit capital murder. (a)-a second time, or (b) of a policeman, or prison guard on duty, or (c) while committing a "terrorist-type' attack (e.g. blowing up an airliner) or (d) while committing some other form of violent crime (e.g. rape) I have Private Member's Bills to this effect in the last few Parliaments, but the Liberals have prevented a vote from taking place. This will change under the Progressive Conservatives. 6. What kind of policy should Canada have for national energy? Should energy prices be allowed to float with world prices? Should Petro- Can be disbanded? 6. Roy Grierson: We should encourage development of "clean' energy by shifting fun- ding from conventional energy sources. Petro- Can should continue to serve Canadians. We should protect our energy sources for the benefit of Canadians. 6. Allan Lawrence: | believe the unfair regula- tions of the Liberal's Na- tional Energy Policy, which penalized and in- hibited companies in the exploration and drilling sector should be lifted. The Progressive Conser- vatives will protect the introduced. energy consumer from sudden price increases which may occur after the anticipated move of Canadian oil prices to the currently lower interna- tional levels. We will make Petro-Canada responsible to Parlia- ment and act as a private sector corporation. Public funds will only be given to the Crown Cor- poration if they are used to advance our goal of Canadian energy self- sufficiency. 6. Darce Campbell: We should continue our pur- suit of reclaiming our energy resource area which rightfully belongs to all Canadians. In order to maintain inflat- ion equilibrium and to compete in world trade markets, it is my opinion our energy should be allowed to float with world prices. This world price con- cept also encourages development of the energy resource area with its resultant posi- tive economic impact. PetroCan should remain as an accountable energy exploration com- pany, but should not be expanded in the retail free enterprise area. 7. Interest rates and value of the Canadian dollar? Can we have a "made in Canada' in- terest rate? Should in- terest rates be used to prop up the value of the dollar? 7. Allan Lawrence: The key to economic recovery from Liberal stagnation is the lower and firm stability of in- terest rates. We lowered interest rates below the American level in 1979, and economic chaos did not result. The Canadian dollar stood firm. We can and should do it again 7. Darce Campbell: Despite the ramblings and irrational state- ments by both opposi- tion parties, we can not have a "made in Canada' interest rate policy. without totally alienating ourselves from our major trading partners particularily the U.S.A. Without going into great depth on exchange controls this isolationist approach to interest rate policy would make Canada another banana republic and severely reduce our living standard. 7. Roy Grierson: We should set interest rates according to Canada's job needs, not U.S. policies. We should discourage unnecessary investment outflow with a speculator tax. We should establish long- term, stable mortgage rates for homeowners. 8. Are you in favour of expanding the Can. Arm- ed Forces? What about re-unification of the Forces? 8. Darce Campbell: Only a modest expan- sion to honour our NATO commitments within the current budgetary and deficit framework. I suggest all regimental units be identified with their own The candidates talk about ® abortion, unemployment @ nuclear freeze, and more... 9. Roy Grierson: We should elinate unproduc- tive and unfair loopholes in both corporate and personal tax systems. . We should introduce a "minimum tax" for wealthy Canadians who don't pay their fair share of taxes. We should eliminate the federal sales tax on farm fuels. We should eliminate this year's $1.4 billion in- crease in federal con- sumer taxes. 9. Allan Lawrence: Ob- viously, there needs to be tax reforms and the ad- ministration of Revenue Canada needs a drastic overhaul. Arrogant and insensitive ad- ministrators need to be either replaced or have specific instructions to make sure that civil ser- vants are once again civil. The tax system needs to be simplified, and I certainly favour the proposal we have been making for several years, that there should be at least a minimum tax for all high-income earners. 9. Darce Campbell: The present tax system requires total simplifi- cation which is part of my ombudsman ROY GRIERSON unique berets, but main- tain the present common uniform. 8. Roy Grierson: We should ensure that our forces are adequately equipped to carry out such roles as peacekeep- ing as well as search and rescue at home. 8. Allan Lawrence: Yes. While the Supply, Ser- vice and Equipment sec- "tors of the Armed Ser- vices should stay unified, I favour distinctive uniforms and specialized training for the three sec- tors of our armed forces. 9. Does the present tax system need an overhaul? If so, what kind of changes are needed? approach to help relieve the present tax form dilemma. 10. What is your position on universal social welfare programs? Should there be any changes? Should the federal government keep back payments to pro- vinces who permit extra billing by physicians? Should there be health care "user fees." 10. Allan Lawrence: | am not, and my party is not, in favour of chang- ing any existing welfare programmes to include a means test. Rather than further penalize Provin- cial health plans, the Federal Government (Turn to page 9)