TI pent SNR 22 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed. September 5, 1984 Horse event set for Sunday Blackstock Area News by Joyce Kelly Where oh, where has the summer gone? With the closing of the Ex, Port Perry Fair over and | the beginning of school we know that fall has ar- rived whether we are ready or not for it. Many from here attended Port Perry Fair that had to endure poor weather conditions over the weekend. Fortunately Monday cleared up soinewhat. Best wishes to all the students who return to school of all levels. Next week I would like to compile a list of post secondary students in various col- leges and universities. Please help by letting me know the whereabouts of as many students as you know. Thanks. Holstein Assoc. service In this the Centennial Year for Holstein Canada, there are many reasons to be thankful for the progress of the breed and the standard of liv- ing enjoyed by the more than 15,000 members across this fair land. In recognition of these and to celebrate 100 years since the forma- tion of the Holstein + Association of Canada in September 1884, a Centennial Thanksgiving Church Service will be conducted on Sunday, 16 September at 3:00 p.m. in the Uxbridge Baptist Church, Brock St. W., Uxbridge. Participants in this historic service will all be Holstein peo- ple. The feature speaker will be National Director- Keith Donnan of Stirling, Ontario, who will bring an inspira- tional message on the theme: "Life-What Is It?" Soloists Ken Smith of Head Office, Brantford and Mary Orr of Brad- ford, will contribute musical numbers ap- propriate to the occasion. Light refreshments will be served at the conclu- sion of the service. Dona- tions will be accepted in support of the Donald Risebrough Memorial Fund. Holstein families everywhere are invited to be present for this Centennial event. ; A A NCAR KAR iy Wy wi RANT PEN PEE a EEE Re WR REA E pedr RT aiin el -- This coming Sunday is Open House at Hoskin Stables of the Durham Region Horseback Riding for the Handicap- ped Association. Please note that this event begins at 2 o'clock. The handicapped riders will be displaying their riding skills for the public. Anyone interested in the work of this Association is invited to attend this display. Lunch will be served provided by the parents of the handicap- ped riders. There will be a miscellaneous bridal shower in honour of Sharon Bailey held in C.C.P.S. auditorium on Sunday, September 16 at 1:30 p.m. Please bring a recipe for her recipe col- lection. Everyone is welcome! Congratulations to Keith and Lisa Reid for doing so well at Port Perry Fair. At the Junior Horse Show on Saturday, Keith won the High Point ER Bt. 3, N (J oy Re AF Scugog Township Firefighters were operations fo hundreds of interested passers- hard at work at the Port Perry Fair, by. demonstrating the Jaws of Life and rescue SENIOR: PORT PERRY FIGURE SKATING CLUB REGISTRATION SCUGOG MEMORIAL ARENA FRIDAY, SEPT. 14..... 410 8P.M. SATURDAY, SEPT. 15 10AM.-4 PM. -- REGISTRATION FEES -- JUNIOR (Up to CanSkate Novice |1| Badge): $75.00 + $7.00 CFSA Fee + $10.00 Carnival Fee INTERMEDIATE (Novice IV to Preliminary Figure): $90.00 + $7.00 CFSA Fee + $10.00 Carnival Fee $100.00 + $7.00 CFSA Fee + $10.00 Carnival Fee FAMILY RATE (3 OR MORE SKATERS): $10.00 Reduction on Total PARTIAL MEMBERSHIP (One Night Only - Includes Stroking "OR" Group Dance): $60.00 + $7.00 CFSA Fee + $10.00 Carnival Fee - SKATE EXCHANGE DURING REGISTRATION - Please Bring Skates for Exchange to the Arena: end Somer 14 between 10 a.m. and 12 noon. NaN y } TROPHIES and JENGRAVING DO-NO's | RECORD, CRAFT I & HOBBY WORLD B Queen st.. Port Perry i : 985.2839 / ---- RN re hil iy] % ] ] Le, [HL [AL [H (2 JH BUYING or SELLING? Check The Real Estate Pages of the Port Perry Star rats kL HL Junior Trophy, donated by Mother Jackson's Open Kitchens - Lisa was presented with an award as Reserve Winner of the Sportsmanship Award. Registration for boys 5 to 17 who wish to join the Scouting Movement will be held at Blackstock Recreation Centre, on Thursday, September 6 at 6:30 p.m. For further information call 986-4630. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnston along with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stiles and family of Woodville enjoyed the weekend camping in the Niagara district. On Saturday this past weekend at Port Perry Fair Horse Show, Christine Beddome won the Shelley Houthuys Memorial Trophy for highest point 15-18 years old Junior of the Day. Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. John Keyes and family as they move to their new home in Orono. The Ontario Barrel Racing Association events at the Port Perry Fair weren't the only muddy happenings on the weekend, but they were among the fastest and best paying. Only a small crowd braved the cold rain to watch some of the quickets horses in On- tario compete for $600 in the two Championship Series events. Philp Pon- tiac/Buick put up $250 which was added to the entry fees for these events. Barrel Race horses have been clocked at over 60 kph on their run home, and when the money's on the line the competition is fierce. When the mud had settl- ed, Lisa Taylor (a vet student from Guelph) had won the "A" Barrels for the pro riders, and $161 first place money. for the RETIN Results from barrel races Lisa was also 6th on her second horse, Sissy Clab- ber. Joanne Morehouse of Seagrave, had to be content with a 7th, and a narrowing lead in her bid Ontario Championship. The "B" Barrel Class for beginning riders was won by Debbie Racz of Newmarket riding Cinch Bid. Debbie's time for the day was fast enough to promote her to the "A" division of the On- tario Barrel Racing Association. All competitors were impressed with the footing in spite of the weather. Hopes for next year are for a better day and more spectators to enjoy the fast action. Thanks go to Philp Pon- tiac/Buick for their sup- port of the Port Perry Fair, and the Ontario Barrel Racing Asso- ciation. Horse Show result On Saturday, the Junior Gymkhana and Horse show enjoyed a beautiful sunny day and the High Point Jr. (14 yrs. and under), Keith Reid riding "Black Beauty' took home the Mother Jackson's Annual Trophy. Reserve High Point (14 yrs. and under), Matt- hew Durward riding '"'Leo's Easy Ryder" took home a halter and shank donated by Al's Tack Shop of Stouffville. The High Point Junior (15-18 yrs), Christine Beddome riding "Frosty's Ruby' took home the Shelly Houthey's Memorial Trophy and Reserve winner Heather Agnew riding "My Patch Pal" took home a halter and shank donated by Picou"s Horsemen's Centre, Ajax. The Annual Sports- manship Trophy was proudly accepted by Barbara Green riding '"'Sunflower" and in Reserve position, Lisa Reid riding "Princess" accepted a cash don- ation from Lloyd and Donna Durward. On Sunday the West- ern Speed Event per- severed! the rain and the All-Round Champion, Lisa Taylor riding "Double Bev Bar" took the O.B.R.A. '""A" Division Barrel Race sponsored by Philp Pontiac of Port Perry and a wool cooler donated by The Doug Henry Insurance Agency, Aurora. Larry Durward Mem- orial Trophy also went home with Lisa Taylor. Reserve Champion, John McCormick riding "Ima Nickytoo" took home a bag of feed donated by Brook's Feed Store. High Point youth, Kelly Edgerton riding "SaJoSa Moon Flyn", took home a bag of feed donated by Marlow's Feed Store and the Annual Trophy donated by Cathy's Wholesale Gold and Diamonds. High Point Novice, Murray Durward riding '"Ace's Lyn Ann', took home a $20.00 gift cer- tificate from Picou's and the Annual Trophy donated by CHOO Radio. On Monday the weather improved and the Pleasure Horse Show results are as follows: Joelle Bedding riding "Study Lee" took the English Pleasure Stake Class and a coooler donated by Betz Pools, Stouffville. Allan Sleep riding from the Port Fair "Billy Royale", took the Western Pleasure Stake and a cooler donated by the Corral Restaurant and Tavern, Oshawa. Christine LeMasurier riding "Victory Hunter" took the Hunter Stake Class and a cooler donated by: Zoecan Industries of Port Perry. The Grand Champion Pleasure Horse of the 1984 Port Perry Fair was for the second year, Allan Sleep, riding "Billy Royale". Due to the weather the Pony-Hunter-Jumper Show was cancelled and the Annual Trophies donated by Knob Hill Farms, Zoecon Indust- ries and Mariposabrook Ranch will be held until next year. 133rd ANNUAL SUNDERLAND FALL FAIR TUES. & WED., SEPT. 10 & 11 TUESDAY EVENING: WEDNESDAY: - Doors open at 6 P.M. - Children's Programme - Tug'o War - All Terrain Cycle Races - Exhibits - 11:30 A.M. Parade - Opening Ceremonies - Crowning of Fair Queen - Gymkhana - Mutt Show - Judging of Horses - 3:00 P.M. Kiddies Tractor Pull - 1:30 P.M. Cooking Demonstration - Exhibits on Display until 4:30 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. DEMOLITION DERBY - MIDWAY - ADMISSION: Adults $3.00 - Cars $1.00 Public School Children - FREE pe oo dh Lc das ade