TH IE EI IN III NEE 28 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed. September 5, 1984 Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted Legal Notice CARPENTER: Fully ex- perienced In most aspects of the trade. Must be knowledgeable and capable of working unsupervised and able to read blueprints. Send COMPLETE RESUME with references, previous employers (names to be verified), and desired wages to Box 39, c/o Port Perry Star, Box 90, Port Perry, Ontario. LOB 1N0O.S 1 THE TOWNSHIP of Scugog requires a part time clerk: typist for general office work, minimum 60 w.p.m., dictaphone an asset. Apply In person- 18) Perry St.. Port Perry. Earl S. Cuddie Clerk-Administrator HURRAY! Kids back to school, life back to normal. Avon Is looking for represen: tatives. We have immediate openings In the following areas: Port Perry; Blackstock and Scugog Island. For more Informa- tion call Grace 725-9696.5 11 PART TIME work In a ladies fashion store. Mer- chandising and sales ex- perience Important. Must work Saturdays. Phone for interview 852-3683. EXPERIENCED Auto Glass installer peeded for Uxbridge firm. 852-7473. COMPUTER TERMINAL OPERATOR / ANALYST required for busy environment. ©® Analytical ability is essential. © Knowledge of book- keeping preferred. © Computer experience preferred Write in confidence to: PERSONNEL MANAGER P.0.BOX 39 UXBRIDGE, ONT. LOC 1K0 BABYSITTER in my home in Port Perry. Three days a week. Varying hours. Two children 7 and 2 years old. 985-9020. FULL TIME person re- quired by one of Port Perry's better stores. Reply Box 3, c/o Port Perry. Star, P.O. Box 90, Port Perry, On- tario. LOB INO. sn SCHOOL BUS DRIVER Required in Uxbridge Area * Full training provided * Minimum 21 years old with good driving record Call Simcoe Transit 655-3381 686-2424 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY the following personnel Executive Secretaries with dicta and/or shorthand; Data Entry Operators; Word Processors; and Speed Typists. Piease Call for Interviews: DONNA or SALLY 433-1433 SKILLED PEOPLE NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Welders, Welder Fitters, Machinists, Millwrights, & Maintenance Mechanics. Please Call: MARIE KLASSEN 433-1433 CHICKEN & SEAFOOD FULL & PART TIME HELP Required for Local Fast Food Outlet Now accepting applications for permanent full and part time help. We are looking for mature individuals with ambition and neat appearance who are willing to work some evenings and week- ends. No experience necessary as full training is provided. APPLY IN WRITING ONLY TO THE MANAGER: DIXIE LEE CHICKEN & SEAFOOD P.0. Box 1448, Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1NO Help Wanted MATURE, dependable, bon- dable persons, 25 to 50- for cleaning private homes In Port Perry and surrounding areas. Car essential. 985-7732- cleaning agency.S 5 BABYSITTER for morning fitness classes, Manchester Hall. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 9:30 to 10:30. Call Louise Calvert 1-649-3155 - starting Sept. 10th. WAITRESS/WAITER/ COOK, full time or part time. Person must be reliable. Experience not necessary. Apply in person at Port Perry Dairy Bar. FULL TIME/PART TIME help. Apply In person. Thursday or Friday. Hanks Pastries. LIVE-IN housekeeper for elderly gentleman. 985-329 or 655-3585. CLEANING person wanted for local downtown store, approximately 4 to 5 hours per week. 985-7101. REGISTERED Nurse wanted for part time and summer relief. Send resume to: C. Dinning, Medical Assoclates, Port Perry. SCUGOG MEMORIAL Public Library has a part time position available for a qualified Library Techni- clan. At preset, this position will be mainly for supply and some Saturdays. Main responsibilities will be public services and reference. Please send com- pleted application form and resume to: Scugog Memorial Public Library, Box 1659, Port Perry, On- tario. LOB INO. GENERAL LABOURERS & WAREHOUSE HELP Must have own transpor- tation and one year's work- ing experience. Also Class A and D drivers. Please call for an interview. LYNN or CAROL ANN 433-1433 WAREHOUSE PERSON Rapidly growing importer/distributor, based in Port Perry, requires person for shipping, receiving and order-packing. This is a full time position. REPLY TO: BOX 3 c/o PORT PERRY STAR P.O. BOX 90, PORT PERRY, ONT. LOB 1NO ASSOCIATE FAMILIES WANTED @ share your home with a developmentally handicapped child @® obtain professional training @ receive a salary and excellent benefits VIOLINS repaired, bows repaired. Reasonable. 985-3913. DAYCARE available In clean home, T.L.C. and hot meals provided. Rellable with lots of experience. Reasonable rates. 986-5300 anytime. CARPETS and upholstery professionally cleaned at reasonable rates. We move the furniture. Call anytime. 852-671). Jy 17 WOOD REFINISHING specializing In antiques and fine furniture. Call Terry Dyer 655-4092 after 5:30 p.m. RANDY'S AUTO TRIM & UPHOLSTERY Household Furniture & Upholstery Supplies Specializing in Automotive & Boat Interior Customizing FOR FREE ESTIMATES Call Randy Bartley | 986-5563 BLACKSTOCK ANTENNA & TOWER NAN Antennas Towers Rotors Boosters New Homes Pre-Wired. Complete Service 8 Installation. FREE TOWER INSPECTION! 986-5213 + CENTRAL SEVEN INDUSTRIES RAPID PRINT *Top quality copies * Coloured stock *Raffle tickets *Dance tickets *Advertising flyers *"In Memory" cards *Forms *Mailings ...and "What-have-you?"' FREE ESTIMATES 985-8511 James Duncan a ELECTRIC Fencer Service Factory approved. Service centre for Shur-Shock Fencers. Repairs to all ap- proved makes - battery, hydro and solid state. Walter Wright, Blackstock. Phone TYPING/Word Processing: Resumes, letters, essays, mallings etc. Professional quality. Call- Raglan 655-3770. TF NEED A BABYSITTER? Call 985-8924. Mother with 416-986-4818. TF loads of experience. Asa, een e rafes. Dead Stock | rome and one'young chia or company. FREE REMOVAL of Fresh, Dead or CUSTOM Plowing and disc- Disabled Animals. ing. Gord Masters, Little $5.00 Charge for Britain. 705-786-2173. S$ 1 sheep, goats & pigs. PAINTING and Decorating. $20.00 Charge for Mike Driscoll. 985-8830 OR all rotten animals. 725-3243. TF Please Dial Direct: COTTAGE & house-raising, MARGWILL | sialon erat DAYCARE in my home. HAMPTON Any age. Close to schools. (416) 263-2721 Call 985-9077. MARTYN | | ROOFING AUTO REPAIR , a R.R.3, Port Perry Shingles (Scugog Island) Fi ats 985-2861 & SPECIAL PROPANE DISCOUNTS CONVERSIONS & REPAIRS 985-7951 Port Perry Auto Glass Trim Windshields - Vinyls - Convertible Tops - - Complete Interiors - - Boat Tops & Seats - Sunroofs & Pinstripes & Mouldings 139 WATER ST. PORT PERRY 985-8507 CUMMINGS BACKHOE & COTTAGE RAISING Septic Systems, Trenching, Basements 986-5601 - Chain Link Fencing Sodding SEAGRAVE NURSERY Interlocking Driveways -- Walkways - Patios 985-8888 DURHAM WEED CONTROL For Dandelion & Most Broad Leaf Weed control. esas CALL: 985-8227 Fertilizing - Patio Work DISCOUNTS FOR SENIORS! | OS AANDSCAPING & MAINTENANCE 15 Yrs. Experience 985-3873 - New Homes - Additions General Carpentry - Pole Barns NORM'S General Contracting Steel & Asphalt Roofing Aluminum Siding - Soffit NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 P.O. BOX 608 - PORT PERRY Free Estimates Given with No Obligation OFFICE: 985-8216 Miscellaneous LEARN PIANO or Organ, with new easy Chord Method. Instruction book with 3 cassette tapes, quick- ly teaches you keyboard styles Including 'by ear" and simplifled music reading. All members of the family can learn. Progress at your own pace. Low cost! Start chording right away! Details free. Write: Ken's Keyboard Kourse, Box 2205, Station A, Moncton, N.B. EC 8J1. TRUCKING CAREER. Become a professional transport driver. Contact Merv Orr's: Kingston 613-549-3914; Toronto- 416-251-9073; Ottawa- 613-523-3489; London: 519-432-1726; North Bay- 705-472-2910; Thunder Bay- 807-623-8686; Sault Ste. Marie- 750-759-0177; Cambridge- 519-623-2430; Sudbury- 705-560-3351. Member B.B.B. M 27 FREE 128 page Career Guide shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full and part time jobs. Granton Institute 265A Adelaide Street West, Toronto. Call 416-977-3929 today. Personals MEET YOUR MATCH. For all ages and unattached. Thousands of members anx- lous to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances. Call toll-free 1-800-263-9103. Hours: Noon to 8 p.m. Auctioneers RON KING - AUCTIONEER - Auctions of All Types Phone Port Perry 985-2643 PEARCE Auction Centre On Shirley Road (4 m South of Port Perry) ESTATES, ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD SALES Your Place or Ours! Moving Truck Available. Call: (416) 985-7492 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in the Matter of VERA KNOTT, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of VERA KNOTT, late of the Township of Scugog, in the Reglonal Municipality of Durham, who dled on or about the 15th day of August, 1984, are hereby notified to "send to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of Oc- tober 1984, full particulars of thelr claims. Immediately after the sald date, the assets of the sald deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, On- tarlo, this 31st day of August, 1984. KELLY, JERMYN, ZULY AND FOWLER Barristers & Solicitors P.O. Box 131 217 Queen Street Port Perry, Ontario LOB INO Solicitors for Marilyn Hut- chison, Executrix of the above Estate. Se NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in the Matter of the Estate of STANLEY FORD GER- ROW, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of STANLEY FORD GER- ROW, late of the Township of Brock, in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly of the Township of Scugog, In the Regional Municipality of Durham), who died on or about the 10th day of August, 1984, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of October, 1984, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the sald date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, On- tario, this 31st day of August, 1984. KELLY, JERMYN, ZULY AND FOWLER Barristers & Solicitors P.O. Box 131 217 Queen Street Port Perry, Ontario LOB INO Solicitors for Cora Velma Tripp and James Ross Stone, Executors of the above estate. S18 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Matter of the Estate of MARY IRENE HARDY, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of MARY IRENE HARDY, late of the Township of Scugog, In the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 17th day of June 1984, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of September 1984, full par- ticulars of their claims. Im- mediately after the said date, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perrry, On- tario, this 14th day of August, 1984. KELLY, JERMYN, ZULY AND FOWLER Barristers & Solicitors 217 Queen St. P.O. Box 131 PORT PERRY, Ontario. LOB INO Solicitors for MORLEY HARDY and WINNIFRED FRANKS, Executors of the above Estate, SS BLACK & WHITE cat, from Apple Valley area, one year old, female, declawed. Please call 985-314). S55 . on Give Away KITTENS 8 weeks old Please call 985-2350 KITTENS Free to good homes. Call 985-8465. VERY FAT spayed Tabby female cat - prefers indoors quiet adult home 985-8077 RR SE REN