---- ti i oy ------ er ofl ANS Je a a a -a 26 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed. October 10, 1984 Students arrive on doorsteps for turkey Blackstock Area News by Joyce Kelly Over the Thanksgiv- ing Weekend most of the were home for the holiday with their families. Many family gatherings were held over the weekend. Sun- day supper with Bill and Jean Mahaffy and Mrs. Ed. Harris were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chapman and Lori, Mr. Ed Harris all of Port Perry. Linda and Roy Brad- burn, Matthew and Amanda hosted a family gathering on Sunday. Guests were Mr. and University students Mrs. Harold McLaugh- It pays to switch. Because now you can save on a high efficiency forced- air furnace or hot water boiler. In addi- tion, you can receive a federal grant of up to $800 under the Canada Oil Substitution Program towards convert- ing your home from oil to propane. The time is right. Just com. bine our great savings ~ with the grant of up to $800 «ind you'll realize it's time to cash in on the value of propane. ¢ 24 Hour Service 505 Victoria Street, Whitby, Ontario OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL 1:00 P.M. ~~ Heres a house-warming present from Superior Pro PROPANE PROPANE. A SUPERIOR FUEL FOR A HOME FULL OF REASONS e Automatic Fuel Delivery ' Equal Billing Plan e Finance Plans Available SUPERIOR PROPANE LIMITED 668-3328 Save on heating costs. Think of what a high efficiency furnace or hot water boiler could do in your home. You can stay comfortably warm and reduce fuel consumption. Cut out our home-warming present today. Then, bring it in, and take advantage of the incredible savings. Once you do, we believe you'll find propane well , worth warming ¥ upto. pul) i i WW - . lin, Mrs. Wilbur Toms, Janis and Bill St. John, Owen and Courtney, and Kelly and Terry Gat- chell. This gathering celebrated Harold and Eileen's 35th wedding anniversary and Owen St. John's 5th birthday and Matthew Brad- burn's 6th birthday. Congratulations to all of you. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Diarmid return this weekend from a three week vacation in Spain, Portugual and Morocco. What a dream holiday We a (4 Al oC I GROWTI Lo Treanng an investmert Peniolio -- : j CAYCE 4 e Build capital e Control taxes e Meet investment goals NELSON PATTERSON 985-2034 AN INVESTMENT STRATEGY FOR THE 80's You owe it to yourself to find out more about "Managing for Capital Growth." It's a unique investment concept designed to help you: e Keep up with inflation e Establish an investment For information, call your Investors advisor. "comfort zone" Oestons PROAT FROM OUR EXPERIENCE is No Easy Job! Why waste your time and energy on an old appliance when ... BEAM BUILT-IN VACUUM SYSTEMS Can Do A GREAT _ CLEANING JOB! There are no bags. no messy screens to clean and the system is" designed for any home - old or new. Why there's no finer system at No Finer Price! Call Us For Complete De-it-Yeursel! Details & Estimates for installation ... BOB GOODMAN Wat..." PORT PERRY 985-7758 H&M WRIGHT FEED COMPANY & GARDEN SUPPLIES * FERTILIZER & FENCING call ... Gas «i ' , ' . , v \ Cv HAROLD or MELANIE BLACKSTOCK -986-4201 this must have been. This weekend a large number of campers and caravans gathered at our village for the Seven Seas Caravan Club Thanksgiving Reunion. Campers were present from many points of Ontario as well as other areas. On Sunday morn- ing a large number attended the morning service at the United Church. A fine congreg- ation was present for the service which was naturally set on the Thanksgiving theme. The Junior Choir sang Song of Thanks while the Senior Choir had as their number, "I've Got to Raise a Song of Praise', Rev. D. Davis preached a fine sermon titled™ Our Cup Runneth 'Over'. This coming weekend the Cartwright Sesqui- centennial Celebrations will be on full blast. The play, 'Yarns to Spin" will be presented both on Friday evening and Saturday afternoon. The Barbecue will be from 5-7 p.m. on Saturday evening followed by the Family Dance to the music of the Dingalings. Make plans to attend this special weekend. The weekly card parties have been con- tinuing even when I miss getting the results published. Winners on Tuesday were: 1. Wm. Forder - 92; 2. Harold Burgess-84; 3. Jennie Bailey - 79; 4. James Emerton - 78; 5. Elva VanCamp 6. Leonard Cane - 77; Low - Gladys Potts; Draws - 1. Marion Bell; 2. Harold Swain; 3. Hazel English. The Yearly meeting of the Senior Citizens' Club was held last Monday noon at the Township Hall. Following the delicious pot luck dinner the election of officers was held. President - Dorothy Archer; Secre- tary - Doris Rohrer; Treasurer- Ella Venn- ing; Representatives to Recreation Board - Leslie Taylor and Norman Rohrer. * DOG & CAT FOOD * FEEDS & GRAIN * ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS - OPEN - MON. - FRI. 8:00am. -530p.m. SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. - 12 noon i A ba Bont TER iti a --_--.