cut from Canada grade 'A' beef | | product 10 oz. jar of US.A i] 1 ) 59 [ith minima Sh th be Garettes without minimum Ib. purchase $6.49. "ane BAT Ny |B i CONCLWIRNED . b 3 : 3 r= & -- a ae JUIC 2A E "EE ene Rn 7 ol Welch's gis al Dia} Po ig JH43 Sg Of Mort's is apple" % | < ] SE £ 3 steak, on coma JUICE Oil [ores om grade 'A' beef | 500 g pkg. frozen | each soe 132 Sth. hag Cuba 5 1 6.15..| 949 12. 123 see 99 270. | 2 5, 49| 2991.99.39 ° Ib. © frozen New Zealand cryovac cut ee, = TTR . r Si Jranny* ~ 3 \ ) duct of U.S.A., Canada fancy product of US.A. amb chops .. 42%. *122 Lbsgs GY" 20 Bie 091174 Papaya. 1.69 fresh sliced ETS Al , i ' product of U.S.A., Canada oy Bork ber... ..99 . 45 3 Peadelcese pen Bb - Seppers .. . Ib. a8 kg. 1 NM peanuis. eeseescerseeC ach 2. 99 L ! product of Ontario, 2 Ih. hag " nde | ib MAS) 2 - ly : dieffenbachia pork h roks J | N. 59 bv smoked s 7% \& Cin " b fe ti : 5 < Pda : reeves nsenans 1.49 plants esssivesicenees CAC ideal for braising . Rg -~ys : dead Sia { nn BLL ab [pasta bake Schneides frozen pastrami... 95 Wg S42. rted . ' 675 2 loaf or coarse asso! or sesame crusty vienna, g steakettes..... add 2.49 Maple Leal 39 I g S12 14 0z. eston bread IY YYYYY) 0000000000000 oe 89 WO g phg. M Leal store sliced can Dietrich, pkg. of 8 Schneide pepperoni esecssscsseees 3.29 OF ies rolls eeccccooe S89 000000000000 CTT R | [jet assorted instant, 10 x 15 - 30 g box AYLMER, | lve Cadbury hot chocolate............... 1. 89 | M SIN TRINS TENE OF JAVEL COME Huy ros ye Salad Wj fe i | $ MALO™ a bags rersaeaetsaesesessensnsnanes ox of wl 89 \Sunlight- avex | Retehiup bn ide 149 | detergent | bleach . ASSOTLE assorted Quaker d liqui Aylmer 3 eta! baking 'hixes ENN 900 g bag 1.99 || liqui 90 hquid 49 btle. Tg bon assorted, 750 mL be. + .30 per bie. deposit bie. btle. Canada Dry soft drinks ...................... 49 © & health & beauty aids FW Ballard's dog food 065 | Bigs 99 Eon Shener 3.00 LL Ra Calgonite, 1.8 kg box ao BLEACH extra absorbant or toddler plus, box of 40-60 o) 99 Sel on hice G6 Ho h " th wdered Jr x srs di : Star schwartz smoo re ishwasher Pampers diapers vrerereessressnnes har lon cubes... 1.29 peanut laundry deremgent 8.99 dotormber 4.99 hii Toi Atra, phe. « Soft IY Da IO ml can) 17 A. oz. bal. illette ) China Lil des... 199 Seni 269 | Sg butter frozen & refrigerated ASSOrte ml canniste ctaming n frozen cranberry, 275% ml tin assorted frozen entrees Gillette foamy capsules or tablets Stove Tox 1 k oC Le ou P . ° ean an Save CTCRIN wssersaene 199 Anacin 3... 1.39 NICE uveernennnns NG Soa L. 59 g cocktail drink. A 1.59 Cuisine -- 27 1s phe 2.39 3 : G conditioner........... 1.99 Aquafresh ............ 1.59 ee... ---- 1.39 Spain" 6.99 in a 139 Gren 99 Rice'n Shine + nestle mini | Ragu quick Tutly's d oh Pm Wo es ise'n ine u qui ! J CrYStAlS evn 1.49 pizza Sauce a 129 dog food .nina2.39 Shes i 5 nn 2.89 fish sticks .............. 3.29 Dole, 48 1. an puddin gs wh ly of 400 3 "hal" Bie tempura batter pineapple with cheese facsuies, ol 1.19 uewater bE Jr. 1.39 4x142g. Kraft pizza............. 2.69 tissue ............ 1.99 | vol-au-vent............. . ho... 0g ke 3.29 assorted. } x 250 ml teers phy 1. 79 Bewy Crocicer. g box Qui. Prices Eldectie pag closing hi tober 13, od 984 at all Sprint rocker rticipating e ite stores. We re t rht t drinks terse ssstnrascrasans 1. 15 IWTHE MUX enna nns L 49 wich bags rerneres 65 fart quantities. serve the ng 0 DOWSON'S rep & wiire FOODMASTER ~~ STORE HOURS: PORT PERRY PLAZA - SCUGOG ST. (HWY. 7A) "ua: risen tooo rm -LOTTARIO AGENT --