6 -- PORT PERRY STAR - October 30, 1984 letters Val's photo in living colour Need homes (From page 5) whether these new homes are located in Seagrave or Stephen- son's Point, as long as the development is pro- perly done, and no fur- ther polution of the lake occurs, We all want local jobs, summer jobs for the kids, and increased services. What better way is there to provide these things than new development? Yet Mr. Krempowich thinks Council should reject this Garbage woes (From page 1) and the City of Windsor. Part of the study will "look at re-cycling, and Resource Intergration Systems Ltd. will be re- tained by MacLaren to carry out this phase. This firm provided consulting services for a city wide separation and recycling process now used in Kit- chener, and has been a consultant to Halton U U ' U J J / J J | ] ' J J - - MERV PUGH 179 Casimir St. - Port Perry wy AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP Head Rebuilding - Engines Rebuilt - Rotor & Drum Turning - Flywheel Resurfacing (flat & recessed) - Engine Boring and Head Resurfacing - opportunity out-of-hand, without proper con- sideration, just because a very few people, with an obvious axe to grind, don't want progress next door. It appears to me, from Mr. Krempowich's report alone, that Coun- cil acted properly on behalf of all constituents. Only Mr. Krempowich's conduct is disturbing. Yours truly, Glen Morehouse, Seagrave. Region for its re-cycling program. Durham Region now gets rid of garbage in landfill sites, with the main one in Pickering controlled by Metro Toronto. Regional coun- cil has expressed con- 'cern not only about the rising costs of operating landfill sites, but the staggering cost involved in opening a new gar- bage dump. CIC CICICACACCICIC IC Py Paid iariiagiin doin din diiagiiagiugitn 985-934 PAUL'S SHOE REPAIR 32 WATER STREET - PORT PERRY (LAKEVIEW PLAZA) ia Behind Don Forder Insurance PHONE 985-3657 Vf J f / We carry some SHOES, OXFORDS AND BOOTS ... SPECIAL ... from 9.99 & up 9 BOYS' GOOD LEATHER (From page 3) actually printed in colour. Which says a lot for Valorie Freeman, because when the Sun hit the streets of Port Perry, Val's picture was in vivid colour. Next to her picture was an equally attract- ive shot of a rather well-muscled Sunshine boy. '"'Everybody's been asking me if I met him," "she laughs. "Well, no, I didn't!" Valorie was worried about negative comm- ents from people in the community, but since the picture was publish- ed she's heard nothing but nice things. "When I pulled into the high school that morning all the guys came running,' she recalls with a grin. The bathing suits she posed in were decidedly conservative and she refused to be photo- graphed in any lurid | | 193 QUEEN ST PORT PERRY (416) 985 7306 ALL LINES OF GENERAL INSURANCE VICTORIA VG EV Since 1344 0 1 2 0 5 Yr. Annual Interest 11%% Semi-Annually Rates Subject to Change Without Notice. NEED PHOTO COPIES? We can do them for you! PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Stree! 985-7383 b arkey GRAIN & FEED R.R.1- OAKWOOD - ONTARIO 705-953-9660 fie: 1 Mg Ent of Oshwond on Na. 7 Way, 02 We Marth of Taylor's Cornar Road. positions, as some Sun- shine girls are. "I didn't want to do anything wild. I want to get into modelling and 1 didn't want to get a label," she says. The modelling bug June. first bit her during her wedding a year ago The wedding photographer kept tell- ing her how photogenic she was, how natural she behaved in front of a camera and what a terrific model she would make. The pressure was both flattering and encourag- ing so Valorie signed up for modelling classes. But even if she puts Cheryl Tiegs and Christie Brinkley out of business, Val says she'll stay on Scugog Island, helping her husband Mike with the Freeman Bus Lines business which she co-owns. Now that's dedication. ' 4 =. 4 Scugog, Brock & Uxbridge attend our OPEN HOUSE at the OLD TOWN HALL, PORT PERRY, Tuesday, November 27, 1984 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. REFRESHMENTS Come alone or bring a friend and meet our teachers and staff, or drop in anytime the week of November 26-30. For more information, call 985-8787. 4 EDUCATION TO MEET YOUR NEEDS J / ~~ EARN workplace. YOUR DIPLOMA OR PURSUE AN INTEREST CHOICE: Study English, Math and (enrollment permitting), History, Geography, Sciences, Economics and The Family. The programme is FREE and open to anyone 18 years of age or older who has been out of school at least one year. CAREER AWARENESS: Career Development and Life Planning courses help you decide on a career or find your way back into the FLEXIBILITY: Start the programme anytime and work at your own speed. Attend as little as three hours a day on a schedule best suited to your needs. QUALITY: Friendly adult atmosphere with qualified, dedicated teachers using Ontario Ministry of Education course matenals. OPPORTUNITY: A great way to complete your High School Diploma, work towards a new job, pursue an intr rest and meet new friends. THE DURHAM BOARD OF EDUCATION HELPING YOU GET AHEAD For more information on the Learning Centres in Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax and Port Perry- Call Don Riddle, Durham Alternate Secondary Education Learning Centre. 579-1990 STN SE ii eae ATI : | { 1 5 | }