TRIE SE SIRE Me ETS RRS aaa Ee ee PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. November 6, 1984 -- 27 Coming Events Coming Events For Sale For Sale Used Cars CHRISTMAS TREES: star: ting Thursday, December 6th, at Canadlan Tire Store. Garden Centre: Scouts Parent Association. N13 JOIN Santa's friends for soup and sandwiches at the Anglican Church Bazaar, Port Perry, Saturday November 24th, 11 a.m. to 2 p-m. GRAFFITI DANCE UXBRIDGE COMMUNITY CENTRE SAT., NOVEMBER 10 Music by B & S D.J. Service FOR TICKETS CALL: 985-7130 Coming Events EUCHRE & BAKE Sale. Tuesday, November 13, 8 p.m.- Scugog Island Hall. Sponsored by Grace U.C.W. CRAFT & BAKE SALE: Christmas decorations, baby quilts, Cabbage Patch clothes etc. 614 Queen St., November 10th, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ~ ONE DAY WORKSHOPS STAINED GLASS - BEGINNERS - Sat., November 17 Sat., November 24 $35.00 includes all materials. STENCILLING Sat., November 10 Sat., December 1 $30.00 includes all materials. APPLY: COUNTRY CAPERS '160 Queen Street Port Perry 985-9185 > FASHION SHOW, featuring Great Looks by Dianne Kroes. Fashions and ac- cessories. Wednesday November 14, 8 p.m. at the Blackstock Recreation Cen- tre. Admission $2. 986-5685. Refreshments and door prizes. Immaculate Conception CWL CRAFT & BAKE SALE in the Church Hall SAT., NOV. 10 12 Noon to 4 P.M. Raffle Draw - 3:30 P.M. PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE! GIANT BAKE SALE SCUGOG ARENA SAT., NOV. 10 9am. to2p.m. Sponsored by Port Perry Minor Hockey Auxiliary. DANCE Tyrone Community Centre SAT., NOV. 17th 9:00PM. - Floyd Lloyd & Country Allstars Refreshments - Door Prizes - $8.00 per Couple For Reserve Tickets Call: 1-263-2640 1:00 A.M. ENTERTAINMENT ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 419 PORT PERRY "W.J.K." FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9th 9:00 P.M. Members & Guests Welcome! v PORT PERRY KINSMEN CHRISTMAS NEW - BRAND NAME TOYS Sat., November 10 OPEN 8 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. * at the Kinscout Hall Lilla Street North - Port Perry "In Aid of Our Community Service Work" LEGION BINGO The next Legion Bingo, Branch 419, will be on Thursday. November 8, at 7:30. Jackpot $230 In 58 numbers. Né ANTIQUE Show and Sale. Napanee Mall, Napanee, Ontario. November 15, 16, 17. Contact Bill Scott 416-623-3074. ANTIQUE Show and Sale. November 8, 9, 10. Frontenac Mall, Kingston, Ontario. AT THE LIBRARY, Thurs- day, November 8, 7:30 p.m. "Down Under,' a slide about Australia. No admis- -slon charge. ROSS STEVENSON MPP Constituency Office visits the Scugog area Wednesday November 14, 1984- 3:30 to 6:00 p.m., Railroadhouse Motor Motel. For appoint- ment please call Zenith 33130 or drop by at your convenience. For Sale DON'T Miss Out! Three straight wall all steel buildings now available at low, low prices. One is 25 x 32 ft. for $6,995 with high doors. Call. Bob at 416-486-1807. USED RAILWAY Ties. Pressure teated, uniform quality bundles guaranteed. Delivered semi-load lots on- ly (445 minimum). Reasonably priced. Phone 204-725-2627, office hours. NEW YORK style earring. Hypoalergenic, fantastic assortment, single carded. $7.50/doz. Distributor in- quiries welcome. Lake Village Merchandising Inc.; 3135 Universal Drive, Unit 18, Mississauga. L4X 2E6. 416-625-8412. WARNING--WAIT. This ad may save your $ Money $ on your next building purchase. Three Quonset buildings available at unbeatable prices. No gimmicks. Call Bob at 416-486-5149. STEEL BUILDINGS. Direct Factory Clearance. Up to 40 per cent discounts. Widths 30 to 120 ft. any length. Limited quantities. Act Now. Save. Call toll free 1-800-461-7689. HOME VIDEO catalogue. All titles copyrighted. Col- ourful boxes. Call toll free 1-800-663-6555 or write On Track Vision, 13381- 72nd Ave., Surrey B.C. V3W 2Ns5. ONE HP and % HP swimm- ing pool or spa flow pumps and filter. Like new. $450. Will sell separately. Call after 6 p.m. 985-8732. N 13 UPHOLSTERY FABRICS vinyls, foam, buttons made, | tools etc. Ace Upholstery Supplies, 204 Bond St. E., | Oshawa. 579-5666. TF: 1974 DODGE Dart Custom, slant six. As is- $250. 986-5391. N 13 MOVING SALE. 1971 Moto Ski $250; kitchen table and chairs $25; fireplace screen, grate. Best offer - other items. 985-9087. FREE Installation- Erie and Kinetico Water softeners and iron filters. Ultra violet purifiers and chlorinators. Buy, rent or lease. Free water analysis. Call Gary Young Plumbing, Brooklin. Days- 655-4936; evenings- 655-6989. TF WOODWORKERS thickness planer, 6 inch jointer, 10 inch table saw, belt and disc, sander, shaper, 14 inch bandsaw, metal cutting bandsaw, shopsmith machine. 985-2443. TF WATER Softeners, iron filters, chlorination, systems, free water analysis. Rent or Buy. Call Randy Coombs, collect at Aquafine Water Refiners. 705-324-6888. TF THREE WINTER tires. Uniroyal on Ford rims. 3 without rims $20 each; 3 hand saws- $5 each; small saws- $2. 985-2139. 12 FT. ALUMINUM BOAT with 3.9 Mercury motor. Both for $475. Bontempl Electric Organ with double keyboard. Excellent condi: tion $450. 985-9350. 36 INCH CRAFTMAN wood lathe, stand and "2 h.p. motor. Like new. Phone 985-7937. 4 STEEL BELTED radial tires, size P195/75R-14 -- $40. Good condition. 985-8033. BRAND NEW G.S.W: heavy duty wringer-washer with pump, safety wringer - stainless steel tub. Paid $448. Used one month - make an offer. Call Percy 986-4233. KENNEBEC table potatoes. Walter Kerry. 852-6798.N 27 MODEL 70 International 3 pth. snowblower $550; 1969 Chevrolet 2-ton, 20,000 miles on rebuilt motor - offer. 986-5441. SNOW ROOM- Cover those drafty side doors with a Prefabricated Snow Room, 4 ft. x 4 ft, fully insulated with matching exterior aluminum siding, aluminum storm door and window, in- stallation time- 2 hours. From $850. 985-7572. WRECKING GMC truck. Good 350 cu. Iin.; 5- 17 Inch tireson GM rims; 9 x 7 stock rack. 1-705-357-3061. Né6 TWO PIECE chesterfield, French Provincial, good condition. 985-2002. GLASS SHELVING and dividers, suitable for store displays, various sizes. Make an offer. 985-7327. KIRBY VACUUM, one year old, all attachments, carpet shampooer. Asking $700 or best offer. One pair Trappier men's ski boots, size 9 (worn once), new $299. Asking $100 or best offer. Stereo record cabinet $50 or best offer. 985-9376. N13 SIXTEEN INCH CHAIN 'saw, good condition. Best of- fer over $80. Call 985-8116 after 7 p.m. ANVIL, forge, arbor press, Belsaw saw grinder, 2- 14 inch snow tires and wheels, 10 inch radial armsaw, bat- tery charger, roll of wire fence, bed, knife grinder, Easy dryer. 985-2252. For Sale FARMERS: Sprayed Urethene insulation. Quality work at Western Ontario prices. Certified ap- plicators. Experienced In agricultural retrofit since 1975. Call Warmth Insulation 613-267-6711, Box 460, Perth, Ontario. K7H 3G. REPROCESSED Marantz stereo receiver, 100 watts, dual turntable, cassette deck, 2 huge Cerwin Vega 3-way speakers $688.00. Under $9 weekly. Krazy Kel- ly's, 350 Wentworth St. E. Oshawa. 571-1412. TF ALOE VERA and Honey Bee Products. 986-4769.Jy 3) FIREWOOD. 985-7724. O 16 REPROCESSED 26 Inch RCA TV, remote control $488.88. Under $6 weekly. One hour delivery. Krazy Kelly's, 350 Wentworth St. E., Oshawa. 571-1412. TF DOUBLE BED, two night tables, single bed, green electric stove and freezer. Call 985-3008 between 4 and 6pm. 200 GALLON gas tank- $75; 1 commercial Mop sink- $75; 1! commercial Porcelain sink- $50. Call 985-7251 or 985-3998. PIONEER AIRTIGHT F.P. INSERTS ® 10 Year Factory Warranty ® Full Fire Brick Lined * Secondary Burn System * Glass Door Optional SAFE DIRECT FLUE INSTALLATIONS FREE ESTIMATES Call 985-2935 PIONEER STOVES & ANTIQUES 7 Robinglade Dr. N. Open Daily 9-9. SHAKLEE. For products or information please call 986-4771. TF PIONEER AIRTIGHT WOODSTOVES & FIREPLACE * 10 Yr. Factory Warranty * Full Fire Brick Lined * Secondary Burn System * Glass Door Optional rom *469. ULC Approved for Gov't Grant Call 985-2935 PIONEER STOVES & ANTIQUES 7 Robinglade Dr. North, OPENDAILY: 9AM. - 9PM. D, wk 0, Q LADIES WEAR 261 Queen St., Port Perry SPECIAL! All KAYSER PANTYHOSE NOW ON SALE RANDY'S AUTO TRIM & UPHOLSTERY Household Furniture & Upholstery Supplies Specializing In Automotive & Bost FOR FREE ESTIMATES Call Randy Bartley 986-5563 HOME COMPUTER SYSTEMS P.0. BOX 1217 - PORT PERRY, ONTARIO LOB INO 985-3126 ALL COMPUTERS & ACCESSORIES Plus Software Available at GREAT PRICES! All Commodore, Atari, Tl, Apple Comp., IBM Comp., Coleco Computers, Disk Drives, Printers, etc. "WE ARE THE ONLY PLACE YOU NEED TO GO FOR YOUR COMPLETE COMPUTER NEEDS! TWO YEAR old Erle water softener. $150. 985-2117. BRAND NEW RCA Video cassette recorder, remote control, search and still pause; one year warranty $400.08. Krary Kelly's, 350 Wentworth St. E., Oshawa. 571402. TF WATKINS PRODUCTS, 'spices, liniments, cleaning , etc. For Informa- tion phone 985-2070. TF REPROCESSED fabulous 20 Inch colour RCA TV, $100.88. Under $4 weekly. Krazy Kelly's, 350 Went worth St. E., Oshawa. 571-1412. TF FOR ALL YOUR Insulation and Air Sealing needs, plus alr leakage Inspection and U.F.F.I. Remedial Measures. Call McCleave Insulation - (416) 852-5051. APPLES - Willowtree Or- chard, Durham Road 8, % mile east of Epsom. Mcin- tosh, Courtland, Empire, Sparton, Delicous, Ida Reds, Northern Spy and Russets. 985-9205. TF WINTER storage for boats, trailers, cars - In: side/outside- reasonable rates. New straw for sale. 985-3806. WHY PAY MORE We sell new chesterflelds, kitchen and dining room sets, bedrooms sets etc., at low prices everyday! Elmer's Furniture, 253 Bloor St. E. (at Ritson) Oshawa. 728-3473- We Deliver. TF PROP AND SKEG REPAIRS (5 day service). Expert boat repairs. Do it yourself fibreglass supplies. OSHAWA GLASS FIBRE -- RAYPLEX, 341 Durham Street, Oshawa. 579-1433.TF HOCKEY JACKETS: $16 UP. Jerseys: $10 up. Buy direct from the factory and savel Peter Upton Jacket Works. Toll free 1-800-861-6461 for your free catalogue. AIR COMPRESSORS, spray booth and accessories, all sizes. New and used. Buy and sell. 1-743-6299. TF FOUR: 14 Inch Superior chrome 5-spoked rims with white lettered Uniroyal tires $200. Call after 5:30. 985-7369. SHAVINGS: kiin dried. Delivered. 985-7288. TF WOODWORKERS special on Shopsmith 5 'n 1 tool $1,345; 6 Inch longbed |ointer with 1 HP and stand- $490. 985-2443. TF BABY CRIB; swingo- matic; high chalr. 655-3254. Né6 Used Cars 1979 FORMULA Firebird, loaded. $4,200 certified. Call after 6 p.m. 985-8732. N 13 1974 BUICK, 70,000 original miles, 350 cu. In. motor. Uncertified. Asking $250. 986-4542. N13 1976 CHEVELLE Malibu Classic 350, good condition, certifiable, $1,000 or best of- fer. 1-649-5464 after 6 p.m. 1977 DODGE Arrow, good condition. $1,250 certified; 1972 Chev, 4 door Caprice, good condition. $750 cer- tified; also- rebuilt 350 Chev engine. $700. Call after 6 p.m.- 986-5203. 1976 CHEVETTE, automatic, new paint and tires. Certified. $1,950. Call after 5 p.m. 985-3563. N 13 1976 CELICA Hatchback, 5 speed, excellent condition, certified. $1,595. Also 1979 Lada, good condition throughout, certified. $995. 985-7558. 1971 CUTLASS convertible, as is, needs work. $950. 985-2861. 1978 PONTIAC LeMans, good condition, dark green bottom, light green vinyl top, 350 V8, ps, pb, air, uncertified. $850. 985-3424 after 7 p.m. --- 1984 MONTE CARLO 2 fone blue, loaded, 305 engine, 23,000 km. 1-705-357-3712. Used Trucks. 1976 FORD Va ton pick-up, auto. transmission, good working order. $800 as Is. Call after 6 p.m. 985-8302. Wanted RIDE FROM Goreskl Beach area to A-Body Hardware No. | shift. Phone 985-8636 or 985-3348. N13 ---------------------------------- -- ---- WILL PICK UP without charge, all used appliances, refrigerators and freezers. Empty your cellars and garages. Also old TVs and radios. Call 986-4926. TF -- WANTED -- CRIPPLED & DISABLED CATTLE Highest Prices Paid. Call Collect anytime. uxsmioge 852-3238 M. & M. LIVESTOCK License # 1189 Wanted to Buy FARM bag scales $100; old decoys to $200; old quilts. . Evenings 655-8049. TF WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE any complete stan- dard size car, free towing. 576-2160. Art's Auto Wreckers Limited. TF ' WANTED to buy, all types of poultry, chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits or what have you. Call Mike anytime at 985-8824. to. SCRAP CARS. Highest prices pald - will pick up. 985-8636 or 985-3348. TF For Rent ROOM for rent or room and board. Newly decorated, quiet home, close to downtown Port Perry. Call after 3 p.m. 985-7613. ONE BEDROOM apart: ment, downtown Port Perry. Adults only, no pets. Fridge and stove, heat and water. $297.75 plus hydro and cable TV. Apply Bob's Barber Shop, 160 Queen St., Port Perry. N13 FURNISHED room with kit- chen privileges. 985-2351. TWO BEDROOM house, Scugog Island - December to May. Call weekends: 985-3913. HOUSE for rent, north of Brooklin on No. 12 highway. 2 bedroom, ate dining room. Write- Box 4, R.R. 1, Ashburn, Ontario. L0B 1A0. ROOM AND BOARD local home, meals and laundry. Avallable Immediately. 985-3718. N13 KIN SCOUT HALL, 245 Lilla St. N., Port Perry. 985-3736. STORAGE Units - large and small - monthly rentals. Port Perry area. 985-7622.7 540 SQ. FT. storage space. $100/month. For sale: 2 plece rust coloured chester: fleld, good shape, vinyl. 985-2597. Wanted to Rent THREE BEDROOM HOUSE Port Perry area. Call 852-5050 evenings or Col- lect Lindsay 1-705-324-0174. TWO OR three bedroom house In or near Port Perry for family. References available. 985-8131, N13 SHOP OR GARAGE. Close to Port Perry, with 400 sq. ft. or more floor space. Must have heat and hydro. Call 985-8898 LAND for mixed cropping. 852.7508. ppg.