32 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. November 13, 1984 (From page 18) troduced the members of her Council. Rev. Stuart McEntyre brought a message from the Durham Board of Stephen Akk2rman, Nor- man Allison, Lynn Bazarin, Angela Duives- teyn, Paul Green, Robert Green, Ann-Marie Hoogeveen, Robert Heather Locke, Michael McDiarmid, Lynn McLaughlin, David Moore, Danny Russell, Brian Van Camp, Debra Van - Camp, Boyd Education and presented Hoogeveen, Allen Hud- Vanderheul and Julia the Secondary School son, Heather Jamieson, Vanderheul. Carol Lewerentz, Mr. Gordon Paisley. Graduation Diplomas to: recently retired Prin- cipal of C.H.S. presented the Secondary School Honour Graduation Diplomas to Dwayne Bryant, Ralph DeJong, Robert Green, Eleanor Kelly, Vanessa Lewerentz, Philip Malin, Ld ' Scugog, Brock & Uxbridge attend our The Family. EDUCATION TO MEET YOUR NEEDS I ol EARN YOUR DIPLOMA OR PURSUE AN INTEREST CHOICE: Study English, Math and (enrollment permitting), History, Geography, Sciences, Economics and The programme is FREE and open to anyone 18 years of age or older who has been out of school at least one year. CAREER AWARENESS: Career Development and Life Planning courses help you decide on a career or find your way back into the workplace. FLEXIBILITY: Start the programme anytime and work at your own speed. Attend as little as three hours a day on a schedule best suited to your needs. OPEN HOUSE at the OLD TOWN HALL, PORT PERRY, Tuesday, November 27, 1984 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. REFRESHMENTS | Come alone or bring a friend and meet our teachers . and staff, or drop in any morning the week of : November 26-30. For more information, call 985-8181 QUALITY: Friendly adult atmosphere with qualified, dedicated teachers using Ontario Ministry of Education course materials. OPPORTUNITY: A great way to complete your High School Diploma, work towards a new job, pursue an interest and meet new friends. HELPING YOU GET AHEAD For more information on the Learning Centres in Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax and Port Perry- Call Don Riddle, Durham Alternate Secondary Education Learning Centre. THE DURHAM BOARD OF EDUCATION 579-1990 Norma Jean Newbold, Craig Paisley, Chris Rooney, David Sharpe and Susan Witteveen. Many Proficiency prizes were presented. The Wallace Marlow prizes in Grade 10 to Elaine Kelly, Christina McLean, Joy Werry. Wallace Marlow Profi- ciency prizes for Grade 12- Lynn McLaughlin and Allen Hudson. Grade 13- Robert Green and Dwayne Bryant. The Henry Thompson Memorial prize by Nestleton W.1. presented by Mrs. Norman Frew to Grade 11- Jay Priebe and Anthony Duivesteyn. 0.N.O. Proficiency prize presented by Mrs. Donna Kyte to Grade 9- Nancy Green and Claire McKenzie. The Susan Saywell prize for History Grade 12- David Moore. The Blackstock W.I. to most improved students won by Debby Duncan and Pamela Keast. Proficiency prizes in Language sponsored by Trewin Farm - Equipment- Grade 9 French- Nancy Green, Claire MacKenzie. Grade 10 French- Elaine Kelly. Grade 10 Latin- Rob Graham. Grade 11 French/German- Boyd Vanderheul. Grade 12 French- ~ Lynn McLaughlin. Grade 13 French- Susan Witte- veen. Grade 13 German- Lynn Bazarin. Mathematics prizes were presented and sponsored by Gerald Kel: © Grade 10- Elaine Kelly. Grade 11- Shawn Um- phrey/Boyd Vanderheul. Grade 12- Allen Hudson. Grade 13- Dwayne Bryant. Proficiency in Science sponsored by Beacock's Hardware, Nestleton Country Store and Nestleton Forester's Lodge- Grade 9- Claire MacKenzie. Grade 10- Elaine Kelly. Grade 11- Anthony Duivesteyn. Grade 12- Lynn McLaughlin. Grade 13- Robert Green. Proficiency in Economics sponsored by Ross Duff Limited. Grade 12- Lynn McLaughlin. Grade 13- Robert Green. Art awards by Thomp- son's Village Market. Grade 9- Shannon Turn- bull. Grade 10- Jeff Wallace. Typing awards by Nestleton Ladies Court Snowbird. Grade 9- Nan- cy Green, Sheryl Porter. EMMERSON SURANCE BROXERS (TED 19) QUEEN ST PORT PERRY 416) 389 7108 ALL LINES OF GENERAL INSURANCE VICTORIA VG AND GREY TRUST "ne sd 12% 5 Yr. Annual Interest 11%% Semi-Annually Rates Sutiect to Change Without Notice Commencement ceremony held at CHS Grade 10- Joy Werry. Proficiency prizes in Business Communica- tions by Swain Seeds. Grade 11 Diana Flet- cher. Grade 12- Angela Duivesteyn, Heather Locke. Royal Canadian Legion prizes presented by Mr. John Christie. English Grade 9- Claire MacKenzie. Grade 10- Elaine Kelly. Grade 11- Boyd Vanderheul. Grade 12- Lynn McLaughlin. Grade 13- Lynn McLaughlin. Geography Grade 9- Nancy Green. Grade 10- Elaine Kelly. Grade 11- Jay Priebe. Grade 12- Rob Graham. Grade 13- David Moore. History Grade 9- Nancy Green. Grade 10- Elaine Kelly. Grade 11- Anthony Duivesteyn. The Blair Graham Memorial awards for those who have suc- cessfully completed five years in four years presented by Blair's father Harvey Graham to Robert Green, Eleanor Kelly, Norma Jean Newbold and Craig Paisley. The W.G. Bowles Memorial award for stu- dent who has contributed much to the school- Nor- ma Jean Newbold. The Helen Van Camp award in Nursing presented by Mr. Blake Gunter to Eleanor Kelly. Mr. Ken Lee presented the Blackstock Lions' * Club so Caren' Music awards to ren fuer dy; Carpentry-Grade feo J Leanne MacDonald. 5 Year Annual Interest for Grade 9 and Natalie Green for Grade 10. The Kinette Club of Port Perry Bursaries to Ralph DeJong and Julia Vanderheul and the Kinsmen Bursaries to Eleanor Kelly, Vanessa Lewerentz, Philip Malin and Norma Jean Newbold. Dr. M.B. Dymond Scholarship in History Grade 13 to Lynn McLaughlin. Mr. Wm. Fairburn, Area Superintendent presented the Ontario Scholarships to Dwayne Bryant, Robert Green, Eleanor Kelly, Philip Malin and Susan Witteveen. Susan Witteveen won both the awards spon- sored by the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation and the U.A.W. Bursary as well as the University of Western Ontario Scholarship. University of Guelph Entrance Scholarships were won by Dwayne Bryant and Robert Green. Athletic and House awards in Track and Field were awarded to Girls- Midget- Sheryl Porter Junior- Carol Lewerentz-Vanessa Lewerentz. -SORRY- Due To Shortage Of Space This Week, Some - News Items Have Been Held Over Until Next Weeks Issue. ? 14 % MEMBER CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP £5 35 Montreal Trust APPLY TO DON FORDER INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. 30 WATER ST., PORT PERRY - 985-8471 RATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Chris & Mike Allen ALUINUW "RAINBOW ROOMS" Prices start under $3,000. OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: ® Siding ® Soffit ® Fascia ® 5" Seamless Eavestrough ® Shutters ® Awnings ® Replacement Windows ® Patio Doors & Storms Retail Sales Available for the Handyman - Cash & Carry "Free Estimates for supply & install." CALL 985-3747 CS zi insu i.