pam Sa I a 28 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. November 20, 1984 Legal Notice | Help Wanted Help Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted Auctioneers Auction Sales NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in the Matter of the Estate of EDITH MARY HYLAND, Deceased. All persons having claims . against the Estateof EDITH MARY HYLAND, of the Ci- ty of Peterborough, in the County of Peterborough, (formerly of the Township of Scugog, In the Regional Municipality of Durham) who died on or about the 4th day of October 1984, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of December 1984, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the sald date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only 'to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, On- tario, this 7th day of November, 1984. KELLY, JERMYN, ZULY AND FOWLER Barristers and Solicitors 217 Queen St., P.O. Box 131 Port Perry, Ontario LOB INO Solicitors for Howard Sutton and Maurice Samells, Ex: ecutors of the above E state. N 27 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in the matter of the estate of GERTRUDE ROSAMOND GRAY, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Ger- trude Rosamond Gray, late of the Township of Scugog, In the Regional Municipality of Durham, Widow, who died on or about the 23rd day of November, 1968, are hereby notified to send particulars 'of same to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of December, 1984, after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be lable to any per- son of whose claim they shall not then have notice DATED at Oshawa this 31st day of October 1984. Charles Herbert Gray, Executor by his Solicitors MACKEY & BAILEY 17 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 70.9 Lost FEMALE German Shep herd, black and beige Choker chain. Six years old and very friendly. Reward. 986-5018 PART TIME Laboratory Assistant required to per- form electrocardiograms, venipunctures and certain clerical and technical duties within the Lab. Grade 12 is required with previous lab or clerical training and ex- perience preferred, specitically in ECG and venipuncture. This position - involves 2 mornings per week -- approximately 10 hours. Please respond in writing, detailing qualifica- tions and experience and quoting file number 84-X-004 to: Personnel Co-ordinator, Community Memorial Hospital, P.O. Box 179, Port Perry Ontario. LOB INO. RELIABLE babysitter in my home in Port Perry. Two weeks- 2:30-4; two weeks: 3-11:30 (afternoons). Own transportation needed. 985-9020 BEFORE 2:30. BABYSITTER (fulltime) needed in Blackstock area. Two children, seven months and three years. 986-5130. $10,000 SECOND Income. Sell high quality distillers and filter kits for purifying water In the home. For more information- Water Purity Systems, 537 Brant St., Burl- ington, Ontario. L7R 2Gé. 416-639-0503. N13 We Now Have An OPENING for a WAITER/ WAITRESS Apply in person: THE GATE Restaurant & Tavern -PORT PERRY PLAZA - HOME MAKERS Needed in Port Perry/ Prince Albert Area. Apply to: DHS PERSONNEL (Oshawa) LTD. 909 Simcoe St. N., Suite 3, Oshawa OR CALL: 971-1511 Between 9AM. & 430 PM Tenders i Public Works Canada Ontario. LEG VZ [VER 01] 0] [od (OF: TaF: [oF INVITATION TO TENDER SEALED TENDERS for the projects or ser: vices listed below, addressed to the Chief, Con- tract Administration, Ontario Region, Public Works Canada, 4900 Yonge Street, (10th Floor), Willowdale, Ontario M2N 6Aé, will be received until 1500 hours on the specified closing date. Tender Documents can be seen, or obtained on payment of the applicable deposit, through the office of the Director General, Public Works Canada, Ontario Region, Tendering Office, 10th Floor, 4900 Yonge Street, Willowdale, PROJECTS No. 171536 - PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Canada Employment Centre, Farm Labour Pool, 170 Queen Street, Cleaning Closing Date: Tuesday, December 11, 1984 Deposit for Tender Documents: Nil Enquiries: 416-224-4240 The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac cepted. AVON has immediate open- ings for representatives in the following areas- Town of Port Perry, Blackstock, Cadmus and Caesarea. Call Grace 725-9696. N 20 MECHANIC Class A, modern well equipped shop. Scope experience essential. Contact Town and Country Auto Service (Muskoka) HOME IMPROVEMENTS - Painting and wallpapering. Custom made furniture - cedar chests, chairs, tables etc. 985-2781, 985-8749. DAYCARE in my home. Close to schools. Any age. 985-9077. CARPETS and upholstery professionally cleaned at Ltd. Port Carling reasonable rates. We move 705-765-5884 Days the furniture. Call anytime. 705-765-5618 Evenings. 852-6711. Jy 17 HOMEMAKER required from 4-8 p.m. for an elderly couple. Salary, negotiable. BUSINESSES Apply with references to RESIDENCES Port Perry, Box 98), Ontario. Work Wanted CUSTOM plowing and disc- ing. Call Gord Masters, Lit- tle Britain. 705-786-2173.N 27 LICENCED ELECTRI- CIAN and Registered Heat Loss Consultanf - specializ- ing in service upgrading (100 and 200 Amp), electric heat, oil grants, rewiring old houses, repairs and altera- tions, heat loss calculations - Tom 852-7541 or 985-9355. N 27 TYPING/WORD PRO- CESSING: Resumes, let- ters, essays, financial statements etc. Professional quality. Call Raglan 655-3770. TF YOUR CHESTERFIELD set re-upholstered like new. Large fabric selection. Ux- bridge Custom Upholstery, Durham Road 23. 852-6796. TF - SNOW PLOWING reasonable rates Also have snow- blower for side- walks. 986-4949 RANDY'S AUTO TRIM & UPHOLSTERY Household Furniture & Upholstery Supplies Specializing in Automotive & Boast Interior Customizing. FOR FREE ESTIMATES Call Randy Bartley 986-5563 Work Wanted New Homes - Additions General Carpentry - Pole Barns NORM'S ~ General Contracting Steel & Asphalt Roofing Aluminum Siding - Soffit NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 P.O. BOX 608 - PORT PERRY Free Estimates Given with No Obligation. OFFICE: 985-8216 Custom Upholstering DONNA & BILL LININGTON Nestleton, Ont. Country Upholstery Furniture Stripping & Refinishing Call Now Free Estimates 986-5640 STEAM CLEAN UXBRIDGE © Oxsiban Carpets and Upholstery *Machine stays outside ALSO Dry Cleaning Upholstery 852-7322 JANITORIAL SERVICE *Heavy Domestic Cleaning *Waxing *Walls *Windows Found * FOUND * Parcel & Trolley Owner may claim by contacting Nancy or Gayle at the Port Perry Star, and paying for this ad. WOOD REFINISHING specializing in antiques and fine furniture. Call Tecry Dyer 655-4092 after 5:30 p.m. TF K. DAVE MUIR Reg. Industrial Accountant Bookkeeping - Income Tax - Accounting For Individuals - Small and Companies. Evening & Weekend Appointments Arranged. 985-8494 985-7079 Dead Stock FREE REMOVAL . of Fresh, Dead or Disabled Animals. $5.00 Charge for sheep, goats & pigs. $20.00 Charge for all rotten animals. Please Dial Direct: MARGWILL FUR FARM HAMPTON (416) 263-2721 Businesses - Farmers BACKHOE & COTTAGE RAISING Septic Systems, Trenching, Basements 986-5601 BLACKSTOCK ANTENNA & TOWER a Antennas Towers Rotors Boosters New Homes Pre-Wired. 4 Complete Service & Installation. A ek iowes 986-5213 PORT PERRY Auto Glass & Trim Windshields - Vinyls - Convertible Tops - - Complete Interiors - - Boat Tops & Seats - Sunroofs & Pinstripes & Mouldings 139 WATER STREET PORT PERRY 985-8507 Business Opportunity FREE 128 page Career Guide describes 200 cor respondence Diploma Courses. Start on your new career today. Granton In stitute (Dept. SA), 263 Adelaide St. W , Toronto 1 800 268 112) TRUCKING CAREER. Job training and placement help Among Canada's top 10 wage earning group. Phone Merv Orr's nearest branch Cambridge 519-623-2430; Toronto 416-251-9073 Auctioneers RON KING - AUCTIONEER - Auctions of All Types Phone Port Perry 985-2643 COCHRANE AUCTION SERVICE Household - Real Estate Farms - Equipment - Livestock - Whatever Your Auction Needs ... DON & FREIDA will be pleased to hear from you! 985-2788 PEARCE Auction Centre On Shirley Road (4 mi. South of Port Perry) ESTATES, ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD SALES Your Place or Ours! Moving Truck Available. Call: (416) 985-7492 Auction Sales THURSDAY NOVEMBER 22 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Auction sale at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay selling estate of the late GEORGE W. BLACK, Woodville, antique furniture china, picture frames, oil lamps from century home with no hydro, antique din- ing table, several pressback chairs, pressback rocking chair, antique sideboard, console gramaphone, anti- que wooden radios, pine stands, flat back cupboard, antique settee with mat- ching platform rocker and 3 chairs, parlour tables, anti- que couch, 2 antique bedroom suites with high wooden beds, dressers and washstands, 6 piece antique English china toilet set, quilt boxes, dressers, wastistands, 3 old wooden beds, hump back trunk, Cap- tain's chair, several old quilts, feather tick, wicker baskets, hooked mats, guitar Zither, view master and cards, gingerbread clock, many crocks, jugs, M.H. separator, amorthey crock Fenelon Falls, pine table, large antique kitchen table, copper boiler with lid, iron pot, old licence plates, grind wheel, traps, cow bell, old collectables, antique china, and dishes. 6:30 sharp. No reserve. Estate sale. To consign antiques, estates, housefuls or list sales, call 324-2783 Orval McLean Auctions, Lindsay. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 22 Sale time: 1 P.M. Farm Machinery Consign- ment Sale. SATURDAY DECEMBER 8 Sale time: 2 P.M. Kawartha Charolais Fall Sale - a good selection of quality Charolais from Purebred and commercial herds. For consignments or information contact Don Burgomaster (705) 742-4062. For information or con- signments on any of the above sales- contact Lindsay Sales Barn 705-324-2774. Hickson Sales Arena 705-324-8311 or Carl and Greg Hickson, Auctioneers. 705-324-9959 -- 705-324-7847. SATURDAY NOVEMBER 24 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auction sale of furniture, tools for ROY SMITH, on the Sth Conc. Whitchurch, Stouffville, one mile north of Stouffville Road, including fridge, stove, washer, TV, pine cupboard (100 years old). jug and basin, tables, Charis bedroom suite, wash stands, blanket box, spinn ing wheel, 2 old te. ephone dishes, china, riding rower, large quantity of hand and garden tools, antique hi wheel bike This is a real clean sale with many in teresting items Sale at 11 am. Terms cash Norm and Phil Faulkner Auctioneers. N 20 LARGE CLEARANCE and Consignment Auction, Fri- day, November 23rd, 10a.m. Approximately 65 tractors, crawler, and truck, snowblowers, combines and a large variety of all types of new and used equipment. Special note. This is our An- nual Fall Clean-up Sale featuring a mystery row of tractors .and farm equip- ment that will be sold total- ly unreserved and absolute- ly to the highest bidder, as this will be our last auction. of 1984. Terms cash or good cheque day of sale. Trucking and lunch available. Trac- tors to be sold inside. Auctioneers- Cliff Gilbert, Don Glover and Eric Dix. Wayne Ward Farm Equip- ment, Hwy 6, Wiarton, On- tario. Phone 519-534-1638. SATURDAY December 1: McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay. Consignments wanted. Skidoos, farm machinery, tractors, cars, trucks, construction machinery, tools, recreation vehicles. To consign, phone 705-324-2783 or bring to barn by November 24th. SATURDAY NOVEMBER 24 SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. Auction sale, the property of LLOYD & ELEANOUR McKEAN, Lot 22, Conces- sion 12, Brock Township. V2 mile north on Laidlaw Street in Cannington and 2 mile east on the 13th Concession or 5 miles north of Manilla and 2 mile west on the 13th Concession of Brock. MACHINERY: M.F. 150 diesel tractor, multi-power, power steering with Allied 350 manure loader, hydraulic. bucket, John Deere 510 diesel tractor with auxiliary hydraulic Int. 315 self-propelled combine, 10 ft. header- 6 cylinder motor, M.F. No. 12 baler PTO, Allied automatic stooker- ground drive, Allied 12 ft. Vibra Shank cultivator, Int. manure spreader 130 bus. PTO- 2 beaters, Int. 816 mower conditioner PTO, David Brown 3 furrow plough 14 inch bottoms, New, Holland Super 717 forage harvester with hay head PTO, Gehl forage box with 8 ton gearing, Int. 47 forage blower PTO- 45 ft. of pipes, M.F. 2 row corn planter 3 pt., Mayrath field sprayer, 3 pt. 21 ft. boom, Int. No. 14 side rake, M.H. No. 6 power mower PTO, M.F. 15A- 26 'run seed drill- grain, grass and fertilizer, farm wagon with racks, milking machine pump, 8 ton wagon with racks, 6 section spike tooth harrows with evener (In- land), Int. 4 furrow 3- 11's ace bottom plough, wooden feed cart, 3drum land rollar, Malco 40 ft. grain auger 6 inch, Case hay or grain elevator, bale stook fork, some scrap iron, Int. 10 ft. trail cultivator, cutting box, scales, fanning mill, belt drive hammer mill, Gem oat roller with motor, forks, shovels, chains, many other articles too numerous to mention. HAY : Approx. 1800 bales mixed hay. Approx. 500 bales second cut hay. STRAW: Approx. 500 bales of oat straw. GRAIN: Ap prox. 300 bus. of oats. Ap prox. 1300 bus. of barley CATTLE: 10 mature Hereford cows - Bull expos ed August 27, 9 Hereford calves by side, 2 Holstein calves: 6 mos. old, 4 Hereford steers: 1 year old, 6 Hereford heifers 1 year old, 1 Hereford bull. All cat tle negative to recent bloodtest. FURNITURE Antique wooden bed, chesterfield and chair good. stove, walnut buffet, 8 kit chen chairs, 6 dining room chairs, 9 inch television, 3 radios, swivel rocker, books, 3 cabinets, 3 Lazyboy chairs, dishes, pots and pans. elec tric fry pan, toaster, many other items. Terms cash. No reserve Furniture Sale 7 30 pm Machine Sale 1.00 pm Ca'tle Sale 3 00 p.m. Carl and Greg Hickson Auctioneers, Reaboro, On tario 705-324 9959 or 324-2774. Owner and Auc tioneer will not be responsi ble for any public liability, property damage or injury to the public in connection with this Auction Sale N 20 A aed NG il Pi od lial