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Port Perry Star, 18 Dec 1984, p. 27

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PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. December 18, 1984 -- 27 For Sale Snowmobiles Legal Notice Coming Events Coming Events For Sale PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL and R.H. CORNISH P.S. 3 proudly present Wr - The Ninth Annual - Christmas Concert WED., DEC. 19th, 1984 at 7:30 P.M. At Port Perry High School FEATURING: The Senior Wind Ensemble, R.H. Cornish Band, Jazzmerize, Cornish Choir, P.P.H.S. Concert Choir, Sax Club and Flute Club ADMISSION: $2.00; Students and Senior Citizens: $1.00 McLean Flea Market - Lindsay - SPECIAL CHRISTMAS CRAFT, GIFT & DOLL SALE Sat. & Sun., Dec. 22 & 23 SATURDAY 9 A.M. to 5P.M. SUNDAY 10A.M.to 4 P.M. -- VENDORS WANTED -- (705) 324-2783 LINDSAY ENTERTAINMENT ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 419 PORT PERRY "W.J.K"" FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21 Members & Guests Welcome. IPM. BR. 419 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE MONDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1984 "Larry, Dee & Dot" DANCING -8:30 p.m. - 7? Favours & TICKETS: $10.00 Light Lunch per person TWO HOL. bull calves, one week old. 985-2833. THOUSAND bales of barley and oat straw; 15 inch Moto: Cross bicycle. 986-4379. 1976 MERC Trail Twister 440, well maintained and ex: cellent condition. Very fast. $1350 or best offer. 985-9374. HAY- first cut, red clover $1.50 per bale. Evenings 986-5136. GERMAN Shepherd, 6 months old, male, no papers, all silver- from Ger- man gbloodline. $100. Call 985-8607 after 10 p.m. COCKER Spaniel- blonde, 'registered male, very affec- tionate. Best offer. 985-3006. D 24 B414 INTERN. Tractor w/loader and 3 pth blade, motor redone $3500; 1969 One ton Chev, 6 cylinder w/snow plow $900; 1970- = ton Chev, running $200. After 4 p.m. 986-4675. For Sale SHAVINGS: kiln dried. Delivered. 985.7268. TF FOR ALL YOUR Insulation and Air Sealing needs, plus alr leakage inspection and U.F.F.I. Remedial Measures. Call McCleave Insulation - (416) 852-5051. IMMEDIATE delivery on Hockey Jerseys - $10 up. Buy direct from the factory and save! Peter Upton Jacket Works. Call toll free 1-800-66) 646) for your free catalogue. D8 WATKINS PRODUCTS, spices, liniments, cleaning products, etc. For informa- tion phone 985-2070. TF MIRACLE SPAN Steel Buildings: winter program- Buy now, pay later on spring deliveries. Save 25 per cent on your building. Call toll free 1-800-268-4942. Ask for Mike Maughan. D8 INSULATED ICE HUTS for sale, call 281-1925 or 683-8237. REPROCESSED fabulous 20 inch colour RCA TV, $188.88. Under $4 weekly. Krazy Kelly's, 350 Went- worth St. E., Oshawa. 571-1412. TF REPROCESSED Marantz stereo receiver, 100 watts, dual turntable, cassette deck, 2 huge Cerwin Vega 3-way speakers $688.88. Under $9 weekly. Krazy Kel- ly's, 350 Wentworth St. E., Oshawa. 571-1412. TF REPROCESSED 26 inch RCA TV, remote control. $488.88. Under $6 weekly. One hour delivery. Krazy Kelly's, 350 Wentworth St. E., Oshawa. 571-1412. TF BRAND NEW RCA Video cassette recorder, remate control, search and still pause; one year warranty. $488.88. Krazy Kelly's, 350 Wentworth St. E., Oshawa. 571-1412. TF FREE installation- Erie and Kinetico Water Softeners and iron filters. Ultra violet purifiers and chlorinators. Buy, rent or lease. Free water analysis. Call Gary Young Plumbing, Brooklin. Days- 655-4936; evenings- 655-8989. TF WHY PAY MORE We sell new chesterfields, kitchen and dining room sets, bedroom sets etc., at low prices everyday! Elmer's Furniture, 253 Bloor St. E., (at Ritson) Oshawa. 728-3473 We Deliver. TF UPHOLSTERY FABRICS vinyls, foam, buttons made, tools etc. Ace Upholstery Supplies, 204 Bond St. E Oshawa. 579-5666. TF FIREWOOD -- seasoned hardwood by single cord or | truck load. 986-5127 or 985-3258. D8 CUT YOUR OWN Spruce Xmas trees $5.00 each. 3 miles east of Port Perry on 7A. Open Satur: days and Sundays only. WATER Softeners, iron tilters, chlorination systems, free water analysis. Rent or Buy. Call Randy Coombs collect at Aquafine Water Refiners. 705-324-6888. TF FIREWOOD 9857724. TF PIONEER AIRTIGHT FIREPLACE STOVES * 3 Colours Available ® 10 Year Factory Warranty * Full Fire Brick Lined * Secondary Burn System * Glass Door Optional SAFE DIRECT FLUE INSTALLATIONS FREE ESTIMATES Call 985-2935 PIONEER STOVES & ANTIQUES 7 Robinglade Dr. N. Open Daily 9 - 9. For Sale HOME COMPUTER SYSTEMS We have Apple Compatible and IBM AW ES N3 CHRESTMAS -- TREES -- CUT YOUR OWN. Large Selection of White Spruce. First place south of Durham 8 at Epsom. Weekend Sales Only ... $10.00 per Tree Compatible computers for your business or home needs. Call for information and we will help you determine the system you require and quote you a very reason- able price. (416) 985-3126 We also have Software for the TI99/4A, Commodore 64, Apple and IBM computers. Allumiglass Company y ass Company dl PRE-WINTER SEASON SPECIAL ... 30% OFF ® Aluminum Store Fronts ® Mirror Walls . ® Sky Light ® Table Tops & Shelves ® Solarium ® Caulking ® Aluminum Sidings ® Insurance Work ® (lass Cutting to size ® Custom Work ® Repairs - Aluminum Doors & Windows - FREE ESTIMATES - CHMSABEN 95 9306 YEAR % ALE END begins Sat., Dec. 22nd TO CLEAR: «Special Canadian . . . . .. Nantuck Sayelle . . . .... SALE PRICES CONTINUE ON: Chunky - Brushed Chunkies - Fashion Yarns VEST KITS for Giving ... $7.00 rer NEEDLECRAFT PHONE 985-7027 reg 279 $2.00 Rec $135 1.00 ALOE VERA and Honey Bee Products. 986-4769.Jy 31 MONARCH Butterflies wooden: 3 per set $25; Con: crete lawn ornaments, bird baths etc. 985-8258. AIR COMPRESSORS, spray booth and accessories, all sizes. New and used. Buy and sell. 1-743-6299. TF WOODWORKERS. Looking for a table saw, radial arm saw, jointer, shaper, thickness planer, lathe, drill press, sander, bandsaw or shopsmith machine, call Port Perry 985-2443. TF DUSTER, 1973 Valiant, re: painted, 14,000 miles on rebuilt 318 V8. 985-2293. GUNS wanted, old or new, single pieces or collections. Top cash prices pald. Call after 6 p.m. 852-3986. D 24 FOUR RALLY rims, 2 BF Goodrich tires- Lé0's. After 6 p.m. call 986-5685. LIVESTOCK bedding, fresh sawdust. 705-454-3476 before 7:30 a.m. or after 8 p.m.J 8 TWENTY-TWO Belgian snooker balls, used. Sixteen Belgian balls, new. $30 per set. 985-2210. SOLID oak sideboard; 2 'Bonat' hairdressing chairs; 1 gate-leg table with leaves 'Walnut'; 2 cookstove- 1- Findlay; 1 Heritage airtight. Everything In excellent con- dition. Phone 852-3879. 30 INCH electric stove, reduced to $130. 985-3189 or 668-5445. ALLIS-CHALMERS 9.7 per cent new tractor, lease/pur- chase program ends December 28, 3984. Gee uv» 1 now for your best deal. Trewin Farm Equipment, Blackstock 986-4283. FARM TOYS, winter hats and miscellaneous gift items from Allis Chalmers. Trewin Farm Equipment, Blackstock 986-4283. GAS GENERATOR, like new; 4 bed skidoo trailer $325. Phone 571-0927. PINE cradles, high chair, rocking chair for Cabbage Patch Dolls. Phone 985-2924. Used Cars 1972 MUSTANG Mach |, 35) Cleveland, new tires, new battery. $1200 firm. 786-2164. 1977 VEGA, automatic, winterized and certified. Ex cellent condition. $1450. 985-2006 TF 1977 CUTLASS Supreme, pb, ps. air, new tires, battery. Good mechanical condition, rust-proofed. Needs some body work. As is $1600 or best offer. 985 3409 D8 1984 MONTE CARLO, 2 tone blue, loaded, 28,000 km 1705-357 3712 DN 1982 RELIANT Wagon, 4 cylinder deluxe, loaded, good family car, well main tained. $6700 certified. 986 5350 D8 1966 CHEVELLE Flca mino; 1974 Malibu After 6 p.m call 986 5685 77 DODGE Brougham, Vs, auto, power steering, brakes, windows, locks Well maintained One owner Certified. 985 2182 1974 GREMLIN, 6 cylinder, | J speed, new radials and ex haust, good power train, needs some body work $495 for quick sale. 9853189 or 668-5445. 1949 FORD Mustang, ex cellent condition Inside and out. Must sell. Asking $1100 or best offer. 986-5657 or ' 644.7525 D 24 1974 FORD Custom, 57,000 original miles, 351 Windsor motor, pb, ps, air, new body and paint job. Asking $1395. Call 986-4985. TWO 1975 ELAN 250 Ski: doo's, good condition, elec: tric start. $450 each. 985-7519. D8 YAMAHA SNOWMOBILES serviced by factory trained mechanics. Call Asselstine's Yamaha, Blackstock 986-4437. CHILD'S SNOWMOBILE: Junior Brute. After 6 p.m. 986-5147. 1960 JOHN DEERE Spitfire, good condition. $950. 655-3062. SNOWMOBILE: 1970 Yamaha 340CC. Needs some work $250; Downhill Skiis- Elane Dynaglas 150 cm Tyrolia Junior Bindings. For up to 12 years old. $40. 985-8228. WE HAVE a 'good stock of new models ready to go. It you want one for Christmas, call now. Asselstine's Yamaha.986-4437. RIDE TO Durham College night school class, Wednes- -day, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Call 985-3767. SIZE va Hockey skates. 985-863). WILL PICK UP without' charge, all used appliances, refrigerators and freezers. Empty your cellars and garages. Also old TVs and radios. Call 986-4926. TF -- WANTED -- CRIPPLED & DISABLED CATTLE Highest Prices Paid. Call Collect anytime. uxsrince 852-3238 M.&M. LIVESTOCK License # 1189 Wanted to Buy SCRAP CARS. Highest prices paid - will pick up. 985-8636 or 985-3348. TF WANTED to buy, all types of poultry, chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits or what have you. Call Mike anytime at 985-8824. WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE any complete stan dard size car, free towing 576 2160 Art's Auto Wreckers Limited TF FARM bag scales $100; old decoys to $200; old quilts Evenings 655 8049. TF Business Opportunity FREE 128 page Career Guide describes 200 cor respondence Diploma Courses. Start on your new career today Granton In stitute (Dept SA). 263 Adelaide St W , Toronto 1 800 268 1121 Miscellaneous WINTER growing starts now Metal Halide 1000W $199 Heater 16,000 BTU $114 Over 20,000 products for indoor, greenhouse and hydroponic growing. Have tomatoes for Christmas Lots of Christmas gifts $2 $50 Send $2 for catalogue to Western Water Farms, 1244 Seymour Street, Vancouver. V6B IN9. 604-682 6636. Lost EASTERN STAR Ring. Star on Onyx background. Port Perry, Thursday, December 13, vicinity of Port Perry Plaza. Sentimental valve. Finder please phone 984-4715. Reward. a -------- te ts NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Matter of the Estate of DELLA RAYMES HENDERS (also known as DELLA EDNA HENDERS) Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of DELLA RAYMES HENDERS (also known as Della Edna Henders), late of the Township of Scugog, In the Reglonal Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 5th day of November, 1984, are hereby notified to send to the under: signed on or before the 19th day of January 1985, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, On- . tario this 10th day of December 1984. KELLY, JERMYN, ZULY AND FOWLER Barristers & Solicitors 217 Queen St., P.O. Box 3! PORT PERRY, Ontario LOB INO Solicitors tor Mary Cannon and Stella Lansing, Ex ecutrices of the above Estate. . J7 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN CLAIRE HOWSAM Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of JOHN CLAIRE HOWSAM, late of the Township of Scugog, in the Reglonal Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 25th day of June, 1984, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or butore the 5th day or January 1985, full par. , Hiculars of their claims. Im mediately after the sald date the assets of the sald deceas: ed will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, On: tario this 27th day of November 1984. KELLY, JERMYN, ZULY AND FOWLER Barristers and Solicitors 217 Queen Street P.O. Box 131 PORT PERRY, Ontarlo LOB NO Solicitors - for RONALD JAMES REDMAN and JOHN GLENN MILTON HOWSAM, Executors of the above Estate. D8 Tenders DURHAM TN REGIONAL 7) HOUSING AUTHORITY AN AGENT FOR THE MINISTRY OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING INVITES SEALED TENDERS FOR: INTERIOR CYCLE AND MOVE -OUT PAINTING REFERENCE: DUR. 7.8.-02/8% VARIOUS SITES Tenders will be received tor the above untd 11 00 am on Friday January 4 198% © the Durham Regional Housing Authority. 50 Centre Street South. 4th Floor Rundle Tower. Cdy Hall Oshawa Ontario. LIM 327 c/o the Housing Manager from whom details and specications may be obtained, or telephone 725 3552, quoting Reference Number as above The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Wanted to Rent ONE OR TWO bedroom apartment or small house from first of March 1985. Call 985-8456- ask for Kal or call collect 416-621-5461.D 24 3 OR 4 Bedroom home In Port Perry or Prince Albert for a Parsonage for the Hope Christian Reformed Church. Long term lease preferred. Needed In July 1988. Please call 985-7891 or 985-2994.

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