14 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. January 22, 1985 Aerobics, miniature style Are these children the They might be work- Shortcake and Raggedy be the Jane Fondas of with aerobics future stars of Twenty . ing out to Mickey Ann and Andy at the the world 15 years from On Friday at Man- Minute Workout? Mouse, Strawberry moment, but they could now if they continue chester Hall, a small group of three to five year olds began their first class in aerobics, under the capable instruction of fitness buff Louise Calvert.' Initially they were shy and unsure of exactly what was going on (one young lad refused to participate and another ran crying to his mom in the next room) but by the time the first warm- up song was over, children were warmed up and raring to go. "It's never too soon to get into shape," Mrs. Calvert says. "Habits started early in life become a way of life easier than those start- ed late." It's the first time she's Just like in adult aerobics classes, the taught aerobics for kids children begin their work-outs with lots of although she's been stretching, made fun with music by (Turn to page 16) Strawberry Shortcake and other favourites. be oo ; ok The expressions on their small faces broke down and cried when they realized ranged widely, Including everything from their mothers would be in the next room dur- glee, fo concentration, to sorrow (a few tykes ing the workout). rrp pr -- Children's aerobics instructor Louise Calvert was counting on her own daughter to help lead the first class, but the little tyke curl- ed up on comfy mat for a snooze instead. By the time the youngsters were warm- vigour. Even instructor Louise Ca . vert : : ed up they were raring fo go, throwing couldnt help but grin as the children's faces es n Ne wnorclses, he Children are asked to act like bean themselves info each exercise with excited lit up. (above) 9 rom tiny s fo fall stalks, blowing in the breeze