a ~~ Ea than ~ gaat re 32 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. February 26, 1985 Used Cars For Rent Help Wanted Help Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted Personals 1973 DART Swinger, as Is $300; 1973 Pontiac Ventura, as is $250. 666 1824. F 26 1982 CHEV Celebrity, mint condition, power steering, power brakes, automatic, 6 cylinder Must sell due to ill ness. 96. 5309 MS Used Trucks 1976 CHEV, "2 fon complete with cap. certified $2500. Call after 5 p m. 985 2834 1976 DODGE '2 ton, club cab, running condition. As is. $550. 985 827) F 26 1976 FORD ': ton, good run ner, c/w tactory cap, am fm cassette. Needs body work Have:2 new front fenders in cluded in price. Uncertified $900. Call Ron 986 5179 1978 FORD 150, V8 standard Very good condition. 985 7155. 1979 GMC '» ton, 350 auto, many exiras. At condition. 986-5434. M5 1500 INTERNATIONAL Truck, 2 ton, flatbed, dual wheels. $850. 6558910 evenings. Snowmobiles YAMAHA SNOWMOBILES serviced by factory trained mechanics. Call Asselstine's Yamaha, Blackstock 986 4437. SNOWMOBILE for wreck ing or parts. Free pick-up. Call 655-3630 or 985-8919.M 19 WILL PICK UP without charge, al! used appliances. refrigerators and freezers. Empty your cellars and garages. Also old TVs and radios Call 986 4926 TF TORONTO RIDE wanted to share ride/drive to and from Keele and 401 or the airport daily. Call collect, Little Britain 705 786 3347 after 6 p.m M5 | Wanted fo Buy WANTED to buy. all types of poultry, chickens, ducks. geese, rabbits or what have you. Call Mike anytime at 985 8824 WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE any complete stan dard size car, free towing. 576 2160. Art's Auto Wreckers Limited. TF WANTED. Crippled and disabled cattle Highest prices paid Call collec! anytime. Uxbridge 8%2-3238 M & M Livestock License No. 1189 TF A PRIVATE party wants to buy a rental property (duplex/6 plex, etc.) Please call in confidence. Mrs Nicholson 652 7670 MS For Rent KIN SCOUT HALL. 245 Lilla St N . Port Perry 98513736 ONE ROOM with use of stove and ridge Non smokers and abstainers Phone 985 2079 BACHELOR apartment, private entrance, bath and kitchen. 10 minutes from town. 985-2634. WAREHOUSE 3,000 sq. feet with showroom, workshop and garage Port Perry area 9853698 0r 723 5144 TF STORAGE SPACE for fur niture Adjustable units to sult your needs. On a mon thly basis 985 2597 TF STORE for rent in the Port Perry Plaza 950 square fee! 640 3146 TF BANQUET HALL -- For Rent -- Bar facilities. excellent sound system & dance floor. 985-8442 Gregory's Men's Wear Lid. your headquarters for FREEMAN FORMAL RENTALS The New 1985 Freeman Formal Wear Catalogues are now available. PORT PERRY PLAZA 985-8160 Wanted to Ren THREE BEDROOM house needed for responsible fami: ly by May 20. References available. 985-2816. MS FOUR OR FIVE acres, in the Scugog Island area. Preferably cultivated. Phone 9858928 after 4 p.m. 3 OR 4 Bedroom home in Port Perry or Prince Albert tor a Parsonage for the Hope Christian Retormed Church Long term lease preferred Needed in July 1985. Please call 985 789) or 985 2594 Tenders FOR DEMOLITION of 3° storey Parish Hall and Bell Tower of St Paul's Anglican Church, Minden Work to be completed by April 15, 1985 For further details contact the Church Warden. St Paul's Church, Box 83. Minden, Ontario KOM 2KO 705 286 3043 Tenders to be received by March 1st, 1985 COME ON IN AND TEST DRIVE A NEW 89 TRUCK SIE MIDWAY MOTORS m 1300 DUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBY -- G88-a8a8 p MATURE babysitter re quired in home, part time, various hours. 9858129 CONSTRUCTION personnel for work in the Toronto area Carpenters, cabinet makers, labourers, boarders, plasterers. electricians, ~ plumbers etc Good wages plus travel expenses. Call Toronto between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m 4219202 CANADIAN Summer Resort employment oppor: tunity Information offered across Canada. Age no limit. Send name, address and phone number to |.E.S. Box 429. Lumby B.C. VOE 2GO0. NEED extra money/in: dustrial sales: 80 year old company is looking for a mature individual who is in- terested in-part or full time selling. No investment or ex: perience required. If you have good mechanical skills and enjoy talking to people. you can earn top commis: sion dollars. You'll be selling our Goodyear products for maintenance of roofs, walls and floors of industrial and commercial property. Free sales case and plenty of help along the way. Free one day training session, in your area in April. We offer train- ing, samples, technical help, bonus plan, advancement opportunities and more. For details with no obligation, just send your name and complete address to: D.S. Steitz, Asst. Sales Mgr., Con- solidated Protective Coatings Ltd., 2300 Schenker St., Ville La Salle, Quebec. HBN 1A2. YMCA DAYCARE requires an Early Childhood Educator for temporary position to start April 1985. For more information con- tact: F. Wood at 985-2824.F § SCULPTURED male artist required. Experience preferred, but not necessary. Call 727-1411. M5 TOOL & DIE 'MAKER re- quired for immediate employment. Must have ex- perience on precision tooling and progressive dies. Apply to Glitsch Canada Limited, Uxbridge, Ontario. 852-3381. oo F 26 ELDERLY gentleman re- quires live-in housekeeper. 985-3294. HOUSEKEEPER/BABY- SITTER required, in my home, steady position. 985 9192. EXPERIENCED HAIR STYLIST Full time, male/female, excellent opportunity. 985-7232 A Call. 985-3663. F 9 MATURE sales persons wanted, full or part time for garden centers. Must have past experience in sales Apply in person to Oshawa Garden Services Limited, Thickson Road North, Brooklin or phone for an in: terview 655-3331 F 26 THE TORONTO STAR SALES OPPORTUNITY We now have openings for aggressive, independent sales people to promote our home delivery sales in the Port Perry area. Part time evenings and weekends. Ap plicants must be neat, en thusiastic and have reliable transportation. If you think you have these qualities, please contact Mr. G. Sloan 728-5117 F 26 Work Wanted EXPERIENCED homecare provided. Many years ex: perience with the elderly and handicapped. References. available. 1-705-786-3078. PROFESSIONAL painting and papering. Reasonable. Call Keven 985-8358. M 19 BABYSITTING available in my home. Blackstock area. Good playing environment. 986-4516. M5 DRESSMAKING - Bridal and evening wear. Tailored sults, alterations. Saddle seat suit. Custom made drapes. Call Freda 1-649-3340. WOOD refinishing and can- ing. Specializing in antiques and fine furniture. Call Terry Dyer 655-4092. TF TYPING/WORD PROC ESSING: Resumes, letters, essays, financial statements etc. Professional quality. Call Raalan 655-3770. TF HARRY MORRIS. Han- dyman specialist. Work ful- ly guaranteed. References. No Job Too Small - Give Me F 29 Le a TUTORING. elementary grades | to 6 9853085 M 12 FURNITURE refinishing Specializing in hand stripp ing and finishing. Call Dianne Burke 985 3085.M 12 INCOME TAX Bookkeeping & Accounting © For individuals, Small Businesses, Farmers & Companies K. DAVE MUIR Reg. Industrial Accountant 985-8494 985-7079 SHORT'S ROOFING specializing in FLAT ROOFS REROOFS NEW & REPAIRS Free Estimates ... Call 986-4531 INCOME TAX SERVICE Small F-- Farm CHARLES T. HUNT Fast confidential service at low cost. Special rates for senior citizens. Phone 985-7735 at noon or after 5 p.m. INCOME TAX OR BOOKKEEPING PROBLEMS? Let Me Help! Reasonable Ratés, *Will Pick Up and Deliver. CALL BETTY ... 985-9077 New Homes - Additions General Carpentry - Pole Barns NORM'S General Contracting Steel & Asphalt Roofing Aluminum Siding - Soffit NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 P.O. BOX 608 - PORT PERRY Free Estimates Given with No Obligation. OFFICE: 985-8216 Country Upholstery Post 15 Custom Furniture NEW WATER Upholstering Stripping & PURIFYING COMPANY Refinishing looking for distributors for the Port Perry and sur rounding areas Potential DONNA & BILL Call Now ncome range $20.000 to LININGTON 4 F Esti $45.000 per year Am . ree Estimates bitious individuals call Nestleton, Ont. 986-5640 tor appointment only after Spm The Lindsay Post requires a tull-time reporter to work out of Fenelon Falls covering the news in the north halt of Victoria County Applicants should have a journahism degree or experience Car essential Applications required by March 1st for employment March 18th Please send resume and references to The Editor Lindsay Daily Witharth St N Lindsay. Ontario K9V 378 CARPETS AND Upholstery professionally cleaned at reasonable rates. We move the furniture Call anytime 852-6711 M5 BLACKSTOCK ANTENNA & TOWER "»~ Antennas ail at oC Boosters : New Homes Pre-Wired. E Complete Service § ' Installation. A FREE TOWER INSPECTION! 986-5213 INCOME TAX SERVICE Certified Graduate will do Personal, Senior Citizen & Small Business Forms REASONABLE RATES Call 986-4257 JOYCE KELLY Dead Stock FREE REMOVAL of Fresh, Dead or Disabled Animals. $5.00 Charge for sheep, goats & pigs. $20.00 Charge for all rotten animals. Please Dial Direct: MARGWILL FUR FARM HAMPTON (416) 263-2721 Business Opportunity COLOUR COUNSELLORS NEEDED for Canadian Cosmetic Company. No ex- perience necessary. Train ing provided. 985-3210. AUCTION SCHOOL Western Canada School of Auctioneering. Over 1,000 graduates. Courses com- mence 1st Monday of April, August, December. For par- ticulars write: Box 687, Lacombe AB, TOC 150. EARN $25,000 a Year! Raise big baitworms in your base- ment. We train! Clean, odorless and a guaranteed buy-back. Free information. Early Bird, 8-925 Main East Milton. L9T 4H8. 878-3931. M9 MRB DISTRIBUTORS needs dealers for Mr. Runn- ingboard Brand Running Boards, Canada's finest with 30 month warranty, in- cluding finish, fits for all vehicles, unsurpassed quali- ty. competitive pricing. Business or Personal in- quiries welcome. No strings -- also DILLON GAS 'WELDING TORCH -- welds, stainless, aluminum, cast-iron, copper, brass, all mild steel, just likea T.1.G. for 1/25 the cost, and por- table. Cuts fuel consumption 50-70 per cent. Tremendous Tool- Swiss made. Call M.R.B., Box 33, RR. 2, Frankford. KOK 2Co0. 613-962-9717. Lost LOST Large three year old male short-hair tabby cat Answers to "'Pudgy."' Wear ing blue collar. Lost Sunday February 17, Hwy 12 bet ween second and third lines Call Mrs. Millburn after 7 p Mm. 9859542 WOULD the person who took by mistake, a reddish brown ¥% man's leather coat. size 44, red wool lining at the Pioneer meeting, Deer Park Inn, kindly contact Howard Tapscott in return for yours 1-294-0635 WOULD you like to corres: pond with unattached Chris- tian people in Canada and the U.S.A. with the object being companionship or marriage. Write to: Ashgrove 2821E. Arthur Street, Thunder Bay, On: tario, Canada, P7E 5PS5 for more information. MEET YOUR MATCH. For all ages and unattached. Thousands of members anx- ious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances. Call toll-free 1-800-263-9163. Hours: Noon to 8 p.m. Miscellaneous BROAD "Spectrum 'Swine Protection. Use the Mecadox and Pro-Banmith team in your starter/grower feed and obtain broad spec: trum control of scours, roundworms and ascaris pneumonia. CAREER in Trucking. Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class 'A' license. For pre-screening and job place- ment information contact Merv Orr's, Transport Driver Training. Cambridge 519-623-2430; Toronto 416-251-9073. FARMERS WANTED who are paying too much tax or are not using all the tax breaks available. Phone us today! Appointment times available to process 1984 tax returns in your home. FARM BUSINESS CON- SULTANTS, 2109 Oxford St. E., London. N5V 2Z9. Call toll free 1-800-265-1002- in business year round helping farmers for over 33 years. FARMERS wanred who are paying too much tax or are not using all the tax breaks available. Phone us today! Appointment times available to process 1984 tax returns in your home. FARM BUSINESS CON- SULTANTS, 2109 Oxford St. E., London. N5V 279. Call toll free 1-800-265-1002. In business year-round. FREE Career Guide describes 200 learn-at-home correspondence, Diploma courses: Accounting, Art, Bookkeeping, Business Management, Clerk Typist, Secretary, Journalism, Television Servicing, Travel. Granton (5A), 263 Adelaide West, 1-800-268-1121. Toronto. "FAMILY TAX Planning: Learn loopholes to decrease taxes. Earn money prepar- ing returns. For free brochure, write U&R Tax Schools, 1345 Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg, Manitoba. R3T 2Bé. LEARN Piano/Organ. New, easy chord method! Instruc- tion book, 3 cassette tapes teach you keyboard styles including "by ear' and simplified music reading. All family members can learn. Progress own pace. Low cost! Start chording im- mediately. Details free. Write: Ken's Keyboard Kourse (as advertised on television), Box 3021, Station A, Moncton N.B. E1C 9C2. M12 Auctioneers RON KING - AUCTIONEER - Auctions of All Types Phone Port Perry 985-2643 COCHRANE AUCTION SERVICE Household - Real Estate Farms Equipment Livestock Whatever Your Auction Needs ... DON & FREIDA will be pleased to hear from you! 985-2788 A