oT , oy sie ida i pe dai Li Covi ne Youth Club boogied the night away at Centre Nestleton - Caesarea News by Mabel Cawker Caesarea Youth Club Dance On Friday, March 22, a very enjoyable dance was held in the Com- munity Centre with a great attendance spon- sored by the Youth Club. Some 60 of the young fry 11-15 years participated in the monthly frolic lasting from 7-10 p.m. The D.J.'s were the McEachern boys - Steve and Scott. Spot dance winners were Patti This- tle and Danny Beacock and they received records - courtesy of Ir- win Smith of Port Perry. Refreshments were available. Another dance 1s being planned for the Easter week. Reported by Darryl Bradt. Presbyterial Attended Attending the Presbyterial U.C.W. meeting recently held at Kingsview United Church in Oshawa, from Nestleton were Jean Williams, Leona Sadler, Ruth Davidge, Betty Headon, Janice MacKen- zie and Gwen Malcolm. All U.C.W. members are reminded of the General meeting this coming Wednesday evening, April 3rd, 7:30 p.m. at the Church. Sharon Barkey, Dairy Princess will be the guest speaker. Summary Day Well Attended On Monday, March 25, the Women's Institute Summary Day - Durham West District, for Rug Braiding Course was held in Orono Arena, with a splendid atten- dance from the Branches participating. On display were many interesting items made - such as Trivets, Chair pads, Floor mats, Shoulder bags and so forth. Quite a number from Nestleton attended. The local group was called *'The Braiding Bunch' with 19 taking the instruction with leader Sophie Firlit and Assistant Winnifred Davison at the helm. The guest speaker for Sum- mary Day Penny Davidson spoke on, and demonstrated Spinning. At the close of her talk - lunch was served and a tour of the exibits show- ed many ways of making articles using the braiding technique. A most interesting and educational day! Caesarea Card Party On Wed. evening, March 20, first prize went to Tom Robins with an excellent score of 91. Second prize - not far behind - Gwen Robins with 85. Third - Janice Page - 45. On Wed. Mar. 27, first prize - Karen Radford re HOME VIDEO THE GREATEST FILM OF ALL TIME IS NOW FOR SALE ON VIDEOCASSETTE The immortal epic romance stunningly brought to life Deluxe double cassette edition FOR SALE ... $3119.00 [or Rent] ----r OPEN Good Friday - Noon to 6 P.M. Saturday - 10 A.M. to 8 P.M. Easter Sunday - 1 to6 P.M. 68 WATER ST., PORT PERRY 985-9888 with a high of 87. Second - Brenda Thistle - 85. Third - Diane Tate - 46. Our congratulations to all. A good attendanke for both Euchres as many are home from the South. Plans for a rummage sale are in the offing and a draw on a Cabbage Patch Doll. Tickets are available for the doll draw at Sunnyside Market, Post Office and Auxiliary members. Nestleton Presbyterian Church The regular service was held on Sunday mor- ning at 11 a.m. Alison Scott sang an offertory solo, "Come Let Us To The Lord Return" ac- companied by her mother on the organ. Rev. Fred Swann took his text from Scripture Matthew 26; 36-46 and spoke on 'Behind the Scenes in the Lives of Great People ' Service concluded with celebra- tion of Holy Communion. Special Easter Service next Sunday 11 a.m. . 'Caesarea Community Church A good congregation considering the weather. The Sunshine Club sang several songs with Jac- queline McDermott leading on her guitar. Daniel Pugh Jr. read the Scripture and Respon- sive_ reading. Jerry Jonkheer - guest speaker spoke on 'Don't Worry, But Pray." Rev. W.H. Crawford played for the hymns. A special service next Sunday with Bob Heayn - the guest speaker. April 14, the "Four Tunettes' from Scugog Island will sing. Try to join in these in- teresting services com- ing up. RS al PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, April 2, 1985 -- 39 There was basketball fever in the hallowed halls of Port Perry High School and R.H. Cornish Public School last Saturday when Grade Six ball players from throughout the Region got together for the sixth year in a row. The Cornish girls team managed a triumphant first place win and the guys from Cartwright Public School took second place against gold medal winners Family News Don and Norma Frew returned home on Friday from Lakeland, Florida, after an enjoyable winter holiday. A warm welcome is extended - good to have the folks . back at home base once again! Visiting with Neta Fish on Sunday were her family. Those present - Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Holland, Chad, Craig and Alanna Dawn of Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Leishman, Michael, Jamie and W.D. from Reaboro, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ban- nister, Mrs. Marlene Bannister, Calvin, Vicki and friend Bob Martin of Peterborough. This was . a birthday celebration FRANK'S RESTAURANT -- CAESAREA -- L.L.B.0. "95, SATURDAY For Information Call 986-5553 Sponsored by Jr. C. "MoJacks" FRIDAY, APRIL 5th NIGHT ONLY! APRIL 6th IPM - 1AM HERB VINE & DURHAM COUNTY (No Dance on Good Friday!) HAPPY EASTER. SCUGOG ARENA PORT PERRY for Keith. Our best wishes to Keith on his big - day! Nestleton United Church Many worshippers were present for the Palm Sunday service at Nestleton United. Exten- ding a welcome at the door were Arnold and Jean Williams. Many visitors were greeted. The choir sang a very ap- propriate number "Room at the Cross For You" - with Regenia Walker and Janice MacKenzie singing a portion as a duet. Gwen Malcolm organist. Rev. Dale Davis spoke on "God Has A Dream.... For You" - and during the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was assisted by Student Minister Elaine Barber, Lawrence Malcolm, Ralph and Leona Sadler. Chris Davis and Claire EMMEF BROXENS (IMINO) 193 QUEEN ST PORT PERRY (16:83 1306 ALL LINES OF GENERAL INSURANCE V(r TRUST Since lsd 5 Yr. Annual Interest 12% Semi-Annually Rates Subject to Change Without Notice VICTORIA AND GREY A) 1 Bon ie - ~~ ee Sunset Heights from Oshawa. The Cart- wright team includes (sitting, from left) Chris Chorestecki, Heath Hudson, Darren Fowler, Ronnie Vokins, Jan Heyes, Allan Peck (and top) coach Dan Kitchen, Joel - Schryburt, Glenn White, Kevin Wilson, Steven Staniland, Mike Bardeleben and coach/principal John Hinch. MacKenzie assisted in the Nursery. A very meaningful service! Despite poor weather, the Korean Mission Festival held at Blackstock United went off very well. Elaine 'Barber was presented with a gift in apprecia- tion from the charge, and best wishes for the future were expressed. Elaine leaves our charge in April and will be greatly missed by all. A special service at Nestleton for th Pastoral Charge will be held on Good Friday. WHITBY-OSHAWA HONDA 1110 Dundas Street East -- Whitby, Ontario SALES - SERVICE - LEASING NEW & USED CARS N--od Call... Kevin Cannon 666-1772 residence 985-2515 Next Sunday we celebrate Easter. Try to attend these excellent services! Women's Institute members meet at Nestleton Community Centre on Wed., April 3 at 1:30 p.m. for the An- nual Business meeting and review of the past year. The Edward Williams Estate Sale will be held this coming Saturday, April 6th, 12:30 p.m. at the property. Refreshments will be available. 686-1745 LAKESIDE ~-- \or * /l. ELECTRONICS A_SATELLITE SYSTEMS 4, Quality Systems ... from $1995 Also 1 Metre Satellite Dish at an affordable price. (Fully portable for cottage or trailer and immune to microwave interference.) For demonstration & information: CALL 985-2652 NOVICE TOURNAMENT 8:00 A.M. - Port Perry vs. Uxbridge 9:00 A.M. - Keswick vs. Omemee 10:00 A.M. - Oshawa vs. Lindsay 11:00 A.M. - Bracebridge vs. Cobourg i ' an I ET AR I I ER Py Wn LE a dl ale