-- - 28 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, April 9, 1985 a a ------------ Auctioneers Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Work Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted ALUMINUM boats repaired. 985 8200 Alb PAINTING and Decorating Mike Driscoll. 9858830 TF AGRICULTURE custom operations field preparation, planting and harvesting of hay, grain and corn 8527618 Jim Penny A 23 DRYWALL taper, painter etc 15 years experience seeks work Phone Jim Tomlinson week nights 723 9266 M7 ELECTRIC Fencer Service Factory approved service centre for Shur Shock Fences Look for mobile repair shop at Wilsons Sales Arena Livestock Sales and Lindsay Friday Sale Walter Wright, Blackstock 416 986 4818 TF Dead Stock FREE REMOVAL of Fresh, Dead or Disabled Animals. $5.00 Charge for sheep, goats & pigs. $20.00 Charge for all rotten animals. Please Dial Direct: MARGWILL FUR FARM HAMPTON (416) 263-2721 FURNITURE refinisning Specializing in hand stripp ing and finishing. Call Dianne Burke. 9853085 M 12 PROFESSIONAL painting and papering Reasonable Call Keven 9858358 M 19 ~ SHORT'S ROOFING "specializing in FLAT ROOFS REROOFS NEW & REPAIRS Free Estimates .. Call 986-4531 INCOME TAX Bookkeeping & Accounting For individuals, Small Businesses, Farmers & Companies K. DAVE MUIR Reg Industrial Accountant 985-8494 985-7079 GREENBANK TV TOWERS Installation & Repairs Colour heads, rotors, boosters, FM stereo Ask about the 3' Dish. Also remove old Towers ANGUS ... 985-8381 INCOME TAX OR BOOKKEEPING PROBLEMS? Let Me Help! Reasonable Rates * Will Pick Up and Deliver. CALL BETTY ... 985-9077 Fertihzing - Patio Work DISCOUNTS FOR SENIORS! ANDSCAPING » & MAINTENANCE 15 Yrs Experience 985-3873 Custom DONNA & BILL 4 LININGTON Nestleton. Ont Country Upholstery "7m Upholstering (|) « Ba Furniture Stripping & Refinishing | Call Now Free Estimates 986-5640 1] TYPING/WORD PROC ESSING. Resumes, |étters, essays, financial statements etc Professional quality Call Raglan 655 3770 TF CARPETS AND Upholstery professionally cleaned at reasonable rates We move the furniture Call anytime 8526/41 MS WOOD refinishing and can: ing. Specializing in antiques and fine furniture Call Terry Dyer 655 4092 TF EXPERIENCED mother will provide loving daycare . 'nmy home Scugog Island 985 9532 Ale TREE PRUNING or Removal. Fully insured. Call Forest Gardens 683-8885 - or 852-7087. My 28 INCOME TAX SERVICE Small ---- Farm CHARLES T. HUNT Fast confidential service at low cost Special rates for senor citizens Phone 985-7735 at noon or after 5 p.m. Auction Sales HEREFORDS East Central Ontario Hereford Zone ANNUAL SPRING SHOW & SALE REGISTERED HEREFORDS . Peterborough Fairgrounds SAT., APRIL 13, 1985 Show at 10:30 a.m. Sale at 1 p.m. Selling: Herd sires, cows with calves. Bred and open heifers and 4-H calves. 50 entries. . Catalogues available. JOHN B. McLAUCHLAN Secretary-Treasurer P.O. Box 35 Carrying Place, Ont. KOK 1LO RON KING - AUCTIONEER - Auctions of All Types Phone Port Perry | 985-2643 COCHRANE | AUCTION SERVICE Household - Real Estate Farms - Equipment - Livestock - Whatever Your DON & FREIDA will be pleased to hear from you! 985-2788 PEARCE Auction Centre On Shirley Road (4 mi. South of Port Perry) ESTATES, ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD SALES Your Place or Qurs! Moving Truck Available. Call: (416) 985-7492 Auction Sales WEDNESDAY APRIL 17 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Holsteins April Consignment Sale, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge- featuring a group from WILLDINA HOLSTEINS, including a Good Plus Northcroft Ad- miral Citation with 2y 305d 14839m 519f (162-153) selling fresh milking 79 Ib. 4.7 per cent. Her (GP) Dam has (135-126), 2nd Dam (GP) with 132,000 Ib. lifetime, a group of well grown open N.I.P. Grade heifers from popular E.B.l. Sires and from (GP) Dams with BCA's up to 187-187. Several fresh and close cows and heifers including a Ronbeth Telmatt with 3 Very Good Dams due at sale time to Warden. Free Listed. Con- signments will be accepted for this sale. Please call Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Ux- bridge. 416-852-3524. ) *GUN AUCTION* FRIDAY, EVENING, APRIL 19th at 7:00 P.M. D & M Sales Barn - R.R. 2, Lindsay (1 mile west of Lindsay on the Little Britain Road) -- BUY OR SELL -- For those wishing to consign to our monthly gun auc- tion, it 1s important to bring your guns in early, as we have an 80-gun hmit. Shotguns and rifles only. For more details call the Auction Barn. Bud McKee, Auctioneer 705-324-2472 New Homes - Additions General Carpentry - Pole Barns NORM'S General Contracting Steel & Asphalt Roofing Aluminum Siding - Soffit NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 P.O. BOX 608 - PORT PERRY Free Estimates Given with No Obligation OFFICE: 985-8216 MINI BACKHOE ] EARTH MOVING IN SMALL AREAS! Under existing buildings Shi ¢ NO JOB TOO/'SMALL' Landscaping DEAN HUNTER Barn clean outs Backhilhing Tile Repairs Hourly rates the 3 months requ ed TERMS Cash POLICE AUCTION DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE FORCE SATURDAY, APRIL 20th, 1985 Sale starts 10:00 A.M. By Public Auction Wher eas no claims have been made by the owner of the property in possession of the Durham Regona! Police Force by reason of hav ng been stolen trom its owner or by reason of having been tound thandoned na public place and the Force 1s unable to ascertain its righty owner Further that these articles have been held more than Articles tor auction are as follows Dx voles and miscellaneous items SALE TO-BE HELD AT THE REAR OF 30 WILLIAM STREET. OSHAWA, ONT. Jon M Jenkins. Chet of Pole 1-416-985-3960 Port Perry THURSDAY APRIL SALE TIME: 11:30 AM. Auction sale of farm machinery for VENDALE FARMS, RR 2, Uxbridge. selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, 2 miles north of Ux bridge. including MF 275 tractor with loader, J D 700 mixer grinder. MF 050 mixer grinder. Allied elevator- 30 ft x 6 inch on wheels; A&B sprayer Knvernland 4 furrow 16 inch semi-mount plow. MF 33 seed drill; 12 ft. packer. GT 370 grain dryer on wheels. Knvernland 10 ft. cultivator J pt.; liquid manure pump; liquid manure tank on truck Also from MILL RUN FARMS, N.H. 273 baler N.H. side rake; Ford 535 hay cutter conditioner; McCor mick manure spreader- 130 bus.; J.D. 6 ft. blade; J.D. 24 ft. bale elevator; grain augers; 2 hay wagons; Sedore snowblower; round bale feeders; harrows. Also Bush Hog disc- 18 ft. with wings; Ford 534 baler: Kongskilde 10 ft. Vibra Shank cultivator; 3 pt. hitch wood splitter; Int. 36- 14 inch 3 furrow plow; MF 1085 trac- tor; MF 82 5 furrow 3 pt. hitch plow 14 inch; 8 ft. heavy duty blade; Calsa 3 pt. weed sprayer with 22 ft. boom; Int. 470- 18 ft. disc; Morris Challenger 16 ft. cultivator with levelling har row; Ford diesel Super Dex: tra tractor; KEF orchard sprayer; army truck- 6 wheel drive with duals with 13 ft. dump box (good for grain); 10 ton hoist- Detroit diesel engine- 5 speed trans., 12 volt system {good condi- tion); MF 16 ft. 3 beater forage wagon; MF 35 diesel tractor with loader; 3 pt. 2 furrow plow; MF 7 ft. "cultivator; Aqua Jet deep well water pump with 100 ft. hose; radial arm saw; feed cart; tools; plus many other items. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auc- tions, Uxbridge. 416-852-3524. A9 FRIDAY APRIL 12 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Corneils Auction Barn Auction sale- round oak pedestal table (split pedestal); Cherrywood Vic- torian what-not stand; flat- to-wall cupboard; oak hall seat; china cabinet; buttet combination; pine blanket box; oak wash stand; Gingerbread clock; square dining table (quantity of leaves); Pressback chairs; round oak coffee tables; 15 cu. ft. McClary freezer, pine drop leaf table; parlour tables; wooden wardrobe; walnut china cabinet (glass three sides); chesterfields; walnut hutch; fanback . chairs; walnut buffet; pine chest of drawers; Pressback rockers; pine jam cup- board; 1977 Dodge Cordoba (certified); 1978 Dodge '2 ton with custom cab (cer: tified). Sale of quality fur niture from local estates and homes. Don Corneil Auc tioneer, R.R. 1, Little Bri tain 705-786-2183. SATURDAY APRIL 13 SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. Auction sale of farm machinery, small quantity of furniture and quantity of straw. The property of MRS. HELEN WESTGARTH, Concession 7 Scott Township (just south of Udora). N.-H 65 baler, Farmhand rake, N.H. mower (3 pt.), AC crimper, McCormick manure spreader. No. 400 PTO. McCormick 15 disc grain and fertilizer seed drill, 10 ft Vibra Shank cultivator. MF plow 3 fur row, Bagballe fertilizer spreader 3 pt., 4 section of harrows, rubber tired wagon and rack, farm trailer dual wheels, MF blade, 20 ft hay elevator, 2 grain augers. 20 and 24 ft grain dryer, Hoover potato digger. single plow. 2 steel gates. fanning mill. 2 rubber tired wheelbarrows, 2 chain saws, 36 ft. aluminum exten sion ladder. table saw, and many other articles, Viking fridge 2 door. quantity of other furniture Terms cash or cheque with 1D Sale at 12 30 Reg and Larry Johnson Auctioneers Phone 705 357 3270 Lunch available SATURDAY APRIL 20 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Auction sale at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay. Our Annual Spring Auction of farm machinery, tractors, cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats. con struction equipment and tools etc. CONSIGN THIS WEEK, so we can advertise your units. We now have Ferguson 3 point one way disc. Triple K 3 point 8 ft cultivator, Massey Ferguson 3 point 8 ft disc. John Deere 2 row corn planter. International 2 fur row plow, single trailer, Case ground driven manual spreader, hammermill, In ternational 504 diesel tractor with 2001 Industrial loader, Farmall tractor, Ford Dex: tra diesel tractor 14.9 x 28 rears, live PTO and hydraulics (excellent), Kawanee'disc on duals with cylinder and hose, pressure washer, '78 Monte Carlo, new paint, runs good, King construction float, '73 Pro- wler 18 ft. travel trailer, Kongskilde 3 point cultivator, fibreglass boat, motor and trailer, 1966 Mustang 2 door hardtop, '75 Pontiac Grand Prix, '76 Cougar XR7, '74 Chev Im- pala, runs good, roto-tiller, power cement trowel, chain saw, 7000 watt generator, excellent, 750 Suzuki motor- cycle, Husqvarna trail bike, aluminum boat, band saw, 5 HP riding mower, cultiva- tor, hard top camper, house trailer, plus many items be- ing consigned daily. CON- SIGN NOW- we need machinery, tractors, vehicles, or any of the above. Bring to barn or phone 324-2783 Dale or Or- val McLean. If no answer call 324-0182- Barry McLean. Mclean Auctioneers, Lindsay. FRIDAY APRIL 19 SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. Auction sale of large farm machinery and beef cattle, the property of THE LATE STEWART JOHNSTON AND W.J. JOHNSTON (Maryville Farms), Hawkestone, Ontario- 15 miles east of Barrie on Highway 11 or 7 miles south- west of Orillia, turn north Hawkestone overpass 2 miles on Concession 11, Ora Twp. 50 Head of Hereford cows, calves and yearling stockers, Versatile 875 trac- tor 4 WD, 1623 cab and air, "PTO, 30 x 32 tires- good; White 105 tractor, cab and heater- motor just overhaul- ed; Universal 640 D.T. trac- tor, 130 hours, 4 WD; Reist loader, just like new; above tractors are all diesel. 1972 Dodge 800 truck, new motor; 16 ft. stock rack and hoist, will be certified; 1975 Ford Ja ton truck, club cab and cap, will be certified; White 8900 combine 4 WD diesel motor, cab, air, straw chop- per, 6 row corn head, 16 ft. cutter bar, 10 ft. pickup; Hesston 7160 harvester, 3 row corn head, 6 ft. hay pickup; McCormick 6 row corn planter No. 400, planted 2 crops; Wil-Rich cultivator 42 ft.- good; McCormick 700 plow, automatic reset, 8 furrow; N.H. 27 forage blower and pipes; Hahn Hi-Boy sprayer; NH. 300- S.P. nearly new; Schwartz 191 feed wagon; 6 ton wagon with canopy- made for road- side selling, corn, veg. etfc.; JM. gravity box; N.H. swather 903- 12 ft; N.H. forage wagons. needs repair; Gehl Hi-dump 9000 wagon; hay rake; 8 x 41 Westfield grain auger PTO; all kinds of parts and small items. MISCELLANEOUS: Husky 1500 gallon water tank; Lincoln welder; large portable walk-in cooler, 8 x 10, suitable for roadside sell ing; fruit stands and tables; Ariens 7 HP garden tiller, etc. NOTE: Sale called due to sudden death. Terms: cash or cheque with | D on most items. On a few of the bigger pieces. 10 per cent day of sale, balance by cash or certified cheque in one week, or whenever picked up Sale at 10:30'a m Lunch available Plan to attend this large sale For information call evenings 705 487 2838 or 2642 Reg and Larry Johnson Auctioneers Phone 705 357 3270 or 7458470 Owners or Auctioneers will not be responsible for accidents in connection with this sate forage: EAST Central Ontario Hereford zone Spring Show and Sale Saturday April 13 Peterborough Fairgrounds Show 10:30 a.m Sale 1:00 p.m. 48 entries. Plan to attend FRIDAY APRIL 12 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Sheriff's Sale by Public Auction By virtue of Writs, of FIERI Facias, out of the County Court of the County of Middlesex, to me directed against the goods and chat tels of 569191 Ontario Incor porated, operating under the tirm name and style of S & B COMPANY, at the suite of Ivan Krajc, operating under the name and stylé of IVAN"S MACHINE SHOP, | have seized and taken in ex ecution, the following pro- perty. Nearly new equip ment and office furniture, new jack, large drill press, quantity of new car roll-ups, air compressor, two welders, torches, small drill press, Makita portable cut: off saw, grinders, Kasto metal power hacksaw, steel work benches, racks, quan tity new cardboard boxes, small quantity steel, Toyota Celica for parts, desks, file cabinets, office chairs, bookshelves, calculator. chrome set with smoked glass top. office dividers. LOCATION: S & B MANU FACTURING (manufac: turer of roll-up carriages), Verlum Road North (highway 36) in industrial mall across from Rosedale Plastics. Terms: cash or certified cheque, deposit of $100 on registration. Bidding by number only on items over $1000. A 20 per cent cash deposit is required at time of sale- delivery only when paid in full. All goods to be removed by Monday April 15, 1985- 12 noon. This sale is subject to cancella- tion up to time of. sale without any further notice. For further particulars con tact the undersigned JOHN E. BOYD. Sheriff, County of Victoria and Haliburton 324-2542 or Orval Mclean Auctions Ltd. 324-2783. SATURDAY MAY 4 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Auction sale- the property of MISTERBEE FARM: STEFAN VON- MUHLENEN, Lot 32, Con- cession 5, Whitchurch Stouffville Township, 2 miles east of Newmarket on 5th Concession Road and 1 mile south or between Vivian sideroad and Davis Dr, on 5th Concession. MACHINERY: 1981 John Deere 3140 tractor, 1700 hours, high-low range; David Brown 1212 diesel tractor, power steering; 1975 John Deere 2130 diesel trac: tor with 145 John Deere loader, double ram bucket; Int. W4 gas tractor; New Holland 717- 2 row forage harvester, 1000 RPM, 2 row corn head; John Deere 34 forage harvester; 1981 New Holland 315 baler with bale thrower; New Holland side rake; Int. 56 blower PTO; A C manure spreader; 1982 New Holland 488 hay bind PTO; Bear Cat 6 ft. crop chopper PTO; Kasten forage wagon - 12 ton gear ing; Farm Boy forage wagon- 8 ton gearing; 2 bale throwing wagons with steel racks 8 ft. x 20 ft. x 7 in high; A-C pull type tandem disc; Glenco 18 ft. trail cultivator; New Holland 519 manure spreader, hydraulic tailgate PTO; Maple Leaf 40 ft. hay elevator; wagon with rack 8 ft. x 16 ft.; 20 ft auger- 4 inch; 6 ft auger 4 inch; grinder; 1980 Patz stable cleaner 175 ft of chain, 20 ft shute; steel feed cart; small wooden feed cart, wheelbarrow. 1979 Patz 988 silo unloader, 20 ft with winch; 35 ft feed elevator, 20 ft feeder wagon with gearing, forks, shovels, chains, mary other articles too numerous to mention No reserve Terms: cash Sale at 1 00 PM Carl and Greg Hickson Auctioneers Reaboro, Ontario 705 324 9959 or 324-2774 Owner and Auctioneer will not be responsible for any public liability, property damage or injury to the public in connection with this Auction Sale.