A iar PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, April 30,1985 -- 19 | Birthday cake had 87 candles Epsom Area News By Jean Jeffery A birthday celebration was held on Sat. at the home of Jim and Faye Gourlie when the family met to honour Mr. Howard Gourlie on his 87th birthday. The beef supper at Utica was very en- joyable. All were pleased to sing Happy Birthday to Howard Gourlie and at the Ham supper at Ep- som it was Happy Birth- day for Bill McKay. Con- gratulations from all of us. The young folks are to be congratulated on serving such a delicious meal under the direction of Gail and Shirley and "yes" Arnold did help serve. For Sat. supper Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ashton entertained 8 of their grandchildren and son Allen and his wife of Oakwood. Jerry and Joan Asling of Hanover visited Don. de feageoak deok Lifeblood of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario -- volunteer canvassers. With your support, cancer canbe beaten. Please give. } and Stella Asling on Fri- day. Jerry is taking a dental course in Toronto. It keeps one busy these days learning the new techniques. On Sunday Don and Stella were supper guests with daughter Pat Asling. Lynn Haricock a naturalist was also a Take a break guest. She has written several books. We call to mind, "A Seal In My ~ Sleeping Bag." Donna would love to have you join the choir. Practice 7:30 at Epsom Church. Last week Ruth Taylor of New Liskeard was home for a holiday and help mother and father with a lot of spring cleanup jobs. We hope Mrs. Jordan will soon be feeling fine again. Heddy and Leon Lefeb- vre were pleased to have daughter Janine of Oshawa home on Sunday for a visit. Our 4-H girls attended Achievement Day at Brooklin on Sat. gratulations to Julie Baster who received county honours. Donna Kerry visited her aunt, Mrs. 'Welda Meyers at Bobcaygeon for a few days last week. Joyce Luchuk and children of Wiarton were Con- visiting her parents Marie and Earl Wilson for a few day > last week. The Postma's now have a new mobile home on their property for the use of their hired man and his wife. Don't forget Green- bank Block Parents Association (this in- cludes Epsom, Seagrave and Utica areas) workshop May 9 at 7:30 at Greenbank Hall. Parents are encouraged to bring their children. ~ The Port Perry YMCA Ladies Take-A-Break took a fashionable break Wednesday, April 24th, when they invited representatives of Marilyn's, a Toronto clothing store, to come on out and explain how fashion works, and why. Some of the women involved included model Martha Larson, model Joan Hyatt, Marilyn's manager Marcia Wilkinson, her assistant manager Gina Pantos, model Glenda Morden and model Dianne Gray- Thompson. CONQUER WEEDY LAKES!!! RIDE THE WIND! RIDE STARSHIP! TX300 HOVERCRAFT LOB 1EO 416-986-5597 FISH WHERE THE FISH LIVE! "Let's make the changes that put people first" ELECT MARGARET WILBUR DURHAM YORK " MARG WILBUR ELECTION HEADQUARTERS Port Perry--_159 Casimir Street Keswick ------196 Church Street 985-9757 476-7782 I . SHORT TERM CERTIFICATES 30 - 59 Days 9.85% fl | (Min. $100,000) 30 - 364 Days 83% (Min. $5,000) 3 Year Annual Interest ' 10%% » (Minimum $500) i GUARANTEED "INVESTMENT "CERTIFICATES Rates subject to Change without Notice =~ STANDARD :3a¥ TRUST 165 Queen Street, P.O. Box 1318 Port Perry, Ontario LOB INO Telephone: 985-8438 Meme CUT HEATING COSTS WITH ENERGY SAVING ... | INSULATING GLASS My -- DOUBLE OR TRIPLE -- Expertly Installed. 1 0. YOUR ORDER IF YOU BRING IN OFF THIS AD! Free No Obligation ha May 15/89) Estimates -- ONE DAY SERVICE -- on Repairs to Storm Windows & Screens J Framed Mirrors Unframed Mirrors {3 Mirror Walls | ~ Full-Length } Bathroom Mirrors 2 Window Glass Table Tops (clear, grey or bronze) Shelving Sliding Doors SCUGOG GLASS & MIRROR LAKEVIEW PLAZA - PORT PERRY (Hwy. 7A & Water St.) 985-2844 -- BOB RAE