Ro a fan mg a 2 RR SS PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, April 30, 1985 -- 31 Notice Coming Events Coming Events For Sale For Sale For Sale MUSKOKA Music Holiday, Cammac, August 4-18. One or two weeks for adult singers and instrumen- talists, all levels. Profes- sional instruction. Beautiful setting. Tennis and swimm- ing. Contact Administratrix Ruth Mechanicus, 31 Dug: gan Ave., Toronto M4V 1Y1 Telephone 416-484-6436.A 30 In RESPONSE to your in quiries, Carolyn Bridge- water announces that Durham Shoes Inc., family shoe store is opening as scheduled at 230 Queen St, this summer. A A MEETING in Port Perry. If you think you have a drinking problem (chances are you have)- For information 985-2415 or 985-3196. May 28 BAHAI information- write P.O. Box 1153, Port Perry. EOW KAWARTHA Ceramics Studio and Supply, Green: ware, Glazes, Firing, Classes, Duncan dealer wholesale/retail. Little Bri- tain. 705-786-3353 or 705-786-3269. A 16 Yard Sales 266 UNION, Prince Albert, May 4,9a.m.to2p.m. Fur- niture, adult-childrens clothing, carriages, baby items, misc. 4 FAMILY Yard Sale. May 4th and 5th. 9:30 a.m. at 138 Simcoe St. South, Port Perry. Baby carriage, car bed, dishes, etc. SATURDAY, May 4th, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 56 Orchard Road, Port Perry (Apple Valley). Couch, chair, rug, heaters, dishes, cutlery, bike, etc. "3 FAMILY Yard Sale, Greenbank Heights, Satur- day. May 4th. 9 til 2. Household articles, toys, clothes. SATURDAY, May 4th, 9 a.m. Mariposa Estates, Seagrave. Miscellaneous items including 9 piece din- ing room suite. UNDER COVER 359 Major Street, May 3, 4, 5, Friday night - all day Saturday and Sunday. Adult and childrens clothes, bikes, tires, hub caps and accessories, "household items, doilies and chrome stand, books, records, table, stereo skateboards. 4 FAMILY Yard Sale, Satur- day, May 4, 10 til 4 -- 423 Kenny Court. Furniture, toys and miscellaneous. THE YARD Sale of The Season. Saturday, May 4, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Durham 21, 2. mile west of Utica General Store. A 30 GIANT Yard Sale, Saturday May 11, 1985, Church of Ascension, North and John St. 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Books, baking, furniture, dishes, bikes, lunch available, new crafts, car wash and much more. Pro- ceeds to Church restoration. Donations accepted. Phone 985-8364. M7 SATURDAY May 4th, 9a.m. Old Simcoe St., Cedar Creek. 2 miles south of Prince Albert. SATURDAY May ath, 431 McDonald Street. Rain or shine. Set of dishes, toys, children's clothes, books, dishes and many more items. CONCESSION 11, Sunrise Beach, Scugog Island. Stu dent desk, telephone table, miscellaneous. Saturday. May 4th, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Coming Events ADVENTURE awaits you Come ride the whitewater all summer long with Wilderness Tours, Canada's leading whitewater outfit ter. For information and reservtions call 1-800-267-3124 M 14 A 30 HALIBURTON School of Fine Arts, a division of Sir Sandford Fleming College offers one week summer courses for families with some of Canada's top ar tists/craftsmen. For brochure: Box 339, Halibur- ton, Ontario KOM 1S0 or call 1-800-461-7677. C. H.1. I. P. program. mn. Only 336 days left. 1-800-263-5204. CRAFT Exhibition, Louise Patterson Guild. Presbyterian Church Hall, Part Perry. Friday May 10th- 2 p.m.-9 p.m.; Satur: day May Nth: 10a.m.-5p.m. M7 CARTWRIGHT Central Public School, Grade 7-8 Drama Club presents- 3 One Act Plays, May 15 and 16 7:30. - Tickets: Adults $2: Children $1. Judication night- 16th. M 14 KINDERSLEY, Saskat- chewan 75th Anniversary and Heritage Days, July 5, 6, 7, 1985. Come home. Details: 75th Anniversary Commit- tee, Box 1330 Kindersley, Sask. SOL 150. HOT LUNCHEON at Presbyterian Church, Fri day May 3 11:30 to 2:00. Price $3.50. A 30 LEGION BINGO. The next Legion Bingo, Branch 419 will be on Thursday, May 2, 1985- 7:30 p.m. Jackpot $150 in 50 numbers. ROSS STEVENSON | MPP, Constituency Office, visits the Scugog Area, Wednes- day, May 8th, 1985- 3:30 to 6 p.m., Railroadhouse Motor Motel. For appointment please call Zenith 33130 or drop by at your convenience. BARGAIN DAY- Prince Albert Hall, Saturday May 4th, 9:30 to 2:30. Baking, crafts, used clothing and many other useful things. When you have finished shopping, relax at our tea tables. Sponsored by the Friendly Visitors, represen ting Durham Mental Health in this area. Ticket draw 1:30. A 30 NATIVE artists from the Whetung Ojibway Crafts and Art Gallery at Curve Lake will be exhibiting at the Scugog Memorial Libary from May 4 to 24. M7 COLUMBUS Spring Bazaar and tea, Wednesday, May 8th, 1:30 p.m. Lunch 12:30. For tickets: 655-4282 or 655-3592. COFFEE HOUR at Scugog Island United Church, on Tuesday, May 7th at 10 a.m. Soor Wells of ""Brooklin Village Pottery' will bring her potter's wheel and demonstrate her craft while relating it to God's Word. Join us for this time of fellowship. Babysitting and refreshments. . 986-4316. . BLACKSTOCK ~& DISTRICT LIONS CLUB will be having a FLEA MARKET May 25 & 26 If you have any articles - big or small - to donate, please call: 986-5599; 986-4728; 986-5552; 986-5685 for Pick-Up. Apple & Plum Trees 4 Yr. Black Walnut 15th Annual Open House TURNER'S GREENHOUSE BLACKSTOCK - ONTARIO Saturday & Sunday, May 11 & 12 - OPEN HOUSE SPECIALS - ee $25.00 URURSST 3/$25.00 EUSP SR ~. $10.00 MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL: 10" Hanging Basket . FREE: Favours, Beverage, Cheese & Crackers Colorado Spruce (2-4") - $10.00 early. GREENBANK CENTENNIAL HALL announces the 4th annual Spring Clean-Up Sale SATURDAY, MAY 25th 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. "Thinking about a yard sale? Well - think about renting a table to sell all your unwanted treasures at Green- bank Hall and lanson Park. An ideal location and fun. Refreshments available. Reserve your space CALL: 985-8351 HOT LUNCHEON Sat., May 4th Startirig 11:30 A.M. SCUGOG ISLAND UNITED CHURCH Adults $4.00 Children $2.00 + __ Sponsored by Grace U CW SCUGOG COMMUNITY CARE C.I.V.P. Community Involvement and Volunteer Program A Workshop entitled "FACILITATING NORMAL GRIEFS" Speaker: Dr. Kay Harrison Co-ordinator of Community- Mental Health Services - Whitby Psychiatric Hospital TUESDAY, MAY 7 at 7:30 p.m. ANGLICAN CHURCH 274 North St., Port Perry Free Admission ROLLER SKATING Wednesday May 1st WED. (7:00-9:30 p.m.). SUN. (7:30 - 10:00 p.m.) admission $2.00 SKATE RENTAL .. NOTE: Skating will be on Tuesday, May 21 NOT Wednesday, May 22. SCUGOG ARENA STARTS: admission $1.50 50¢ 985-8698 PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR WIND ENSEMBLE - proudly presents - SUMMER BREEZE 85 Our Annual Showcase of Choirs and Bands WED., MAY 8th - 7:30 P.M. AT PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL Admission $3.00 Students & Seniors $2.00 Children under 12 free $7.00 limit per family ART & CRAFT SHOW & BAZAAR At the Scugog Island Hal Special Display of Paintings Paintings by EDNA BECKETT SAT., MAY 4th NOON to 4:00 P.M. Demonstrations on Ceramics Painting on Steel WI Rug Braiding Display BAKE SALE OPENS at 2:00 P.M. Admission $1.00 (includes cup of tea.) Sponsored by Head UC W VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES Durham Region Branch wishes to announce The 71st Annual GENERAL MEETING of the Corporation TUES., MAY 28/85 at 6:30 P.M. at the MAGIC CAR RESTAURANT -- Oshawa -- Guest Speaker: Dr. Kay Harrison "Future Momentum for Community Health Care." TICKETS: $15.00 through VON Main Office (416) 571-3151 DRILL PRESS. 16 speed, 5/8 chuck. Special $249 986-2443. TF 1968 - 4 FT. McCullough boat with 50 HP Johnson out: board, top covered. Asking $2500. 985:3657. M7? 1977 HONDA 360. $450 or best offer. Trade? Call ivan M7 4 UNIROYAL all-season radials on rims 950 x 16'a. 986-5467 after Sp.m. M7? OIL FURNACE, like riew. 128,000 BTU's, front breech. $350. 985-958). PROP and Skeg Repairs received Tuesday and ready Friday. Boat repairs, fibreglass or aluminum. Complete line of fibreglass materials. Oshawa Glass Fibre (Rayplex). 341 Durham Street. 579-1433. Open Saturday mornings un: til June 30th only. J 25 CUSTOM made 2 inch pine table, benches, 2 chairs, an tique bedroom suite, 3 dressers, double bed, Must be seen. Best offer. 985-9967. TENT: 9 x 12 cotton rub: berized canvas floor, front and side awnings. Like new '2 price $150. After 6 p.m. 985 9398. M14 HAY BALER; McCormick binder: Wright saw; gang plows; old trucks; manure spreader. 986-4896. 370 SUZUKI Mbto cross, never been raced. Good cn dition. $400. 986-4368. SINGER Golden Touch Sew, recently -overhauled with guarantee complete. 655-4107. SINGER Stylist Sewing machine, recently overhaul ed with guarantee. 655-4107. CORDLESS phone, 500 ft. range, '2 price $95; 4 oak barrels $5 each. 985-2245. SHARP COPIER SF730, single and multiple copies, letter and legal size, like new, has made less than 30,000 copies. Reason for selling retiring to Van: couver Island. 985-2201. STOVE, 20 inch McClary, continuous clean, good con: dition $75. 986-4327. MOVING SALE: Saturday, May 4th, Robinglade Estates, Seagrave 9 a.m. Bone chesterfield, 3 seater, newly upholstered $300; electric organ, 12 base chords, 3 octaves $60; enlarger LPL No. 66, plus 50MM, -75MM, lenses and other accessories $150; 1976 AMC Pacer, good runner, needs body work $600 as is. Call anytime 985-8512. 1982 YAMAHA Maxim motorcycle, 750cc, excellent condition. Call 705-786-2668. M7 SCAMPER housetrailer, 1973, 23 ft. tandem, sleeps 6, furnace, bathroom, shower, fridge, stove, oven, add a room, good condition 985-2766. WHOLESALE steel buildings. Factory direct prices. No middleman. Quonset and straight wall buildings. Won't be under sold. Guaranteed best value on market today. Call 416-221 7353 CONTENTS of Ice Plant for Sale Block Makers cap. 540 BL per day. Kold draft cubers cap. 900 3 kg. bags per day, bagging equipment escalators, augers, exhaust fans, etc. 3 cefrig. trucks, 2 ice cream bodies, 1 18 ft x RW Thermo: King. Financ ing negotiable Call 1.705 737 1899 DISPLAY building program Be the first one in your area to own one of these new 85 models and save big. For quality call toll free Miracle Span Steel Buildings, 1-800-387 4910." MOTORCYCLES serviced by licenced mechanics. Ca'l Asselstines Yamaha, Blackstock. 986-4437. TF SINGLE laundry tub; char: coal barbecue; insect jungle fogger. 1 ton chain block hoist; spare tire carrier for travel trailer; old tashioned high back sink with taps; coal or wood space-heater; fertilizer spreader; 4 fishing reels (new). Call 985-8103. M7 1978 KAWASAKI 750, bought new in 1980, 12,700 km. Runs great. $1200. 985-3133. BARN BOARDS & BEAMS: Limited supply. Call 66-4400 ask for Mark or. Don. RED CLOVER seed, double cut, power cleaned. 416-986-4485. 8 FOOT round bale feeders. $150 and $200 each. 985-2589. EOW BOAT, 19 ft. deep wooden hull, 65 HP Mercury motor, 2 gas tanks, spare propellor, bilge pump and battery - no trailer, half convertible top. Phone 985-3193 PERSIAN Lamb full length coat with mink collar, size 14; 2 water kegs new, used once, fern stand. 985-3333 LARGE oval braided rug, | x 14; house plants, accor |, dian. Phone 985 8035. THREE section drag har rows; new floor lamp; kit - chen chairs; pair handmade men's boots, size 8': never worn. 985-8384. NORCAN four furrow 16 | inch semi-mount plow $2500; 1976. Cordoba V8, cruise, air, as is $700. 986 4409. BARLEY 1500 bushels of clean feed or seed. 985 3069. BARN ROOFING and Siding. 30 Gauge galvanized and galvalumed- $41 per square. 30 gauge prepainted $58. Minimum order 30 squares. Custom Farm Material Sales. Laird McKeen. 416-779-3322. EOW 1977 KAWASAKI 650. fully dressed, bags. ferring, stereo, 27,000 km. 985-9056. LAWN ORNAMENTS, con crete bird baths, figurines, gnomes and more. 985-8258. TF DAY OLD Chicks and Turkey Poults. Orders being taken for May 30 delivery Marlows Feed Store, 40 Vanedward Dr., Port Perry. 985-7363. ' TF - CERTIFIED SEED OATS & BARLEY MIXED GRAIN SEEDS Blended to your specifications. Seed soy beans and agricultural chemicals. SWAIN SEEDS BLACKSTOCK - ONTARIO [HAY & PASTURE} CEDARS for hedging 3 ft. to 10 ft.- picked up delivered: planted. 655-4448; 983-9714. TF ORNAMENTAL TREES & SHRUBS 4 to 10 foot; shade frees $10 each. red oaks, maples (silver or red) and - white birch; 3 ft. spruce on- ly $4.99; 12-inch cedars for privacy hedges: only $1.99 each; green pfitzer juniper | ft. spreaders: $3.99; black walnuts: J year trees: $3.99. Available at the farm or Port Perry Pet Shop. Phone 985-8065. s TON 'hay wagon; MF. 3 pth. 3 turrow plough; M.F. 6 ft. 3 pth. cultivator; 1 set of trail discs. 986-0014. A 30 BICYCLES: boys and girls. Goad condition. Phone after 5 p.m. 985-3536. A 30 DUTCH and Spanish sets, multipliers, seed potatoes, lawn and garden fertilizer, grass seed- Reg. $1.49 |b. Now $1.25. Marlows Feed Store, 40 Vanedward Dr. Port Perry. 985-7363. A 30 40 HP Evinrude with wiring harness, tank and controls $525. Call Ron 985-8677. HAY for sale $1.50 per bale. Delivery extra. Call 655 4946. A 30 ALOE VERA and Honey Bee Products. 986-4769.Jy 3 WEDDING Invitations and accessories, avallable through Port Perry Star, 235 Queen St., Port Perry. A 10 per cent discount given on - complete orders. Deposit re- quired. For information call 985-7383. TF FOR ALL YOUR Insulation and Air Sealing needs, plus air leakage inspection and U.F.F.I. Remedial Measures. Insulation. 416-852-5051 or 1-800-263-3204. COUNTRY CURTAINS Priscillas Tab Curtains New Country Ruffles Over 60 Fabric Choices Made-to-Measure 103 pJueen Street, PHONE NE Sos d234 986-4331 ASPARAGUS Place Your Order Now! For freshly cut Asparagus. For Table or Freezer. Small or large orders. At wholesale prices. CALL AFTER 4:00 P.M. CIMARRON FARM 852-3986 ------------ bn. 8 SOD Glen Vallie Ltd. - TURF FARMS - Pick-Up or Delivery TWO LOCATIONS: North of 6th Conc. of Scugog on Hwy. 12 -- and -- North of 9th Conc. of Scugog on Hwy. 12 Free Estimates 0985-76822 Call McCleave -