spn ld PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, June 11, 1985 -- 33 Call Keven 985-8358 Work Wanted Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales PROFESSIONAL painting and papering. Reasonable M19 PAINTING Interior Ex terior, free estimates Cal! Neil McDermott - 985-7977 or 985 2084 TF FURNITURE refinishing Specializing in hand stripp . ing and finishing Call Dianne Burke. 985-3085 M 12 SHORT'S ROOFING specializing in FLAT ROOFS RE-ROOFS NEW & REPAIRS Free Estimates 986-4531 MOUNT DENY HOME IMPROVEMENTS LTD. Doors & Windows - Siding Eavestroughing - Soffit & Fascia - Carpentry 985-3657 ANTENNA MAN Grant Noble Installations, Repair Work, Comb. Colour Heads, Rotors, Power Boosters, Towers. New Homes Pre-Wired. UXBRIDGE 852-7717 Sunderland: (705) 357-2419 eo CUMMINGS BACKHOE & COTTAGE RAISING Septic Systems, Trenching, Basements, Drain Tile, Water Lines, Sand, Gravel, Top Soil. 986-5601 I. JEWELL EXCAVATING & Septic Tank Installation 139 Sincoe st. S.. Port Perry, Ontario 15) 985-7085 -- Owner -- IRVINE JEWELL ra Auctioneers RON KING - AUCTIONEER- Auctions of All Types Phone Port Perry 985-2643 COCHRANE AUCTION SERVICE Household - Real Estate Farms - Equipment - Livestock - Whatever Your Auction Needs ... DON & FREIDA will be pleased to hear from you! 985-2788 PEARCE Auction Services Experienced In All Types of Auction Sales We do Trucking and Appraisals we 695-8073 THURSDAY JUNE 13 SALE TIME: 6 P.M. Auction Sale - of Farm Machinery, Cattle and Truck Camper the property of DON AND DOREEN ASHBRIDGE, R.R. 3, Port Perry. 1 mile East of Port Perry on 7A Hwy to Reg. Rd 7, North 2 mile then east '2 mile on Conc. 6. MACHINERY: MF 65 trac- tor 3 PH, MF 35 tractor 3 PH, Sedor loader, NH 273 baler and thrower, 488 NH 9 ft. haybine, 2 bale thrower wagons, 3 furrow Ferg. plough, 8 ft. cultivator 3 ph, 5 ft. double disc McCormick side rack, hay crimper, chain harrows, 7 ft. scraper blade, JD post hole auger, NH bale elevator and motor, 16 ft. grain auger, 6 ft. McKee snow blower, good cond., quantity of lumber, Stuart clippers, approx. 450 bales of hay. TRUCK CAMPER - 9'2 ft. Real Lite, self-contained - sleeps 4, plus tools and other small items. CATTLE: 13 Cross bred cows, due in June, 1 pure bred 3 yr. old Simmental bull, 1 yearling calf. Household items will sell at a later date in August. Terms - cash or good cheque with I.D.NOTE: Farm Sold. Owner or auctioneer will not be responsbile for accidents or injuries in connection with this sale. Auctioneers, Don and Phil Cochrane, 985-2788. THURSDAY JUNE 13 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale- Goody Goodies, 11 Celina St., Oshawa. Complete liquida- tion to make room for new stock. Clear to the walls, everything must go, in- cluding shelving and display cabinets, diamond rings, cocktail rings, watches, necklaces, cameras, old kit- chen cookstoves, ship telephone, tea figurines, Avon collection, Dungeons and Dragons, glassware, hundreds of paperbacks, stereo receivers, turn-table, speakers, walkmans, ghetto blasters, tape players, car radios, clock radios, CB's, hundreds of records, 8 tracks and cassettes, com- | ponent racks, TV monitors, computer, matching sets of stoves and fridges, deep fryer, Wok, food processer, popcorn maker. New soldering irons, measuring tapes, blow tor- ches, oxygen gauges, metal doors, work boots. Bicycles, trunks, lawnmowers, beds, table lamps, bar, deer head, office furniture, other items too numerous to mention. Business ghd ck also for sale. Terfis cash--To in- quire, calf 434-6333 Dale Smith Auctioneer. SATURDAY JUNE 15 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Auction Sale - of household contents at the property of DOUG AND MARIE FIN- BOW, 157 Victoria Dr., Ux: bridge, Ont., including SS Grew Super Sport Boat, 50 H.P. Mercury motor, 76 Chev Nova, Philco fridge, kitchen extension table with chairs, Jensen upright piano, bedroom suite, 2 chesterfields, stereo with stand, 14inch T.V_, desk and chair, dehumidifier, chairs, tables, lamps. round picnic table with umbrella, 2 elec- tric weed eaters, lawn mower, wheel barrow, 10 ft extension T V. tower, large number of garden tools, assorted workshop equip: ment and tools, exercise bike, antique wall hangings, plus many other items too numerous 'o mention All items in good condi! dn GF K Auctioneers 640 2487 985 9027 THURSDAY JUNE 13 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Furniture and Antiques Auction sa: wurniture and antiques from the Estate of the late HOWARD LEASK, Uxbridge and LIN DA KREPELKA, Port Perry Selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge. In cluding Zenith colour televi- sion with remote control (1 year old); Hosier cypboard; dressers; 4 wooden chairs; Paragon china (set of 8); an- tique dishes 'including Nipon, partial set of Bridal Rose china; lamps; linens and tools; also Frigidaire' refrigerator. Kitchen Aid portable dishwasher; 9 plece dining room suite; Weber piano; Granorgan electric chord organ; washstand; quilts; Kirby vacuum; chesterfield and chair; § piece maple bedroom suite; several small tables; rocker; antique oak parlour chair; Duncan Phyfe table and chairs; baker's table; coal oil lamp antique Cap- tain's chair; waterbed frame; 2- 8 ft. x 4 ft. doors; Life Light riding lawnmowér; tools, plus many other items. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge 416-852-3524. Jn FRIDAY JUNE W4 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Corneils Auction Barn Auction sale- 6 matching Pressback chairs; oak din- ing room extension table; oak buffet; pine chest drawers; oak drop-leaf table; rocking chairs; 9 piece modern dining room suite; round pedestal table; G.E. air conditioner; 5 cu. ft. propane electric fridge; broadgxe; Westinghouse dishwasher; portable and console colour televisons; Roxton maple drop-leaf table and 8 chairs; Frigidaire refrigerator; reel type lawnmower. Quantity of carpenter's tools, the pro- perty of the late FRED WATSON of Fenelon Falls, including table saw; Skill saw; hand sanders; quanti- _ ty of miscellaneous carpen- try tools; 5 HP MTD riding lawnmower; 14 ft. Aquariun boat with 70 HP Merc motor; 14 ft. fibreglass boat with 60 HP Johnson motor and trailer; canoe; new 14 ft. heavy duty boat trailer; 1977 Merc 2-door car; quan- tity of wooden decoys; tools; china; glass. Don Corneil Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain. 705-786-2183. SATURDAY JUNE 15 SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. 4070 Garrard Rd. North, Whitby (Just north of Taunton Rd.) Auction sale- the property of C.S. BELL, including 1949 Pontiac car, new parts, refrigerator, apartment size dryer, 2 wood cookstoves, G.E. dryer, 10 HP outboard motor and tank, machinist tool chest, 2 tool chests, air compressor tank, antiques barrel churn, lanterns, oil lamps, collectibles stove irons, crocks, Pressback chairs and rocker, gramaphone, approximate- ly 100 picture frames, 20 new car bars, 12 ton chain hoist, hydraulic bumper jack, 6 cream cans, 1 cross-cut saw, 2 Skill saws, hand saws, pulp hook, antique radio, 2 col- oured televisions, 2 dining room tables and chairs, assorted old hand tools, electric spray printer, maple corner cupboard and hutch, 8mm movie camera and projector, 16mm projec: tor, many old cameras, brass collection, Depression glass, collectable plates, dishes, pots and pans, books, chesterfield, slide-in bed unit, '2 ton truck, buffet, flat-irons, chamber pots, commode set, Duncan Phyfe table, vise, 2 electric sanders, grinder. 4 hand planes, trunks, organ stool, ivory dresser set and clock, old chairs, rugs, Honda dirt bike, old wooden washing machine, old pine table, cider press, field roller, violin, airtight stove, copper kettles, 4 inch Rockwell planer. plus many other ar ticles. NOTE TIME 1030 a m Good sale with a lot of old articles Well worth at tending Ross McLean Auc tioneer 576 7550 lamps; Lindsay Gallery SATURDAY JUNE 1$ SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Auction sale clearing auction of antique and con temporary turniture, glass, china, collectables. farm machinery, lumber etc. The property of THOMAS HARPER. located Picker ing sideline No 2. 1 mile south of Myrtle Rd (former ly 9th Conc }. between Balsam and Ashburn, 1. conc west of Durham Rd No.23. Partial list includes 8 pc. Fr prov. dining room set; antique tea wagon; Q A ladies writing desk. carved coffee and end tables; vic torian parlour table; 2 pc. Fr. prov. sofa set; 2 cedar chests; 2 sofa beds; old rockers; loveseat w/down cushions; antique what not; dressers; chests of drawers; pine blanket box; old kit chen dining tables: washs- tand: 5 pc. kitchen set; pr. East Lake chairs; gateleg tables: old kitchen cup: board; trunks; spool bed; dining and odd chairs; various standing and table old radios; 6 pc. toilet set; old records; pic: ture frames; childs billiard table; office desks; filing cabinets; brass pcs.; wicker arm chairs; R.S. Prussia dish; set of English china dishes; collectable glass: Gilson freezer; Kenrfiore fridge w/icemaker (12 yrs. old); G.E. 4 burner self cleaning stove: G.E. washer; radio/record player; sewing machine; bar; etc.; M-F 135 diesel tractor; M-F double disc; M-F brush cutter; M-F blade; 3 furrow plows; cultivators; sets of harrows; seed and fert. drills; auger; hay wagon w/racks; stone boat; wire and snow fence: garden tools; ladders; farm tools; quant. of fertilizer; old barn boards; quant. of firewood; and other misc. items. Machinery sells at 1:00 p.m. Term cash or good cheque. No reserve. Farm sold. Refreshments available. Henry and Gayle Kahn Auctioneers -- 985-8161. SATURDAY JUNE 15 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Auction sale- LINDSAY GALLERY ART AND AN- TIQUE Auction at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay. Paintings, art, sculptures, collectibles, china, paintings in oils, watercolours, acrylics, in- cluding original signed by Jack Reid and many other Ontario artists, fine art prints, posters, sculpture in- cluding work by well known leather sculpture Paul Williams, also Depression glass, china, crocks, wash basin sets and jugs, doll fur- niture, records, silver items, jewellery, Father's Day special- matched fur hat and mitt set for Father, plus fur bikini for his lady. We ex- pect items from famous sports celebrities such as Wayne Gretzky and well known politicians, well known local and Ontario ar- tists. Refreshments available by a volunteer committee from the Gallery. Don't miss this fund- raising auction. Many in: teresting items. For infor: mation call the Gallery 324-1780. Preview from 9 a.m. Auction 10 a.m. Orval McLean Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY JUNE 26 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Machinery Auction sale of farm machinery, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Ux: bridge, including J.D. 2010 diesel tractor, J.D. 2120 diesel tractor with loader, J.D. 710 diesel tractor with loader, A.C. D17 gas tractor, Hesston self-propelled mower conditioner, N.H. 495 haybine- 12 ft, Int. 3 pt hitch mower, Fox 2200 forage harvester with 2 row corn head and pick up, J.D. 40 combine, Int 615 combine with 3 row corn head and 13 ft. grain head, N.H. 23 Super forage blower, N H 268 baler, NH baler, NI 9 ft haybine, 40 ft bale elevator on wheels, 3 flat rack wagons, Robin A1202 front end loader with hydraulic bucket, grain auger, feed cart, plus many other items Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Ux bridge 416-852 3524 J 8 SATURDAY JUNE 15 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Auction sale. household items and tools, property of RUTH AND ORVAL HEAYN., R.R 3, Port Perry Scugog Island (across from Scugog Shores Museum), moving to B C Upholstered love seat (antique). round oak pedestal extension table: § Kitchen chairs. small antique oak desk Maytag- washer: McClary Easy dryer. humidifier. dehumidifier kitchen table jack knife leat. 4 chairs, modern china cabinet; 2 Aladdin lamps. green rug. square parlour table; Lazyboy (new). antique iron plant stand. Bell and Howell projector and screen; dishes; glassware. cooking utensils; bedding: snow-thrower; 5S HP Gibons, roto tiller; table saw; exten sion ladder; wheelbarrow; fertilizer spreader: many hand and garden tools. Terms: Cash or good cheque with 1.D. Lunch available. Owner and Auctioneer will not be responsible for ac cidents or injuries in connec: tion with this sale. Auc: tioneer Don Cochrane 985-2788. WEDNESDAY JUNE 19 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auction sale of furniture and antiques, the property of DON J. SMITH of Kirkfield. 12 miles east of Kirkfield (just before Shalamar Restaurant). Moffat 2-door fridge; Hotpoint stove and hood (both good): chrome table and chairs; quantity of dishes; one set of dishes; 6 piece dining room suite: walnut; 5 piece oak dining room suite- round pedestal table; told up type dining room table; antique oval walnut parlour table; R.C.A. coloured televison; bed chesterfield; Eumig movie camera, projector and screen; antique dresser with swing mirror; desk; gun rack; 2 radios; 2 piece bedroom suite; 3 piece bedroom svite- good; anti- que wash stand; 3 piece blonde "bedroom suite; parlour table; needlepoint picture; electric broom; Sears rug shampooer; brass magnifying glass- antique; Sparton electric sewing machine; Ossilating fan; silver tea pot; Dutch oven; GE toaster oven; Simplicity spin-dry washer; Simplicity dryer; 2 pine chests; boat toilet; 3 burner Coleman stove; Coleman (kerosene) lantern; electric de-bugger; 32 ft. aluminum extension ladder, cedar patio table, chaise and chair; power lawnmower; tools; pipe vise; pine threader; Skill saw- new; boat (14 ft.) with Mercury 9.8 motor; 2 tents; 9 x 10 tent stove; and much more. Property sold. Terms cash or cheque with 1.D. Sale at 11 a.m. Lunch available. Reg and Larry Johnson Auctioneers. Phone 705-357-3270. WEDNESDAY JUNE 26 SALE TIME: 7:30 P.M. Holsteins June Consignment Sale of Holsteins, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Ux- bridge, including fresh cows and heifers, bred and open heifers, featuring a fresh (GP) Sheik with 2y 315d 12285 572 4.7 per cent (130-164) from a (GP) Dam with 4.8 per cent. Con signments will be accepted for this sale. Please call Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Ux bridge 416-852-3524. THURSDAY JUNE 27 Large Auction Sale of an tique and modern furniture, antique dishes, 1920 Model T Ford car, riding lawnmower 9 piece antique walnut din: ing room suite (all inlaid), Mary Gregory water pitcher etc, the property of the late HERB BROOKS, of Port Perry. Go north of the four corners in Port Perry to the outskirts of town Details next weék Reg and Larry Johnson, Auctioneers SATURDAY JUNE 29 SALE TIME 1.00 P.M. Consignments and partial estate auction at Oddfellows Hall in Port Perry For in formation call Pearce Auc tion Services 6558073 J 11 "wagon, 2 WEDNESDAY JUNE 19 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Auction Sale Livestock, implements and antique fur niture, free listed grade Holstein Cattle. Milking equipment, Dion Threshing Machine Int binder, Democrat, Town Cart, Wooden- wheeled wagon. 2 rubber tired wagons with racks, turnip sowers. 'urnip dumps, turnip pulpers, walking ploughs, Cockshutt grinder. pine harvest table, oak table. pine cupboard, cherry wood cupboard. the property af MILTON STEPHENSON. Lot 1, Con: cession 10, Manvers Township, 12 miles east of Port Perry on Hwy. 7A to Cartwright Boundary and \ mile north or 4 miles west of Hwy. 35 on Hwy. 7A and | mile north. MACHINERY Dion Threshing Machine 22-38 long feeder, Dion Threshing machine tor parts, 120 ft. drive belt 6 inch, 100 ft. drive belt 7 inch, Int: 7 ft. binder, 2 Int. binders for parts, 2 sets of bob sleighs, Hay tedder, 2 horse drawn cultivators, M.H. 6 blade tiller, Int. 3 - 11's ace bottom trail plough, Cockshutt 6 ft. power mower - full trail, Wooden wheeled rubber tired wagons with racks, Democrat, Town cart, 2 tur nip sowers, 2 turnip pulpers, 2 turnip dumps, 3 single walking ploughs, Fanning mill, Quantity of horse col lars, Quantity of horse harnesses, John Deere manure spreader - ground drive, M.H. manure spreader, Set of 4 section harrows, 3 sets of flex har- rows, 3 scufflers, 1 scuftler, Whiffler tries, Neck yokes, Corn binder, small cultivator, Cockshutt grinder, De Laval 35 can Bulk Milk Tank, 4 De Laval units, 4 Surge units, 3 stainless steel strainers, Renfrew electric separator, 5 stainless steel pans, Forks, shovels, chains, numerous other articles too numerous to mention. FURNITURE | AND ANTIQUES: Antique pine harvest table, Pine cup- board, Antique cherry wood cupboard, number of wooden beds, Iron bed, 3 rocking chairs, oak kitchen table, cream cans, set of chime bells, 12 wooden chairs, dresser, butter bowl, churn, antique irons, drop leat table, some dishes, Gramaphone, Findlay cook stove, 3 sap evaporator pans, Singer sewing machine, egg crates, record player, picture frames, 3 mirrors, wooden windows, quart bottles, crocks, jars, - television, very large quan: tity of household and antique items. CATTLE: Free Listed Herd, 27 Grade Hols: tein cows in all stages of lac: tation - 14 fresh and in full flow, 4 due June, July, 3 due September, 6 due October and November, 1 Jersey cow - fresh 2 mos. - rebred, 20 Grade Holsteins heifers 112 yr. old - open, 1 Jersey heifer rising 12 yr. old, 7 Holstein heifer calves, 1 Jersey calf, Herd dairy test 3.9. A free listed herd - bred to unit sires. Terms cash. No Reserve. Furniture Sale at 11:00 a.m.; Machine Sale at 1:00 P.M.; Cattle Sale at 2:30 P.M. Carl and Greg Hickson Auctioneers, Reaboro, Ont. (705)324-9959 or 324-2774 Owner and Auc tioneer will not be responsbile for any Public Liability, Property Damage or Injury to the Public in connection with this Auction Sale. 130 HEAD of Simmental Females will sell at the On tario Livestock Exchange, Saturday. June 15th at 1:00 p.m. Many cow/calf pairs Open and bred heifers. Cows Brucelosis tested Many from Free Listed herds For more information call Jim Wideman 519-884-2082. SHARP - CANON TEXAS INSTRUMENTS CALCULATORS & Adding Machines PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street 985-7383 SATURDAY JUNE 22 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Laroe Auction Sale of Pot hinery lumber, furniture and antiques for WILLIAM BACON, R.R. 3, Uxbridge. selling at the farm. Lot 9 Conc. 11, Scugog Twp... 2 miles west of Greenbank. Including 25 Reg. Shetland ponies, 7 due to toal in June and July. One Reg. Hackney with colt, many broke to drive. Double buggy (2 or 3 hitch), 2 single buggies (1 new), pony cart, cutter, numerous buggy carts, quantity of pony blankets, halters, bits, J sets of harness, J.D. manure spreader, wagon with 16 ft. hay rack, automatic hay stooker, wagon with 22 ft. hay rack (new). hay feeders, oat roller, steel fence posts, railroad ties, anvil, large quantity of lumber including 2 ft. x 4 ft. upto2ft. x 12ft. (Elm, Pine, Spruce), wagon sills, 50 ft. endless belt, planer. lathe, 40 inch and 42 inch solid { tooth lumber saws, freezer : (excellent condition), f upright plano, 2 fern stands, 2- 3 plece bedroom suites, rocker, sewing machine, lamps, picture frames, chesterfield, linens, dishes, several hand tools, plus many other items. Lunch avallable. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge 416-852-3524. Js SATURDAY JUNE 22 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Farm Machinery Auction sale- the property of the late HAROLD TRACEY, Lot 15, Conces- sion 11, Ops Township: 3 miles east of Ops Elemen- tary School or 5 miles east of lights at Junction of Highways 7 and 35 at Lind say. M.F. No. 12 baler PTO; "John Deere No. 34 tractor . manure spreader; John Deere No. 39- 7 ft. power mower, 3 pt.; John Deere 3 furrow trip beam plough; Evurospand fertilizer spreader 3 pt.; Int. 13 disc seed drill; 20 ft. grain auger 4inch; 52 ft. hay elevator on wheels: with motor; bale drag; New ldea side rake; John Deere 3 pt. cultivator; roller bearing wagon with rack 8 ft. x 14 ft.; 3 pt. blade; double disc; 3 drum land roller; 3 electric tences; 2 | wheeled tractor; 15 milk | cans; steel stanchions; | wooden extension ladder; ranger cattle squeeze and head gate on 'wheels; dehorners; Burdizas; steel | stone boat; 4 tarpaulins; 3/8 inch electric drill; Ya inch | electric drill; 2 inch elec: tric drill; quantity of open | and box end wrenches; Skill | saw; hand sprayer; 6 ft. | horse mower; 4 sections drag harrows; fanning mill; | beam scales; counter scales; fence stretcher; | quantity of lumber 3 x 8, 3 x 6, 3 x 4; grass seeder PTO; 1979 K-Z 400. LTD Kawasaki street bike; forks, shovels, chains, many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash. No reserve. | Sale at 1:00 p.m. Carl and Greg Hickson, Auctioneers, Reaboro, Ontario. | 705-324-9959 or 324-2774. Owner and Auctioneer will | not be responsible for any public liability, property damage or Injury to the | public in connection with | this Auction Sale. | | Welding material stolen Thieves pried open a door at the Scugog Township roads depart- ment yard June 9th and walked away with $800 worth of welding equipment. Durham Regional Police say four tanks and two sets of torches, acetylene units, were for- cibly removed. And we wonder why our taxes are so high