PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. August 13, 1985 -- 1S Every day they did something interesting Nestleton-Caesarea News by Mabel Cawker Family Interests Mrs. Norma Wilson, Duntroon, returned home on Thursday last after approx. two weeks holidaying with Sam and sister Mabel Cawker, Scugog Pt Rd. Every day some interesting activity was on the agenda - what with dinners, teas, barbecues, shopping sprees, special church services, etc, the holiday period went by very quickly. We Surely en- joyed the Scugog Island Barbecue meeting friends, and with so many tempting dishes to choose from. It was evi- dent they were experts in the culinary art. They of- fered a casual, comfor- table dining spot out- doors in the shade with gorgeous weather for such an event. After the bountiful meal - music was a "highlight"' with all local talent. When you listened to those tunes a feeling of nostalgia crept over you bringing back the memorable good old days! An evening of good food and good fun! We congratulate the Island Church folks! A great venture which proved a real success! Caesarea Card Game At the weekly Wed. evening Euchre spon- sored by the Ladies Aux- iliary, the winners were: First - Dorothy Edwards 85. Second - Karen Rad- ford - 78. Low - Albert Watts - 44. Dorothy Ed- wards and Henry Visser tied for the lone hands for the month of July - each having 16. Winner of the "Wheelbarrow of Cheer" drawn at the Caesarea Regatta was Mrs. Sophie Blyth of Port Perry. Ticket sold by Mrs. Car- rie Miller. The Fall Fairs Summer is on the wane and the Fall Fairs are moving right along. Keep in mind the Blackstock Fair to be held Saturday, August 24 - "when all the action happens in the same day." This.is their 120th fair and they have many attractions for all ages. The Blackstock and District Lions Club will man the gates as well as running the Crown and Anchor: for the Fair Board. Sounds like fun, eh? Try to be a participant! Ralph Sadler had his horse and Janice MacKenzie, Claire and Leslie took along their ponies to Campbellford Fair on Sunday - return- ing home with several prizes. Congratulations! Social News A lovely tea party was hosted by Edda and Russell Bowman, St Christopher, on Wed afternoon. Those present for the occasion were: Al and Islay Cay of Caesarea, Tammy Mullins, St. Christopher, Norma Wilson, Dun- troon, and Mabel Cawker of Scugog Pt. Rd. Jean and Lloyd Slemon, Hayden, were luncheon guests recently with Ralph and Leona Sadler of Nestleton. The Sam Cawkers of Scugog Point Rd., en- joyed a delicious steak dinner with Chas. and Nell Cawker of Scar- borough, on Sunday evening - and a long overdue visit - catching up on family news. They called on Sylvia and Jason Cawker as well. Caesarea Community Church On Sunday, August 11, a splendid congregation with Rev. W.H. Crawford, D.D. in charge of the service. Rev. Charles Clarke, Port Perry, presented an excellent message taking as his theme, 'On Being a New Person' taken from script. 2, Corin- thians 5: 1-17 read by Daniel Pugh Jr Guest soloist Regenia Walker sang a beloved number "The Lord's My Shepherd' much to the enjoyment of all present. Organist Mabel Cawker accompanied her on the Hammond organ. Next Sunday, Aug. 18, at 11 a.m. A warm welcome awaits you! Appreciation Our sincere thanks to a Don't forget shower for Joanne and John Seagrave and Area News by Diane Cooke [a Don't forget there will be a misc. shower for Joanne Nobbs and John Molenaar on Wed. Aug. 14th at 8:30 in the base- ment of the Seagrave United Church. Ladies please provide lunch. Robinglade Estates Women's group has had new members join this summer; anyone else wishing to join the group should contact myself at 985-3722 or Joan Gordon at 985-9518. Everyone must be on holidays - not much news this week; hope they're having a good time. Marilyn is away on holidays, therefore for next week's news, please phone Patty Williams at 985-2453. Mrs. Myrtie Stone, formerly of Seagrave, had a birthday party held at her daughter's Mildred Rodd of Port Perry. Several of her Seagrave friends attended. Myrtie is reportedly in good health for her 93 years voung Chesterfield Suites Love Seats Sectionals & Mattresses - A Large Selection - McKEEN FURNITURE 524 Simcos SL. S., Oshawa 725.5181 CHAIN SAWS good friend and neighbour Leon Brygeon and family, Rosie, Cindy and Sophie for their timely and appreciated help in winding up the harvest 3 Congratulations We wish to con- 'gratulate Keith Mullins of St. Christopher, an ar- dent fisherman - who due to his passion has turned muskie fishing into a business. On Saturday and Sunday last the "charter operation' on Lake Scugog - catering to fishermen was most successful. Sympathy Our condolances to the family of the late Vera Melton who passed away during the weekend. Vera was a gentle, friendly person, loved and respected by many Scugog Island (RR. 3) Port Perry Seven Mile Island Resort welcomes you to our and had a wide circle of friends. She will be greatly missed. A Reminder Keep in mind the an- nual Memorial Decora- tion Service to be held at Nestleton United Church next Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Rev. Dale Davis will speak and Gail Hiemstra is the soloist. Try to be there for this special service. (under new ownership) CANDLELIGHT DINNER NIGHTLY -- AND -- LUNCH SERVED DAILY » \) Sunday » Brunch Y§ served from 11 a.m. | For reservations call 985-9949 ignition Reliable power, performance sZ=2ctas Electronic Za} A oe 2 ig) \ , y Z 1 = baal) PE Spits "1 oN ¥ a A ee PL J) A yrs » IL Antivibration engine ount Outstanding balance. convenient controls and good power-to-weight ratio make John Deere chain saws stand ou! from the competition. Electronic ignition provides quick starts and easier maintenance Antivibration engine mount makes long work days less tiring See the full John Deere chain saw line at our store soon PRICED FROM ... $ 1 85% Shoulder harness, : N (G3 Cut with line --Ca# or blades hip pad JE RZ 5% Dl NN eI Wore John Deere offers a complete range of gas-powered tnmmers, with one noht for the tnmrming you need to do Trim grass and weeds close to walls, under fences, over and around obstacles For large weeds and brush. a variety of blades are available For tnmmer sales and tnmmer service, we're the people to see first SALE PRICE ... $2999 Model 83G. Reg $439" UTICA FARM EQUIPMENT (2 miles west of Manchester) 985-3042 985-8601 JOHN oy Nothing Runs Like a Deere'