HEATING CONTRACTORS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AIR CONDITIONING LTD. AOA Gas, Oil or Electric Furnace - Ar Conditioning a PHONE 985-3365 A THOMSON HEATING & #0 Radio Dispatched FRED TIMMS 24 Hr. Emergency Oil Burner Semice Pl CO. LTD. Furnace cLeaning 989-3998 LAW OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m Evening Appointments Available. RONALD D. BRIDGEWATER BARRISTER & SOLICITOR 230 QUEEN STREET -- PORT PERRY Bus: 985-8491 Res.: 985-8828 McKEE 985-8712 a 085.8625 RR, a RON DAVIDSON FUELS LTD. P.O. Box 1170, Port Perry PETROLEUM TRANSPORT DIVISION SERVICE ¢ SATISFACTION AUTOMOTIVE Alex J. Shepherd CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 250 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Corporation, Small Business Accounting & Taxation Farm Accounting & Taxation - Bookkeeping Services PHONE (416) 985-7031 EMIVIERSON INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED i 193 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY nora) Ina (416) 985-7306 General Insurance" TAYLOR'S GULF SERVICE CENTRE - specializing in BRAKES - TUNE-UPS COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK CARE GOVERNMENT SAFETY CERTIFICATES Cars - Trucks - Motorcycles - School Buses HWY. 7A WEST, PORT PERRY 985-3655 (1/4 mile west of Port Perry) LANDSCAPING ANALDA | [LANDSCAPING LA * Interlocking Brick NDSCAPING * Landscape Gardening & NURSERIES * Wood Fencing (5 miles east of Port Perry) * Retaining Walls Hwy. 7A and West 1/4 Line * Stone Masonry 2868-4771 * Property Maintenance * Moving PROFESSIONAL SERVICE & QUALITY PRODUCTS University Werks Free Estimates Call 985-2289 ALL WORK GUARANTEED AUTO 1.24 (@) 4 I\'[C by Scala Bros. Wiccks @ New & Used Part HOT LINE SERVICE We Buy Cars & Light Trucks Actes of Tate Mode Tollbree 1-800-263-7709 Port Perry 1-416-985 3132 1 416 985-318K4 RR 4. Port Perry Ontario LOB INO SEAGRAVE NURSERY Landscaping - Fencing - Decks - Retaining Walls - Interlocking Brick Work - Carpentry Work ® ons aA® 985-8888 RICK'S WEED CONTROL Specializing in Lawn Care, Weed Control, Chinz Bug Control, Fertilizing, Tree & Shrub Spraying, Dormant Spraying. Licensed. 985-2259 Licensed CALL FOR YOUR COMPLETE CAR CARE SERVICE Scugog Oil Undercoating Service We do -- Car Washing -- Interior Shampoo -- Oil Undercoating -- Wax Treatment MOTOR CITY TURF SERVICES Lawn Care - Fertilizing - Weed Control PORT PERRY .... 985-3383 CALL 985-9569 DURHAM AUTOMOTIVE AUTO BODY WALLED ALED Insurance Work Rust Repairs Fibreglass Body Repairs & Relinishing Frame Straightening COMPLETE COLLISION REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF CARS & TRUCKS free Loca! Towing for all Collision Work RR 4 PORT PERRY 985-8800 LALA PLA E LET ORT AUTO GLASS | ERRY & TRIM .» 139 Water St MOBILE SERVICE 985 8507 Windshwelids Insurance Work Comple'e Auto & Marne Upholstery i. rad Sun Roofs Pin Stripe< & Mouldings = Hal=-1-R\"4[=1d=]1af-] (0 IVE [187200 ET=1o BOF: [STR SM Oe [IT 4a [13 [14] £3 985-2420 Ralph Raines 25/7 Scugop Street Port Perry (nt 4 13) I NI MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES Scugog Appliance Repair REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES IR resi 22) es Washers - Dryers - Stoves TOM VANDERENDE Fridges - Dishwashers - Call 986-5312 anytime Freezers REASONABLE RATES THE eye SHOPS Brock Reville, Optician 28 WATER ST., wt, 985-9388 Dan's 2j 4m APPLIANCE, + , Service 985-9585 Port Perry $5 We make you L " Repairs to All Makes & Models" you applionce happy' " PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. August 13, 1985 -- 33 Auction Soles Auction Sales WEDNESDAY AUGUST 14 SALE TIME: 12:3 P.M. Short notice auction sale of large tarm machinery. the property of FRITZ AND EVERT WOUD, 1! mile west of Port Perry or | mile east of Manchester on Hwy 7A. White 2-135 diesel tractor with duals and cab: 790 hours; J.D. 2120 diesel trac: tor 2425 hours; IHC 1440 ax: le ftlow self-propelled combine: hours: equipped with IHC 820- 13 ft. grain and soybean head, auto, flexible; IHC 4 row- narrow cornhead- good condition; Calsa tractor mounted sprayer with dual 260 gallon tanks; White 27: 18 ft. swing double wheel disc with sprayer attach: ment; Glencoe 12 ft. soll saver with cold-flow in: stallation and levelling har: rows; J.D. 8350 fertilizer seed drill used 3 years; Turnco 15 ft. land packer; 3 Turnco grain boxes; 2 Mar- tin wagons and 1 John Deere wagon; Demo Corn King hydraulic dump wagon; Faterla corn cleaner with 3 HP motor; Hutchinson grain elevator with undercarriage and high voltage motor; Long Super 1199A backhoe; Amazon 3 pt. fertilator; IHC 80 snowblower- 8 ft; J.D. tractor blade; Bush Hog rotary mower; number of steel posts, etc. NOTE: Please be on time for this sale. Only a few small items. This Is a good opportunity to buy well maintained machinery. Owners giving up farming. Lunch avallable. Terms cash or cheque with 1.D. Sale at 12:30 p.m. Reg and Larry Johnson Auctioneers. 705-357-3270 or 745-8470.A 13 FRIDAY AUGUST 16 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Corneils Auction Barn Auction sale- Dominion upright piano and stool, round oak pedestal dining table, square oak dining table, crock churn, wooden wardrobe, mahogany drop- leaf table and four chairs, Hoosier kitchen cupboard, parlour tables, refinished wash stands, Hoop-back chairs, Inglis washer and dryer, oak sideboard, 15 cu. ft. Westinghouse refrigerator, Jacques and Hayes chairs, coffee and end tables, console colour Tv's, 180 amp Lincoln electric welder, 20 ft. aluminum ex- tension ladder, air com: pressor, Hobart battery charger, 2 HP Johnson motor, 7 HP Massey Ferguson riding lawnmower, 1972 Dodge window van, 1976 Nova, quantity china and glass. Don Cornell Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain. 705-786-2183. less than 1100. THURSDAY AUGUST SALE TIME: 10:30 AM. Large auction sale of anti que furniture, Edison cylinder gramaphone, dishes efc.. (contents of a 3 storey house), the property of MRS. CEPHAS DOHER TY, 223 Victoria Street In Beaverton (turn west at the theatre). Antique Butternut sideboard with mirror in back, Captain's chair, anti: que extension table, 6 antl que Cane bottom chairs, Pressback chairs, Jacques and Hayes sideboard, quan: tity of dishes, pots and pans, pine fruit cupboard, antique desk, Jacques and Hayes couch, oval extension table, library table, antique buffet (62 ft. long). small antique buffet, antique bookcase, an: tique hall seat with fancy hat hooks, storage seat and um- brella stand (good), 3 plece settee, large antique war: drobe, walnut bookcase, Edison cylinder type of gramaphone, large quantity of records, antique wash stand with Birdseye sections in drawers, 4 gun stock chairs (cane bottoms) vani- ty and stool, several wash stands, antique sewing machine (Wheeler and Willison) treadle type, bought In 1880, antique couch, or: nate pariour table (porcelain casters), dresser with tear-drop handles, other dressers, butterfly showcase, Atwater Kent battery radio with round speaker (T.R.F.) workable, 2 antique radios 1930 and 1940, pine chest, 3 hump back trunks, large antique Morris chalr, antique violin and case (child's size), cor- ner what-not, iron ship light, several antique parlour tables, wooden beds, 400 day clock, antique oak mantle clock, several tollet set parts, Standard freadle sew- ing machine, small antique clock, banquet lamp, foot stool, bedding, portable col oured TV, fern stand, coffee tables, bed chesterfield, several antique rockers, rugs, antique pencil boxes, large pine flatback, hun: dreds of other articles of in: terest. NOTE: This is a good antique sale. Plan to attend. Terms cash or cheque with 1.D. Sale at 10:30 a.m. Reg and Larry Johnson Auc: tioneers. Phone 705-357-3270 or 745-8470. WEDNESDAY AUGUST SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Auction sale: the property of ORVILLE McCLEL- LAND, Lot 33, Concession 4, Hamilton Township: S miles north of Port Hope off Highway 40) on Hwy 28 to Sth Conc., Ya mile east and '2 mile south tirst farm. MACHINERY: Case 2470 diesel tractor, articulating - cab - 4x4 - air-radio-PTO-3 pt. tast hitch: 2400 hours: like new; 1976 M.F. 245 diesel tractor with Kelly manure loader. 6 ft. bucket 800 hours; 2-D Case gas trac tors; Kneverland Hydrein on land é- 16's plough spring reset; Bush Hog 12 ft. Jandem disc trail; Allied 14 ft. cultivator: trail or 3 pti hydraulic lift; M.F. No. 33: 17 disc seed drill: grain grass and fertilizer (hydraulic lift); M.F. 205 manure spreader PTO: snap-on tailgate; M.F. 7 ft. power mower; 3 gravity grain boxes with 7 ton gear ing; 40 ft. bale elevator; 3 pt. field sprayer- 26 ft. boom: 100 gal. tank; bale buncher; hay trailer 8 ft. x 14 ft.; McMillen hydraulic post: hole digger: 3 pt.- 14 In. auger; M.F. 7 ft. snowblower 3 pt.; Trailer stone boat; 1980 portable wood splitter with Honda motor- hydraulic controls; 3 pt. wood splitter; wagon rack; 2 galvanized doors 14 ft. x 14 ft.; grass seed box- 13 run; 40 ft. grain auger 6 Inch; 4 sections flexible har- rows; set of Sheboggan sleighs; 2 Homelite chain saws; cross-cut saws; quan: tity of lumber; set of team harness; hog scales; hog box; old brooder stove; set of bellows; iron sap kettle; fence stretcher; scrap iron; extension ladder; tractor chains for 245 and D Case; forks, shovels, chains, many other articles too numerous to mention. No reserve. Terms cash. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Carl and Greg Hickson Auctioneers, Reaboro, On: _tario 705-324-9959 or 324-2774. Owner and Auctioneer will not be responsible for any public liability, property damage or Injury to the public in connection with this Auction Sale. Look here!.. LOOKING FOR A PLACE TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS? . .where consumers in need shop for the professionals in business! CALL 985-7383 FOR INFORMATION! BASSETT'S SMALL ENGINES Repairs to Outboards - Tillers Lawnmowers - Snow- mobiles - Chainsaws Fibreglass Repairs - Sun Valley, Seagrave 985-8677 T.V. Service We service all make: of Colour TV's and B & W. We carry factory parts. Try Our Written Guarantee. TARGET T.V. Uxbridge: (416) 852-7391 Sunderland: (705) 357-3110 ER VAN LETTERING Lorenz Bazarin Sto Loser: V3 ARTWORK © LOGOS © MURALS © WILDLIFE ILLUSTRATIONS Shadow Brook Acres, Mestieten, Ont LOS 110 416-986-5414 D JlLEE 7 FEED SERVICE 40 Vanedward Drive, Port Perry (Behind Philp Ponthac Buck Limded) ANIMAL FEED A& HEALTH PRODUCTS FERTILIZER WILD BIRD SEED DOG FOOD CONDITIONER SALT MARLOW'S GARDEN SUPPLIES FENCE 985-7363 ABACA COMPUTER SERVICES Dota Entry Word Procesung Correspondence Telephone Ducts Statistical Reports Orta Transcriptions 2885-83688 CLARENCE WILLCOCK WELDING Shop & Mobile Fab. & Repairs PHONE 985-2589 Danforth Typewriter RENTAL - SALES SERVICE - REPAIRS 408 Dundas St. W., Whitby 666-1131 --y Mon - Fri. 900 t¢ 5:30 CLOSED SAT. (June, July, hug) |