CRAFT SHOP featuring quilts, baby items, greeting cards, pine accessories, a Christmas Gomer, antiques and many other items. Y2 Mile East of the 4 Corners in Caesarea 986-4833 SHORT TERM CERTIFICATES 60 - 364 Days 8%% (Min. $5,000.) ag 30 - 59 Days 9.15% (Min. $100,000) Y GUARANTEED Anncal terest INVESTMENT 1 1% 0 CERTIFICATES (Minimum $500.) Rates subject to Change without Notice STANDARD TRUST 16S Queen Street, P.O. Box 1318 Port Perry, Ontario 1L.OB INO Telephone: 985-8435 Memie ( eeus in Bridal shower at Epsom Church by Jean Jeffery All ladies in the com- munity are invited to Ep- som Church Wed. Aug. 21 at 8 p.m. where there will be a miscellaneous bridal shower in honour of Sandra Bolton's for- thcoming marriage. - Several friends en- joyed Wed. afternoon tea and birthday cake at the home of Darlene Christie in honour of the Aunt Beryl Martin's birthday. Mel and Allan Bailey attended a family reu- nion near Barrie on Sun. Linda Littler and children of Richmond Hill visited Darlene Christie last week. Patrick G. Deegan DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC Port Perry 305 Queen St. Anyone interested in the next 4H project get in touch with Mrs. Elva or Mrs. Gail Kerry before Sept. 12 course in "'Ac- tion Wear." Sounds interesting. Mr. and Mrs. W. Kerry called on their new neighbours, Harold and Iris Shickler who live on the place vacated by the Greenwood family. It happens to be Iris and Harold's twentieth wed- ding anniversary. Welcome to the Com- munity. We wish you a long and happy life in your new home. Last Thurs. there was a church family shower for Jennifer Simmonds at Sandy Wagner's home. This Thurs. even- ing Aug. 15, Mrs. Ross Munro wil host a miscellaneous shower for Jennifer for the Ep- som community at her home. Ruth and Elmer Wilson had dinner with Miss Ruby Wilson on Sun. Faye and Keith, Robert and Jamie Ashton were supper guests on Sun. with Nan- cy and Gerald Hill and Kelly. There were friends from a distance at the Ross Evans home. They Heather Ashton really got the ball rolling. The picnic at Boad- ways was the usual suc- cess. Loads of food, and a good time had by all, and that first taste of corn sure was great. Thank you Harry and Ruth. Norman and Betty Tapscott were at their cottage this weekend. Don't forget we are all to join them next Sat. Aug. 17 for a picnic sup- per following swimming, boating, water skiing and games. Stella and Don Asling visited Walter and Hazel Asling of Ajax, and Don's their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton for a few days. Ken and Beth Catherwood and boys visited Howard and Ruth on Sun. afternoon. Mr. Ed Page of Toron- to was visiting his son Barry, Dini and boys this weekend. Mrs. Velma Huggins and Mrs. A. Jeffery of Orillia had lunch on Sun. with Jean and Gordon Jeffery. Joan Taylor and his wife of London, Miss Ruth Taylor of Cann- ington, Mr. Jack Evans of Cameron were visitors with Earl and Elizabeth Taylor this weekend. attended the wedding on Sat. of Ross and Bar- bara's son Grant. Many relatives from the area attended. This coming Sat. our best wishes are for Rick Wilson and his bride and BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! the following Sat. con- gratulations to Jennifer Phone 985-2916 or 623-4473 coviect TIRE SALE RADIAL T/A 70 SALE PRICES P 175/70R 13 $70. P 195/70R 13. $83. P 205/70R 14 _ $94. P 215/70R 14 $97. P215/70R 15 $103. P 225/70R 15 . $108. P235/70R 15 $112. P255/70R 15 $118. New - New - New CHARGER SR60 & SR70 185 x 70SR13 $75. 185 x 70SR14 $82. 195 x 70SR14 $87. 225 x 70SR15 $104. 205 x 60SR13 $92. 235 x 60SR14 $99. 245 x 60SR14 $109. 235 x 60SR15 $109. 245 x 60sR15 $126. 275 x 60SR15 $134. CAVALIER $54. $55. $57. $60. $61. $63. 155 x 80R 13 165 x BOR 13 175 x BOR 13 185 x B80R 13 185 x 75R 14 195 x 75R 14 Similar Savings on other sizes a i on our 60 day layaway plan guarantees the sale price RADIAL T/A 60 SALE PRICES P 195/60R 13 P 215/60R 13 P 215/60R 14 P 235/60R 14 P 245/60R 14 P 235/60R 15 P 255/60R 15 ........ , P 275/60R 15 SPRINGFIELD LIGHT TRUCK SALE - SALE 700 x 15-6 ply oy $71. 750 x 16-8 ply nb 950 x 16 5-8 ply rib ... 700 x 15-6 ply lug . 7.50 x 16-8 ply lug . 875x 1658 ply lug $97. 950x16 58 ply lug $103. STEEL ALL SEASON 205 x 75R 14 205 x 75R 15 215 x 75R 15 225 x 75R 15 235 x 75R 15 $79. $93. $76. $90. LSS veg nY EN | 7 $65. $67. $69. $72. $76. VAN HEMMEN TIRES 317 HOPKINS STREET WHITBY Mon filam tolpm Sesasdmyliamwilpm 666-2121 = Simmonds on her wed- ding day. Two weeks later Sandra Bolton will exchange wedding vows. I think Richard and Lakeshore Landscaping & Property Management SUMMER MAINTENANCE Clean all Lawn Areas - Clean all Garden Beds - Clean all Walkways - Patios & Driveways. Cultivate & Edge all Garden Beds - Pruning of trees & shrubs (under 10 ft.) - Lawn/Garden Fertilizing CALL GERRY ... 985-2188 WHITBY-OSHAWA HONDA 1110 Dundas Street East -- Whithy, Ontario SALES - SERVICE - LEASING NEW & USED CARS ~2» (all... Kevin Cannon a 666-1772 686-1745 residence 985-2515 POOLS POOLS POOLS KAMBAR CUSTOM 18" x 32' INGROUND POOL completely installed with *2 ft. radws corners * 20" Jaccuz Filter * 3-Tread Stainless Steel Ladder * 6 Ft. Fibreglass Diving Board * Maintenance and Vacuum Equipment 6,895. .. 9 ® tax incl. SPAS from $2495. Above Ground & Inground Pool Restoration ALL WORK GUARANTEED [ ESTABLISHED 1970 RILEY & SONS 1-831-8WIM PORT PERRY 985-9101 "Shop & Compare our Quality Installations mother of Fairview lodge on Sun. afternoon. Sandra, Paul and Bradley Ashton of Oakwood are visiting GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES - Annual Rates - 2 YEARS 3 YEARS 4 YEARS 5 YEARS 1 YEAR 2 YEARS 3 YEARS 4 YEARS 5 YEARS 10 5/8% - MORTGAGES BOUGHT & SOLD - Rates subject to change without notice. Call the Office for more information. SCUGOG FINANCIAL SERVICES 250 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY PHONE 985-3832 All members of Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation. PORT PERRY LABOUR DAY WEEKEND AUG. 31 - SEPT. 1 & 2 at the PORT PERRY FAIRGROUNDS -- SATURDAY, AUGUST 31st -- 10 A.M. - 6th Annual Baby Show. Contact Heather McCrae 985-7632. Entry deadline Aug. 29th. 11 A.M. - Port Perry Fair Parade. Contact Ron King to enter - 985-2643. 12 NOON - Opening Ceremonies. 4:30-6:30 P.M. - Hot Beef Buffet. Scugog Arena Tickets available at Irwin Smith Music Ltd , Port Perry 6:30 P.M. - Grandstand Show ] (at the fairgrounds) -- SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st -- 1:30 P.M. - Harness Racing (Pari-Mutuel Betting) 2:00 P.M. - Fiddle Contest 5: 30 P.M. - Demolition Derby -- MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd -- 12 NOON - Holstein Show 1 P.M. - Western Speed Event Horse Show, Bluegrass Entertainment, 2 P.M. - Horse Draws.