AT Dl ----., other problems. up here! visited with Niki for the 1 We certainly hope In addition to enjoying afternoon and returned FIDDLE HISTORICAL FAIR DAY J tomorrow dawns the friendly people of the with Niki for a visit with FARM EXHIBIT { many friends and joyed the fabulous selec- Miss Elsie Brown of 9857994 or 9852635 1 Shingle Making 4 neighbours are anxious tion of delectable fresh Toronto spent last week SUN., SEPT. 1 [| Miniature Steam Engines . | to help In anyway "treasures" from the sea with Mrs. Gertie 2:00 P.M. CONTACT: Arnold Kerry 11:00 AM. i possible. ~ like thick fillets of cod ~~ Wanamaker At the Fairgrounds 985-7792 or 985-3042 Contact: Ron King 985-2643 Quick action saves family from blaze Seagrave and Area News by Marilyn Beacock Early Saturday morn- ing sleepy residents of this little village were suddenly awakened by the wail of sirens and flashing red light as well as the acrid smell of smoke billowing over the rooftops of nearby homes. Cause of this disturbance was a house surgery as is Anne- Marie's mother and it seems unfortunate that they should suffer through the agony of see- ing prized possessions destroyed by the ravages of fire in addition to their brighter for all of you and I'm sure all of your The Beacock's were pleased to have their young nephew and cousin, Mst. Scott Foster of Port Perry. as a week end guest at Nol Bugtussel Corners Saturday. Aug 17 was a bright and beautiful day for the wedding of Miss Karen Carr and Mr Kevin Nesbitt at the Seagrave United Church The bride and her atten: dants were lovely and they were complemented by some very handsome young men who made up the male portion of the wedding party We wish this young couple many years of happiness as they strike out on what we hope will be a lifetime of abundant happy times! Congratulations to Judy and Bruce on ac- paced. The philosophy is life down there can be aptly described in 1 vo phrases - "'One day a. a time' and "Live and let live." A refreshing change from our hectic schedule East Coast, I must say we also thoroughly en- and sole, fresh juicy salmon and steaks and of course, their most famous gift from the sea - lobster. While we were in New Brunswick we dropped in to see a former Seagrave resident Gloria Wallace Gloria lives in a little coastal village called Pointe du Chene just a little way from Shediac She was delighted to hear about all her Seagrave friends and asked to be remembered to each of you. Gloria seems quite content and happy in her little cot tage which 1s a short walk away from her mother's home and both she and her mom are en- joying good health. Last Sunday, Don and I along with my uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Murray Rodd had the pleasure of watching one heck of an exciting ball game which was played Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. G.T. McPherson of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. E. Martyn of Prince Albert, Mr. and Mrs. A. Martyn of Scugog and Miss Niki Martyn of Islington. Amy Lynn Wanamaker Grandpa and Grandma Martyn. I can hardly beheve it but next week-end 1s LLabour Day already! LLabour Day week-end is also Port Perry Fair time so please set aside time to view the exciting exhibits that will be there One of our Seagrave residents, Mrs Donna Kent, will be demonstrating a very popular craft known as "Folk Art = Be sure to stop by and sa* "hi" and (Turn to page 12) COME IN FOR ALL YOUR ... Back fo Scho. a) AER NEEDS! * * * JELLY SHOES * SAVAGE DRESS & KIDPROOF SHOES in all size ranges. POWER - KANGAROO - DART RUNNERS 25% OFF Priced to clear at $2.98 Stonewash & Cord Bags for the young & young at heart. « Full line of Fall Fashion Shoes - Casual Shoes - Handbags. PORT PERRY LABOUR DAY WEEKEND COME Ong Comariivo ™ PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. August 27, 1985 -- 9 2 [/ Sg SATURDAY, AUGUST 31st Rh g * Girls up to 6 months old * Boys up to 6 months old * Girls 7 months to 1 year * Boys 7 months to 1 year * Twins up to 12 months * Twins 12 - 24 months * Girls 12 - 24 months * Boys 12 - 24 months To enter call: Heather McCrea 985-7632 Margarite Mitchell 985-7290 Deadline Entry Date - 9PM Thursday, August 29th Entries limited to 19 per category To enter call Irwin Smith CONTEST ' fire which severely quiring abrand-newson- in a little community | mE TW arcu er ll SUN., & MON., SEPT. 1st & 2nd # tion of the house which is Donand land oursons Hamilton-Cambridge yg "9 ° S b the residence of June have just returned from area. : i larie, ieter and their a nice relaxing holiday Since Murray and 1 five year old son during which time we were both raised in the PORT PERRY FAI RG ROUND > boas es or Lin oto porn E Christopher Wilhelm. toured Newfoundland Greenbank area we were ) i Dieter's mother, Sunny and the remainder of the anxious to go to cheer on 3 Meredith, resides in the Atlantic provinces for a the terrific Greenbank 3 front part of the house little over three weeks. Gamblers in their bid to ke which did not suffer as Having never visited win the O.R.S.A. Inter = Sth ANNUAL A much exterior damage Newfoundland before we 'A' Semi-final series a OT 3 - - = HH U F - ET 3 as the rear of the home were totally captivated against Wardsville. I've : ut apparently ha by the open, friendly at- been to some Blue Ja B heavy smoke and water titude displayed by the games before but they & ENTERTAINMENT Scugog Arena : damage inside. Thanks folks there and it was a couldn't hold a candle to SATURDAY, AUGUST 31st from 4:30 to 6:30 P.M. x to the quick action of two family concensus that we that game. Gamblers pit- GRANDSTAND SHOW at FAIRGROUNDS 6:30 P.M. E neighbours Dieter and would certainly go back cher Russ Korbak is ADULTS: $7.00; 12 & UNDER: $3.00; PRE-SCHOOL: FREE Christopher were again. The lakes and nothing short of sensa- TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: Irwin Smith Music Ltd., Port Perry rescued by ladder from ponds are in abundance tional and the other E the second storey of the and they are crystal Gambler players don't J house. They were clear, unmarred by need to take a back seat HORSE RACES DEMOLITION DERBY reportedly sent by am- weeds, swamp grassand to anyone either! It was : : ulance to the local algae thatissofrequent- a cliff hanger of a game Pick u ur entri hospital for treatment ly found in or near our and Greenbank came out Sunday ". September 1st Music Ltd oh a and I niet tany one bodies of water in On- of it victorious with a win Post Time: 1:30 P.M. Port Perry. Entry Deadline is Aug. 30 ireman also was sent to tario. There are miles of 3-0. They will play the hospital for smoke upon miles of pure against Aberfoyle next to PARI mire CErRNG SUN SEPT 1st - 5:30 inhalation. unspoiled beauty - nature determine who will win . : : Ri Our heartfelt sym- in its purest form. the championship in the - i pathy is extended to this Unlike Southern On- final series. Go get'em E | family as they are struck tario where everyone Greenbank! 6th ANNUAL BABY SHOW Rk! with yet another blow of moves inthe fast lane, in Recent visitors with ¥ | hard luck. Dieter is Newfoundland their Mrs. Gertie Wanamaker AT THE FAIRGROUNDS I recovering from major lifestyle is much slower were Mr. and Mrs. R. SATURDAY AUGUST 31st . 10:00 A M ) . ivi. Steam Engines - Saw Mill Gas Engines - Threshing Machines PARADE Sat., August 31st OPENING CEREMONIES The Fair will be opened by The Hon Allan Lawrence SAT., AUGUST 31st 12:00 NOON PET SHOW Saturday, Aug. 31st - 1 P.M 11 Categories Open to Boys & Girls 14 & Under All pets must be caged or on a lease NO ENTRY FEE To enter call Yvonne Christie 985-2254 AT THE FAIRGROUNDS SAT., AUG. 31st: SUNDAY, SEPT. 1st: 9:00 A.M. - Gates Open Buildings Open Midway. Petting Zoo Historical Steam Show Demonstration in Craft House 4 H Homemakers Exhibit 10000 AM. - BABY SHOW jr Gymkhana and Jr Horse Show 11.00 AM. - Parade from Latcham Centre 12:00 NOON - Opening Ceremonies Hon Allan Lawrence Durham West 4-H Bee! Club 12:45 P.M. - Musical Ride 1:00 PM. - COLOURED DAIRY SHOW Live Country Music Pet Show 2:00 PM. - Mini Tractor Pull 4:30 to 6:30 P.M. HOT BEEF BUFFET 6:30 PM. - GRAND STAND SHOW Silver Eagle Blue Grass Band 9:00 AM. - Gates Open 10:00 A.M. - Pony Hunter Jumper Show 12:00 NOON - Buildings Open Midway Petting Zoo Historical Steam Show Demonstration in Craft House 4 H Homemakers Exhibit REGISTERED BEEF SHOW 1.30 PM. HORSE RACES & PAR! MUTUEL WAGERING 200 PM. - Fiddle Contest 530 PM. - Demolition Derby MONDAY, SEPT. 2nd: 9:00 AM - Gates Open Buildings Open Midway Petting 200 Historical Steam Show Demonstration in Craft House 4 H Homemakers Exhibit 10000 AM. - Port Perry 4 H Dairy Club MONDAY continued: 11:00 A.M. - Heavy Horse Show South Ontario Country 4 H Dairy Calf Club Commercial Beef Class (Auction to follow) 12:00 NOON - HOLSTEIN SHOW Western Speed Event Horse Show 1:00 PM. - Bluegrass Entertainment Horseshoe Pitching 2:00 PM. - HORSE DRAWS 2:30 PM. Durham West 4 H Swine Club 400 PM. - Beef & Swine Auction For More Information Contact: James Duncan 985-8716 CAKE AUCTION wort | DURHAM SHOES INC. Peso Norse must be -- prope fli 230 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY DAILY ADMISSION Adults $400 High School Students $2 00 30AY PASS: Adults $500 High School $900 oid ' TWEAR SPECIALISTS Public School Students $100 (FREE on Saturday) Pre Schoolers FRES PARKING: $! 00 eon 1 Wicd AND CHILDREN or; «L EXHIBITORS: Information and Registration at Fairgrounds Office (PHOME 411 and ash for Port Perry Fatrgrounds) August 31 to September 3 problems