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Port Perry Star, 27 Aug 1985, p. 31

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PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. August 27, 1985 -- 31 Miscellaneous For Sale Used Cars For Rent Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted NOMINATIONS are being received now for Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Awards. Contact this newspaper to nominate an outstanding young person aged 618 who deserves more than a pat on the back FR EE Cc areer Guide describing 200 learn at: home correspondence Diploma courses: accoun ting, art, bookkeeping, business management, clerk typist, secretary, jour nalism, television servicing, travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto 1-800-268-1121. AUCTION School, 14th year. 1,200 graduates courses April, * August and December. Write: Western Canada School of Auc tioneering, Box 687, Lacombe, AB TOC 1S0 Phone 403-782-6215. CASH in on Income Tax. Earn money. Learn money saving tax tips by cor: respondence. U&R Tax Schools, 1345 Pembina Hwy. Winnipeg. Manitoba R3T 286 for free brochure. SEE Haliburton Highlands in the fall. Nature dresses up in her Sunday best. You won't see an array of fall colours presented better anywhere. Special fall rates. Follow scenic Hwy. No. 35 to Ruby's Cottages, R.R. 2, Minden, Ontario KOM 2KO0. 705-489-2193. STEAMBOATING on the Muskoka Lakes aboard the RMS Segwun, North America's oldest operating steamship. Sight-seeing din- ner, all day and overnight cruises. Special prices for groups. 705-687-6667, Box 68A Gravenhurst, POC 1G0. HORSES Boarded- horses bought and sold. Horses trained. Lessons available. 10 x 12 box stalls, daily tur- nout, new barn, indoor wash rack, four feedings daily. Call 985-8128. S10 FREE Career Guide describes 200 learn-at-home correspondence Diploma courses; Accounting, Art, Bookkeeping, Business Management, Clerk Typist, Secretary, Journalism, Television Servicing, Travel. Granton (5A), 263 Adelaide West, Toronto 1 800 268-1121 Business Opportunity U-PLEDGE Dealers In vestors required to expand across Ontario. Great add on business for car, boat dealer etc Phone 416 747 9778 Write 1790 Al bion Road. Rexdale, No 20) M9V 4J8 RESTAURANT $165,000 new fast food take out In cluded building, business equipment Extra space for another business ldeal loca tion Junction Owen Sound area John J Coutts Ltd Realtor 519 369 2414 HUNDREDS weekly start from home part time or full time Ideal Husband/Wife or retirement business Details, write David Milne, Box 7043. Station A. Toronto MSW 1X7 DISSATISFIED? 2': years ago | was broke and dissatisfied | now earn over $15.000 per month commis sion If you have the desire to earn this type of income. act now Contact between 9 5 416 863 0109 Personal FREE Singles Bulletin! Meet someone nice by phone or correspondence, locally or province wide For fur ther information write Barb. Box 2246 A, Sudbury P3A 451 State age DATES GALORE For all ages and unattached Thousands of members anx ious to meet you Prestige Acquaintances Call toll free 1 800 263 9163 Hours Noon to 8pm PROP and Skeg Repairs received Tuesday and ready Friday Boat repairs. fibreglass or aluminum Complete line of tibreglass materials Oshawa Glass Fibre (Rayplex). 341 Durham Street. 579-1433 Open Saturday mornings un til June 30th only J 25 WESTEEL Barn Rooting and Siding. 30 gauge galvanized and galvalumed $40 square. 30 gauge pre: painted $57. Minimum order 30 square. Custom Farm Material Sales. Laird McKeen 416-779-3322. Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of VERA HELEN MELTON, De- ceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of VERA HELEN MELTON, late of the Township of Scugog. in the Regional Municipality of Durham, housewife, who died on or about the 6th day of August 1985, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned, on or before the 24th day of September 1985, after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, and the undersigned will not be liable to any per- son of whose claim they shall not then have notice. DATED at Oshawa, this 20th day of August 1985. Jean Carnochan and Ruth Strong, Executrices by their solicitors: Mackey and Bailey, 17 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7L9. : S10 Lost BASEBALL GLOVE Louisville Slugger, lost at Port Perry High School, August 20th. Reward of: fered. 985-3330. BOYS Wine coloured jacket, size 10-12. Left at the Tennis Court, Tuesday, August 20th. Please call 985-2847. LOST ON Scugog Island, male Foxhound, white with black markings. Ear tattoo ""Cawker" 985-7228. Found MALE, orange cat Street area 985 3624 Beech very friendly. Give Away WANTED: Good home for Max A 13 year old Golden Retriever Good temper, good disposition deserves to retire gracefully in the country 9857575 S 4 Used Cars 1964 FORD Galaxie 500 mint condition, original paint. 45.000 true miles, under coated, never winter driven, 351 motor. collector's car $7500 Cash only 985 8384 1981 HONDACivic Certified Asking $3100 985 8664 1969 BUICK Skylark, 30,000 original miles, 6 cylinder auto Can be certified 985 8329. 154 Simcoe Street South 1977 PONTIAC, good condi tion $2700 certified Call Ken Lee 986 5173 Blackstock GM 150 engine auto trans and radiator Good condition $295 985 7704 evenings 1978 VOLKSWAGON Rab bit, 2 door automatic. good running economy car Must sell Asking only $1400 985 7548 1976 CAMARO LT. 350 high performance engine, custom body, runs strong. looks great, sell or trade for bike or boat 984 4356 1971 LEMANS GT, excellent condition Asking $3200 or best offer Call 985 2242 Must sell 1984 ACADIAN 4 door automatic. radio. rear defogger. extended warran ty. two toned silver and black, undercoated $5500 Call after 4 p.m. 986 5322 1985 OLDS 98 Regency Brougham. Excellent condi: tion, loaded $17,900. Tel: 986-5634. 1985 PONTIAC 6000 STE, silver, fully loaded, ex cellent condition $16,500. 644-5237 business; 985-924) residence 1980 CHEVETTE 4 door automatic, good condition $2200 or best offer. 985-3340. 1973 OLDS Cutlass Supreme, 72,000 original miles, recent paint, runs well $575. 985-8524. 1969 TRIUMPH Spitfire for parts or dreamers $500; 1964 Chev Impala for parts - no dreamers, good motor and chrome $200; 1947 Willys 4x4, good running gear. 986-5350. 1982 RELIANT wagon, deluxe, air cond., with many other options, runs good, no rust, highway driven $4800 certified. 986-5350. 1976 CADILLAC Coupe De Ville, 80,000 miles, excellent body and mechanical. Has everything. 985-8941. A 27 1976 PONTIAC Lemans, 2 door. 986-5187 after 5 p.m. 1977 CADILLAC Fleetwood Brougham D'Elegance. 4 new Michelins. Perfect con- dition $5500. Certified. 985-3583. A 13 Used Trucks 1973 DODGE pickup, club cab, with cap, auto, ps.pb, 360. Good condition, as is $1400. 985.7704 evenings. 1972 CHEV 3 ton. Good shape. 985-3097. Wanted WANTED by Port Perry Lawn Bowl ing Club, donations or used balls to be property of Club, to assist any new members in getting started. New members very welcome! Contact: Bill Owen 985 2566; Harold Martyn 9857110 ROOM wanted with all privileges in Port Perry or vicinity. 985 3009. RIDE required to Pickering daily from Scugog Island (or 401 and Brock Road) Call 985 7265 evenings and weekends BOWLERS needed for Wednesday night bowling league at 7 30 Phone 985 8135 or 985 9390 A 27 WILL PICK UP without charge, all used appliances, refrigerators and freezers Empty your cellars and garages Also old TVs and radios Call 986 4926 TF Wanted fo Buy OLD POSTCARDS wanted Pre 1960 used or unused Top prices paid including your mailing costs For in formation write Neil Hayne, Box 220. Bath, Ontario KOH 1G0 CAPTAIN'S bed, bedroom furniture 985 3009 WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE any complete stan dard size car. free towing 576 2160 Art's Auto Wreckers Limited TF WANTED Crippled and disabled cattle MH ghest prices paid Call collect anytime Uxbridge 852 3238 M & M Livestock License No 1189 TF oLD GRANDFATHER clock. working or not or wall clock 668 9314 A 27 FURNISHED room with reasonable weekly rent, with laundry in Apple Valley Close to downtown Port Perry. Please call after Ipm 9857613 S4 TWO BEDROOM house in Greenbank. Available Oc: tober 1st; first and last rent, references. $475 month. 985-9052. FURNISHED one bedroom apartment, private entrance and drive. Call anytime 985-8075. living room, dining room, two bathrooms, air condi- tioning, central Port Perry $700 available immediately. 985-2876. STORAGE Units, large and small. Monthly rentals. Port Perry area 9857622. TF SPACE for rent. Durham Road 8 - 1350 square feet and 450 square feet. 985-7085. TF NEW APARTMENTS One 1 Bedroom One Bachelorette Broadloom, new appliances. Avail- able immediately. 985-8711 or after 6 P.M: 985-7246 FOR RENT INDOOR STORAGE AREA Suitable for Cars, Boats, Trailers, etc. 985-3885 ' KITCHEN help wanted Apply Conway Place A 27 PARTY TIME help to collect eggs. mornings at a Poultry Breeder Farm, RR 3. Lit tle Britain 705786 2739 or 1.800 263-3825. S4 EARN $150 a week display ing quality tamily clothing. no experience necessary We train 986-5068. Sn HYGIENIST required. Three days per week for preventive orientated Port Perry Dental practise Please apply to Box 19, c/o Port Perry Star, Port Perry, Ontario LOB INO. S4 LANDSCAPERS: Labourers needed to help in stall planting. pavers, timber, rockery stone, top soil and sod. Apply in person at Oshawa Garden Service, Thickson Road North, Brooklin POSITION for mature per son as companion housekeeper tor elderly cou ple, wintering in Florida Apply in writing to Box 29, c/o Port Perry Star, Box 90, Port Perry, Ontario LOB INO. FULL TIME service station attendants required. Inquire at Suny"s Gas Bar, Manchester. MOUNTAIN resort now ac cepting applications for winter employment. Posi tions available include chambermaids, cafeteria workers, gas station atten dants, dining room waitress, gift shop clerks, bartenders, front desk clerks. Apply in writing for application to: Glacier Park Lodge, Rogers Pass B.C. Please include self-addressed stamped envelope. TRUCKING Careers. Driver job training with placement help is available. Complete details can be mailed to you. Phone Rodgers School at 416-769-3546 with postal code. Real Estate for Sale! RETAIL STORE PLUS 2 APARTMENTS Excellent location on Queen Street in Port Perry. Reply to: BOX 3, c/o Port Perry Star, P.O. Box 90, Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1NO Wanted to Rent] Help Wanted RESPONSIBLE, selt sufficient mature woman re quires a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment as soon as possi ble in Port Perry Ground floor preferred, bu! not necessary Phone Peter Hvidsten 985 7383 (days). 985 3089 (evenings) ONE BEDROOM apartment or two rooms with facilities in Port Perry area 985 7355 RESPONSIBLE working and married couple wishes to rent equipped cottage in off season References available upon request Call at work Oshawa 723 5001 ask for Dennis HOUSE or Farm, preferably on water Port Perry/Oshawa/Whitby area. by retiring couple We are professional land scapers and will maintain and landscape if reasonable rent and long lease or option to buy in 2 or 3 years Call collect 1 705 738 4284 Lr write toP O Box 30, Hwy 36. RR 3. Bobcaygeon, Ontario KOM 1A0 Jy 16 Help Wanted CLASS A Mechanic re quired Apply to Service Manager. Philp Pontiac Buick. 10 Vanedward Dr Port Perry 985 8474 PART TIME Waitress' waiter four days a week ap proximately Apply Port Perry Dairy Bar A 27 REQUIRED a General Practitioner for a 20 bed hospital in a growing com munity, 110 miles north east of Edmonton on Highway 45 Applications and inquiries may be sent to Mr.) Dudar. Board Chairman, Box 298, Myrnam, Alberta TOB IKO0. Phone 403 366-244) WE ARE looking for a hands on Production Manager who is capable of running a small web offset printing opera tion. The successful can didate will run the daily operation of our business with particular emphasis and knowledge regarding GOSS printing equipment as well as the pre press area and the ability to effective ly manage people and systems. Please reply in confidence stating remuneration expectations and experience to Scott McLaren Press Limited. PO Box 10,000, Bracebridge. Muskoka, On tario P0B 1C0. WAITER/WAITRESS and delivery person, own car, full time. Phone 985-9797 FULL TIME position, shitt work and weekends. Ap plications being accepted at Dixie Lee. MATURE, dependable, bon dable persons 25 to 50 for cleaning private homes in Port Perry or surrounding area. Car essential. 985 7732 or 433-1462. S 4 CAREER in Trucking. Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class 'A' License. For pre-screening and job place: ment Information contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver Training, St. Catharines 416 685-4453; Brampton 416 7911292. HELP WANTED. COOK REQUIRED Please Reply To: 985-2775 YOUR TIME IS WORTH $$5535% SELL AVON while the kids are in school Set your own hours Start in Sept ember but sign up now for just $10.00 CALL GRACE 725-9696 Applic Starting party plan opportunity Write to DEMONSTRATE Fuller Brush Products ions are now being taken to demonstrate home cleaning products Fantastic commissions and promotional opportunities avaiable division, THE FULLER BRUSH COMPANY, Toronto Branch Office, 73 Rangoon Road, Etobicoke, Ontario MOC 4N8 ground floor required Send resume to NURSING SUPERVISOR - PART TIME - 46 bed accredited hospital requires a permanent part time Nursing Supervisor Current nursing experience, Certificate of Com petence, and working knowledge and/or educa tional preparation in nursing administration are Manager, Personnel Services, Community Memorial Hospital, 451 Paxton Street, Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1NO \ HELP WANTED Local shop requires experienced sales clerk, weekdays & weekend shifts. Please send resume to: Box 1526, Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1NO Work Wanted EXPERIENCED mother will babysit in my home, Prince Albert Public School area. 985 7986. MOTHER will babysit in own home with fully fenced lot in town. 985 3789. CONCRETE demolition with rubber tire backhoe with breaker. Bulldozing work wanted. 705-357 3246. Call collect. CUSTOM Round Baling. Call Mark 986-5689 or Wells 985-9842. A 27 MASONRY |] Block Laying [.] Brick Work L] Footings [1] Chimneys 985-3111 ROOFING Flats & Shingles Sheet Metal Duct Work JIM FOSTER 985-9941 - FREE ESTIMATES - ANTENNA MAN Grant Noble Installations, Repair Work, Comb Colour Heads, Rotors, Power Boosters, Towers New Homes Pre-Wired. UXBRIOGE 852-7717 Sunderland (705) 357-2419 DEAD STOCK FREE REMOVAL of Fresh, Dead or Disabled Animals $10 00 Service Charge on Sheep. Goats & Pigs any size $20 00 Charge for all rotten animals Please Dial Direct: MARGWILL FUR FARM - HAMPTON (416) 263-2721 SHORT'S ROOFING specializing in FLAT ROOFS RE-ROOFS NEW & REPAIRS Free Estimates 986-4531

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