PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, December 3, 1985 -- 3 Can't handle friends being killed Ry as --_-- = ----------CTD-- I PARENT - STUDENT | SADD | ' N | Students Against X A 1 2 |g Driving Drunk! CA ol" W178 i Pes he! MEETING Ls) ; ol 2 . it Port Perry ADA High School Gym TT pw Fy Ll Cnt om ~ -- x ---- TINY rer I TT ---- eT Crt R000 IMPORTANT NOTICE Port Perry Star Publishing Dates With only three weeks left until Christmas, the Port Perry Star is in the middle of production for our annual Christmas edition which will be published on Tuesday. December 17th. Advertising and correspondents should make note that this will be the last newspaper before Christmas as the Star will not publish on Tuesday, December 24th. Our next edi- tion will be available on Monday, December 30th. Due to Christmas falling on Wednesday this year, the Star has decided to give its staff an extended Christmas holi- day so they may spend some extra time with their family and friends. Following are our publication dates for the next four issues: Tuesday, December 10, 1985 Tuesday, December 17, 1985 -- Christmas Greeting Issue Tuesday, December 24, 1985 -- NO PUBLICATION Monday, December 30, 1985 -- New Year's Greeting Issue ¥ She tp he With tragedies occurring left and right all around them, the students at Port Perry High School are working hard at SADD (Students Against Driving Drunk) in an attempt to put an end to alcohol-related accidents. Above, Adam Zimmerman, Sheri Wind- sor and Serena Wood show their disapproval for a deadly combina- tion -- -- a bottle and a car. See story for details. Come on out and see what the students of P.P.H.S. are doing about drunk driving ... Thurs., Dec. 12th from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m KILLS! DRUNK DRIVING Students ready to fight alcohol related deaths The students at Port Perry High School don't know if they can take one more tragedy. Lately, they say, it seems like every time they get over the shock of going to one friend's funeral. somebody else is injured or killed in alcohol-related traffic accidents. "I can't believe how many kids have been killed this year," says Lori, a 16 year old planning a Christmas party in upcoming weeks. we "My mother has agreed to drive anyone home who's been drinking." she adds, not seemingly distressed about her mom's interference. *'l think it's a great idea. I don't want anyone to leave my party and end up in the hospital." Lori is just one of hundreds of voung people in the area who are working together to stop drinking and driving. Their most recent ef- fort 1s SADD -- Students Against Driving Drunk and it looks lke 1t might work. Headed up by Student Council President Gerri MacDonald and teacher supervisor Paul Arculus, the SADD group 1s a large one, en- compassing well over 100 students divided into many small committees The aim of each committee is to curb incidences of alcohol-caused tragedies with communication and public relations as the major weapons in the war against im- paired driving. The first assault is scheduled December 12th from 7 p.m. to9 p.m. in the high school gym. SADD members will present a Parent: Student Information Night with a short drama, a variety of speakers and lots of ideas. Kimber, another member of the group, says one of the ideas includes a "contract" which parents and students can sign. Once signed, the contract specifies that students can call home for a ride, no matter how late it is or how much they've had to drink. knowing their parents won't hassle them for either thing as long as they call and don't attempt to drive themselves home. The contract, Kimber says, works the other way too. "If parents are at a party and are not able to drive, they can call their kids, if they're old enough to drive, for a ride home as well,"" she explains. SADD members have been work- ing for weeks researching the drink- ing and driving phenomenon and are hoping to fill the gymnasium December 12th with people in- terested in putting a stop to roadside tragedy. -- DOG GROOMING by Marylynn ae 263-8527 tormetr ly Ihe Dope Salon Merry Christmas a VY our Patronage thr IR AFT Aw 4 ov Free Chocolates & nd Thank You tor oughout the Year.