32 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, December 10, 1985 For Sale Used Cars Used Trucks Snowmobiles Help Wanted APARTMENT SIZE Washer and dryer excellent condition Asking $350 00. 985 9213 COLLIE PUPPIES all temales. purebred. $100 00 each Will hold till Christmas 985 9426 WOOD SPLITTER $25. furnace oil burner and motor, good, $50 . Snow Scoop $10. Floor lamp new $35 Stenographer chair $10 985 8384 SHOP OIL FURNACE with spare burner and tank $100 00, 1967 Camaro, 350. 400 turbo transmission $700 00, Tow truck equipment, electric hydraulic with dolly will tit pickup truck, complete bolt on system, $1500 00. 300 hp 327 $500 00 or best offer Mike 985 8959 THREE FIRESTONE Supreme All Season Tires P185 80 R13 almost new Asking $100 for all three 985 7524 WHY PAY MORE We sell new chesterfields, kitchen and dining room sets. bedroom sets etc . a! low prices everyday ' Elmer s Furniture 253 Bloor SY E (a! Ritson) Oshawa © 728 3473 We Deliver TF SPRUCE CHRISTMAS trees Cut your own $5 3 mules east of Port Perry on 7A Highway D 10 QUALITY HAY and clean wheat straw Delivery optional 655 4946 D 29 LAZY BOYreclining chair hike new $100 Phone 986 4722 D0 AIR COMPRESSORS. spray booth and accessories, all sizes New and used Buy and sell 1 743 6299 TF ) 1975 LEMANS Sport Coupe. ps. pb. am/fm cassette w amplifier. sun root $750 1 705 277 3080 1975 CHEV '2 Ton, $1500 or best offer. 1985 Acadian, 2 door four speed, $5.100 00 certitied (must sell, buying a 1986) 985 3415 1977 OLDS 88 4 dr fair condition, $850 00 or best offer As is 9853378 after 5 30 1978 CHEV IMPALA 4 dr V8 auto. good condition, $1,600 00 Call 986 5028 1977 VOLARE WAGON V8, std transmission with overdrive 985 3375 1973 CHEV IMPALA, new body and paint Asking $900 00 certified 705 786 2516 1985 RENAULT Std red. sports pkg am/fm cassette. rustproofed, sun roof, extended warranty 6400 km 985 8744 1974 TOYOTA CELICA, fibreglass fenders, 4 good tires, new mufler. $500 00 as 1s 985 7558 1974 CUTLASS 442, 2 door. console, run ning condition. $500 00 9858054 or 985 3215 1952 METEOR, excellent restorable con dition, complete with new body panels $1700 Call atter 8 p m 985 8692 1976 SKYLARK $550. as is, good running condition; 1974 F250 Ford, good condi tion, certifiable $1500 986-5507 after 5:00 pm. 1979 VW RABBIT diesel, good condition Asking $2500 Phone after Sp m 986 4636 D110 1957 FARGO '2 Ton as 1s. extras includ ed $4600 00, 985 2188 1980 GMC "2 Ton V8. auto. am, fm radio. sliding back windows Asking $4800 cert 705 357 3434 1975 CHEV Yi ton $350 00 as is 985 8574 1973 FORD '2 Ton V8 auto, ps pb in cluding cap. good condition, certified $1.500.00 Can be seen 25 Simcoe St N Call after 5 00 985 2527 1968 PANEL TRUCK 6 cyl std 4X4, runs excellent, body needs work, $900.00 or best offer 985 2098 1978 CHEVY "2 TON shortbox, stepside, new paint ps/pb, buckets, console, auto $2600 985-7808 or 985 7386 1984 HONDA 200M all terrain vehicle, electric start, mint condition, also one man fish hut on sled $1750.00 for both or will sell separately 986 5643 1979 CHEV 34 TON pick up. 350 V8 pb_ps auto , fibre glass cap. 2 snow tires, good condition, certitied. blue with blue in terior 112,000 km Asking $3850. 985-8210. Wanted to Buy WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE any com plete standard size car, free towing 576 2160. Art's Auto Wreckers Limited TF WANTED- Crippled or disabled cattle. Highest prices paid. Call collect anytime: Uxbridge 8523238. M & M Livestock. License No. 1189. TF CROSS COUNTRY SKIIS for 10 year old, ladies size 5 or 6. Call 986-4724. 1978 POLARIS 340SS $750 00 or best reasonable offer Call 9858775 1974 ELAN Twin cylinder, excellent con dition $600 Call 985 7684 1983 YAMAHA TriMoto 200, tire chains and windshield $1000 00, free dune buggy 8 wheels 350 Chev auto 9852098 Wanted WILL PICK UP without charge, all used apphances, refrigerators and freezers Empty your cellars and garages. Also us ed TVs and radios Call 986 4926. TF Help Wanted HOUSEKEEPER Companion References, Non smoker, apply in person from 1 5pm. 461 Queen Street, Prince Albert Good wages APARTMENT SUPERVISOR required for February Ist, 1986 General maintenance of 60 suite building Couple preferred Must be handy with tools for general repairs. Send resume to Box 46 c'o Port Perry Star, Box 90, Port Perry, Ontario LOB INO MATURE PERSON required to look after small baby and do light housekeep ing in Port Perry. Wage negotiable, references. 985-8778 evenings. D.31 TRUCKING CAREERS Driver job train: ing with placement help is available. Complete details can be mailed to you. Phone Rodgers School at (416) 769-3546 with Postal Code. BRICKLAYER contractor required for several projects in Port Perry area Phone 985 3002. Do THE TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG requires a part-time Crossing Guard. Apply in person - 18) Perry St, Port Perry Earl S Cuddie, Clerk-Administrator. MATURE DEPENDABLE bondable persons 25 to 50 for cleaning private homes in Port Perry and surrounding area Car essential 985-7732 or 433-1462 GROOM - for harness horse farm, 4 miles north of Port Perry. Must have own transportation. 985-8059 A CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers needed Now is the time to train for your Class A licence For pre screening interview and |ob placement information, contact Merv Orr Transport Driver Training, Brampton 1 800 265 1260 TF Wanted to Rent HOUSE OR Farm, preferably on water Port Perry/Oshawa/Whitby area by retiring couple. We are professional land scapers and will landscape if reasonable rent and long lease or option to buy in 2 or 3 years Call collect 1-705-738-4284 or write to P.O. Box 30, Hwy 36, R.R. 3, Bobcaygeon, Ontario KOM 1A0. TF For Rent OLDER, 3 BEDROOM, house in Seagrave. $400. plus heat and hydro. 985-3481 after 6 p.m. HOUSE FOR RENT in Seagraveonriver plus pond fishing in summer and winter, plus skidooing. Beautiful view from house. First and last months rent References 3 bedroom, heat and hydro extra. Park two cars. 9857852. D0 RE REMIX SHIT ECE independent member broker 985-7361 144 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY L ESTATE OVER 95 OFFICES THROUGHOUT (0 RI Y {[0) R Ee LYNDA KENDRY Bus. 985-7361 Res.: 985-8200 Thinking of Buying or Selling? Call me now and I'll do my best to assist you to make the right move for you and your family. ) - y oo wile Look to the Professionals in Real Estate at RE/MAX! GUY LATREILLE \ I Yone SE £4 2 wr 5 Sal "aoe JUST LISTED - 3 bedroom home with detached 2 car garage. extra large kitchen, Port Perry East asking $44 900 Call me today NEW HOME - spacious 2 bedrooms. large kitct en with shding glass door walkout. situated on ap proximately 1 acre lot Asking $64 900 Call now and get choice of carpeting B S g =x I PEER > or gl a NE ot - Res.: 985-8192 available available MS DON HARPER Res.: 985-3159 BUILDING LOT 170 x 352 - Aldred's Beach, Scugog Island - permits available Buy now for spring construction PRIVATE 42 ACRE SETTING' W. MORLEY BRUCE Res.: 985-2528 $22.000 CANNINGTON bungalow, large eatin kitchen, unspoiled base ment, fenced rear yard looking over open fields Just hsted - $59.900 To view call today 4 ACRES, TREED - excellent pond site. Year round access. In an area of fine homes. $16,000. Terms BUILDING LOTS - 12 only, municipal water 3 bedroom spht entrance Asking $29.900 Terms 25 ACRE BUILDING LOT - ideal for executive home, 1 '2 acre pond. birch trees. only 3 miles from Port Perry Asking $69,900 Terms rs : Le - 2X & LS xpd! iS! nr va 3! % o Oe JU th 4 bedroom sphit level home approx ed' y Sl O00 eye Ae on Ty NFER Rr