------ -- ---- 20 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, December 17, 1985 Best gift for my parents My mom said she liked that sweater down in the clothes store downtown | didn't think I had that much money so | gave a shght frown. I didn't know what my dad wanted, but it was pretty hard to say Maybe he'd settle for a new ten- nis racket so he could go and play Maybe | should ask them I could see just what they wanted. When | was done buying what I thought they would like, poor me, poor me | on- ly had one buck by Sammi Van Der Wyst, Grade 4, Immaculate Conception School What is the best present you could give your parents" Think about it It's hard but my parents would like us to stop fighting My brother 1s a real pain to me, so I can't stop fighting with my brother because it's hard. It might be a good 1dea to not fight for a week On another hand maybe not because that would be too hard, so | think it would pro- bably be better for only Christmas day. That would be the best thing I do not think that will be hard because we will have other things on our mind by Karen Kett, Grade 4, Epsom School. POV | I... thns glorious season IISPIFe You to renew your fath on fom, HAROLD J. WAGG FUNERAL HOME McDERMOTT-PANABAKER CHAPEL 216 QUEEN STREET -- PORT PERRY All The Best! We wish you " a happy holiday season! From Paul and Denise PAUL'S SHOE REPAIR happy songs! Jolly good wishes to all our dear friends... hope your day is filled with THOMAS CARPENTRY Stan, Dorothy Thomas and family ) ~« I'm going to start with my Mom I really think the best Christmas present would be a cruise across the ocean without us kids! (To get away from things) J I know exactly what my Dad wants He designs machines and for Christmas I would buy him «if I had .enough money) a black and grey Cadillac. He's always talking about it and I'd just love to buy it for him. Samantha McLean, Grade 4, Prince Albert P.S. THE BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR MY DAD I know just the thing for my Dad! He'd like lots of money so that he could hire a bunch of guys from work and they could put the finishing touches on a few things at our cottage. Also he'd probably pay all the men more than they get at work and still have enough money to buy us a new house and pay off all his debts too! by Elizabeth Bredin, Grade 4, Prince Albert P.S. THE ULTIMATE GIFT FROM MY PARENTS One day I sat down and I was eating supper. My mom mentioned what do you want for Christmas? 1 said I don't know I will tell you later. After supper I went to my room and sat down. I said what do I want the Most for Christmas? I know, I want love from my parents. Alot of peo- ple suffer on Christmas and don't get any presents. So Santa I want you to give all my presents to the poor people who,can't celebrate Christmas day. 1 feel very sorry for them. Don't you? They suffer from sickness they don't have medicine for. They don't have any food or nice warm cloths like we do. They don't have anv warm beds and warm houses They don't have alot of things we do done by Staci Whiteside. Grade 4. RH Cormsh PS i Sweet Season Warm thanks for your goodwill and support. Happy Christmas to all! SHANKLAND & HANSEN MASONRY D. SHANKLAND Little Britain = (705) 786-3030 N ND R. HANSEN a OP oP 4 Port Perry (416) 985-2829 Peace From us to vou, have avery merry Noel? Ronald D. Bridgewater BARRISTER & SOLICITOR BEST WISHES OF THE HOLIDAY SEASON TO YOU! WINTERS, SUTHERLAND & MOASE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS rr T-- TY Merry Christmas Have a brighcand beavutul Christmas. Many thanks tor your kind support PORT PERRY CARPET & TILE Don & Wendy & Staft |. ...and love to you and yours this holiday season. " MERRY CHRISTMAS" CANADIAN TIRE STORE Ray Wilson & Staff