a Ha Pure white snow a picture Ashburn and Area News by Mrs E Heron R.W. Emerson said, 'Nature is painting for us day after day, a pic- ture of infinate beauty."' How true that has been this past week with the pure white snow on the ground and clinging to the trees and the Christmas lights making a beautiful picture. The WMS and Bible class and their men folk met together last Monday night at the church. Everyone sat down to a delicious pot luck supper to begin the evening. Aldine Wick welcomed everyone. Barbara Porter entertained with a medley of Christmas music with the harpsichord and mouth organ and she even had us all playing Jingle Bells on a unique little instrument. Muriel Fisher, along with her helpers, Florence Ashton, Chrissie McKinney, Margart Davis and Nellie Hopkins, presented a lovely playlette. If all the beautiful thoughts in it were carried out the world would be a better place. Last Friday night the Communi- ty Centre board sponsored a More Nestleton area news (From page 23) tendered to hostess Marg Jeffrey. Caesarea Community Church Although not a good attendance - a fine service at Caesarea Church. Jerry Jonkheer presented a splen- did message "Who Is Jesus?' about the birth of Christ - The sermon was based on Isaiah, Chapter 40. A duet was sung by Jerry Jonkheer and Rev. Dr. W.H. Crawford entitled "Out Of My Bondage."' A number of Christmas carols were sung with Mrs. Kathleen Watt playing the organ. The Caesarea Christmas concert will be held December 19th. Try to attend! Caesarea Euchre Results On Wednesday evening the follow- ing winners are to be congratulated. First prize- Glenna Dean with 101. Second- Walter Brown- 83. Low- Col- lette Larocque- 45. The pot luck sup- per was enjoyable and a success. Appreciation to Smith and Smith Druggists of Port Perry who kindly and generously donated 10 decks of cards for the Caesarea euchre players- a nice gesture during the festive season. Nestleton Presbyterian Church The regular service was held at 11 a.m. with Rev. Fred Swann in the pulpit. The IV candle of Advent was lit by Dorothy Lee and Chris Sharpe. The White Gifts were dedicated. Rev. Fred Swann spoke on, "Christmas or Yuletide' - Mrs. S. Scott at the organ. At the close of the service the children presented a Nativity Play; an action song; a clarinet solo; Away in a Manger; a closing chorus. The pot luck Christmas luncheon was held in the Sunday School room and Santa was there with his gifts and a Christmas tree. A very fine service and joyous Christmas meal. Next Sunday special Christmas music. A Christmas Wish Well- the joyous Yuletide Season will soon be over and we trust that the publisher, editor, staff and readers of this column ... as well as those who contribute news will be surrounded by the warmth and love of an old-fashioned Christmas. Do hope all the children everywhere have a happy, magical Christmas with a visit from Santa. Your correspondent is suffering from an embarrassment of riches .. too much material for the paper and choice is difficult! However- some goodies for the next issue! - Now taking Bookings for the New Year! PSYCHIC READINGS Tarot Cards - Regular Cards Tea Leaves Now he § available 1, you! Palm Reading - Object Readings and more! __ GROUP PARTIES -- SINGLE READINGS -- Tuesdays & Wednesdays (10 am. - 4 p.m) __ BY APPOINTMENT ONLY -- A service brought to you through Niki's Gourmet Service PO Box 1456, Port Perry, Ontano 085-8262 Christmas concert in the centre. Marty Richter chaired the program. The first number was a humorous skit by the moms of the 'Moms and Tots' program. The little ones dress- ed in elf hats sang sweetly. Ronald Ashton led his Cub group in singing 'Somebody Snitched on Me'. Michael Williamson was presented with a gold chain, which he earned and was part of his Scout uniform by leader Marty Richter. The Scout group did a couple of funny skits. The Burns Church Jr. Choir sang three lovely numbers and Santa ar- rived with gifts for all of the children. There will be a hay ride and carol sing on Wednesday evening, December 18, beginning at 6:30 p.m. There was a good turnout for the special Christmas party in the church school for the children and their parents. Each class with their teachers presented a lovely Christmas number and the Jr. Choir sang a Christmas anthem. Everyone enjoyed the delicious muffins, coffee and juice and the children all received a bag of goodies. Mrs. Gwen Cassidy of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs. Muriel Fisher. Mr. Gardon Humphrey and friend of Toronto, were with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Humphrey on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Porter, Shar- mon and Glen visited with friends in Toronto on Sunday. Burns Church was lovely last Sun- (Turn to page 35) PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, December 17, 1985 -- 31 pRSN ASN =, & Seasons Greetings | II |e --S Once again. | welcome the opportumty to extend Season's Greetings to the residents of the Township of Scugog | trust that this holiday season will be a safe and happy one for all and that the New Year will be hil- ed with good health As Mayor. | look forward to the coming year. to work ing closely with the various orgamzations and wn dividuals for the betterment of the Township While many challenges will face us in the coming months and years. | am confident that together we will meet the challenges and thereby continue to serve those we represent ' \ ¥ It 1s the wish of Council and myself that the New Year 1s filled with happiness and prospenty Have a very Merry Christmas and drive safely while celebrating this festive season Sincerely. Mayor Jerry Taylor To find out more, contact your local Ministry office. or call (416) 965-7661. Applications for the OFFIRR program are available at local Ministry offices. FARMERS APPLY NOW FOR OFFIRR GRANTS High interest rates on long-term debt can be a serious financial burden to the family farmer. The Ontario Family Farm Interest Rate Reduction program (OFFIRR) provides farmers with some relief from high interest rates. Under the program, grants are available which can effectively reduce interest rates to 8% for up to $200,000 of long-term debt. These grants -of up to $14,000 -are intended to benefit all eligible farmers with long-term debt. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: JANUARY 15, 1986 Ministry of Agriculture and Food @Ontario Minister. Hon Jack Riddell Premier Hon David Peterson