Real Estate Mary Real Estate Limited, Realtor 286 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY 985-8041 - 985-8151 Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Scason's Greetings May your road be smooth and your fortunes wide And those you love be at your side. In the holiday's finest tradition we extend warm wishes and sincere thanks for your continuing faith and trust. MANAGEMENT & STAFF MARJ. TRIPP REAL ESTATE LIMITED Jd 4 ? x ; Th 5 CLEAN AIR and Country Living goes along with this 2 storey 3 bedroom home and it's all wrapped up into a neat parcel of 1.14 acres. This home has the charm of old with pine floors and bright airy kitchen. Listed at $74,900 don't miss this one. NEED A HOME CLOSE TO SCHOOLS? We have just listed this brick and aluminum sidesplit with double car garage. This well maintained home includes appliances and is a must to see. Listed at $97,500. DO YOU NEED OWNER FINANCING? Well maintain- ed, aluminum siding, 4 piece bath, lake access. Listed at $46,900. NEARLY NEW 3 bedroom brick bungalow, beautiful kit- chen with solid oak cupboards, upgraded broadloom, Jacuzzi bath, energy efficient home. New listing at $123,900. BLACKSTOCK three bedroom brick bungalow, large fami- ly kitchen, garage, woodstove to help your heating bills, above ground pool and equipment. Listed at $86,900. BLACKSTOCK EAST - $64,900 - Large older home with many possibilities. Large village lot. See it today. CEDAR SIDED BUNGALOW on large hamlet lot just east of Port Perry. New insulation and thermal glass windows makes this an energy efficient home. Listed at $67,900. Call for an appointment. BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE COMBINED - 6 lane Bowl ing Alley, snack bar and billiards room plus spacious liv: ing quarters with walkout to decks, greenhouse and pool. Call today for details. BUILDING LOTS: Scugog Island 75 x 203 very scenic, ac: cess to the lake. Listed at $21,500. FRONT on a canal, 80 x 225 at $22,500. WATERFRONT LOT nicely treed 80 x 264, listed at $29,500. HOLIDAY HOURS: December 27 December 31 -- 9:00 am. to 5:00pm. AFTER HOURS CALL: Mar) Tripp 985 7606 Doris Clark 985-8152 David Tripp 985 9534 Winda Walsh 986 4335 Brenda Casteels 9485 9661 Gloria Cearns 986 4752 Jim Reid 725 9633 PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, December 17, 1985 -- 47 AFREEEVALUATION DISCOVER A WHOLE NEW WAY OF LIFE - 9 ACRES COUN- TRY LIVING - $139,900. Tastefully renovated and restored one and half storey three bedroom home aglow with charm - home office or library study, airtight fireplace, w/out basement, executive hob- by farm - a pleasure to show. pg 4 : Ns A . AP Ly A, x x Cd or DAN [Fs TT pp / : IA dea EELS PIE) > d > 2 ACRES - EXCELLENT LAND - COUNTRY HOME - LARGE - BARN SUITABLE FOR STORAGE - 1 MILE SOUTH OF PRINCE ALBERT - $115,000. A wonderful 4 bedroom home with great poten- tial, one of a kind kitchen, centre hall, unspoiled trim and wainscot- ting - just offered for sale - vendor transferring. AT THIS PRICE THERE IS NO TOMORROW - NOW $115,900. PORT PERRY 3 bedroom sidesplit, two and half baths, family room, patio w/out, fireplace, eat-in kitchen, two car garage, beautifully landscaped and fenced irregular 66 x 140 ft. lot - do compare. WALK- GREAT FAMILY HOME CLOSE TO EVERYTHING YOU NEED IN PORT PERRY - UNDERSTATED RENOVATION - $114,900. Three bedrooms, two baths, spacious rooms, built-in ap- pliances, central vacuum - teenagers' third floor - pool lot. GOOD BUSINESS STARTER - INSULATED WORKSHOP COM- FORT YEAR ROUND - $92,900. LOT BACKS ONTO GOLF COURSE - PRINCE ALBERT 3 bedroom bungalow, fireplace family room w/out - garage. 43 ACRES - TWO PONDS - $139,000. ASSUME EXISTING 10% FINANCING - Unique different 3 bedroom bungalow, lots of ceramics - old fashioned cookstove - country warmth in area - 985-7371. PLAN YOUR OWN COUNTRY HOME - Rock bottom price at $12,500. - lot suitable for w/out basement - uninterrupted westerly exposure - building permit available - Port Perry east. TOALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS "THANK YOU" FOR YOUR SUPPORT IN THE PAST, OUR PLEDGE OF CON- TINUED COMMITMENT IN THE FUTURE. Merry Christmas, If everyone would hight just one candle. what a bnghter world this would be Warmest holiday unshes from all of us Howard Bill Dean Chuck Allan Adnenne Chff Sharron Barbara Dorothy N 985-7371 Used Cars 1979 CHEV MONZA, V6 auto. Michelin tires, pb, ps. 77,000 km. Excellent condi tion, certified $2650 985 2006 D 3 1977 CHEV CAPRICE Classic, 2 door, 305. ps. pb. excellent condition $2495 firm. Call 985 7023 after 6 p.m. 1976 CUTLASS. 2 door. excellent condi tion, certitied. 986 4927. 1977 OLDS '88 $1500 or best offer as is. 985 3473 1982 RELIANT K, 4 cylinder auto, lots of options, very clean, non-smoker, cer titied $4200. 986 5350 1975 OLDS DELTA 88 Royale. loaded, 455 cu. in., 4 bbl motor. mechanically good. $400 or best offer as is. 985-8100 after 6 p.m 1978 LTD 4 door, good condition $1250. 986 5517 1977 VOLARE WAGON V8, std. transmission with overdrive. 985-3375. 1952 MET EOR, excellent restorable con- dition, complete with new body panels. $1700. Call after 8 p.m. 9858692. 1977 TOYOTA Corolla, 1200 cc. 986-4482. "Used Trucks 1980 GMC V2 TON, V8 auto, am-tm radio, sliding back windows. Asking $4000 cer- titied. Firm. 705-357 3434. DN 1982 FORD F150, heavy duty with 4 speed, overcab livestock rack with loading chute. Call evenings 705 786 3267. 1978 CHEVY V2 TON shortbox, stepside, new paint ps/pb, buckets, console, auto. $2600. 985-7808 or 985 7386. Wanted to Buy USED SK1DOO cover to fit 1976 Evinrude 985 7590 ask for Doug WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE any com plete standard size car, free towing. 576 2160. Art's Auto Wreckers Limited TF WANTED- Crippled or disabled cattle. Highest prices paid. Call collect anytime Uxbridge 8523238. M & M Livestock License No. 1189. TF Help Wanted TWO LICENSED Mechanics for general repairs. We offer many paid benefits and excellent working conditions Send resume or phone Doug Purdy, c/o Highview Pontiac Buick, 137 Water St N , Cambridge. NI1R 559 519-62) 3681. LITTLE BRITAIN Community Centre, requires a full time Assistant Manager with Class "B' refrigeration certificate Salary to be negotiated Applications to be received no later than December 31st, 12 Noon Applicants reply to: P O Box 94, Little Britain, Ontario KOM 2C0 HOUSEKEEPER/COMPANION needed immediately References Non smoker. good wages Apply Box 47, c/o Port Perry Star, Box 90, Port Perry LOB 1NO DIRECT SELLERS. Unique Scandina vian brooms and brushes unlike any other on the market You can sell fo your customers and everybody in sight Every household, farm, office, restaurant, workshop is a potential customer Reasonable prices No big investment or large inventory required Noreita, Box 2042 Gravenhurst, Ontario POC 1G0 705 689 2374 A CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers needed Now is the time to train for your Class A licence For pre screening interview and job placement information, contact Merv Orr Transport Driver Training, Brampton 1 800 265 1260 TF MATURE DEPENDABLE bondable persons 25 to 50 for cleaning private homes in Port Perry, Blackstock and surrounding area Car essential 985 7732 or 433 1462 wo THIS WEEK A METROLAND COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER Adults, boys and girls wanted in this area to deliver routes. Good pay and prizes. CALL: 579-4407