56 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, December 17, 1985 DOWSON"'S - PORT PERRY PLAZA Scugog St. frozen basted turkeys available at selected stores It, minimum kg 2.18 I A, uti ity frozen tobacco products. broccoli gach = producto U S A Canada no | 99 TERT . productofU S A extra large 4499 meat 1.29 | seedless navel oranges -- 0 productotU S A Boor 1. 29 hams %3 QQ cranberries pkg « productofU S A Canadano 1 n 49 large size tomatoes ..3.28 ib product of ello" U.S.A. ¢ ---- LL 6 39 radish bby 19 : combination pct soft spread Jt Imperial margarine bi ocean shrimp snacks or hte bites cod nuggets 2279 ? Blue Water fish pg Mmm McCain medium mild or old coloured i +299 cheddar cheese chunks © Mrs Smith frozen - 2.99 mincemeat pie i WUT, CNET ede ET A Crove reat w 100 Kn 2+ BY | cookies 2.29 Laur 2 Second selected ep da > sght touch Christe mini Triscuit desserts 1.99 | crackers 21.49 Mcilalr swe vanenes) \§ Cool - ne esh Gn 100 mi 000 Coats notes = = 99 nog 1.29 Kia Limit save 1.00 on the purchase of a 500 g pkg. - n E.D. Coupon } i o Coupon Aide Closing ( Open Fri De rw vo Se closing Saturday, December 21, 1985 at ~ Open Mor: Dw stores only. We reserve the right to limit § i