3 _ 16 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, Janvary 7, 1986 ed Lions Club opens to public Nestleton-Caesarea News © by Mab:l Cawker Lions Club News The Blackstock and District Lions Club are holding a membership night on Wednesday, January 8th at 7:30 p.m. in the Rec Centre. This is. open to the public and should be an -informat' ve evening. The Lions Club: is celebrating 5 years in operation with a great many worthwhile pro- jects-undertaken during the 5 year period. They will be telling WHAT THEY ARE -- WHAT THEY ARE DOING -- and - WHERE THEY ARE GOING. District Governor Bill Houston, Markham, will be on hand and perhaps other dignitaries as well. A slide show is a feature of in- terest. YOU - the public are invited to attend! It sounds like a good even- ing 80 try to be there! Sympathy Extended Deepest sympathy goes out to Mrs. Carrie Miller and son Richard of Caesarea and a sister Mrs. Sophie Blyth of Port Perry, in the sad loss of a beloved husband, father and brother, Mr. Charles Miller, who passed away suddenly on December 17. Mr. Miller was well known in many circles and a general favourite. He will be greatly miss- ed by many relatives and friends. Sincere sympathy from the * Nestleton area to Mrs. Winnifred Davison of Nestleton, who lost her brother, Mr. Francis Gist of Lang, this past week. His funeral service .was held on Monday, December 30. Spring Interment. A Thought Now that Christmas is over...we trust..it brought a sense of joy to one and all...a time of gentle remem- brance and warm caring. In this Yuletide Season the spirit of Christmas.irresistably descends on us, regardless of age, and we feel the world is good and somehow en- folds us in love and faith. For the New Year...1986...a little common sense..a little tolerance...a little good humour...and you don't know how comfortable you can make yourself on this planet. AND.. may you have an abundance of health happiness. .and all good things. Court Lady Snowbird ~ and Christmas meeting Court Lady Snowbird held their Christmas meeting December 19, at the home of Anne Lee. Fruit baskets were packed for shut-ins, elderly, etc.- to be delivered December 20. Later members enjoyed a festive, delicious chicken dinner at the Bon- fire in Lindsay. This was followed by a wine and cheese party and a gift exchange at Anne's home. During the brief business portion - thank you cards were rec'd from Nancy Green and Anne Edgerton for the typing awards presented at Com- mencement and from the Lionettes for use of a table at the Court Bazaar. Thank you cards will be "sent to those who donated and assisted to make the annual Bazaar such a success. $25.00 was given to Nicki Bardel :ben for arranging a party for all the children who par- ticipated at the bazaar. Mystery sisters were chosen. Members decided to withdraw meetings dur- ing January and February. Next meeting, March 3, at Irene Train's home in Caesarea. Winners of the draws were as follows: Comforter - Edith Penwarden; Socket Set - Marg Jones; Christmas Wreath - Eleanor Werry and Grocery Hamper - Wade Harvey. Christmas Family News Don and Norma Frew, Nestleton, hosted a Christmas celebration din- ner on Tuesday, December 24, when all the family were home for the festive occasion. Those present in- cluded: David and Leah Frew, Dwayne, Andrew and Richard; Gary and Nancy Edgar, Erin, Ryan and Andrea; Valerie Mappin, Tanya and Troy; and Alan and Judy Frew; Diane and Ilene. A great get-to- gether for the Yuletide Season. Walter and Irma Welts, Nestleton, .had the family home on Christmas Day. Those present were: Ron and Barbara Pereman and Lisa, of Port Perry; and Raynor and Kathy Welts, Nicole and Matthew of Nestleton. With John and Linda Arbuckle and family, Jennifer, Colleen and Marilyn, of Nestleton were: Linda's grandmother, Mrs. Sidney Ostler of . Burk' s'Falls who was an overnight guest, mother Helen Goslin, and sister Kathy and Don Trump of Toronto, for Thursday dinner. Bill and Loraine Hall, Christopher and Michael of Ajax, 'hosted' the Christmas celebration for the Hall family which included: parents- John and Marion Hall, Williams Point; and brother Bob and Carolyn Hall, Rachael and Rebecca of Port Perry. Robert and Carol Mairs, Steven and Katie, held Christmas at their Nestleton home for the Mairs fami- ly. Those present - Norm and Ber- nice Mairs, Nestleton, John and Diane Slute, Jeremy Jay and Julie Diane, of R.R.1, Oshawa. Allan Mairs is presently in Port Perry - Hospital. We understand Allan is improving and we wish for him a bright New Year with much better health - our thoughts and prayers are with you Allan! David and Regenia Walker, Avril and Kyle, Scugog Point, entertain- ed her parents and brother for Christmas - Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hill and Martin of Whitby. An en- joyable day! Weekend guests with their parents, Lawrence and Gwen Malcolm, Nestleton, were Gail Malcolm, Port Perry, and Barry (Turn to page 18) 5 Year - Annual Interest 02" > change without notice [&) SHOPPERS Mortgage and Loan Corporation APPLY TO DON FORDER INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. 30 WATER ST., PORT PERRY - 985-8471 INTRODUCING NI'W IVORY SHAMPOO CONDITIONER \vatlable im Normal, Diy and Only formulas Get fis introductory special savings now at ... BRUTONS >a DRUGS 200 Queen Street, Port Perry 985-2511 INTINE - MUIR Elizabeth Shawn Muir was mar- ried to Donald Wilham Edmond Intine on October 12, 1985, in the Anglican Church by former Port Perry minister Rev Reg Rose The bride 1s the daughter of Dave and Bev Muir of Port Perry and the groom 1s the son of Joe and Barb Intine of Brant: ford, grandson of Ed and Pearl Intine. The bride wore a beautiful white brocade gown accented with delicate hand-made lace. The bride's and the bride's at- tendants' gowns were made by Debbie Murdock. Sherrie Casteels, maid of honour, Lisa 3 Taylor, Marina Brock and Cathy Clark all wore cocktail length peach dresses. Jim Intine, bestman, Brad Riemer, Bob Intine and Cam Muir were hand- somely attired in black tuxedos. The groom yore a dashing silver grey tuxedo. A memorable part of the ceremony was the lovely solo sung by Jean MacEn- tyre during the signing of the register. Following the ceremony pictures were taken by Anand Mahara) and Don Denovan. During the reception at the Town Hall, the guest enjoyed both the delicious hors d'oeuvres made by Neitha Rose and the delightful commentary of the Master of Ceremonies, Jack Taylar. The bride and groom wish to give special thanks to everyone involved to make the day so wonderful. Enough can't be said to express the feelings of gratitude towards Jack and Lois Taylor, Ted and Kip Wilson for all their love and support. Have Your Car Oiled! Prepare for winter's rust and corrosion. Door pillars Rear front wheel liners VER C i k ily EH RCT EG » 45 55 SCUGOG OIL UNDERCOATING SERVICE 52 Water St., Port Perry Telephone: 985-9569 (ACROSS FROM THE NEW BALL DIAMOND) : Owned & Operated by: Jim Gibson Also Available: CAR CLEAN-UP SERVICE (Wash, Wax, interior Shampooing) HALF PRICE SPECIAL! s., INTRODUCING ty a] SOIC]: Y Weight Watchers announces a revolutionary |= -------- ---- -- -- 2 idea in weight loss-- freedom uf choice. Now on AoW WATCHES | ach ias Ne ; January ; 2nd - January 24th Quick Start Plus Program, | and arn v . J er, $1000 | you don't have to bid a sad i SRN wees thereafter | good-bye to all the riches | tte soot «of in life. Now you have the SF SO trio freedom to give into a yen, [ ee now and then. Join today and enjoy the plus while you subtract the pounds. THE NEW QUICK START ps PROGRAM. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL: 1-800-268-3915 Meeting Tuesdays 6 45 pm St. John's s Presbyterian Church, 319 Queen Stree: Port Perry ats Sa rg