é -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, Janvary 7, 1986 § Wikis a wo FA Tt ia Frm id ™ EE gy : AER NE E J 2 Sweet success Talk about a sweet surprise. When the students of R.H. Cor- i -nish Public School managed to raise $13,000 in a recent chocolate bar sales campaign, they thought it only right to share the wealth with someone else. So they donated $250 to Handi-Transit, as presented by chocolate munching Bobbie Drew of the Parent Teacher Association and Roger McQuaid, 13, the school's top Editorial Comments (From page 4) : it a store owner wants to be open from midnight to 7:00 a.m., that should be his or her right. : Granted, employees who work in retail stores must be afforded some protection. It makes sense that an employee who doesn't want to work Sundays or Statutory holidays should not lose his or her job because of it. But there are plenty of people in Ontario looking for part time work who would love the chance to make some extra money by working willingly on these days. LL We find it unsettling that police officers are handing out hundreds of summons to store owners and managers just for being open when ~ they want to be open. It is just as unsettling that these hundreds of cases are going to clog an already bogged down legal system in On- tario, a system that is bogged down with the prosecution of real _criminals. : But mainly, we find it unsettling in this day and age that a piece of legislation can dictate whén a business person can open the doors of a store, and when the public can do its shopping. Obviously, there is a demand for stores to be open Sundays and holidays or the store owners and managers would not be doing it. It's time the legislation was changed to meet the already changed demands of the public in 1986. SEVEN MILE ISLAND RESORT FRIDAYS ........ eee 51 9 P.M. SATURDAYS... 12 to 9 P.M. SUNDAYS o.oo 11 to 9 P.M. -- Effective January 2nd, 1986 -- SUNDAY BRUNCH - BUFFET AVAILABLE From 12 to 9 Sundays (Salad Bar) -- BANQUET ROOM AVAILABLE -- RESORT Scugog Island - Port Perry Tim Con Please Call for Reservations : Perry 985-9949 TE [Happy New Year from all of us at Seven Mile Island. | Aldred's Corner 'siand Ra New Year's idea in Utica by Vera Brown Stephen and Alison Aked held Open House to their neighbours on New Year's day. What a nice way to start the New Year. Choir practice this Wednesday at the United Church in Utica at 8 p.m. Session and Stewards are meeting on Thursday, at 8 pyn. in Epsom Chyrch and as this will be the last meeting before the Official Board meets, everyone is urged to attend. Church and Sunday School will be held in Utica Church at 11:15 a.m. The U.C.W. will hold their next meeting on Tuesday, January i4th at 8 pm. in Epsom Church. Members are reminded to bring in their 1985 Quarter Calendars to this meeting, also the personal items Shirley requested to help the immigrants. There will be a dance in Utica Hall Ahis Saturday, with live country and western music supplied by W.J K. Band. Last Friday's euchre results were as follows: Ladies: 1st- Laurrena Bright; 2nd- Wilma Lynde and low score was Irene Fielding. Mens: 1st- Bill Brown; 2nd- Joe McCaslin and low Kevin Muirhead. Freeze-out winners were Irwin and Elva Kydd; 2nd were Gladys Slack and Bernice Wells. There will be another euchre in two weeks. - Sympathy of the community to George Harper and family in the passing of his uncle Mr. George Beverley. George who was in his 89th year was a resident of the village until a few years ago, due to ill health, became a resident at ~ Sceptor Manor Nursing Home north of Uxbridge. Service was held on Saturday at Low and Low Funeral Home in Uxbridge. Have you noticed the new face-lift given to the MacSween house. It really looks nice. ~ Mildred Thompson recently at- tended a homecoming at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd White in honour of their son Leonard and wife who had arrived frr~ R.C New Years was spent with | _ at Mount Albert at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kirton and on Saturday, she attended a birthday dinner for Mrs. Ethel West at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Clarke at Marsh Hill. Mrs. Helen Goslin and daughter Kathy and Don Trump of Scar- borough visited for the holidays. They had Christmas dinner with Glen Goslin, daughter Annette and friend Neil at Blackstock and later enjoyed a lovely buffet with son John, Bev Goslin and family. On Thursday they were dinner guests with John, Linda Arbuckle and family at Nestleton. Helen's mother Mrs. Sydney Ostler of Burkes Falls was also present. ff ouniry lassics Yesterday's ' Memories (From page 5) Dr. M.B. Dymond, Minister of Health for Ontario, has recom- mended to medical officers of health throughout Ontario that the sale of plastic covered ice balls and novelties for cooling drinks, originating in Hong Kong be discontinued immediately. 10 YEARS AGO Wednesday, January 7, 1976 Mandy White became Scugog's New Year's baby when she was born at Community Memorial Hospital weighing in at 7 Ib. 81% oz. She was born on January 5 at 8:11 a.m. and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norm White of Prince Albert. Peter Hvidsten took over ownership of the Port Perry Star from his father Per on January 1, after Mr. Hvidsten decided to retire, ending a 40 year career in the newspaper business. PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL REGISTRATION JANUARY 13th & 14th - 7 to 9 P.M. COURSES: (T uesday Evenings) Ballroom Dancing - (Beginners) Commodore 64 - (Basic |) Commodore 64 - (Basic II) Fitness for Women Invest Your Dollars For Fun & Profit Microwave Cooking Stained Glass Wood Duck Carving - Word Processing HOURS: REG. FEE: MAT. FEE: 20 $35.00 20 $35.00 20 $35.00 20 $35.00 20 $35.00 15 $22.00 20 $35.00 $80.00* 20 $35.00 $8.00 20 $35.00 «-- $15.00 (*Material Fee is approximate as it depends upon equipment you already own.) SENIOR CITIZENS - NO REGISTRATION FEE CLASSES BEGIN TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1986 Annual January =) / Country Classics Everything In Stock?* 1/3.1/2 OF Sale Begins Thursday, January 9th, 1986 - 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. CLOSED WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8th to PREPARE FOR THIS SPECTACULAR SALE! a --- ) 237 Queen Street, Port Perry, Ontario 985-8221 WE HAVE ONLY TWO SALES A YEAR & THIS IS ONE YOU WON'T WANT TO MISS? Almost REGULAR PRICES (*excluding - selected items) All Sales Final - No Exchange or Refund on Sale Items VISA - MASTERCARD NN ACCEPTED