pe ta Ste = pats ik Fh - Tami 8 ih ah a bl SO on a + da a ie ey Volunteer drivers needed Community Care needs volunteer drivers from every village in Scugog Township! They are G.M. Employees, Ministers, Homemakers, Salespeo- ple, Office Staff, Nurses, Teachers, Teenagers and University Students. They work full time or part time, they attend classes or they are retired. They all have one thing in - common -- they are Community @e Hearing c Aid (entre ¢f Port Perry Care (Volunteer) Drivers. Once a week, or in some cases more often, they find the time to take an elderly or disabled person to a Doctor's appointment or a physiotherpay treatment. Sometimes it involves taking so- meone to shop and to do their bank- ing in Port Perry, staying to help them find what they need. Le Dennis J Hogan ann Hearing Ard Consultant 985-3003 Dr. E. Mannen's Office - 24 Water St. S., Lakeview Plaza, Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1NO. 985-9192 UXBRIDGE MEMORIAL lL. 'ROBERT E 1927 --1979 COMPANY MEMORIALS OF DISTINCTION GRANITE - MARBLE BRONZE Cemetery Lettering & Renovations Custom Designing FOR PERSONAL SERVICE VISIT OUR SHOWROOM HOME APPOINTMENTS & TRANSPORTATION BY REQUEST 38 YEARS PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. & Lettering Quality & Satisfaction Assured by our own Written Guarantee. 852-3472 108 Brock Street West Sometimes its taking a single parent to a support group or someone to a mental health clinic. Sometimes its delivering Meals on Wheels to house- bound people who need a nutritious meal. Getting around sounds simple to us, doesn't it? That is because we have a car and are able to do anything we wish and go anywhere we want. But, if you are widowed and have never needed to drive 'because your husband always drove, if you have been in a car ac- cident and aren't able to drive for a while, or if you've been told by your Doctor or family that you really shouldn't continue to drive because of poor vision or other physical reasons, you can see how difficult it would be to get around. Community Care needs volunteer drivers from every village in Scugog Township! You tell us when you are available. Some volunteers are available in the summer and disap- pear to the south in the winter; others help in the winter and are home in the summer with their children; College and University students help during school breaks and summer vacation; cottagers callus when they get settled in each spring; shift workers know we won't call them before noon; others will help when they come to town to do the weekly shopping. Community Care volunteers have the extra protection of third party liability insurance and are paid a gas allowance to help defray their expenses. If you can help, please call 985-8461 weekdays or drop in at 208 North Street, Port Perry. (One block north of Queen, between Water and Perry). i GOING 'SOUTH? Check our selection of Spring and Summer Garments arriving daily! Men's Sport & Dress Shirts by Arrow T-Shirts by Manhatten Lightweight Dress Pants by Riviera Ladies' Dresses & Co-ordinated Outfits =] =F Nd he STORE Queen Street - Port Perry BARGAINS ON ALL WINTER WALL-TO-WALL FASHIONS ...... THIS IS THE LAST WEEK TO ENTER RAW FOR A PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, January 28, 1986 -- 15 Omiel's "Place RESTAURANT & DINING LOUNGE introduces: | Sor a - FRESH RED BRAND NEW YORK STRIP LOIN in 3 Sizes. 8 oz, 12 oz. and For the Hungry Man: ONE FULL POUND! O | ok 0 { ~~ For Dessert: We feature a full pastry tray and fresh homemade pies. Emiel's Place RESTAURANT & DINING LOUNGE 151 Queen Street - Port Perry oo" 4 aL Tre Zl FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 9852066 Lots of Parking at Rear of Building plus A Rear Entrance for, your convenience. on our fine selection Wallpape 2 pant 20% Large assortment of Accessories wo 50% OUR D '100. GIFT CERTIFICATE good for any purchase of goods in our store. DRAW TO BE MADE SAT., FEB. 1st At 4:30 P.M. 183 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY «985-8234 OPEN: Weekdays '® Saturday 9:30 - 5:30 FRIDAYS TILL 9:00° SUNDAYS 1:00 - 5:00