18 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, February 18, 1986 Nestleton-Caesarea News by Mabel Cawker 96th Birthday Celebrated The remarkable Evva Davidge of Williams Point, turned 96 last week, February 10th. Her birthday, as well as the fifth birthday of one of her great grandchildren, Katie Smitko, was celebrated by 14 family members at Conway Place on Sun- day, February 9th. That wasn't the only celebration, however! On Tuesday, she was treated to lunch at the Granite Club, Toronto, and on Tuesday evening, to a delicious pancake dinner at son Bob and: Ruth Davidge's lovely home at Williams Point. On Kriday, Bernice invited a number of her Mother's friends to a birthday lunch. Ruth made a gorgeous Valen- tine cake for the occasion, and Ev- va was toasted with pink cham- pagne. How's that for 967? Blue Ray "Hosts"' Brother's Night & Valentine Party Blue Ray had a fine meeting and Valentine Party on Thursday even- jng last, February 13th in the Masonic Temple, Port Perry, with Worthy Matron Marguerite Mitchell assisted by Worthy Patron Chris Dennis. A warm, fraternal welcome in the East to many sisters and brothers from other Char 'ers made for a delightful evening They were pleased to welcome Au rey Martin, Grand Chapter Benevolent Commit- tee member and Ken Summersford, Grand Chapter Trustee, from the Durham Chapter. Business was conducted briskly and finished in record time. Sister Irene Beamish of Port Perry, af- filiated with Blue Ray Chapter ... we welcome Irene warmly and trust she will enjoy the friendliness and fellowship of the Chapter members. Before closing, members were hap- PY to have Audrey Martin and Ken Summersford speak briefly -- always good to have them with Blue Ray for the evening. After the Of- ficers retired and Chapter closed, all went to the lower hall for a live- ly party. Lovely refreshments were served buffet style by the brothers ... topped off with a festive Valentine cake and plenty of hot tea and cof- fee. A Valentine draw was a feature of interest. For entertainment a Cake Walk was fun with Carol Mor- row at the piano ... and many went home with coveted prizes ... con- venor Judy Mitchell. A beautiful afghan was on display and tickets r By Popular Demand Cmiel's "Place FOR THOSE WHO MISSED QUT! Port Perry comes alive with another FABULOUS "NIGHT OF JAZZ" ... SAT., MARCH 1st t QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY Reservations 985-2066 2 Patrick G. Deegan DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 305 Queen Street -- Port Perry BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! Phone: 985-2916 or 623-4473 co..ecny FEBRUARY "LACE?" GATHERED - 1 to 4" EYELET - 1 to 22" SALE ENDS MARCH 1, 1986 6 yds. / *1.00 5 yds. / *4.00 5 yds. / *5.00 EXTRA SPECIAL! BROADCLOTH per metre 2.00 2 Daisy's Ge 985-3221 Fab (formerly Modern Textiles) loeated in Luke's Conntry Store 201 (meen Street - Port Perry are being sold ... this is the Worthy Matron's project to raise money for the Handi-Transit fund ... her under- taking for the year. Another fine money raising venture ... Mugs may be purchased with Eastern Star , design on them, from convenor Marge McCombe, in aid of Estarl Fund ... to assist young men and women training for the ministry, etc. And lastly -- if you'd like to join up with a fantastic band ... just give Marg Jeffrey a call ... we need all * the best musicians we can lay our hands on for this special BAND! Caesarea Euchre Results A very good attendance for the Wednesday evening card party, held at the Centre. Results are as follows: First prize- Kathleen Watt with 96. Second prize- two tied for second- Albert Watt and Henry Visser- each holding 85. Low score- Moonie with 50. Next week for fun and perhaps a prize. Congratulations Our congratulations to Stan McNeely of Williams Point, who will be 85 years young this Wednesday, February 19th. All the best to a good friend Stan -- and may he enjoy many more happy birthdays! A Star In The Making Herb Vine is doing well in the music world ... well on the way to a successful career, \nd we do warm- ly congratulate him from this area. Sympathy Extended Very sorry to hear of the death of . Eric Capstick of Lindsay -- a former Yelverton boy. We offer our deepest sympathy to his grieving wife Vera, sister Ena, brothers Lloyd and Omar and a' host of friends. | Also -- sympathy is extended to ~ Bryron Hyland of Omemee in the loss of his wife, Hazel. The Hyland family were well known in the Cart- wright area -- especially Nestleton. Social Notes Delton Fisher of West Hill, was a * luncheon guest with his mother Mrs. Minnie Fisher of Caesarea on Saturday. . Visiting at the Sam Cawker farm- stead, Scugog Point Road, on Sun- day were: Grant and Merna Cawker, daughter Cathy and son Curtis and friend Rob Smith of Oshawa. Glad to see Cathy looking ~ fit again after her trying illness dur- ing the past few weeks. Nestleton Afternoon UCW Meets The setting for the February meeting at the attractive home of Unit Leader Jean Williams in Nestleton Village with ten present. It was a pleasure to have Verna Windrem with us. Jean presided and opened the meeting with a warm welcome and a Valentine thought. Marion Hall and Effa Stainton in charge of the effective worship and topic used hymn "I Love To Tell The Story"' followed by Psalm 19: 7-14. The very interesting topic on 'Our Native People' ... written by Don- I.a Sinclair for the Observer ... was well taken by Marion and Effa, giv- ing members an "indepth" look in- to some of the concerns an Indian woman Gladys Taylor, of the Ojib- way Tribe from Curve Lake near Peterborough had, during her years of serving her United Church. She is now 72 years old and has been very actively engaged in her humble way using the many gifts she was born with ... contributing a good deal both to her own church as layperson, fre- quently taking services there and in addition she comforts the sick, coun- cils the depressed, opens functions in the community with Prayer, and brings Communion to those who wish it. Her special gift is to do all this in her Ojibway language. Her minister likens her to an old Testa- ment prophet seized by God to serve. She represented Canada's In- dians during the Centennial Year in England. An amazing story! Effa read interesting little stories written by Indian children and closed this portion with Prayer. During business, minutes were approved as read by Secretary Leona Sadler. Thank you notes and donations "were received. Nine members answered the Roll Call by- a Bible verse with Love in it. Re- business- many items were high on the agenda and plans made. The World Day of Prayer, March 7th, at Champagne toast for remarkable 96-year old 2 p.m. in Nestleton United Church and we hope for fine weather and a splendid attendance. The Cart- wright Churches will share in this special Ecumenical Service ... Blackstock Anglican, Blackstock United, Nestleton Presbyterian, Caesarea Community and the hostess Church, North Nestleton. After.the Mizpah Benediction, a lovely lunch was served by Marion and Effa. Ruth Davidge extended the appreciation to all who assisted with the meeting. That wraps up the news for this week! Church groups to screen films Scugog Island Area News by Mrs. Earl Reader Our churches are very fortunate in being able to procure many films of general interest for the times in which we live. If you can find the time, you will find it very profitable to attend some or all. The Dutch Reform Church is showing a series every Friday even- ing. Look in the advertising for the ones that appeal to you. Monday, February 24, the Friend- ship UCW will show at the Island United "Not A Love Story" and -deals with the problem of Por- nography. Time to be announced next week. Tuesday, February 25 the Baptist Church on 7A on the Island will pre- sent at their Coffee Hour at 9:45 to 11 A.M. "The Silent Scream' a film on abortion. On Sunday at the Island United we welcomed Kev. Mark Elliot as guest speaker from Maple Grove and Ebenezer. Next Sunday will be a big occasion for the young people and parents as well as leaders as well as all who are interested in Cubs and Scouts. They will all be welcomed to participate in the Island United Service. It has been noted that there are some needy projects requiring at- tention around the Island United such as fresh paint on the sign "board, cushions for the choir chairs, replacement of damaged basement chairs. The Lenten Folder for gifts may help provide the necessary funds. Plans are already being made for Easter Services and joyful occasions. NO FEES At Standard Trust. there are absolutely no fees. No fees to getin No fees to get out No administration fees Compare that with other RRSP plans APPLY BY PHONE word line-ups Just pick up your phone and tellus whatvou want We'll do all the paperwork - thenvou just come mn and sign Itcouldn the easier | IF YOU'RE NOT GETTING ON YOUR YOU COULDN'T BE GETTING A STANDARD TRUST RRSP Here's what else you might not be getting, unless you compare our RRSPs to the rest. Your tax receiptisissued before vou walk out. sovou can file vour return the same dav. 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