= iF i i : oo Sa pt PE . - . Long Rt OL DRE Po ESET ho TT WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Team Standings: Aqua-Fresh - 32; Close-Ups - 28; Pepsodents - 21; Crests - 16; Ultra-Brites - 15; Col- - gates - 14. High Single: Marg Lee - 268. High Triple: Ann Meester - 655. Triples over 600: Ann Meester - . 655; Marg Lee - 636. Singles over 200: Marg Lee - 268,200, Heather Moore - 267; Bar- bara Kelly - 257; Ann Meester - 254,202; Merle St. John - 207; Nan- cy Barr - 201; Gladys McColl - 200. TUESDAY NIGHT MEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE Team Standings: Retreads - 35; Blue Jays - 29: Bushers - 24: Ac- by Scott Howey Well done and congratulations to the Port Perry team of Scott Howey, Dave Roth, Ken Jeffrey and Rick Beare for their efforts in the 0.C.A. Colts Provincial Final. The team ended the eight team competition tied for fifth place with a 3 win - 4 loss record. The Port Perry team defeated teams from Guelph C.C., Ottawa C.C. and Boulevard C.C. -- two of these games were finished after 8 ends. Other clubs competing were St. Thomas C.C., Niagara Falls C.C., Chinguacousy C.C. and Hylands C.C. Each of Port Perry's games against these clubs were close ex- cept one game. As more than one of our opponents stated, 'Your record doesn't show how. well you guys really curled." The Chinguacousy team and the team from Hylands both ended the round-robin with 5-2 records which forced a tie breaker on Sunday. Chinguacousy came out PY *e . - Fully guaranteed. CALL NOW « - New in Port Perry - FEEL GREAT! LOOK GREAT! Lose up to 29 Ibs. in 30 days. - 100% Herbal Nutritional Product (completely safe). - No. 1 Weight Control Product on market today. - Millions of world wide testimonials. RIES - Cleanse body inside and out. . +o - . - Relief for arthritis sufferers. . $ - Endorsed by many physicians. - IE * Veo Action from the cidents - 23; Y and Old - 18; Redoubtables hy High Single: Paul Brough - 313. High Single with Handicap: Paul Brough - 344. Wa Triple: Craig McFadden - High Triple with Handicap: Craig McFadden - 873. 215 And Over: Paul Brough - 313; Kevin Haugen - 218; Roy Werry - 224; Curly Shaw - 215; Peter Booth - 221; Bill Ruesink - 247; Mel Meulemeester - 215: Craig McFad- den - 263,279,301. 600 And Over: Paul Brough - 649; Bill Ruesink - 606; Craig McFadden - 843. Curling Corner the winners in a game that lasted only seven ends. The St. Catharines Golf and Country Club, the 0.C.A. and the sponsor, Seagrams, did an excellent job of running this com- petition, showing hospitality and friendliness to all the curlers and their guests. On behalf of the team and myself, I would like to thank those who came to St. Catharines to support us and also those who expressed their best wishes. In other news the Wednesday and Thursday Port Perry Curling Club is hosting the S.0.L.C.A. Tankard Provincial Finals. Thursday is the actual competition, spectators are welcome. Scotland defeated Canada to win the World Junior Mens Com- petition being held in Darmouth, N.S. The Mens' Annual Banquet is Wednesday April 23, anyone wishing tickets contact Ron McIntyre at 985-7061. N.C -7692 . 985 - ANNOUNCING - HAR RY'S REPAI R NESTLETON Now Authorized Dealer SALES & SERVICE 986-0046 WEDNESDAY NIGHT LADIES BOWLING Team Standings: Alley Cats - 37; Lead Bottoms - 32; Little Red Cox- vettes - 31; Rear Enders - 27; Misfits - 21; The Wild Ones - 20. Congratulations: Alley Cats win- ners of 3rd section. High Triples Flat: Pat Norton - 738; Jenny Behling - 686. High Triples with Handicap: Pat Norton - 747; Jenny Behling - 734; Marg Prentice - 642; Kathy O'Neill - 637, Kim Evans - 630; Bertha Meulemeester - 629; Cyd Stauffer - 628; Bev Goslin - 624; Cindy Stauf- fer - 621; Bev Evans - 604; Bev Thompson - 600. High Singles Flat: Pat Norton - 256,250,232; Jenny Behling - 248,230,208; Bev Thompson - 220. High Singles with Handicap: Jen- ny Behling - 264,246,224; Pat Norton 259,253,235; Bertha Meulemeester - 248; Bev Goslin - 240,212; Kathy O'Neill - 240,204; Marg Prentice - 239,238; Bev Thompson - 236; Cindy Stauffer - 230; Alice Spence - 228; Cyd Stauffer - 218,209,201; Bev Evans - 218,212; Linda Bourgeois - 216; Kim Evans - 215,211,204: Deb- bie Olliffe - 213; Susan Raines - 212; Brenda Appleby - 212; Toots Ander- son - 210; Margot Brain - 206; Gail Wallace - 203; Margaret Heimstra - 201. Playotfs start this week. Support your team if you can't be at the alleys for the next 3 Wednesday nights. Please bowl off. JUNIOR LEAGUE Team Standings: Buicks - 25; Firebirds - 24; Lemans - 22; Pon- tiacs - 13; Chevettes - 11; Oldsmobiles - 10. Girls High Single: Leandra Tromans - 161. Girls High Double: Leandra. Tromans - 286. Ashburn and area by Florence Ashton April Antics with Magnum dance at Thunderbird. Back again by popular demand, this live band will play again at the Ashburn Com- munity Dance on Saturday, April 5, to be held at the Thunderbird Golf and Country Club. Lunch, cash bar, and prizes. For tickets call 655-8713; 655-4625 or Short's Pharmacy. Reservations recommended. A good time was had by all who attended the Games Night on Satur- day night in the Church Hall. If you didn't like one game, there were lots of others to try your luck at. Prizes were won by Alaurien Gill and Gerald Emm. Lots of good food was enjoyed by all. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gardner were Mr. and Mrs. Rees Williams from Don Mills and Mr. Durward Wideman from Cedar Beach, Lake Simcoe. The Brooklin Horticulture will meet. . on Wednesday evening of this week, March 26, at 8 p.m. downstairs at the United Church Hall. This should be a great meeting from an expert in the fertilizer in- dustry. Also, at this meeting we will have for sale a good selection of summer flowering bulbs, such as Begonias, Lilies, Dahlias and several other interesting types. They will brighten up your garden this summer at great savings. This will be an informative meeting for all to enjoy. Come to the Kirk Guild's first event of the year on Tuesday, April 1st, 8 p.m. in the Church Hall. For your entertainment and edification we present a Pot Pourri of fact and fantasy. Linda Death will help you prepare nutritious lunches. bowling leag PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, March 25, 1986 -- a5 Boys High Single: Gord Ireland - Boys High Double: Jason Cooper - 320. TUESDAY AFTERNOON LADIES BOWLING 1 Team Standings; Lemons - 33; Pears - 29; Strawberry Shortcake - 25; Kiwis - 23; Pitted Cherries - 22: Honeydews - 10. Singles over 200: Joan Groves - 219,210; Mary Cannon - 277; Marj Giroux - 217; Lucy Wilson - 236,240; Lynn Loughlin - 203; Judy Olaisen - 211; Barb Evans - 242; Dorpthy Shanley - 201; Joan Fleming - 204: Kay McBride - 210; Kacey Harper - 214; Mabel Cook - 226; Joan Knight - 201,206. Triples over 600: Lucy Wilson - 671. : LADIES MONDAY NIGHT 9:00 P.M. BOWLING Team Standings: Snorks - 28; Smurfs - 23; Littles - 19; Chipmunks - 16; Flintstones - 15; Jetsons - 4. High Single: Robin Doan - 209. High Triple: Elma Vernon - 537. Singles over 200: Dayle Forderer - 200; Gail Bolton - 204; Robin Doan - 209. UXBRIDGE MEMO "WR MEMORIALS ues SUNDAY NIGHT MIXED LEAGUE Ladies High Triple with Han- dicap: Marge Harrison - 663. Men over 210: Ken Pipher - 259,243; Ted Harvard - 217,260; Al York - 297; Jim Rider - 249; Brent Coppins - 258; Jim Redman - 241; Tom Tennyson - 243; Lorne Clarke - 221; Elroy Trimble - 215; George Imrie - 215. ' Men over 615: Ken Pipher - 688; Ted Harvard - 667; Jim Redman - 622; Jim Rider - 618. Team Standings: Oilers - $5; Canadiens - 29; Maple Leafs - 23; Bruins - 21; Red Wings - 20; Rangers - 19 Mens High Single Flat: Al York - 297. Mens High Single with Handicap: Al York - 310. Mens High Triple Flat: Ken Pipher - 688. Mens High Triple with Handicap: Ken Pipher - 721. Ladies High Single Flat: Kay McBride - 195. Ladies High Single with Han- dicap: Marge Harrison - 257. RIAL COMPANY OF DISTINCTION GRANITE - MARBLE BRONZE Cemetery Lettering & Renovations Custom Designing 5 FOR PERSONAL SERVICE VISIT OUR SHOWROOM HOME APPOINTMENTS & TRANSPORTATION BY REQUEST 38 YEARS PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. "...an important part of feeding programs in herds where maximum milk production and butterfat records are major objectives. Include BufferePak in your dairy ration mixture at the rate of 25 kg per tonne. ASK US THERE IS A SHUR-GAIN SOLUTION Canada Packers Inc. Toronto, Canada Quality & Satisfaction Assured by our own Written Guarantee. 108 Brock Street West SHUR'GAIN TOP FEEDING PROGRAMS SHUR-GAIN BUFFER-PAK Now available at Shur ® Gain Service Centres H & M WRIGHT FEED CO. LTD. 14 Scugog Street, Blackstock & Lettering 852-3472 SHUK LAIN DIN S00 2 "7 ' mr Telephone: 986-4201