Nestleton-Caesarea News by Mabel Cawker Birthday Celebrated Mom & Dad...Doug & Shirley Dart of Nestleton, held a surprise birth- day party for daughter, Judy Frew, on Saturday, April 19, with a delicious buffet supper complete with birthday cake and all the trim- mings. Was Judy ever thrilled! There were approximately 15 guests in attendance for the lovely sur- prise. Judy was the recipient of many exciting gifts. Our very warmest wishes...and hope she had a wonderful day! Caesarea Card Game At the popular weekly card game held in the Caesarea Centre with a fine attendance the lucky winners were: First prize - Doris Rohrer - 80. Second - Tom Dean - 73. Low - Col- lette Larocque - 41. After the euchre a lovely lunch was served by Gwen Robins & Pat Mathewson. Try to at- tend this Wed. evening for a "gala" night out. Pancake Breakfast Keep in mind the Mother's Day Pancake breakfast this coming Sun- day morning, May 11, from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. in the Nestleton "Community Centre and sponsored by the Hall Board. It was a delightful event last year with a " good attendance. Some mighty fine male cooks in Nestleton you may be sure! And the waitresses! WOW! Try to be supportive...your local Hall Boar counts on you! Trip Enjoyed Joe & .(ika Wygerde, Nestleton, along with friends Ed & Madeline Newell of Port Perry had a wonder- ful trip during the month of April, when they enjoyed an exciting holi- day in Holland. They visited Joe's mother 'who makes her home with her eldest daughter in Noord Oost Polder. They spent some time in the southern part of the country and helped two families celebrate their 25th anniversaries with parties and do they ever celebrate in Holland! In the western part they were pleas- ed to see the daffodils in bloom and some tulips. The flowers are slow blooming this year due to the cold winter. The travellers enjoyed im- mensely the last Saturday of April when they saw the Flower Parade of Bloemencorso - and toured the Keukenhof greenhouses with so many gorgeous flowers in bloom -a lovely sight! Many evenings were entertaining with cards - Interna- tional card playing...the Dutch peo- ple call it. It was an unforgettable trip for Joe & Rika being in their homeland once again for a visit...all in all a fine vacation with good friends for company! See What 1986 Holds for You! Local couples enjoyed spring Nestleton Presbyterian Church On a cool Sunday morning, May 4, at Nestleton Presbyterian Church...Susan Scott, a student from Bible College, spoke on "Con- sistency' using Psalm 5-2 Peter 3: 10-18. The S. School had a smaller attendance than usual. A very good choir with Stan McNeely, Peggy & Alison Scott with Mrs. Shirley Scott playing for the service. Sorry to hear that Rev. Fred Swann is in sb MOFFAT MICROWAVE OVENS from ... s289°5 COOK AS GOOD AS THEY LOOK! MathenaTl ©) House or Howans Hospital. Best wishes from this community for a speedy recovery. Next Sunday at 10 a.m. for a warm welcome. Centennial Celebration A Highlight! What a fine celebration! Sam & Mabel Cawker, Scugog Point Rd., enjoyed being back in their old stamping grounds when they attend- ed the meaningful Church service held in Port Perry United, Sunday ay V PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, May 6, 1986 -- 27 Holland trip morning, May 4, at 11 a.m. This was the home coming Anniversary Day...planned so that old friends could gather who have not seen one another for many years. It was just great...a highlight in our lives. The whole service was excellent...and the tempting refreshments after in the lower hall with a visit with so many we knew was wonderful! Glad we didn't miss it! (Turn to page 39) ALUES -- QUALITY -- APPLIANCES -- T.V. -- FURNITURE 200" The Tagged Price of Any 2-3-4 Piece Livingroom Suite PLUS we will refund an amount equal to the sales tax. Choose from Sklar, Standard, Braemore, Troister, Kroehler, Sylvan, Simmonds. CHAIRS Recliners Swivels Tubs . 50 |& See our complete selection of quality DECORATOR PIECES Specially Priced for Mother's Day from ... "Strathroy - Kroehler Peppler - Braemore - Heirloom - DISHWASHERS From KITCHEN AID, FRIGIDAIRE, MOFFAT, WESTINGHOUSE Model WU610 *B548.- PSYCHIC READINGS Tarot Cards - Palm Reading Regular Cards - Object Readings Tea Leaves ... and more! This service brought to you by Niki's Gourmet Service and the Murray House Restaurant. | L.L.B.O. CAESAREA PHONE 986-5684 Mom's Very Own 20" Colour T.V. ~ with Remote Control 3 Year Warranty Mother's Day Dance SAT., MAY 10th T.). FRAZER Flowers for the Ladies. Coffee & Cake Buffet for you and your girl. COVER CHARGE SPECIALS: Saturday (until 7:00 p.m.) -- Large Pizza Sunday -- Lasagna - reg. 5.50 (all day) -- Fettucine - reg. 5.50 -- Veal Parmigiana - reg. 8.50 -- All Pasta Dishes 1/2 PRICE special 4.25 1/2 PRICE CLOSED MONDAYS