CN A DRC ee EE Th Cr TH --=----__~ a SW a" -- ho Coming Events , Greetings "Yard Sales For Sale For Sale 00005 ---- 16TH ANNUAL "House, Turners Greenhouse and , Blackstock, Saturday and Sunday, May 10-11. Free beverages, snacks and favours. See what we have for your planting needs. M 6 DISCOVER how to search for your roots -- Meet Brian Winter, Archivist for Whitby Historical Society, Tuesday, May 13 at 7:30 p.m., at Scugog Memorial Public Library. SCUGOG MEMORIAL Public Library Travel Club, Thursday, May 8th, 7:30 p.m. Marilyn Wallace and friends pre- sent "Other Views on China." MOTHER'S DAY, Sunday, inay 11th, pancake breakfast, Nestieton Hall, 9 © -a.m. 10 2 p.m. $2.50 per plate. A 29 LEGION BINGO. The next Legion Bingo, Branch 419 will be on Thursday, May 15, 1986- 7:30 p.m. Jackpot $170 In 52 numbers. Entertainment ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 419 PORT PERRY FRI., MAY Sth W.J.K.*? Members & "uests Welcome Happy 18th Birthday ARTHUR po BS Love - Dad & Joanne NATHAN BLOOD DONOR CLINIC Catholic Church Hall FRIDAY, MAY 9th 2:00 to .3:30 p.m. 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. NOTICE OF MEETING Town Hall 1873 - Annual - BOARD MEETING Emiel's Place (Back Room) Monday, May 12 at 8:00 p.m. Interested Parties welcome! -- The Directors If you see CHRIS DURWARD On May 11th wish him a HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY! XOXOXOXXO FITNESS Tues., May 6 ... 9:15 & 10:30 Thurs., May 9... 2:00 p.m. 5 Weeks - $12.00 Phone Riet Orde 985-3630 Greetings HAPPY 35th ANNIVERSARY Neil & Eleanor Werry (May 12th) Yard Sales | SATURDAY, May 10th, 8a.m. to4p.m., 42 Orchard Road, Rain or Shine. Two families. Household items, tricycle, Fisher Price toys like new. 100 CRANDELL ST., Saturday, May 10th. Golf clubs, golf bags, drafting table, tools, dollhouse, pressure pump, picnic table, lumber, baby items, coffee table, air conditioner, {awnmower, toys, telephone table, stereo, Homelite XL76 chainsaw, 10 speed bike, other items too numerous to mention. E YARD AND CRAFT Sale, Saturday, May 10th, after 9 p.m. - postponed until following Saturday if rain.. 132 Maple Street, Port Perry. OVING! 9 inch table saw, good condi- tion, 200 gal. oil tank, plus many misc. items. Saturday and Sunday, May 10th and 11th. One mile north of 7A at Nestleton. Turn right. SATURDAY, May 10th, 8:30 a.m. - 83 Chester Cresc, (behind the Beer Store). YARD SALE: May 10 and 11th, 9 to 4, 55 Scugog Street North, Blackstock. Baby- items, curtains, pillow shams, bed ruf- fles, lawn chairs, bikes, rug, bathroom - vanity, sink and taps, 17'2 ft. Prowler trailer and much, much more. 3 FAMILY yard sale, Carnegie Beach, 13th Concession Scugog Island - House 57, May 10th, 12:00 noon - S$ p.m. Rain date- Sunday. Furniture, antiques, old dishes, old tools, appliances, curtains, pots and pans efc. GIANT YARD Sale, Saturday, May 10th 9 a.m. Kin-Scout Hall, Lilla Street, Port Perry Kinette Club. Proceeds to Cystic Fibrosis. Donations welcome. Tables avaliable. 985-3246; 985-9836. SATURDAY May 10 and Sunday. May 11th, 606 King Street, Prince Albert. 9 - am. fodpm. 1984 ATV, 200 miles, electric start, mint condition, RCA VCR remote control, household articles, clothes etc. Turn right at store- Caesarea. Follow signs. Saturday, May 10th, 10 a.m. MAY 30 & MAY 31, Rotary Club Yard Sale will be located at Conway Gardens parking lot. For pickup of donated ar- ticles. Phone Jim Hardy 985-8451 or Karl Herder 985-3885. M 27 YARD SALE : Several families - many items, Saturday May 10th, 'Railroadhouse Motel, 9 to 5 p.m. GIGANTIC GARAGE SALE Saturday, May 10th 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. Ist Road (7th Conc.) West of Durham 23, North off Durham 21 at 20th Sideroad, Uxbridge. Watch for Signs -- FREE COFFEE -- } TWO FAMILY yard sale, Saturday May 10th, Scugog and Crandell St. SATURDAY May 10 and Sunday May 11, Robinglade Estates. Look for sign. 9a.m. GARAGE SALE, May 10and 11.910 5 p.m. 4 Mary St., Blackstock. Many Items. Moving! Reasonably priced. M 6 For Sale BLACK WROUGH iron set- 36 inch round table and 4 chairs, excellent condition $225; two Axminister rugs 7x10, navy and rust patterns $50 each. 985-2743. 7x9 STEEL garage door, Stanley hard- ware plus pine casing, all new $200 firm. 985-7858. TRAILER for sale, double 14 inch tires, closed-in sides. Asking $800. 655-3533. 15 FT. CANOE, brand new condition, never used, fibreglass $425. 985-8967, call after 6 p.m. M13 B-FLAT TRUMPET - CONN, silver plated, excellent condition $250. B-Flat Clarinet, complete, excellent condition $195. Both with cases. 985-8967 after 6 p-m. M13 76 PARKLAND Hardtop trailer, sleeps 6, excellent condition, fridge, stove, fur- nace, water and electrical hookup. Full canvas add-a-room, $2500 or best offer. 985-9965. LIVE STOCK for sale. One Hereford springer close. 11 steer calves, approx- imately 600 Ibs. each. 986-4707. 11 SIMMENTAL and Hereford stocker- feeder steers and 20 heifers. Roy Brad- burn 986-5471. M2 HAY, 80 per cent Alfalfa and balance Timothy. No rain. Square bales. Call after 5 p.m. 985-2496. RIFLES: 300 Savage lever action and 22 Ithica X15 lightening semi auto, with Weaver Scope. Both for $325. Call 986-4663. F.A.C. Required. PISTON WATER pump with pressure switch $50; 5 large commercial windows, approx. 5x7ft. x 6 in., thick aluminum frame $65 each; Sideband CB 23 Channel $65. 985-7558. FIREPLACE tools and wood holder; 2 twin beds. 986-4343. BULL SALE 75 R.O.P. Beef Bulls qualify Red Meat Program, May 17, 1986, 4:30 p.m. - 6 miles north Mount Forest Hwy. 6 - 519-334-3497 -- 705-458-9031. KING AGRO BARLEY -- Certified No. 1, 25 kg Perth ................. $7.00 Leger ................ $7.30 Birka ................. 9.60 MIXED GRAIN - Certified No. 1 40 kg. ............. *13.50 ALFALFA - Certified No. 1 Saranac ........ $2.40 |b. Iroquois ....... 2.50 |b. SOYBEANS - Certified No. 1, 25 kg. Maple Arrow ....*11.50 2a Bruce Wilson 416)8952-6677 - UXBRIDGE - SNUG HARBOUR ESTATES on "Sturgeon Lake, 6 miles North of Lindsay on Hwy 36. 28 new lots, from $18,000 and V2 acres plus - Terrific view of Lake, Part || of established community. 525 ft. and waterfront park. Come and look. Ask Linda Stinson for brochure. 705-324-5391 Bus.; 324-8596 Home. Royal LePage Realtor. SPACE TO RETIRE. Snug Harbour Estate ||, has 27 lots with terrific view of Sturgeon Lake, from $18,000; "2 acre plus frontages up to 175 ft. Part of establish- ed community, just 6 miles north of Lind- say via Hwy 36. Call Linda Stinson at 705-324-5391 or 324-8596 for free brochure. First Come - First Choice. Royal LePage Realtor. LINDSAY -- Snug Harbour Estates II. Grand Opening of lots, 28 from '2 acre plus and frontages 98 ft. plus and $18,000 plus. Choice lots now available, has 525 ft. plus waterfront park. Part of established community. Take Hwy 36, 6 miles north of Lindsay - the view is fan- tastic. For brochure call Linda Stinson 705-324-5391 or 324-8596 Royal LePage Realtor. STURGEON LAKE, just released, 28 lots from 2 acres and $18,000. Phase |] Snug Harbour Estates, Has great view ot lake. -Large water? ont park, docks to follow, clubhouse, just 6 miles north of Lindsay via Hwy 36. First Come - First Choice. Call for plan and-map Linda Stinson, Lindsay 324-5391 Bus.; or 324-8596 Royal LePage Realtor. VENDORS wanted for fabulous new Flea Market and Farmer's Market on 400 Hwy. 5 miles south of Barrie. Opening June 28th, permanent spots available. 705-728-3313. 1970 16 FT. aluminum boat, 75 HP plus trailer, 2 hours on rebuilt motor $1800. 986-5391. } M6 FIBREGLASS truck cap, fits 8 fi. pickup. front sliding windows, good condition, $400 or best offer. 985-3487 after 6 p.m. OUTBOARD motor, ESKA 4.5 HP, like new, $250 or best offer. 985-3802. USED MOTORCYCLES for sale. 1975 MRS50 Honda; 1975 CB750 Honda; 1979 D750 Yamaha; 1979 CM400 Honda; 1979 X $650 Special Yamaha, 1981 XJ 550 Max: im Yamaha; 1982 Z-50 Honda; 1983 XJ750 Midnight Maxim Yamaha; 1985 XT350 Yamaha; 1976 GL1000 LTD Honda. Asselstine's Yamaha 986-4437. STEEL BUILDINGS. Miracle Span Winter Clearance direct from our fac- tory. Example 25x38- $3274; 32x40- $3992; 40x58- $5805. Other sizes to choose from. All buildings are complete with doors and price includes delivery. Call toll free Marcel Aitoro 1-800-387-4932. LEGAL WILL KITS. Lawyer prepared 2 forms per kit. Send stamp and $12 to Ralston, 5017 Pinedale Avenue, Unit 23, Burlington, Ontario L7L 5J6. LEADS THE WORLD * Johnson Powered Runabouts * New Cadorette 15' Mosquito i with 1986 Johnson 60 h.p. outboard, and ready ozo. 9137.00 * New shipment of Cadorettes including 16' Bass Boat & 16' Challenger. PORT PERRY MARINA at the waterfront, Port Perry "WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL!" Ask for John Mackey ...... 985-3236 COUNTRY SENTIMENTS ORIGINAL DESIGN EVERY TIME Grapevine Wreaths - Straw Hats - Gift Baskets & Gift Bags THE SEARCH FOR THE PERFECT GIFT ENDS! CALL PAT ...... 985-1728 BROOKLIN RENTALS Monday to Friday 8-6 Saturday 8-5 HONDA POWER EQUIPMENT -- SALES & RENTALS -- Rototillers - Lawnmowers - Post Hole Augers (hand & 3 pt. hitch) - Ride-on Lawn Rollers - Aerators - Lawn Thatchers - Ride-on Tractors - High Pressure Washers - Generators & Pumps - 5% Discount with this Ad! 53 Baldwin Street, Brooklin, Ontario 655-3600 UXBRIDGE NURSERIES On Sale until May 14th, 1986 CRIMSON KING MAPLE 1%" Caliper (dia.) Approx 10' high, $ 1 00 Comes balled in burlap - Reg. $125. ....... m NOW IN STOCK: crane trucks. | *3,000 Evergreens in 30 Varieties *2,000 Tree & Shrubs in 50 Varieties All evergreens are potted or balled. All trees are sold with a 1 year guarantee (unless otherwise stated). Large trees always available and can be delivered with any one of our three 985-7667 'NEW' Landscapi ar rofessional landscape A ands to draw a professiona For further in For prices check our catalogue - FREE Upon Request. -- OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK -- HOURS: (until June 30) Mon. to Sat. 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. (dusk); Sun. 10 AM. to 6 P.M. GREENBANK GARDEN CENTRE Located on the Northeast Corner of Hwy. 12 & 47 ng Design Service chitect will be available on | plan to suit your needs formation p 852-7729 lease call!