PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, June 24, 1986 -- 39 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS JAMES RANKIN ELECTRIC Residential - Farm - Commercial ELECTRIC HEATING SYSTEMS Hot Water Tank Installation & Repairs Free Estimates and Repairs DAVE RANKIN ELECTRIC R.R.3, PORT PERRY PHONE 985-7191 FARM - RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL Specializing in: Electric Heating, New Housing, Small Jobs, New Hydro Services FREE ESTIMATES - REASONABLE RATES -- DAVE RANKIN -- RICK LAROCGQGQUE ELECTRIC » RESIDENTIAL -- COMMERCIAL -- FARM Pole Lines Service QREF_396 1 R.R. 2, PORT PERRY SEAGRAVE NURSERY ] Landscaping - Fencing - Decks «A® Retaining Walls - Interlocking Brick Work "°F & R SAWMILLS Carpentry Work 985-8888 Cedar Lumber for Decks, Siding, Pole Barns, etc. Pine Available on Request - Portable Sawmill and Planer. We do Custom Cutting & Planing - (Cedar Posts - all sizes) R.R.1, PORT PERRY Call: FRED eueningss (416) 985-3827 EMIVERSON INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED 193 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY A ines (a18) 985-7306 Donan General Insurance Dan's APPLIANCE Service 985-9585 Port Perry "REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES & MODELS" TAYLOR'S GULF SERVICE CENTRE specializing in BRAKES -- EXHAUST -- TIRES -- TUNE-UPS aaperio" PROPANE AVAILABLE -- GOVERNMENT SAFETY CERTIFICATES -- Cars - Trucks - Motorcycles HWY. 7A WEST, PORT PERRY 985-3655 Visa. M/C. Gulf & Petroc.n credit cards accepted (1 4 mile west of Port Perry) 1 Raines Motors | QUALITY USED CARS * CONSIGNMENTS 257 Scugog Street ==] =T-{-]e] Port Perry, Ont. LOB 1NO RALPH RAINES Scugog Transmission Sales REBUILTS - EXCHANGES - REPAIRS. 6 MONTH OR 10,000 KM WARRANTY SUS BRENDA'S ESSO 986-5541 -- ALL MAKES AND MODELS -- 416) 986-0055 SCOTT AUTOMOTIVE 985-8811 ERNIE DUNCAN Caesarea, Ont. LOB 1EO BUSINESS DIRECTORY INLET Richard Honey ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL - Free Fatimates Electric FARM - COMMERCIAL Heating Specialiats 2 R.R. 1, PORT PERRY, ONTARIO (416) 985-2896 985-9364 ELECTRIC All Types of Electrical Work and Maintenance. -- Free Estimates -- PAUL RICK BENT CAMPBELL 985-8667 985-9494 PAINTING DECORATING Bob Forbes 985-3764 CA Aue EN NY "ay, All Types of Sales a At Your Property or at Hall We Rent (416) 728-4296 CLARENCE WILLCOCK WELDING Shop & Mobile Fab. & Repairs PHONE 985-2589 R.R. JONES SEPTIC TANK PUMPING -- YEAR ROUND SERVICE -- PHONE 985-3481 LYNDA'S HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE -- ESTABLISHED 1975 - Bonded Cleaners for Residential Homes Phone 433-1462 If Busy 985-7732 (res.) DANFORTH TYPEWRITER Rental - Sales - Service - Repairs RENT TO OWN 408 Dundas St. W., Whitby PHONE 666-1131 Monke 900 to 530 Saturday 1000 to | 00 BASSETT'S SMALL ENGINES ~ REPAIRS TO Outboards Tillers Lawnmowers Snowmobiles - Chainsaws Fibreglass Repairs Sun Valley, Seagrave 985-8677 LANDSCAPING SERVICES DURHAM WEED CONTROL Weed Control and Fertilizing Fully Government Licenced 985-8227 ANALDA LANDSCAPING & NURSERIES (5 miles east of Port Perry) HWY. 7A and West 1/4 Line 2868-4771 LANDSCAPING * Interlocking Brick * Landscape Gardening * Wood Fencing * Retaining Walls * Stone Masonry * Property Maintenance PROFESSIONAL SERVICE & QUALITY PRODUCTS University Werks sms ou. 985-2289 M. LOVERING HAULAGE Limestone, Sand & Gravel, Top Soil 985-7013 DON CORNEIL 'Auctioneering Services Sales at Your Residence - Or Our Auction Barn R.R.1, LITTLE BRITAIN Call (705) 786-2183 GEE ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Sales, Repairs & Rewinding . to All Motors. Pressure & Swimming Pool Pumps. -- SHIRLEY ROAD -- 985-8049 LAKE FENCE CO. Residential - Industrial - Commercial All kinds of fences In all colours Chan Link Wood Modular lron - 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE - Estimates available weekends only Call any day - any time! (10R 986-5108 446-7384 (416) 985-3308 JACK & PAT COOK PEACH TREE FARM LTD. Rt 2. Port Perry, oo Ontario LOB INO - American - - Saddlebred Horses - Trained - Bought & Sold ALL TYPES -- ALL MAKES PHILIPS - STEREOS & HI-FI's MODULAR A SERVICING 214 Bloor St. E. 723-5341 PARKSIDE 3 {1:1{e) IR] Factory Authorized Service Centre for: PHILIPS RCA ZENITH TOSHIBA HITACHI LLOYDS MICROWAVE OVEN SERVICE Painters fiftieth On Saturday, June 14th, 1986, a celebration was given for Hervey and Olive Painter to congratulate them on their 50th Wedding An- niversary at Utica Hall, Utica, Ontario. In attendance were their seven children, 16 grandchildren, and Mother of the Groom, Mrs. Violet Painter, Uxbridge. Friends and other relatives also enjoyed a plea- sant visit with the Bride and Groom, from Ottawa, Sudbury, Dundalk, Toronto, Oshawa, Peterborough and Stouffvillle. Dean Hore (grandson) was Master of Ceremonies. Wade Filion the oldest grandchild presented them 50 Yellow Roses from the grandchildren. June Hore, their oldest daughter, presented her parents with a Silver Tea & Coffee Service from the family. Donald McClellan, brother-in-law of the groom, presented con- gratulatory messages from Lieutenant-Governor Jean Sauve, Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, Opposition Leader John Turner and Premier of Ontario David Peterson. A toast was made to many more years of continued Happiness for Hervey and Olive. Port Perry hosts annual ORMTA luncheon On Monday, June 16, the Oshawa and District Branch of the O.R.M.T.A. (Ontario Registered Music Teachers Association) held their annual June Luncheon and Meeting. This is an organization which helpts to promote highly qualified music teaching among its members. this year the luncheon was held at the "Seven Mile Island Resort' on Scugog Island. With a good atten- dance of around 40 members and guests, a lovely cold buffet was en- joyed by all. President Mary Easden welcom- ed everyone heartily and Jean Bailey gave a short talk on the in- teresting history of the Seven Mile Resort. A brief business meeting follow- ed the luncheon in the Conference Room where the new executive was elected and introduced to the group. Following the meeting was a plea- sant social time with coffee and cheese-cake served. Local O.R.M.T.A. members in at- tendance were: Paula Copithorn (convenor), Jean Stachow, Janice Groves and Laurel Griffen. Re ll CM GORDON L. CORNER LTD. R.R.1, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7K4 (416) 655-3171 * Alpha Laval-Badger * Smale-Berkley Water Systems * Electric Motor & Pump Repair * Bulk Tank Service * 24 Hour Service KEN LUKE GRADING & EXCAVATING 259 Shanley St., L Wishes wa Port Perry, Ont. LOB 1NO 985-8060 Jag L 39-8 essage is rN pg,