I halts TR gr pee Le TR. TY CW 12 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- id \ Wednesday, July 2 1986 That's right, it's suomertime agaih, and the Township of Scugog Playground staff is ready to entertain the neighbourhood kids all summer long. The staff ircludes, from left at front," Stephanie Smith and Tina Soomre; middle row, Jennifer Wonder, Jill Bryan, Michelle Bryan, Tish _. Bazarin, Ta LeFort, Julie Young, Korin Drew, Lynn Bradbury ~ and Sherri Loughlin; back row, Mike Green, Tara Bailey, Carol Lewerentz, Michele Kiezebrink, - Tena Wolters, Vaness Lewereptz, Christine y McMillen and Laurie Wilson. Ab- sent is Lisa Kellow. The fun starts July 7th. Seagrave and Area News by Diane Cooke On Wednesday, June 18th, the Seagrave Playschool had a lovely time at Cullen Gardens and Miniature Village, followed by lunch at Burger King. Many thanks to Elaine Willerton our bus driver who chauffered us around. On Friday, June 20th, the Playschool held its graduation in the Seagrave Park. Following the pic- nic lunch, there were races _Pre-arrangement & MEMBER ONTARIO FUNERAL SERVICE ASSOCIATION (incor por ated) Wagg - McDermott - Funeral Home Kindness - Courtesy - Economy We are bonded for your security. (everyone was a winner!). Diplomas were handed out to ALL the successful graduates and a fun time was held by all. To make plans for next year, it would be appreciated if those in- terested in enrolling for the fall term please call me at 985-2453 before August 15. If there are sufficient numbers interested, Playschool will be held next year. 'Panabaker - Cremation information Serving Port Perry & Surrounding Districts with Distinctive Service SAME LOCATION FOR OVER 75 YEARS 985-217 216 iow rout ERRY ORT AUTO GLASS & TRIM LTD B Complete Upholstery HB Windshields BOAT TOPS -- BOAT SEATS B Sunroofs & Pinstripes B Body Moulding CALL FOR YOUR 139 WATER STREET -- PORT PERRY APPT. ... 985-8507 Many thanks tobus driver for trip to Cullen gardens Many thanks to the Seagrave Church for providing the facilities, Ken Sturman for opening the hall and, of course, all the mothers who were so co-operative. The Seagrave Church hall was a busy place on Saturday, June 21, as two of the most respected and popular residents of this communi- ty were honoured. The occasion was the 50th Anniversary of Bill and Ila Keen, who were the first couple to be married in Seagrave United Church. The ladies of the Seagrave U.C.W. provided the refreshments for the large number of guests who came. Congratulations to this kind and loving couple and best wishes for health and happiness. Miss Kim Tobin has been visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. Fern Tobin this past weekend. At the home of Mrs. Gerie Wan- namaker this past Saturday, Miss Linda Wannamaker was guest of honour at a miscellaneous family shower. Mrs. Donna Wannamaker was the hostess of the event and guests from Collingwood, London, Lindsay, Toronto and Oshawa at- tended. Along with the lovely gifts Linda received, her family express- ed their best wishes for future happiness. Please call Ann Sandiford at 985-9440 with news items for next week. 193 QUEEN ST. PORT PERRY (416) 985-7306 ALL LINES OF-._ GENERAL INSURANCE [8] voce LL 10° 5 Year Annual Interest 9 7/8% Semi-Annually Rates Subject to Change without Notice Time for playgrounds GREENBANK by Michelle, Michael & Tara Alright all you enthusiastic ehildren.. .We want you to come and join the fun at '86 Greenbank Playground. The six weeks will be filled with excitement and adventure. We will be going swimming every Monday afternoon in Port Perry and wat- ching movies every Wednesday afternoon. Every week will be fill- ed with activities that reflect the theme. Our first week is culture week and other themes include Holi- day Week, Nutrition Week, and Talent Week. We have also planned several trips, a cake-raffle for fund-raising, dress-up days, popcorn sales, hot dog, ice-cream & drink sales &_ much more. So come to Greenbank Playground and join all the fun! PORT PERRY by Korin, Jill, Michelle, Tish, Lynn, Jennifer & Laurie Well summer's here again and we wish to welcome you all to the Port Perry Playground. The theme of our first week is Story Land. On Monday we will have movies and sell pop- corn which the children can buy for ten cents a bag. On Thursday we will be attending a puppet play at the Library, and Friday is our swim day, so don't forget your towels and ~ bathing suits! Also during the week we will be teaching the kids some new crafts plus some old favourites like balloon men and dough art. Starting the first. week we will start selling tickets for our cake raffle. The tickets will be sold for fifty cents a ticket ar. | the money raised will go towards our major trip at the end of the summer. This looks to be an exciting six weeks for everyone so we hope you'll come out and join the fun. BLACKSTOCK by Tammy, Christine, Vanessa Welcome to the all new Playground '86. This season. pro- mises to be full of adventure, intri- que and fun. Many exciting events are on tap for the little people of Blackstock and the surrounding area. Each week there will be the following activities: 1. There will be swimming at Birdseye Pool each Tuesday. We will be taken by bus to the pool. 2. Films will be shown each Friday, in conjunction with 'the theme of the week. Everyone will enjoy free popcorn while watching the films. 3. Lemonade will be sold each day for twenty five cents per glass. 4. Every Thursday will be "Hot Dog" day. Hot dogs will be sold for fifty cents each at lunch time. Many exciting events have been planned for the children. Such things as trips to Mother's Pizza Parlour and Canada's Wonderland, will be included. In order to cover the costs, various fundraisers have been organized. Fundraisers in- clude the ever so popular Cake Raf- fle, Bake Sales and a Walk-A-Thon. Our first week is introduced as a week of friendship. Everyone will be making new friends. Various games, songs and crafts will be in- cluded to enhance t} = development of new friendships among the youngsters. The following five weeks will all be represented by various fun- filled themes. Stay tuned for the next issue of the "Blackstock Care Bears." SCUGOG ISLAND by Tena, Stephanie, & Julie On Monday, July 7 the Scugog Island 1986 Playground welcomes children ages four to ten to join us for a one to six week program. To start off this years Playground we Will be having a 'Friendship "" enabling the childrgn to get © know each other. Throughout the mer we will be having hot dog, drink and popcorn sales, swimming every Wednesday at Birdseye Pool, and films on Thursdays. Each day will be filled with activities such as ~ games, crafts and sports. During' the second week we will be having a major fundraiser for our final summer trip. Registration will be held every ° Monday morning at the Town Hall on Scugog Island, at 9:00 a.m. Come join us for a summer of fun. Director: Tena Wolters, Assistants: Stephanie Smith, Julie Young. PRINCE ALBERT by Tina, Sherri & Lisa Hey Kids! Do you want to have fun this summer? If you said Yes, come to the Prince Albert Com- munity Center, Monday, July 7 at 9:00 a.m. sharp for Carnival Days so you won't miss any of the fun- filled games we have in store just for you. Join now for the low price of $10 per week ($5 for each addi- tional child) or $55 for the six week session ($2p for each additional chilu). We have many things lined up this summer such as: swimming every Thursday at Birdseye pool, every Tuesday you can sit back with some popcorn and lemonade and watch your favourite movies. Note: Parents can send 35 cents with their children on Tuesdays and popcorn and a cool drink will be supplied. If you do not wish to send 35 cents with your child, please send a drink and snack with them for the movie. Parents are asked to send a nutritious lunch with their child along with a morning and afternoon snack (preferrably fruits & vegetables). We are stressing nutri- tion as we will later be discussing the food groups and good health. At the end of the six weeks all the playgrounds will join together for a big play-day event. There will be arts and crafts, drama, sports, walks and sing-songs every day. So if you are age 4 to 10, come and join in the fun. Our children will be in the best of care! We will ensure your children a happy, safe, fun-filled summer. Tina, Sherri and Lisa are looking forward to seeing you there. CAESAREA PHONE 986-5684 Friday & Saturday JULY 4th & 5th 'SOUTHERN CROSS' i ; |