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Port Perry Star, 22 Jul 1986, p. 32

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----.--, a ee SE eS ------ EE a ------ 30 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, July 22, 1986 WERE a TW---- RTE TTT ETERS. Tr --_-- Rad Phone 985-7383 Deadline: Monday - 12 Noon Classified Ads Phone 655-3637 15¢C each word following. Prior to insertion. noon on Monday. Card of Thanks Many thanks to my family, friends and neighbours for making my 90th Birthday such a happy occasion. Ombra Clarke Very many thanks to everyone who sup- ported me in the Kidney Foundation fun- draiser. Due to your generosity this 'Sexy Bachelor' was able to donate $347. Special thanks to Irwin Smith, and my pal "The Chatterbox." Mike Halgh 'We wish to thank relatives, friends and Valu-Mart staff for the super party and cards and gifts for our 45th Anniversary. It certainly was a big surprise. Thank you all. Merlin & Dora Dowson A note of thanks to all who supported me in the recent contest. A special thanks to Hanks. ' Frank Hastings We would like to thank all friends who kindly donated In Kim's memory. We sincerely thank you for being there. Kim Perrin's Family We would like to thank all our family and friends, especially our children Rob and his wife Susan, Ken and Steve, and the members of the K-40 Club for giving us wonder ful memories of our 25th Wedding Anniversary. Dave & Gerri Langllle The family of the late JOSEPH COCHRANE, wish to express their sincere appreciation to friends, and pallbearers for their sup- port and thoughtful deeds during our re- cent loss. You are too numerous to men- tion individually, but you know who you are, and no words could ever express our thanks for your kindness. We also wish to thank Rev. Father A. Grima who has been so caring before, during, and after our loss; and for arranging the Funeral Mass, assisting Clergy, eulogy reader Rev. Father L. McGough, Altar Boys, organist Andrew Kwan, and lan Dick, tenor from St. Michael's Choir School. Thanks to the Knights of Columbus for their help and honouring of Joe, and the ladies of the C.W.L. of Immaculate Con- ception Church, who worked so hard to arrange the lovely luncheon at the Church Hall. Thanks to Harold Wagg of Wagg's Funeral Home for his considera- tion, assistance and utmost kindness dur- Ing this difficult time. Special thanks to Dr. Ralph Price for his comforting visits, and to Dr. Tom Millar and the Port Perry | Ambulance crew for their help and com- passion when they were with us Sunday morning, July 13, 1986 when Joe was taken from us. Special thanks also to Vernona Beatty, Joe's longtime secretary and her husband Floyd; and to Shella Mackie who helped with the horses, and her husband Ray; all of whom are among the many faithful fami- friends. Thank you ALL for caring and Bless you. Sincerely Mary Cochrane The tamily of the late George Stanich wish to express their sincere apprecla- tion to relatives, friends and neighbours for inquiries, cards and floral tributes and charitable donations. A special thanks to Dr. Cohoon, nurses and staff of Port Perry Hospital. Special thanks to Pastor Hilsden and Wagg Funeral Home. Kay Stanich Maryanne & Robert Esple Lost $500 REWARD for information leading to the recovery of a Thomas Skidsteer Forklift removed from Lot 12, Conc. 9, Scugog Township. 985-7622. CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS: $5.00 first 20 words; 15¢ each word following REPEAT: Second insert of same ad ARTWORK/LOGO DESIGN .... Extra Charge PROOF REQUIRED: Copy must be received no later than Thursday DISPLAY ADS: For rates and information call 985-7383. ALL ADVERTISING: Must be paid for in cash or by VISA before 12:00 DEADLINE FOR ALL ADVERTISING: MONDAYS - 12 NOON ) (No Ad Changes after 10:00 a.m. Monday) Although every precaution 1s taken 10 avoid errors in all advertising, this newspaper accepts advertising with the understanding that should an error occur it is able only for the cost of that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred, in relation to the entire advertisement If an error should occur, it must be brought to our attention before the following publication varad $4.00 for the first 20 words, Birth Raven L. Elliot Ward is delighted to an- nounce the arrival of his brother Elgen Glenn Elliot Ward, born Wednesday, Ju- ly 16th, 1986. Pleased grandparents are Wilbert and Thelma Ward, Belmont Lake, Havelock, Ontario and Ruth E. Elliot of Vernon, British Columbia. Mother, Elizabeth A. Elliot and Father, John A. Ward wish to thank Dr. M.F. Beatty: his colleagues and the materni- ty staff of Oshawa General Hospital. HILL, George and Darlene (nee Wind- sor) are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter Amanda Rose, born on Monday, July 14th, 1986, weighing 7 Ib. 6 oz. A little sister for Bradley. Proud grandparents are Bill and Jackie Hill of Blackwater and Dick and Bonnle Wind- sor of Port Perry. Special thanks to Dr. Bryon and Dr. Bain and nursing staff of Oshawa General and Uxbridge Cottage | Noticc. Coming Events HEAYN, Milton Earl - In loving memory of a dear brother and uncle, who passed away July 19, 1984. Memory |s lifes' sweetest gift. Lila & Family STOECK, Hank - In loving memory of my best friend who's 5th year of sharing life with you would have been July 23. A golden heart stopped beating Two hands at rest God broke my heart to prove to me He only takes the best | think of you today with love As | have often done | feel again the bitter blow That never should have come A million times I've needed you A million times |'ve cried If love could have saved you You never would have died Things | feel most deeply Are the hardest things to say My dearest Hank, | loved you In a very special way It only takes a little space To write how much | miss you But it will take the rest of my life To forget the night | lost you A thousand prayers won't bring you back | know because | prayed And neither will a thousand tears | know because | cried The hardest thing In life to bear Is to want you and you're not there With a broken heart | whisper low God bless you Hank, | love you so As long as | live | will always be glad That | was your girlfriend And you were my boyfriend Look after him Lord Don't leave him alone For this is his ninth month away from home. Deeply missed, always loved MOTHERS interested in information about breastfeeding are welcome to call Port Perry Lal.eche League at 98s 203); y 2 GREENBANK Centennial Hall avallable tor rentals. For bookings, contact Cathy Galberg 985-8351. TF PIANO LESSONS. Register now for fall. Piano, organ, theory. Linda. Kyte A.MUS. Paed. 986-5200. EOW The family of Sidney and Bertha Emm, R.R. 1, Oshawa invite friends and neighbours to an Open House in honour of their parents 50th Wedding Anniver- sary, at the home of their son and daughter-in-law Tony and Sharon EMM, 725 Myrtle Road West, Ashburn, on Fri- day, July 25, from 6-9 p.m. Best Wishes Only, please. Coming Events PINE RIDGE Power Skating School will be held in the Uxbridge Arena from August 22nd to September 7th. Learn to skate, basic and advanced sessions. In- structor: Michael Sanderson. For infor- mation call 416-852-3884 or 852-6292.A 19 THE SEARCH is on to locate and recognize the outstanding young people of Ontario. If you would like to nominate a deserving young person aged 6 to 18, for an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award, contact this newspaper. FIVE DAY CRUISES on Rideau Canal and Trent-Severn Waterway. Beautiful scenery, carefree relaxation, private stateroom, delicious meals. Brochure Box 1540 Peterborough K9J 7H7. Hospital. Gail | 705-748-3666. J) COMPUTERS af the Library for Pp He E Pp AR E D Notice everyone! Computer Tutor classes every : Wednesday morning, starting July 30th. CH | LDBI RTH SCUGOG A typing tutor class Thursday, July 31st, COMMUNITY CARE 2 p.m. Intro to Data Processing- Advanc- CLASSES - Lamaze Method - Taking registration now for classes beginning end of August. For more information call: ALICE LEE 985-3286 Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tarasuk wish to an- nounce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Andrea Dawn to Gordon Alexander, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex In- gram on July 26, 1986 at Northminster United Church at 3:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rowan are pleas- ed to announce the marriage of their daughter Karen Elizabeth to Darrell James Giles on Saturday, July 19, 1986. The marriage was solemnized by the Rev. Williams Piercy at the home of the bride's parents, Cavan, Ontario. IVES FLORIST uno. 985-2525 166 Water St., Port Perry A Complete Line of Floral Art for All Occasions. FLOWERS WIRED WORLD WIDE in Memoriam GOSLIN - In loving memory of my fami- ly - my beloved Tony who left us so sud: denly July 18th, 1978; my husband William who died June 6th, 1982; my friend and daughter-in-law Sharon taken so suddenly December 11th, 1984. Silent thoughts of times together Leave memories that will last forever. Always remembered Helen Goslin -------------------------------------------- -- coni-- HARPER - In loving memory of Cliff, who passed away July 28, 1971. While you dear father rest in sleep Your loving memories we'll always keep. Always remembered by wife Minnie daughters & grandchildren HARPER - In loving memory of Delia Harper, who passed away July 24, 1984. Loving thoughts of our times together Bring memories that will last forever. Always remembered by Her Family MEALS ON WHEELS ... service to the frail elderly and those in special need. CALL WEEKDAYS: 985-8461 9-12 Noon & 1-4 P.M. VILLAGE STITCHERY Alterations & Repairs to all types of Clothing & Leather C.0.D.E. (Central Ontario Drivers Education) DRIVING SCHOOL Government Licenced Instructors Private Lessons (Automatic) 8868-5318 986-5580 'We would like to make a SPECIAL OFFER "Wembersip .. 29" This is a British Canadian ethnic organization. With emphasis on Canadian. For further information phone: 985-3200 or 985-2622 or write: Orange Order Box 756, Port Perry, Ont. LOB 1NO ed Computer users, Tuesday, August 12th, 2 p.m. To register for these workshops or for more information con- tact Debbie at the Library 985-7686. HALIBURTON Legion, Branch 129 Bluegrass Festival, Haliburton, Ontario. August 8-9-10. Rough camping. Food, souvenir booths, top Bluegrass groups, ice, firewood available. For information or bookings call 705-457-2571. LEGION BINGO. The next Legion Bingo, Branch 419, will be on Thursday, July 24th, 7:30 p.m. Jackpot $150 and 50 numbers. Jackpot winner: Faye Fraser. Jy 22 STEAM SHOW, Heritage Gas Era Village, log sawing, fiddle contest, calliope, horsepulls, antique tractor pulls, threshing, crafts, J.|. Case display. Golden Horseshoe City, Caledonia, August 2-3-4. TOPS "N TRENDS open house, Saturday and Sunday, July 26-27, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 28 Scugog Road North, Blackstock (986-5628). 10 per cent off all orders. Yard Sales MOVING SALE! 7 Willlams Point, Caesarea, July 26 and 27th, 10 to 5. JULY 26 -- MOVING. Garage and anti- que sale at Verna Drive off Washburn Island Road, Little Britain. GARAGE SALE. South end of Caesarea, Durham 57, Saturday, 26th July, 7 to 4. Trash & Treasures, bikes, power tools, books. SATURDAY, July 26, 6th Concession, Scugog Island. Baby carriage, swing, clothes, household items, toys, 1979 Dodge Omni 024 $900. : BARN & YARD Sale, 7A to Nestleton, through village down hill, first road on right - follow signs. 8 a.m. LARGE VARIETY of home and office articles, large and small, some new and some nearly new, childrens and adults good quality clothing,-cheap. July 26 & 27 starting 9 a.m., corner of Lilla and Pax- ton Streets. 2 FAMILY, Saturday, July 26th, 284 Bigelow, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Household goods, car parts, furniture etc. Free cof- fee and doughnuts. SATURDAY & SUNDAY, July 26-27th, 10 a.m. fo 12:30 - 38 Williams Point, Caesarea. Moffat 24 inch stove, chrome table and 4 chairs, fire screen, sewing machine, children's articles plus many other goodies. For Sale | DABBER BINGO presented by Odd Fellows-Warriner Lodge 75 ODD FELLOWS HALL PORT PERRY EVERY TUESDAY Doors Open at 5:45 P.M. 10 EARLYBIRD GAMES 6:45 P.M. 2 SPECIAL GAMES 10 REGULAR GAMES 7:15 PM. Admission FREE - Jackpot Must Go! Please support your local bingo. OLD FASHIONED CHICKEN B.B.(. Scugog Island Church SATURDAY, AUGUST 9 4:30 to 7:30 P.M. Adult $6.00 - Child $3.00 CHICKEN, CORN, SALAD, PES, ETC. Proceeds to Church Improvement Fund. CALL 985-8578 or Stewards. WRINGER WASHER and flatbed trailer 4x8 tilt loading, reasonable. Good condi- tion. 986-5485. ARABIAN, 4 year old Stallion Bay for sale. Pure Polish, excellent performance horse. Reasonably priced. Call 705-277-3432. NORTHLANDER mobile home 14x64; German shepherd watch don. 655-4660. SINGLE BED, box spring, mattress and desk $150; 20 gallon aquarium with stand $25. 985-8173. HARDTOP TRAILER, 1977 Trail Star, 3 way fridge, 4 burner inside/outside stove, canopy, sleeps 6, electric brakes $2500. 985-8737. ANTIQUES: oak fold-away typewriter desk, 5 piece mahogany bedroom svite 1910 era, bevelled glass mirrors with dressing table, mahogany sideboard- ball and claw feet. 655-4198. COPPERTONE stove and fridge. 986-5540. 1979 YAMAHA 650 Special, excellent con- dition, 24,000 km, $750. 985-7788. KIRBY VACUUM cleaner with a turbo brush. Good condition. $350 or best offer. 986-4979. : «> PORT PERRY YN DRIVING SCHOOL 985-8124 Summer Classes: IN CAR -- IN CLASS -- PRIVATE LESSONS -- Ontario Safety League M.T.C. Approved. Certificate Course: Insurance Reductions - Tax Deductible J.C. HANLEY-HAINES HOSKINS STABLES SUMMER SCHOOL HORSEMANSHIP COURSE June 30 to August Each course lasts 2 weeks Riding - Grooming Practical Horse Care & Management Car Pooling may be available 416-986-5558 e0'® PORT PERRY ¢PY SATELLITE DISHES U-DO-IT * SATELLITE SYSTEMS 24 HOUR T.V. * Demonstrations * Installations * Servicing HAVE A DISH RIGHT AWAY! Lease or Financing Available. ren 1. ames 9895-2211 OR ...ooccee. 985-8124 ® Lower rates if you help with installation.

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