A great trip fo remember From page 19 like all the newspapers and stuff say." One thing Joe was not impressed with was the English food, although he says he is now a confirmed "tea granny. " "We had tea to drink five times a day and I kind of got to like it," Joe explained. 'I never had it before, but now I drink it all the time." Another incidient had Joe con- cerned. He apparently saw a con- siderable number of armed forces vehicles around where he was staying. "There were army trucks all over the place and I couldn't figure out what they were doing there. I'm not used to seeing them in Canada, and it was kind of scarey,' said Joe. WEDDING INVITATIONS and Accessories PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street Port Perry 985-7383 Joe will be returning to vamer Collegiate in September where he will be entering grade 11. "Only two more years to go," he said, explaining he would like to con- tinue his education, perhaps in some form of art course. - Joe is looking forward to atten- ding the Easter Seals Camp in Blue Mountain, Collingwood in August and in participating in his wheel- chair sports in the Fall. "We (the Vanier team) will have to defend our championship at the Durham Regional Police Games in November ... but 1 know we can do it again," he stated. Joe was thrilled to death with his trip to England, the first opportuni- ty he has had to be away from home, let alone to fly on an airplane. He was particularly appreciative of the support of the Brooklin Legion, Branch 152, the Ladies' Auxiliary and the Brooklin and District Kinsmen who sponsored his trip. "It was a once-in-a-lifetime oppor- tunity and I wouldn't have been able to afford to go if they hadn't paid my way," said Joe with the biggest smile on his face you have ever seen. AUCTION SALES FRIDAY JULY 25 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Corneils Auction Barn Auction sale- contents of local estate plus others, oak hall seat and mirror, Krakauer upright plano and bench, 6 oak dining room chairs, walnut gate-leg table, Grandfather clock, Wingham cookstove, parlour tables, 4 poster mahogany bed and dresser, pine chest of drawers, swing mirror, chesterfield and chair- excellent condition, modern set- tee, oak buffet, antique dressers, air con- ditioner, dehumidifier, brass lamp, walnut wardrobe, mahogany wardrobes, walnut what-not shelf, CR125 Honda motorcyle, 1978 Plymouth Caravelle, certified, 1960 Ford 4 ton pick-up, quan- tity of bedding, tools, china and glass. Don Corneil Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain 705-786-2183. SATURDAY AUGUST 2 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auction sale of household furniture and miscellaneous articles, the property of LLOYD AND MURIEL McINTOSH of Eldon Twp. in Centenial Park, 1 mile east of Balsover on Hwy 48, and turn left, go over the canal bridge to first street left. (McPherson Cresc.) watch for signs. 4 piece dinette set- nearly new, kitchen table and 2 swivel chairs, number of maple chairs and end tables, bamboo set- 2 love seats and 3 chairs, quantity of dishes, wrought-iron glass top table and 4 chairs, end tables, brown and white chesterfield and chair, love seat, small drop leaf table, maple writing desk, buf- fet, chest of drawers, bedroom suite- dou- ble bed, dresser and 2 night tables, single bed, table and bed lamps, vanity for bathroom, barbecue, bicycles, many other articles will be added to this sale. Terms cash or cheque with 1.D. Sale at 11 a.m. Lunch available. Reg and Larry Johnson Auctioneers, 705-357-3270. Owners or Auctioneers will not be responsible for any accidents. WEDNESDAY AUGUST 6 SALE TIME: 7:30 P.M. Holstein Dispersal Complete Marbren Holstein Dispersal for DONALD BALL & SONS, Coldwater, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Ux- bridge, Ontario. 60 Head Reg., Class., O.D.H.IC. Tested, Free Listed. 30 milk- ing females, 10 bred heifers, 20 open heifers and calves. Featuring Marbren Classic Pansy, a fancy (GP) Classic Citation with 4y (125-126) due at sale time. A January 84 Legend selling fresh since June and her (GP) full sister with 2y 14,900 |b. milk, selling fresh June 1 with a heifer calf by Rose Vega Viceroy ET-Red. A (VG) Skagvale Classic Cita: tion due in September to Viceroy-Red, also 2 red full sisters by Regal-Red from a (VG) Hanoverhill Hiawatha Dam proj. at Sy (172-167). This Dispersal will be followed by the August Consignment Sale. If you wish to consign to this sale, Please call Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge 416-852-3524. Jy THURSDAY JULY 24 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale of furniture, antiques & tools, the property of MR. & MRS. GORD PENNY, Markham, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ontario, in- cluding Kenmore spin washer, Kenmore apt. size dryer, Colonial chesterfield and chair, parlour table, wash stand with carved handles, child's rocker, antique pine box, corner cupboard, antique wall mirror, copper kettle, picture frames, brass bells, brass kettles, antique iron kettle, antique iron boot scraper, antique egg scales, quantity of lamps, milk bot- tles, lanterns, dishes, cups and saucers, 30 crocks and jugs including B S MTG. Co. Ltd., Brantford with blue flowers, 2 gal. Morton & Co., Brantford with blue flowers, antique tea tin, wooden pail, milk cans, marble slabs, Homelite chain saw- like new, Briggs & Stratton gas engine, drill press, jointer, sander, large quantity of tools and antique tools, adze, block planes, garden tools, step ladders. Also oak filing cabinet, large pine jam cupboard, ornate jewellery box, pine drop leaf table, East Lake dresser, wicker doll carriage, Joseph Brant pic- ture frame, plus many other items. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auc- tions Ltd., Uxbridge 416-852-3524. THURSDAY JULY 31 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Machinery & Registered Herefords Auction sale of farm machinery and Herefords, the property of JEFLIN FARMS LTD., Myrtle, selling at the farm on the Reach-Whitby Town Line, 1 mile west of Hwy 12 or 3 miles east of Durham Road 23, including M.F. 255 tractor with H.D. loader- 1000 hours, M.F. 1450 round baler- 2 years old, M.F. 585 side rake- 1 year old, M.F. 410 gas combine with 12 ft. grain head, M.H. 33 tractor (excellent), M.F. 33 seed drill with grass seed box, M.F. 12 ft. 3 pt. disc, M.F. 4 furrow plow, 8 ton hay wagon, Turnco box, 30 ft. auger on wheels, dump trailer, 12 ft. Triple K cultivator, hyd. fer- tilizer auger, 4 section harrows, bale fork, round bale feeders, 200 round bales hay, arc welder, wagon load, Mercury snowmobile, Ski-Doo snowmobile, double snowmobile trailer, Honda 125 ATC with electric start, 75CC mini-bike. CATTLE: 50 Head, Registered Polled Herefords, 10 cows with calves by side, 15 due August, September 8 October, 8 yearling heifers, 10 yearling steers, 2 year old Registered Herd Sire from Wooton 107H Paratrooper. All cattle are quiet, well grown and are negative to Brucellosis test. NOTE : Most of this machinery has been purchased new on the farm and is in excellent condition. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Ux bridge 416-852-3524. Jy 29 PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, July 22, 1986 -- 37 i AR Vacu-Base Guild SCO Penci Brand Steno Books Re as 010 - 120 page. fet ruled with centre ine White bond Sharpener paper and coil bound at the top Migr Sugg Retail $131 ea V-10 - Vacuhold base secures instantly - to most surfaces Sharpens all sizes ol pencils Woodgrain and black hush Migr Sugg Retail $27 95 ea Oxford Efficiency Desk Trays Honzontally tiered with enclosed back and sides plus slanting lrays and hand openings Made of heavy steel with STR <= mm - rubber feet to stop shipping. Available in two or three tier, letter or legal size LETTER SIZE 24 - 2 her Migr. Sugg. Retail $18.20 ea. - ea. LETTER SIZE 34 - 3 tier 5, $10.09 Retail $24.30 ea. [] ea. LEGAL SIZE 26 - 2 lier 5... $16.39 Retail $21.10 ea. [] ea. LEGAL SIZE 36 - 3 tier 2 wr oe. 921.99 Retail $28.40 ea. [] ea. /4 | or Roll-On Stamp Pad Ink (ED -- 58700 - Flow control ball bearing nylon head rolls ink deep into pad. Quick drying. Leak-proof plastic bottle. Available in red, black and blue Migr. Sugg. Retail $2.69 ea. $ 89 $22.55 For 12 ea. Foam Stamp Pad 95100 - Gives up to 100,000 impressions Available in red. black and blue Migr Sugg Retail a Vy! Spotliter Highlighter SWSL - The transparent ink marker that highlights and emphasizes in floure- scent colours Slim pocket model Available in a STAMP PAD INREF BLUE anety of colours Yarely pi $2.79 ea ~ Migr Sugg Retail $1.19 ea 85° $9.65. 235 Queen Street, Port Perry SALE ENDS AUGUST 31, 1986