ro-- -munity Hospital. 26 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, August 12, 1984 Phone 985- 7383 Classified Ads Deadline: Monday - 12 Noon Phone 655-3637 15¢C each word following. ARTWORK/LOGO DESIGN .... Prior 10 insertion. noon on Monday. CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS: $5.00 first 20 words; 15¢ each word following REPEAT: Second insert of same ad Extra Charge PROOF REQUIRED: Copy must be received no later than Thursday DISPLAY ADS: For rates and information call 985-7383. ALL ADVERTISING: Must be paid for in cash or by VISA before 12:00 DEADLINE FOR ALL ADVERTISING: MONDAYS - 12 NOON (No Ad Changes after 10:00 a.m. Monday) Although every precaution is taken 10 avoid errors in all advertising, this newspaper accepts advertising with the understanding that should an error occur it is liable only for the cost of that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred, in relation to the entire advertisement. it an error should occur, it must be brought to our attention before the following publication. ves $4.00 for the first 20 words, . ° } Cord of Thanks | In Memoriam The Port Perry Novice Girls Softball DEHAAS - In loving memory of Martin team wish to thank Chuck Willes, Pineridge Sports and especially John Gower for their combined support in sup- plying us with uniforms when we com- peted in the R.S. McLaughlin Tournament. | wish to express my sincere thanks to relatives and friends for sympathy cards, flowers and donations in memory of my dear husband George. Special thanks to my wonderful friends Dorothy Catherwood and Lorna and Don Evans for their kindness and support. The Am- bulance attendents for their thoughtfulness, Durham Regional Police and the Coroner- Dr. Noble, Rev. Charles Clark for his message. All the pallbearers and members of the Eastern Star for serving lunch. Many thanks to Mr. Harold Wagg and Son for thelr kind- ness and most efficient service. Olive Ormiston A big thank you to Epsom-Utica friends for the dandy iron pot received as a wed- ding gift. Ruth Taylor & John Reed We would like to express our sincere thanks to all who organized and par- ticipated in the Barn Building Benefit recently held for us. Your kindness and generosity was just overwhelming, and shows us all what a great and caring neighbourhood we live In. Thank you again. Henry & Wilma deWolde & Family Births HALWARD, David Francis born September 3, 1983 is pleased to announce the birth of his brother Danny Lee, July 28, 1986, 9 Ibs. 62 01., at Port ry Com- Happy parents are Terry and Bonnie. Special thanks to Dr. Price. VANDERIWET, Ben and Darlene are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Amalia Hannah Cornelia, on August 1st, 1986, weighing 6 Ibs, 9.02. A sister for Bernie and Nick. Proud grand: rents are Phil and Versile Venning of Botton and Peter Koyen of Oshawa. Special thanks fo Dr. Monahan and the nursing staff at Port Perry Hospital. IVES FLORIST uo. 985-2525 166 Water St., Port Perry A Complete Line of Floral Art for All Occasions. FLOWERS WIRED WORLD WIDE ® in Memoriam GINN - In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Clarence, who passed away August 11, 1980. There is a home not made by hands Beyond its golden door Awaits the one who's now away Not lost, just gone before And in that house not made by hands The Master will prepare A place for us, and when He calls We'll meet our loved one there. Sadly missed by son Ronald, daughter-in-law Marion grandchildren Ann-Marie & Richard CANNON - In loving memory of a dear father Melvyn Douglas who left us sud 'denly August 14, 1977. Memories are like threads of gold - They fever. fernish or Gro. old lased by m S John and Laura v/ DeHaas who passed away August 15, 1986S. Always remembered by wife Anna & Family LEE - In loving memory of a dear son, brother and uncle, William Ralph (Bill) who was killed accidently August 12, 1983. A sadness still comes over us Tears In silence often flow Memory keeps you ever near us Though you died three years ago He little thought when leaving home He would no more return That he In death so soon would sleep And leave us here to mourn We do not know the pain he bore We did not see him die We only know he passed away _ And never said goodbye. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed Mom, Dad, Sisters Brother-in-laws, Nieces & Nephews CANNON - In loving memory of a dear husband and father Melvyn, who left us August 14th, 1977, also our dear son Johnny, who passed away June 6, 1958. We often think of bygone days When we were all together The family chain Is broken now But memories will live forever "To us, they have not gone away Nor have they travelled far Just entered God's eternal home And left the gate ajar. Lovingly remembered by Mary & Family GEER - In loving memory of Charles, who passed away August 16, 1970. Softly the leaves of memory fall Gently we gather, treasure them all Some may forget now that you're gone We will remember no matter how long. Ever remembered by The Family McLAUGHLIN, Charlie - In memory of a dear husband, father, grandfather who passed away August 12, 1985. Dear Lord please take a message To our loved one up above Tell him how much we miss him And give him our love We do not need a special day To bring him to our minds A day we do not think of him Is very hard to find. ' Sadly missed by wife Georgie, Family & Grandchildren McENANEY, Basil (Bud) - In memory of a dear husband and father, who pass: ed away August 11, 1984. : His smile is gone forever And his hand we cannot touch We have so many memories Of the one we loved so much . Within our store of memories We hold a place apart For no one else can ever be More cherished In our hearts Though absent he is ever near Still missed, loved, always dear. Your Family LEE, William Ralph (Bill) - In loving memory of a very dear cousin who was taken away from me, August 12, 1983. He left us so suddenly His thoughts unknown But he left us a memory We're proud to own So treasure him Lord (| did) In your garden of rest For when on earth Bill was the best. Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by cousin Brian Notice Notice Coming Events NOMINATIONS are being received now for Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year awards. Contact this newspaper fo nominate an outstanding young person aged 6 to 18, who deserves more than a pat on the back. CONGRATULATIONS to Larry Taylor MVP during the Cambray tournament. The Guys © COMMUNITY CARE Home Support Services ... for the frail elderly and those in special need. CALL WEEKDAYS: 985-8461 9-12 Noon & 1-4 P.M. PORT PERRY "Fair Day" Parade SAT., AUGUST 30 11:00 a.m. If interested, contact: RON KING 985-2643 WELCOME to ine family, Adam and Krista, children of Charles and Debble Olliffe. With love Gramma & Grampa Wallis, Uncle Doug. Aunts Charlene, Cathl'and Shawna BAHAI INFORMATION - write P.O. Box 1153, Port Perry. EOW GREENBANK Centennial Hall available for rentals. For bookings, contact Cathy Galberg 985-8351. TF SPECIAL Decoration Day Services for Nestieton United Church Cemetery, will be held on Sunday, August 24th, 1986. Ser- vice time: 2:30 p.m. In the church. Guest speaker- Mrs. Verna Windrem, assisted by Rev. Dale Davis. Special music: soloist- Mr. Bob Haines. A119 LEGION BINGO. The next Legion Bingo, Branch 419, will be on Thursday, August 21st, 7:30 p.m. Jackpot $170 in 52 numbers. A119 WHY SETTLE FOR LESS ... WHEN YOU CAN HAVE THE BEST! C.D.S. Driver Education "LEARN TO DRIVE" 1-705-437-2612 Phone call money will be returned on first lesson. NOTICE OF Founding Meeting DURHAM EAST LIBERAL ASSOCIATION under new riding boundary WED., AUG. 20th - 8 P.M. Railroadhouse Motor Motel (Hwy. 7A on Scugog Street) PURPOSE: Elect Executives - and Past Constitution. REFRESHMENTS -- EVERYONE WELCOME WELCOME to Grannies Antiques. Fur- niture, glass, china, postcards. One mile west of Sutton, 7th Concession. Open dai- ly. Come and see.: AV YES Yoga Classes are starting again in September. Register now for fall. 10 classes- $50. Call Elaine Arsenault 985-9483. S9 BEEF BAR-B-Q, Blackstock United Church, August 23rd, 4-8 p.m. $7 adults; $3 12 and under; free- preschool. A 19 TRADITIONAL rug hooking classes, beginners 10 lessons, Sept. 8th, 1:30-3:30; Sept. 11th, 7:00-9:00. Register early. 985-2483. AY PINE RIDGE Power Skating School will be held in the Uxbridge Arena from August 22nd to September 7th. Learn to skate, basic and advanced sessions. In- structor: Michael Sanderson. For infor- mation call 416-852-3884 or 852-6292.A 19 BEEF BBQ, Janetville United Church, Saturday August 12th. Begins 4 p.m. Ad- vance tickets $7 each; $8 at door; children $3; pre-school free. Advance tickets available from Church members or Janetville 1.G.A. A112 A FULL line of regular activities is planned for the three day weekend, with the exception of the Demolition Derby which has been cancelled. A: attrac- tions for this year will be a Car Rally with over 30 cars already entered, plus the internationally known Rebel Mar- ching Band from Oshawa. Prize lists and entry forms are now available from secretary-treasurer Bev Muir or from Ir- win Smith Music Ltd., 191 Queen Street. Please get your entries in early. A 19 once upon a PARTY * personal booking * theme decorating * catering * crafts & games * complete party supervision * clean up 985-8009 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily I 2 Week Advance Booking Preferred . -_ Coming Events COMPUTERS For Everyone! Come to the Library and Learn!! For kids: Every Wednesday morning 2 hour session with the computer tutor. Classes run until August 20. For adults: Introduction to computers, August 19 at 2 p.m. To register for these workshops or for more information about these other programs, please contact Debbie at the library. 985-7686. PLEASANT POINT Cemetery (Mariposa) Decoration Service, Sunday, August 17th at 2:30 p.m. DABBER BINGO presented by Odd Fellows-Warriner Lodge 75 ODD FELLOWS HALL PORT PERRY EVERY TUESDAY Doors Open at 5:45 P.M. 10 EARLYBIRD GAMES 6:45 P.M. 2 SPECIAL GAMES 10 REGULAR GAMES 7:15 P.M. Admission FREE - Jackpot Must Go! Please support your local bingo. Northwood Equestrian Centre Modern, new facilities, minutes from Port Perry - Indoor Arena. T CARE FOR HORSE 8 RIDER. English Riding Instruction on quiet well-schooled horses. QUALITY HORSES -- For Sale Terry Pereira R.R. 2, Seagrave Visitors always welcome. 985-8359 ATTENTION - VETERANS Ex-Servicemen & Women and Dependents The Royal Canadian Legion Service Bureau Officer, Mr. Gord Alguire, will be visiting Branch 419, Port Perry during the week of Septem- ber 15, 1986. Anyone wishing information, advice or assistance regarding: (a) War Disability Pension; (b) Treatment for Entitled Veterans; (c) Application for Benevolent Funds: (d) Appeals against adverse original applications for War Veterans and Widows Allowance; is requested to contact Jack Lee at 986-5424 before August 22, 1986 to arrange an interview. Mark AUGUST 23 on your calendar for BLACKSTOCK FAIR! TORONTO DIOCESAN GIRL'S CHOIR will sing a service of EVENSONG Sunday, August 17th 4:30 P.M. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Yard Sales HUGE MOVING SALE, August 16 & 17th, 9-5. Rain/Shine. Ashburn Road, Brooklin. Signs posted. Furniture, tools, '| dishes, clothing, auto, toys. tractor at- tachments etc. SATURDAY, August 16th, 10-4 p.m., 64 Chester Crescent. Chairs, end tables, cof- fee tables, roller and ice skates, window shades, toys, houseware items etc. AUGUST 16th (Rain date- August 17th). 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., 435 Queen Street, Prince Albert. 985-8521. Baby carriage, walker, baby clothes, toys, kids bikes, 2 bar stools, Blue Mountain pottery, dishes and miscellaneous. Everything must go. SATURDAY August 16th, 9-4 p.m. 10 Families, Kent Estates. Antique fur- niture and dishes, sailboat, 2 fishing boats and motors, ping-pong table, freezer, brass, clothes, lights, toys. AUGUST 16-179 a.m. - 4 p.m. A big one. Antiques, dining room set, lots of anti- ques, clothing, toys, bottles and more. Centre Ave., Caesarea, one street north of store.