i di Sa R . wa. ----., n _-- I ----rmrTRER --_------~--~ PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday. August 12, 1986 -- 3 Grants paid to livestock market operators Brussels Stockyards Ltd. Brussels and Tri County Cattle Co., Hanover are the first livestock markets in Ontario to receive grants for installation of computer equip- ment which will facilitate i invoicing and accounting and generate a livestock market report. The incen- tive grants for livestock market operators are available through the Ontario Beef Cattle Market Infor- mation Program from funds made available by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and ad- ministered jointly by the Ontario Cattlemen's Association and the Ministry. The basic goal of the program is to capture objective and statistically accurate market information in a standardized format. Sources of the information will be livestock markets in all regions of Ontario and eventually on a large proportion AUCTION S LES +JATURDAY AUGUST 16 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Auction sale- 40 acre farm, tractor, farm machinery, furniture, appliances, some antiques, at the farm of the late STAN ENDICOTT, Lindsay, 2 miles north on Hwy 36. Ford 8N tractor, M.F. 3 pt. 6 ft. mower, Ford 3 pt. 7 ft. cultivator 2 furrow drag plow, Ford 3 point 2 furrow plow, walking plow, set horse sleighs, seed drill, dump rake, New Idea manure spreader, 45 steel fence posts, turnip planter, 6 ft. cultivator, separator. FUR- NITURE: McClary 2-door refrigerator, 30 inch auto electric stove, quilt box, large freezer, water pump, iron crib, snowblower, power mower, bunk beds, picnic table, commercial kitchen sink, chesterfield, large iron sap kettle, buffet, child's rocker, oil lamps, Aladdin lamp, fernery, crocks, old dressers, magazine racks, pictures and frames, Captain's chair, chrome set, Quebec heater, toilet, sinks, tent, 3 antique chairs, collectibles, dishes. REAL ESTATE: 12 Noon. 44 acre farm, Lot 26, Conc. 7, brick, 3 bedroom house, barn, implement shed, oil fur- nace, good well, plenty of highway fron- tage, 'good land. Ideal hobby or market farm. Low reserve. Terms 10 per cent at sale, balance 30 days. FARM MUST BE SOLD TO SE (TLE ESTATE. For view- ing call 324-2783 McLean Auctioneers. Furniture 10 a.m.; Machinery 11 a.m. Lunch available. MONDAY AUGUST 18 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale of furniture, antiques, dishes and tools, selling at the Wilson's Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ontario- in- cluding oak extension. table, china cabinet, 6 oak chairs, buffet with mirror, parlour stove, oak office chair, 3 filing cabinets, Nashua 120 photocopier, RCA colour TV, maple bedroom suite, dishes, Depression glass including bowls, plates, toothpick holder, CCM 5 speed bicycle, 3 steel doors with frames, Sears 11 HR lawn tractor, (12 years old- excellen? condition), tools and- farm tools, in- cluding oil, draw bars, torches, 3rd links, stable fan, quantity of pine lumber, plus many other items. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Ux- bridge 416-852-3524. FRIDAY AUGUST 15 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Corneils Auction Barn Auction sale- the property of the late MR. WALTER CHIDLEY of Little Bri- tain and MR. LEE CHOLDY of Whitby (moving). Pine flat-to-wall cupboard, walnut writing desk, pine cradle, wainut china cabinet, 6 oak dining room chairs, Coppertone 2-door refrigerator and 30 inch stove, walnut sideboard, pedestal dining table, bed chesterfield, pine jam cupboard, 6 Pressback chairs, 20 cu. ft. freezer, 2 weight Vienna regulator clock, quantity of china and glass including Mary Gregory water pitcher, English tea set, Carnival glass, Peach Blow tumbler, 14 HP John Deere riding lawnmower with hydraulic mower and blade, John Deere dump garden, 1976 Volkswagon Rabbit, 1978 Plymouth Caravelle cer- tified. Don Corneil Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain 705-786-2183. TUESDAY AUGUST 19 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Corneils Auction Barn Auction sale- 4x8 pool table, yellow In- glis 30 inch stove, pine table and benches, green 24 inch Bradford stove, Victorian portable and console TV's, modern dressers and chests of drawers, Bradford refrigerator, occasional chairs, Boston rockers, 24 inch McClary stove, chrome kitchen suite, chesterfield, modern desks, dinette suite, 3 pt. hitch 3 furrow plough, 1977 GMC pick-up truck and cap, quantity of modern furniture and tools. Don Corneil Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain 705-786-2183. WEDNESDAY AUGUST 20 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale- the property of HANK ERETT, 226 Main St. W., Stouffville. 3 piece bedroom suite, walnut dining room table and chairs, 2 mahogany rockers, bookcases, pine tables, antique brass hanging lights, R.S. Germany teapot stand, Carnival glass, antique phone. wooden planes, plumbing tools, table saw, coal lamps and lanterns, brass candlesticks, numerous other collec: tibles. Terms cash. Earl Gauslin Auctioneer. " THURSDAY AUGUST 14 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Boardsail Auction 870 Taunton Road E., Whitby (v2 mile east of Thickson's Road) Having received instructions from F. ALAN LAWSON, Trustee in Bankruptcy, we are clearing the assets of FORCE 5 BOARDSAILING LTD., including ap- prox. 25 sailboards by Mistral, Wind- surfer etc., beginner or expert boards, approx. 50 sails, masts, booms, bags, ice surfer, buoys plus many other articles. OFFICE EQUIPMENT; oak desk and chair, Canon 30 photocopier, S.C. electric typewriter with cartridge, shop vac, cof- fee machine, cash drawer, credenza and bookcase, shelving, 10 arm chairs, file cabinet, fridge, 3 folding tables, carpets, colour TV. NEW CLOTHING AND AC- CESSORIES selling retail at 50 per cent off, Wednesday 10-5; Thursday 10-6, t- shirts, shorts, swim suits, sport shirts, wind clothes, rubber sail shoes, running shoes, life jackets, wet suits, Terzo car racks, fins, books plus other accessories. VEHICLES: 1982 Buick Riviera, ex- cellent condition, loaded, concert sound stereo, certified, 1975 Dodge window van, 1974 Chev Impala. NOTE TIME: 6:30 p.m. Good sale, plan to attend. TERMS CASH OR CERTIFIED CHEQUE ON- LY. McLean Auction and Liquidations, 870 Taunton Road E., Whitby. 576-7550 - Tor. Line: 686-3291. SATURDAY AUGUST 23 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale at Oddfellows Hall, Port Perry. Partial estate with furniture, an- tiques, tractor chains etc. Consignments welcome. More details next week. Pearce Auction Services 655-8073. SATURDAY AUGUST 23 SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. Auction sale- the property of BRUCE AND JESSIE TINK, Lot 22, Conc. 5, Darlington Township, Town of Newcas- tle, 6 miles east of Oshawa on Taunton Road and 1 mile north or 2 miles west of Hampton on Taunton Road and 1 mile north. FARM MACHINERY: Steel chain, pipe vice, Int, cultivator 3 pth., set of scales, grain auger, emery and motor, grass seeder 3 pth., block and tackle, cat- tle clippers. GARDEN EQUIPMENT: riding lawnmower, garden sprayer, rub- ber tired wheelbarrow, electric hedge trimmers, electric grass trimmer, prun- ing shears, hoe and rake, broad axe, splitting axe, grass shears. HOUSEHOLD & APPLIANCES: Mof- fat deluxe electric stove, Inglis frost- free refrigerator, Inglis dryer, Inglis automatic washer, Zenith coloured TV, Singer electric sewing machine and cabinet, utility table, dining room table and chairs, Vilas maple, knife sharpener, electric iron, chesterfield and chair, (2) 2 piece bedroom suites, studio couch, Lazyboy chair, chest of drawers, card table set, mirror, desk. ANTIQUES: Et- ched glass biscuit barrel, Angela Kauf- man biscuit barrel, coloured glass biscuit barrel, pickle cruet, Angela Kaufman "Beehive" plate and matching cup and saucer, Prussia cookie jar, hand-painted cocoa pot with 2 cups and saucers, Nip- pon bread tray, Selisia hand-painted cocoa pot, Nippon cocoa pot with 4 cups and saucers, oriental cocoa pot, shaving mug, moustache cup- Germany, Nippon moustache cup, 2 moustache cups, Cor- onation plate King George VI, glass pit- cher, "Westward Ho" oval glass plate, Grape pattern glass plate, 'Faith, Hope & Charity" glass plate, 'Staff of Life" glass bread plate, 4 piece tea set- Ger- many, Nippon feapot, 'Gone with the Wind" lamp, collection of 40 antique goblets- some of the patterns: Honeycomb, Rail Fence, Columbian Ex- position, Barley, Ripple, Coin & Dewdrop, Lace Herringbone, Wildflowers, Lily of the Valley, Bullseye, Grape & Vine, Star Rosetted, Odd- fellows, Brooch Band, Star Burst, Imiac, Tulip Sawtooth, Gold trimmed., coal scuttle, trunk, flat irons, large crock, washboard, milk can, neck yoke, Whiffle tree, frames. TOOLS: metal tool box, socket set, hammers, wire pinchers, hand saw, flail, 100 ft. cord. HENS: 25 year old Hybrid hens. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale time: 10:30 a.m. Arnot Wot- ten, Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Hampton, On- tario 416-263-2512. Owner and Auctioneer will not be responsible for any public liability, property damage or injury to the public in connection with this Auction Sale. A119 SATURDAY AUGUST 23 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Auction sale the property of LEWIS KINCAIDE, Lot 17, Conc. 10, Cavan Township, 7 miles south of Peterborough on Hwy 28 to 10th Line of Cavan and 2 miles west or 1 mile north of Village of Cavan to 10th Line and 2 miles east. FARM MACHINERY: M.F. 150 3 cyl. diesel tractor-multi power, power steering. new tires with M.F. No. 32 manure loader, M.F. 10 baler PTO, Oliver 60 gas tractor for parts, Ferguson 2 furrow plough 3 pt., M.F. 62 3-furrow plough 3 pt., Int. cultivator 3 pt., Int. 7 ft. power mower 3 pt., Peter Hamilton horse mower, Int. 2 furrow drag plow, Oliver side rake on steel, scuffler, dump rake, New l|dea manure spreader- ground drive, bale buncher, round bale feeder, M.F. side rake on rubber, Oliver 7 ft. power mower, 2 sets of sleighs, buggy. buggy wheels, scuffler, wagon wheel, skidding tongs, quantity of lumber, quantity of steel sheeting, 2 wheeled trailer, 1967 Pontiac car, forks, shovels, chains, many other articles too numerous to mention. FURNITURE & ANTIQUES: Oak round dining room table, buffet, 6 chairs, Master Climax woodstove, fern stand, wash stand, dresser, antique table, coal oil lamp, Devonshire phonograph, Heintzman piano and bench, 2 wicker rockers, 2 wicker chairs, 2 space heaters, oil lamps, stamps, picture frames, antique dresser, . steel bed, quilt box, antique pine dresser, dresser with mirror, round table, plano stool, 3 wash stands, 2 dressers, wooden bed, mirror, odd chairs, trunks, cheese box, breadboard, large quantity of very old books, antique dresser with oval mir- ror, brass top iron bed, 4 Pressback chairs, cradle, lantern, large quantity of hand tools, Pioneer 450 chain saw, bench, dishes, glass, spinning wheel- not com- plete, Spool bed- not complete, drop leaf table, cream cans, coal pail, very large quantity of antiques. No reserve. Terms cash. Machine Sale at 10 a.m. sharp; Furniture & Antiques at 12 Noon. Sale sold and managed by Carl Hickson Auc- tions, Reaboro, Ontario 705-324-9959 or 324-2774. Owner and Auctioneer will not be responsible for any public liability, property damage or injury to the public in connection with this Auction Sale.A 19 WEDNESDAY AUGUST 27 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auction sale of household furnjture, an- | tiques, farm machinery, Plymouth Horizon car etc., the property of JAMES CLAUGHTON- go west of Manchester on County Road 21, just past Utica V2 mile. Fridge and stove, deep freeze, kitchen (Hoosier) cabinet, wringer washer, dehumidifier, chrome table and chairs, coal oil lamp, Pressback rocker, Pressback arm chair, wicker rocker, quantity of pictures, large oak desk, small antique table, vacuum cleaner, chest, trunks, quantity of books, space heater, harvest type table, mantle clock - (Seth Thomas), wash stand and chest of drawers (antique) wooden bed, swing mirror, radio, coal oil heaters, lantern, 3 piece bedroom suite, chesterfield and chair, antique organ wood (suitable for a desk) and much more, quantity of dishes, 1983 Plymouth Horizon 4 door hat- - chback car, 32,500 K.L. (one owner car). MACHINERY: J.D. 1020 tractor only 1350 hours- good condition, J.D. mower, J.D. umbrella, 3 pt. Forano manure loader, J.D. manure spreader- good, J.D. cultivator, Hydrein- furrow plow 14 inch, Cockshutt 4 seed drill, J.D. side rake, Oliver hay conditioner, 3 pt. Vicon fer- tilizer spreader, sprayer 21 ft. boom, grain auger, 24 ft. hay elevator with motor, set of barn scales, circular saw, fuel tanks with pump, chain saw, set of chain harrows, M.F. 3 pt. double disc (8 ft.), N.H. 273 baler- good condition, hay buncher, chicken crates, feeders, 2 poultry wooden nest boxes and pits, an- tique flail, electric fencer, stakes and in- sulators, quantity of main line cable wire, Jack-all-Jack, small heat lamp brooders, rubber tired wheelbarrow, shop vac, portable roto-hoe mulcher with 5 HP motor- good condition, 100 bales of hay, 150 bales of straw, and much more. Farm sold, Terms cash or cheque with 1.D. Sale at 11:00 a.m. Furniture sells first. Lunch available. Reg and Larry Johnson Auctioneers 705-357-3270. A 19 THURSDAY AUGUST 14 SALE TIME: 5:00 P.M. Auction sale of lamps, pressed glass, colouredglass, clocks, furniture, music, brass etc., the property of MRS. VERA LEE (formerly Vera Lee's Antiques), Greenbank selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ontarlo- including chesterfield and chair, reclining chair, 3 plece bedroom suite, chairs, drop leaf tables, gramaphone, antique rocker, Caned bottom chair, blanket box, parlour table, what-not, air conditioner, player plano rolls, pictures, Courler and Ives pictures, antique dolls, quilts, antique clothes, brass lamp, number of coal oll lamps, Cranberry lamp shades, brass oll lamp, hanging hall lamp, 'Bullseye oil lamp, Daisy & Button lamp, hanging lamp with prisms, crocks, butter bowl, copper kettle, iron kettle, pencil box, music, 6 mantle clocks, brass |ardiniere, cruet set. compote, 2 Carnival bowls, satin rose bowl, glass egg, Flo-Blue pit- cher, several sliver pieces, 4 broad axes, block plane, draw knife, horse stay, wooden pump, duck decoy, plus many other items. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge 416-852-3524. A2 FRIDAY AUGUST 15 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Auction sale, antique and quality fur- niture at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay- consigned by WOODS ESTATE, Francis Street, Lindsay plus large century home contents. 8 piece walnut dining room suite, Spool bed, brass decorations, oak curved glass china cabinet, rugs, wicker chair, anti- que dining table, antique gate-leg table, antique fainting couch, copper boiler, organ stool, old box, round oak table- 5 leaves, 12 wooden duck decoys, tin adver- tising signs, Grandfather clock- case needs repair, excellent-antique bookcase with roll-up desk and doors, antique pine sideboard, "antique drop-front desk, maple twin beds, maple table and chairs, mantel clock, Cane chair, 2 antique dolls, old carriage, antique settee set, parlour table, 2 excellent antique bedroom suites- one with twin beds, cedar chest, wheelchair, church pew, large quantity old pictures and frames, antique dishes, Royal Doulton figurines, china, glass, collectibles. A good sale. Preview Thurs- day 3to 6, open 9 a.m. Sale 10a.m. To list your sale, call 324-2783 McLean Auc- tioneers. A 12 CONSIGN NOW to Orval McLean Auc- tion Centre, Lindsay, August Sale of tools, tractors, farm machinery, vehicles, boats, recreation vehicles, - motorcycles etc. Consign by August 12th - fo bring to barn or prone 324-2783 McLean Auctioneers, Lindsay. A112 WEDNESDAY AUGUST 13 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale of furniture and tools, the property of NORM COX, R.R. 3, Stouff- ville, Ontario- selling at the property on Hwy 48, 1 mile north of Ballantrae, or 3 miles south of Mt. Albert. Including G.E. fridge, General freezer (apt. size), Ken- more auto washer and dryer, White sew- ing machine and cabinet, Orcana electric organ, kitchen suite, bookcase, end tables, coffee table, drop leaf table, quan- tity of dishes including 8 crystal stemm- ed glasses and plates, silver service, wooden telephone, antique ice-box, anti- que gramaphone, antique Buckeye In- cubator, tools, including vice, funnels, steel work bench, barbed wire, cement mixer, 200 ft. plastic pipe, plus many other items. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge 416-852-3524. A 12 SATURDAY AUGUST 16 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auction sale of furniture and miscellaneous articles for MR. AND MRS. BOB LUOTO, selling at Honey's Beach, 2 miles north of Port Perry to Concession 9, turn east and watch for signs. New Kenmore automatic washer, love seat, stereo, rocking chairs, dressers, antique high chair, bookcase, chairs, woodstove, oll burner, picnic table, lawn furniture, chaise lounge, Yamaha motorcycle, exercise bicycle, trampoline, new 10x10 dining tent, lawnmower, 12 ft. Viking aluminum boat, 3.5 HP motor, life jackets, ladders, number of tools, quantity of dishes and household goods, plus many other items. Terms cash or good cheque. Lunch avallable. Sale at 11:00 a.m. Ron King Auctioneer 985-2643. A 2 of the livestock traded by public auction. The market information will be transferred electronically to the Ontario Cattlemen's Association which will compile daily market reports for distribution tarough ex- isting mechanisms. Additionally the information will be fed into the data base in Agriculture Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Livestock markets at Greely (near Ottawa), Lindsay, Camp- bellford and the four commission . firms at the Ontario Public Stockyards are committed to join- ing the program by the end of the current year. The Ontario Livestock Exchange Ltd., will also receive a grant for participation in the Market Information Program with the com- puter system previously installed at the Waterloo facility. Edgar Wideman, President of the Ontario Cattlemen's Association and Chairman of the Committee co- ordinating the program stated "I am very pleased at the response and co-operation we have had from livestock market operators in this program. It appears that we will 'have at least fifteen livestock auc- tion market operators or commis- sion firms participating in the pro- gram by the end of next winter. We expect our role in co-ordinating the market information to be opera- tional by the end of 1986. A popular request of cattlemen is for more ac- curate market information and this program will deliver on that re- quest. The tripartite stabilization program now getting off the ground. - also demands accurate market prices and this program will supp- ly the data base to Agriculture Canada beginning next year. The concept of generating market prices and volumes in a standardized for- mat. from computer accounting equipment ensures accuracy and this project is the first such attempt in North America. Undoubtedly, we will have some growing pains, however, I am thrilled with the en- thusiasm shown by livestock market operators and I look for- ward to the challenge of completing this program during my tenure as President of our Association." Registration The Durham Region Family Y is now taking registrations for their nursery schools which will be open- ing in September on the Wednesday following Labour Day. These pre- school programs are planned to meet the demands of the individual child between the ages of 2'; to 5 years. : The YMCA nursery schools offer the pre-school child the opportuni- ty to socialize with others his/her own age. This socialization many times takes place as the children in- teract through their play activities. Nursery schools which are held from 9:30-11:30 for 2% to 5 year-olds or 1:15-3:15 for 4 year-olds are located in the Whitby, Oshawa, Pickering, Port Perry area. Parents assist on a monthly basis within the program. For additional information regar- ding nursery school, please call the Y at 668-6868. You may also register in person at the Y office, 269 Queen St., Port Perry. Auction Sales SATURDAY AUGUST 16 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auction sale of furniture and antiques, the property of GRANT AND BETTY TURNER, 23 Main Street East, Stouff- ville. Complete household furniture, 19 plece dining room suite, bedroom suites, chesterfields, large quantity of dishes, collectibles, car and truck. Norm Faulkner and Earl Gauslin Auctioneers. A112