PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, September 23, 1966 -- 33 Coming Events Coming Events Coming Events Coming Events Coming Events $1,000 TROUT DERBY. Fish for the $1,000 trout plus keep what you catch. $5 per pole plus 25 cents per inch. Also BBQ beef dinner. All proceeds, Shelburne Minor Hockey. Saturday, Sept. 27th, Sun- day, Sept. 28th, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sun Valley Farm, Hwy 89, 5 miles east of Shelburne. Information 519-925-5717. CALLING ALL Blue Willow Pattern China Collectors. Mr. Conrad Biernacki of the "Willow Society' will present a slide/lecture, Tues. Oct. 7th, 7:30 p.m. Cost $1 at the Scugog Memorial Public Library. Call 985-7686 for more informa- tion. Discover the delights and mysteries of this most popular china pattern.5 30 ATTENTION All Ladies! Join an educative Bible study at Hope C.R.C,, Prince Albert. "Get Acquainted Mtg.' Thursday, Oct. 2nd, 9:30-11:30. Speaker Pastor Van Eyk. Story hour-Puppet show. Nursery, coffee, singing, games and goodies. Join us any Thursday mor- ning and bring a friend. Notice Keith and Faye Ashton and family wish to Invite our relatives, neighbours and friends to a party and dance at Utica Hall, Sat. Oct. 4, 1986 at 8:30 p.m. on the occasion of our 25th Wedding Anniver- sary. Best Wishes Only. $3 DOG GROOMING, All Breeds. Brenda has moved from Dr. Brown's Clinic to her home 5 miles north of Greenbank off Hwy 12. Call 705-357-2350 after 4 p.m. NEXT DABBER Bingo, Tuesday, Sept. 23, at Oddfellows Hall. Doors open at 5:45 p.m. Jackpot $250 - must go. Next bingo, Monday, Sept. 29th. GREENBANK Centennial Hall available for rentals. For bookings, contact Cathy Galberg 985-835). TF GOURMET catering. Parties, lunches, dinners, buffets, reasonable rates. Carol's Cuisine 985-8720. S23 BAHAI INFORMATION - write P.O. Box 1153, Port Perry. EOW SCUGOG COMMUNITY CARE © C.L.V.P. ... a mental health program serving - your community. CALL WEEKDAYS: 985-8461 9-12 Noon & 1-4 P.M. PRN anEvs PORT PERRY @) DRIVING SCHOOL FRED'S FINE Shes U-DO-IT* Satellite Systems | 985-8124 985-2211 QUALITY HORSES -- For Sale Terry Pereira k.R. 2, Seagrave WOMEN'S Financial Meeting, speaker- Kim Ball. Sponsored by Yelverton United Church, Tues. Sept. 30th, 7:30 p.m. Refreshments, door prizes. Men welcome. Admission $2. Phone 986-4692 or 986-4491. The family of Hilda Hopkins invites friends and relatives to an Open House In honour of her 80th birthday, to be held '1 In Burns Church Hall, Ashburn, on Oc- tober 4th from 2-4 p.m. Best Wishes On- ly. $30 Seagrave United Church 80th Anniversary GUEST SPEAKER: Rev. Jack Roundell MUSIC BY: The Seagrave Choir with Special Guests -- Ralph & Eleanor Bailey Sun., Sept. 28th at 11:00 am. LUNCH & SOCIAL TO FOLLOW EVERYONE WELCOME! 3rd ANNUAL TALENT AUCTION Prince Albert Hall FRIDAY, SEPT. 26th 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. Barrels of fun for the whole family. Bid on others' grea* works. Refreshments Sold. Sponsored by Prince Albert United Church. Y DURHAM REGION JA FAMILY YMCA TEEN DANCE for ages 12 to 15 years Scout Hall - Port Perry FRI., SEPT. 26 13 fl pm. a) Northwood Equestrian Centre | Modern, new facilities, minutes from Port Perry - Indoor Arena. TOP-NOTCH CARE FOR HORSE & RIDER. English Riding Instruction on quiet well-schooled horses. Visitors always welcome. 985-8359 TAX NOTICE The final installment for 1986 Property Tax for the Township of Scugog is due on September 25th, 1986. Kathleen Harper Treasurer Now Open in Port Perry! | VENDORS wanted for The 400 Markel. Ontario's newest and most successful market. 25,000 people Sat. and Sun. Lock-. up $300 monthly. Inside spots 705-436-1010 or 705-728-3313. OLDE HIDE House, Acton; Credit River Valley colour tour: '""MIilirun' In Acton; (antiques, collectibles, gifts etc.), even: . Ing meal. Plus Bus Tour, Wed. Oct. 15th, $43. Call 655-3401. S 30 \ 3rd ANNUAL SENIOR'S Bazaar, Sat. Sept. 27th, 2t0 4 p.m, at Latcham Centre. Bake table, tea table, crafts and lucky draws. Port Perry Senior Citizens Club. COOKSTOWN Fall Antique Show. Known everywhere as one of Ontario's best. Superb quality, excellent variety, fun for everyone. Sat. Oct. 4th, 10-8; Sun- day, Oct. Sth, 11-5. Highway 400 to Cookstown exit. NSF Order of Easter: Star FASHION HOW at PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL Wednesday, October 1 8 p.m. FASHIONS BY: Dor-Jeans - Brocks -- Personal Touch TICKETS: *4.00 advance; *4.50 at the door. DRAWS! Featuring - Pine Ridge Cloggers. Tickets available at above stores. ADVANCE TICKETS: KEMPO KARATE Traditional Karate -- Street Self Defence -- Tournament Sparring -- LEARN SELF CONTROL & DISCIPLINE - KEEP PHYSICALLY FIT For Men, Women and Children - Classes Monday 8 Thursday Evenings - R.H. CORNISH PUBLIC SCHOOL For more information please call: TURKEY DINNER sponsored by the Nestleton Presbyterian Church "FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17th Beginning at 5:00 P.M. NESTLETON COMMUNITY CENTRE Adults $7.00; Children (up to 12) $3.50; Infants FREE AT THE DOOR: | Adults $7.50; Children (up to 12) $4.00 =~ * | FOR TICKETS CALL: 985-9508 or 986-5118 Local Variety Entertainment Sat., September 27th Town Hall 1873 Port Perry Come and enjoy .. - Singing Groups - Co-ordinator: Grace Hastings 8:00 p.m. Instrumentalists, Vocalists Dancing Groups - Monologues (to make you laugh) - Sing-Along We promise PLEASURE from START TO FINISH QUILT DRAW. Reception following. Admission: $5.00 per person. Tickets available at IRWIN SMITH MUSIC, Queen Street; Joan Scott - 985-7014 or Grace Hastings - 985-2539. PROCEEDS FOR SCUGOG SHORES MUSEUM WICK PRESBYTERIAN Church An- niversary Service on Sunday, Sept. 28th, Nam, - Mr. Kelth Donnan, Stirl- ing, Ontario. Fellowship hour to follow. AUCTION SALE, Sat. Sept. 27th, 6 p.m. at Oddfellows Hall in Port Perry. Estate of the late Wm. Ormerod from Brooklin. Consignments - see Auction section for detalls. Pearce Auction Service ws RUMMAGE Sale, Friday, Sept. 26th at the Presbyterian Church, 9 to 2. MANCHESTER HALL NON-IMPACT AEROBICS Due to the popularity of the No- Bounce aerobics, another class is being added -- Starting: Wed., Sept. 24th at 1:30 p.m. 8 classes - 28.00 J TUESDAY - 7:00 P.M. J. Babysitting A.M. Classes Subscription Series '86-'87 Opener spirited fun of -- 3rd ANNUAL FASHION SHOW PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL Wed., October 1st 8:00 P.M. Sponsored by ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR ADMISSION $4.00 Tickets available at DorJean's CLAREMONT - MOUNT ZION COMMUNITY CENTRE AEROBIC CLASSES Starting Date - Mon., Sept. 29th MON. & THURS. - 9:30 A.M. FEES: 6 WEEK SESSIONS 1 Class/Week ......................ccoovunnnnn. $18.00 2 Classes/Week ..........................-.... $35.00 3 Classes/Week .............0........cc..uuee. $50.00 Single Class .............c.cccceeevvvveeeeeeennnn, $3.00 Entertainment ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 419 PORT PERRY Fri., Sept. 26 ... LOU WEST Fri. Oct. 3... WK. -- 9:00 P.M. -- Members & Guests Welcome a a Yard Sales 3 FAMILY yard sale, Sept. 27 & 28, 9:30 a.m. 138 Simcoe St. S., Port Perry. Stereo, chair, dishes, hockey equipment g, etc. SATURDAY, "September 27th, 9 a.m. Multi-family sale. Toys, Avon collec- tibles, antique ironing board, women's 5 speed CCM bike and much more! 549 Scugog Street. - SATURDAY, Sept. 27th, 10 a.m. -- 3 miles north of Port Perry on Road 2 (Lilla St.) SATURDAY & Sunday, Sept. 27-28, cot- tage contents, 8-4 p.m. Everything must go. Lakeview Drive, Caesarea. Give Away FREE TO good home, one year old Beagle, good with children, has shots, lovable. Call 985-2781. S30 aa a a aL a aa Gl AL. sak can al a aan SE EEE BUCKLER'S APPLIANCE SERVICE| | QUINTESSENCE WILL GIVE away free to good home, 8* In-home service on ALL Major Brands including Microwaves & Window Air (Conditioners. the fabulous five "outra geous strin gs" Fonth ola nary Shepherd male dog, good par sty Src FRIDGES gifted -- live -- unusual HOT POINT WARHERS TOWN HALL 1873, Queen St., Port Perry Personals MOFFAT DRYERS MOCLARY tice SATURDAY, OCT. 4th - 8 P.M, | oparesoaione. for al ages and uni: WHITE-WESTIN Use CARBURETORS Limited single tickets available fo meet you. Prestige Acquaintances, call toll free 1-800-263-9163. Hours: Noon tin 8 p.m. Phone ... 985-9110 1 at Irwin Smith Music, Queen St. $13.50 EACH |