PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, September 23, 1986 -- 35 For Sale For Sale Used Trucks Used Trucks Used Cars HAY, good quality, first and second cut, $1.50 per bale. Scugog Island 985-3806. WOODWORKERS. Looking for a table saw, radial arm saw, jointer, shaper, thickness planer, lathe, drill press, sander, bandsaw, & Shopsmith machine. Call Port Perry 985-2443. Tt PLANT NOW!!! Large mixed coloured tulip bulbs, 10 cent each at 18 Lilla St. Phone 985-2558. $ 30 HAY FOR SALE. First and second cut (no rain). Straw for sale. Call Bill Hunter 985-9040. BUILDINGS Special Clearance: 20x24- $2300; 24x24- $2600; 28x36- $3900; 32x36- $4300; 36x48- $6400; 40x60- $8100. Call 985-7930. O14 PICK YOUR OWN tomatoes, onions etc.... Linton's 1.7 km, east of Simcoe St. N., on Concession 9. Hours: 8a.m.-8 p.m. FIREWOOD In log lengths, cut and split. 985-3361. TF WATER PROBLEMS? SMELLY WATERY? Iron stains? Hard or polluted water? Call Brooklin Water Conditioning featuring Kinetico Water Softeners and Paterson filters which use no salt or chemicals. Buy, rent or lease- call 655-4544 or evenings 655-8989. TF PLOTT COON HOUND puppies, male, sire - Ch Tolpa's John, Dam- Grand Ch Tolpa's Jessie, $150. Wormed & shots. Call Julie 986-5315. $23 REMINGTON 6mm (243), 19 boxes "bullets, carrying case and sling, 4x12 tascol scope, $750. 985-9986. pt FOUR - 16.5 tires for truck, good shape, $100. 986-5107. HAY for sale, 100 round bales, approx. 1100 Ibs. each. Alfalfa, well saved. Phone 986-4246. EIGHT WINDOWS, 64 high, various widths. Eight Shantung window shades. Phone (705) 357-3360 after 6 p.m. S23 DRY HARDWOOD, cut last winter, $175 bush cord, quantity limited. 986-4937 after 8 p.m. So GOOD QUALITY straw, feed oats. barley and hay. Pick-up or delivered. 655-8880. HAY: Excellent second cut. NO RAIN. Ideal for horses or dairy cows. Large round bales or square bales. 986-5471 Roy Bradburn. $23 STEEL BUILDINGS. % price sale- buy one building at regular price and get dou- ble length for 50 per cent more. Phone Ploneer/EconoSpan collect for informa- tion 416-678-1585. S$ 30 SMALL ENGINE parts, lawnmowers, bikes, skidoos and chain saws, new and used, chains sharpened. 985-7/24. TF FIREWOOD, cut, split and delivered. Visa. 986-4937. $2 10va FT. truck camper, fridge, stove, fur- nace, good condition $1800. 985-8558.5 23 1985 CHEV V2 ton short box 305, 4 speed overdrive, 18,500 km, ps, pb, factory gauges, sunroof, rear sliding window, pulse wipers, custom seat covers, Rally rims, am-fm cassette, running boards, chrome step bumper plus more. $13,700 or best offer- certified. Call Bob 576-4824. % Bm 4 APR. Financing On NISSAN'S 1987 TRUCKS MIDWAY MOTORS LTD. 1300 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-6828 1979 JEEP CJ-7 Renegade hardtop, stan- dard transmission, new clutch, new paint, low mileage. Asking $5500. 985-3260. 1986 515 4X4, $11,500 or best offer. Call after 5 p.m. Warren 986-4673. 1970 FORD 4 ton, V8, automatic. In good shape, as Is. Make an offer. After 5 call 985-3544. 1984 Toyota & Nissan Pickup Trucks 1962 DODGE Omni Hatch, ps, pb, auto, sunroof, cruise, rustproof, am-fm, 67,000 km, $3500 certified or best offer. 705-786-3208. $3 1979 CHEVETTE auto, as Is $700. 986-4664. 1978 CHRYSLER Le Baron, new battery, $250 or best offer- as Is. 985-7694 after 5:30. | 45 T0 CHOOSE FROM, EXCELLENT CONDITION, REASONABLE MILEAGE, - WILL CERTIFY. *48985. From ... . THE TRUCK MAN ON HWY. 48 -1Va miles north of Bloomington Rd. GorD ... 840-7314 REAL ESTATE REMIX SHI] CEU AT independent member broker 985-7361 144 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY OAV 126 OFFICES THROUGHOUT ONTARIO MORLEY BRUCE .. Res.: 985-2528 PORT PERRY NORTH - 10 miles - 100 acres va- cant land, 2 streams and pond, 40 acres clear, good building site overlooking ponds. $69,500. SUNDERLAND -- 100 acres, 80 acres workable, bank barn, highway frontage, $94,500. PORT PERRY SOUTH - 12 storey, 3 bedroom frame home, finished rec room, above ground pond, $112,900. VALERIE BUTT . Res.: 985-2122 WATERFRONT HOME - Authentic log home, 3 - bedrooms, large living room, stone fireplace, roomy kitchen. Excellent starter or retirement home. Asking $65,900. DON HARPER Res.: 985-3159 PORT PERRY - Three bedroom bungalow with finished family room and woodstove. Large eat-in kitchen. 119,900. Call me today. Jona TY A PP TI po ma --.-- ~ THREE BEDROOM FAMILY HOME - located close to schools, 4 pc. ensuite plus walk-in closet, finish- ed rec room and office. Tastefully decorated. Just listed - 124,900. MARYANNE ESPIE ........................ Res.: 985-9457 NEEDED URGENTLY IN PORT PERRY - a semi- detached home priced between $80,000 and $95,000. If you have been considering selling your home, please feel free to cajl me for a confiden: tial, no obligation evaluation. $17,900. " LYNDA KENDRY Bus.: 985-7361 Res.. 985-8200 EXCELLENT BUILDING LOT - Hydro & water, on Washburn Island. Ven- dor anxious to sell. ONE ACRE HILLSIDE BUILDING LOT ® MORE FOR YOUR MONEY - 3 bedroom brick bungalow on 1/2 acre lot with access to Lake Scugog at Sandwood Estates east of Port Perry. New kitchen cupboards, partially finished base- ment, immediate occupancy. Asking $89,900. 1/2 mile west of Sonya. Cl km ar emma. aE. Sn He dh SEE AEE Am ets de BEE SE sms at adh as mh Ea Ae AE. aE SE AE. gE SEER AER SEES aE ad aa aan aa a