40 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, October 28, 1986 DOWSON'S PORT PERRY PLAZA Scugog Streat (Hwy. 7A East) OPEN: Mon. to Fri. 8 AM. to 9 P.M.; Sat. to 6 P.M. Prices effective Monday to Saturday at Dowson's Valu-mart, excluding meat items. We reserve the right to limit quantities. ba 8 00 | Caan "mushrooms b. 199 camots 35.09 255011ed populars fresh lon productofU S A 8 green SA boneless .,6.15 green ne. 2 Kinch meats I) | 19 pork chops hy 79 peppers Ib. onions vue 99 Schnold ee oi fast fry . productof US A _Canadano 1 product of U.S.A hologna no' 199 | Bin chops * 52.49 stalks each 1.29 avocadoes each 19 . o ree 4" pot no name th 212.09 [B81 ied 2.99 fib, 49 pkg eac Keshion S05 Schnesd» poet pd h TE IAEHTUSA. "rag 1 oranges ii; 3.49 | icttuce scr 3D pork chops b. 2.29 [am ham ~i5%4 49 fresh 10° deluxe selected Schneiders pizza | Puza Famosa fresh 5° 4 pack Schaesders breakfast or deluxe pizza wn 809 a use 29 side ribs large =. : = Fvehosestiowr _ 15°2.99 Gayleabuttr @ 22.49 "43 O00 Squirrel crunchy or smooth Baker's semi-sweet or unsweetened 291.59 | squares 2.49 jar pkg By rr 21.99] extract 571.99 tin cont. regular of rum & brandy McCormick's graham E.D. Smith mocomeat = 2.99 wafers or 2:4.59 sweetened condensed Nutriwhip process cheese ood prune nectar or concord or wiwte * bath soa; TY Wehs "ug og body bar 00 sauce bo 1.79 cheese slices i; grape juice: Caress 99 selected vanebes PYch § Ch 30agNhet sauce plan or Makan chunks, g redorsteed ology oor 3526 Lancia 03 pineapple 21.19 Kodak pasta i Kodak film... 3.99 selected varieties a £1.59) pon | ---- Colonial cookies 1%: 1.69 Weston's Manes 2.2.29 purchase. Coupon valid at valu-mart: wnt ro erik, For remption son 0: Wore A. Watts Ltd. PO. Bex L hquid concentrated 9. selected varieties 1 19 is. 2 150 Snuggle fabric softener *:. Hostess snacks = 5... odder regular Absorbent of newho disposable with 1egquiar or kQht regular « Natural 0. ) ' 12.99 iE -- ao I po ee carton Raat en NR White Bread ......... 450 g loaf .79 Independendy OWN oe Egg Rolls .............. pkg. 12 1.69 ) Peanut Butter Cookies .. 12/1.69 and operated | 8A: { {) A ' f