hid MR a ri ty at - Perry Baptist Church, which ran a 14," ' ' . Te er A a yuna 12" x 12 ABS. TTT ..6.99 & All Accessories closed in 1986. That idea didn't work 3" x 12' AB S 18 99 NB Also on Sale! out, Mrs. Vanderlaan éxplained, CN rent * ' because the washroom facilities weren't enough to handle the FOR THE HANDYMAN mss BACKER ber of students th ed 3S. ee Whiner school will house. £ props . X 9.99 BOARD Raglan Public School also failed. As | . 10 99 4x8... 43.22 September 1987 draws closer, the 24" Level ........oo.... Farrrsas . Re a g. 42.70 Association is becoming more anx- 7 99 5x5 36 29 ious to find a location. EB Laauu Adit MHarkeaw, ZZ 4 MS 1 TRY eee : "We're open to any suggestions." Heavy-duty Hacksaw ............. . Mrs. Vanderlaan said, inviting 19 99 + anyone with ideas to call her or her Arrow Staple Gun .............. " husband, Tony, at 985-9242. 15. 94 In the meantime, the Association ' has already hired one teacher and Leather Carpenter S Apron .. is looking for a principal, someone i. , . 1 1. 99 with Ministry of Education creden- 34"x16" Lufkin Ta pe ........... tials combined with a Christian | philosophy towards teaching. ' : 39 99 "The main thing right now is fin- 6 Alumin um Step Ladder ne . | _ 7a" CIRCULAR SAW, 5007NB Chatterbox reg. 175.09 ... 139.99 (continued) BELT SANDER 8" x 24", 9924DB : Bill nodded. reg.216.29 ......... 174.99 "Yes, hesaid. 'And I know he POWER PLANER, 1900B will return Port Perry to its reg. 16499 . 13499 original state. The only problem is, he can't do it until six more DRYWALL GUNS, 6800DBV - reg. 149 95 . chapters have taken place." 3/8" CORDLESS DRILL, 6071DWK - 169.95 "You mean." Alethia cried out, 3/8" DRILL, 6511LVR - reg. 143 99 "'we have to go through six more : reg. 143.99 129.95 of these stupid columns before RECIPRO SAW, JR3000 - reg 209 99 179.95 this boring saga is over? Isn't CIRCULAR SAW, 5008WD - reg. 229 99 199.99 PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. February 24, 1987 -- 7 Christian | _-- rose [BOD BOWDEN ® i on target It all goes according to plan Scugog Township will have its own interdenominational Christian School by September 1987 The Scugog Christian School Association has already counted 29 families interested in becoming part of the venture, which would mean 41- HOME REPAIR LER EE, students could be enrolled this In Stock --, Just Arrived! - September. . For Your Bathroom! Cd The only stumbling block is fin- COU N ER OPS | | Lined, Bone Coloured ding a location for the school a as well 25 1 principal Co nt 6.75 | WESSAN TOILET. 119.99 Organizer Clara Vandoriam says 8 ' 10 ' 12 ONLY ini lin. ft. White. Un | ined the group is searching for a small 8. 59 or building, preferably with five Cut to Length NR TO lin.ft. TOILET 64. 99 classrooms, facilities for a gym- Cn as and washr LQ cle Bone Coloured A Te ie 14/R BUILDING WIRE BATHTUB 179. 99 The location must also be accessi- : : i ] ble to school buses, which will _ NMD-90 Treen i 28. 99 PEDESTAL BASIN transport children from around the : : : Township to the school. ; WHITE LIGHT BULBS Er srr £ 29 "We're looking anywhere in PREMIUM 1. 99 Bone JE Scugog for such a building," Mrs. 40, 60, 100 watt sin maee e ai se seamen. Vanderlaan said, "but hopefully TUB SURROUND we'll find it in or near Port Perry." i White ................ 44.99 Initially, the Association con- i sidered renting space from the Port Shower Doors Another bid to rent the former 26" Disston Handsaw ........... Reg. 50.85 ding a location and a principal," . Mrs. Vanderlaan said. "If we can do that, we can go ahead." there anything we can do? I'd rather watch Three's Company re-runs than go through this." "I'mafraid we have no choice," 3/8" HAMMER DRILL, HP1030 -reg 15199 136.99 3/4" HAMMER DRILL, HP2010N - reg 26999 242.99 0 os pio 8%" TABLE SAW, 2708 - reg. 39995 . 369.95 Bill said grimly. AL ; "'Ohhhhhh," Alethia moaned. 10" MITRE SAW, 2403B - reg. 339 95 289.95 falling to the floor in a dead faint. FINISHING SANDER, B04510 - reg 89 95 79.95 STAY TUNED FOR SIX MORE ENTERTAINING IN- STALLMENTS OF "PORT PRO- NTO." THE CONTROVERSIAL SAGA OF THE PERRY FAMI- LY. YOU TOO, CAN BE BORED TEARS. NOTICE to all customers of GARY YOUNG PLUMBING, BROOKLIN WATER TON, 11 VANEDWARD DRIVE - (OSHAWA ROAD) we now have a new TOLL FREE NUMBER Suicnag PORT PERRY - ONTARIO - PHONE 985-7391 for your convenience: ROOF TRUSS DIVISION - PHONE 985-3121 1-800-263-1959 salts ¢ QUALITY PRODUCTS * QUALIFIED SERVICE © COMPETITIVE PRICING CLIP THIS NOTICE OUT & SAVE