-- EHH TTT TTT ii Rh HN Sh _ I hy 5ygyyyye9yy_hih iui hy yey yyy 5HySyy3h.,yeysh-nIh PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, March 10, 1987 -- 13 Seniors and aging studied and mild days, we suspected March was only hiding around a corner and Friday, March 13th GOOD LUCK DAY? Scugog Island Area News SENIOR LADIES (65 yrs. & over) Shampoo & Set *5.00 SR FREE GIFT TO THE | 7 13th SENIOR CUSTOMER EAR PIERCING Adult & Children SPECIALS IN EFFECT ONE DAY ONLY? Friday, March 13th -- 9 AM to 6:30 PM HAIR FASHIONS FOR THE FAMILY URL 985-2532 Carpet Sale Once again we are bringing Big City Savings HOME! From CORONET: GLENWOOD 100% Dupont Nylon, available in Rubberback or Jute , 8 modern colours. to choose from 'From HARDING: COZY HOME 100% Dupont Nyion with the Saxony Look. All colours 13. From DOMCOR: CUSTOMFLOR 10 mil, vinyl flooring, Ss -- All colours Installed - sq.yd. 13. NOTE * Prices effect Friday, March 13th, 1987 ONLY P.S.T.. Underlay and Installation are not included. unless stated. CONTRACTORS WELCOME -- PRICING ON CARPET, VINYL & CERAMICS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST. -- FREE ESTIMATES -- PR Carpet and Tile Ltd. ) ' 154 Queen Street - Port Perry - 985-9859 LIVEN CORNER Friday the 13th Special SPIRELLA TOWELS PLAIN - Face - reg. 5.00 3.75 Hand - reg. 9.00 Bath - reg. 15.00 ... PATTERNED - Face - reg. 598 . Hand - reg. 10.98 ... 8.75 Bath - reg. 18.98 ... 14.25 SPECIAL PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1987 ONLY! 985-3874 11.65 217 (Queen Street, Port Perry, Ont. by Mrs. Earl Reader On Wed. evening 12 ladies of the ""Head"" UCW met at the home of Mrs. Helen Redman. + The group leader June Haynes had chosen the fopic of "Seniors" and aging for the study after Devo- tions. Some members gained courage from this study and others learned more about this period of life and how assistance can be shared. During the business period and report on May 9th Art and Craft pro- gress, it was learned that demonstrators are already planning their work, 2 crib quilts are ready for the boutique and an afghan and pillow have been made. For the lat- ter you may purchase tickets any time for a draw. As the date is so close to Mother's Day, it was thought a special Candy or Cookie gift counter might offer interesting choices for Mother or Grandmother. Members are requested to plan their specials for this. April and May Roll Calls will welcome gifts for the boutique or flea table. Obituary James Gray James Winn Stanley Gray passed away at his home in Lindsay on Feb. 2, in his 63rd year. He was the belov- ed® husband of Thora Marie McMahon. Jim Gray was born at the Gray family farm on the Gray Line in" Manvers Township, the eldest son of ~ Milton and Florence (Winn) Gray. He received his education at Lotus Public School and Cartwright High School, Blackstock. ~ Jim was a devoted family man and was happy when he could hejp others. He loved music and enjoyed playing cards. Jim was a big, strong man and a very hard worker. He farmed all his life and loved the land. His home was open to many nieces and nephews who would come every summer from the city for a holiday on the farm. Jim taught them how to operate machinery-and to help with haying and many odd jobs around the farm. Jim had just one nephew, David Gray, all other nieces and nephews "from the city were on his wife's side of the family. ~ Jim was a pork producer and also 'raised 1100 chickens for laying hens every year. Mr. Gray attended Lotus and Cad- - mus United Churches until they closed. He then attended Yelverton United Church. He held the office of steward and secretary-treasurer. He was also secretary-treasurer for Lotus School for many years. Jim was a member of the Orange Lodge, Lotus and a member of Foresters Curling Club in Blackstock. The funeral service for Mr. Gray 'was held on Wednesday, Feb. 4, at 2 p.m. from the Mackey Funeral Home in Lindsay. Rev. Victor Sanguine of Cambridge Street United Church was the officiating clergyman. Interment at Yelverton Cemetery. Jim Gray was the loving father of Brian James Gray, R.R.2, Janet- ville; and Linda Grace Longfield of Brampton. Dear grandfather of Deanna, Matthew and Jamie Gray ; Katherine, Karen and John Longfield. He is also survived by one brother, Kennedy Gray of Orono, and a foster brother Roy Johnson of Oshawa. Also predeceased by an in- fant sister. Ruth. For a relaxing contest June presented a contest of 10 jumble words to represent concerns of ag- ing people and perhaps others. This was won by Bonnie and Jan Gerrow. Are you still considering the two March social events? The St. Patrick's Dance for March 21, and the Beef Supper for March 25 - Don't leave your ticket reservation too long. If you still don't know the phone number, give me a call. Although we enjoyed the sunshine would return with its customary blasts. Therefore winter vaca- tioners would still plan a warm trip. Mrs. Hilda Michell and her daughter Bev O'Connor of Whitby just returned Sat. morning from a glorious two weeks in Hawaii, where they crammed in so much pleasure and sight-seeing, yet found 2 weeks was not long enough. Of course their pleasure was somewhat dampened to return to the afternoon Funeral of Hilda's brother-in-law, Sam Griifen who had been ailing for several months and for his sake, was reliev- ed of his suffering. Weather a pleasant change from winter Seagrave and Area News by Kaaren Johnston I know the glorious weather we experienced this past weekend was only a taste of things to come, but my, what a pleasant change. The daffodils have broken through the soil already ... can Spring be far away" Congratulations go out to Kr isty 7 Hutcheon for her fine performance at the recent Sunderland Music Festival where she placed first sing- ing a lullaby for which she won the Eleanor Bailey-Award, and fourth in the piano competition. Keep up the good work, Kristy. If you have a Cub uniform that you would like to sell, a boy's size 8, please call 985-9918. The Seagrave Park Board would like to initiate some Spring Fever 'with the announcement of minor ball registratian. Seagrave Minor Ball Registration will take place at - the Seagrave United Church on Just a reminder ... March 19th from 6 to 8 p.m. and.on March 20thfrom 1 to 3 p.m. Parents "or guardians will be required to pay $5 per. child for registration and to fill out a registration form including OHIP number. Should you have any questions, please call Wayne Ad- dison at 985-8776. The Seagrave UCW will meet this Wed. evening at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Shirley Barr. There will be a special evening service at Seagrave United Church on March 29th at 7:30 p.m. The guest |speaker will be Lois Wilson, past moderator of the United Church of - Canada. Her topic will be "The Woman Who Talked Back To Jesus." There will be no morning .. service at the Seagrave Church on that day. With next week's news, please call Marilyn Beacock at 985-3595. Appearing March 13th & 14th "DENIM? Frank's Restaurant, Caesarea MIDNIGHT MADNESS FRIDAY, MARCH 13th Doors Open 'at 8:00 P.M. SHOULDN'T When your RRSP ends, you can still shelter your money from taxes There are effective and flexible ways to keep your retirement dollars working for you We can show you how. Call us today BUS: 434-8400 RES: 985-8923 Investors Group - PROFIT FROM (NR ERPERF NE KARWORLD & VANWORLD 1670 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa DAVID ROTH DIVISION MANAGER: